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Unit 8 At Christmas (Period 1 Story time)一 教学内容 译林版小学英语五年级上册Unit8 At Christmas :Period 1 Story time二 教学目标1. 知识目标:1) 通过学习,让学生能熟练朗读课文,能在课文情境中理解Story time。2) 通过学习,让学生能在文本语境中理解,会读以下词汇: Christmas, presents, Christmas tree, Father Christmas, pretty, thing, Christmas Eve, stocking, wait for, turkey, pudding, have a good time.3) 能够理解并初步运用表示时间顺序的副词:first, next, then, finally有条理地描述圣诞节的活动。2. 能力目标能在教师指导下,运用一定的阅读策略逐步阅读和理解故事内容。3. 情感目标让学生能在Christmas的情境中感受圣诞愉悦的氛围,激发学生了解圣诞文化的兴趣。三 教学重难点1 能够运用一定的阅读策略,在文本情境中阅读和理解Story time.2 能运用表示时间先后的顺序的副词:first, next, then, finally有条理地描述事情经过。四 课前准备PPT, 圣诞图片五 教学过程教学设计(主备)复备Step 1 Warming up and pre-reading1)T: Good morning, boys and girls. Im your new English teacher today. You can call me “Mandy”.Ss: Good morning, Mandy.T: Today is Dec, 25th . What holiday is it today?Ss: Christmas Day.T: So Merry Christmas , everyone.Ss: Merry Christmas.T: Today, our topic is Christmas.( 揭题)2) T: Do you know about Christmas?Ss: Yes/ No.可以请说Yes的学生谈一谈自己了解的Christmas.Ss:Say something about Christmas they know.T: We can have a lot of fun at Christmas. First, lets enjoy the video: “Christmas Fun”. (播放短片:Christmas Fun里面会出现一些与圣诞有关的基本信息) Then lets share : What do people do /eat at Christmas?Ss: Watch the video .(视频上呈现问题)T: What s the Christmas fun? 呈现句型: PeopleLets talk in 4. You can say: People 学生会说Father Christmas /Christmas tree / presents / Christmas songsturkeys /stocking/ puddings etcTeach the new words3) Lets play a game, 20 seconds non-stop talking.(计时器)T: You know something about Christmas fun. Lets play a game: 20-second non-stop talking(两组PK, 屏幕上打出句型People)Step2 Pre-reading1) Do a summary about “Christmas Fun”: At Christmas, people see people hear people eat2) Do they have fun at Christmas?Ss: Yes.3) T: How about our friend Mikes Christmas?相册,声音: We always have a lot of fun at Christmas.4) T: Now, lets look at the pictures and know about Mikes Christmas fun.(相册呈现4幅图)Choose one picture, practice in pairs.Tips:1.选择一副你感兴趣的图,两人一组,讨论Mike的圣诞趣事2. 注意关键词:Who? Where? What? How?Make a model with picture 1: Are they at home? What do they do?学生可能说到:They seeThey buy与学生交流圣诞节活动和感受.如: Do you believe Father Christmas? Do your family buy Christmas tree? Do your parents give you any presents? What present do you wait for?Step2 While-reading1) T: Oh, you have golden eyes. Mike really has a lot of fun at Christmas. Do you want to know more about it? Lets listen to Mikes introduction. and choose the phrases about Mikes Christmas fun.Tips: 听录音,勾出Mike的圣诞活动,四人小组读一读.给出Picture1 and Piccture2和以下词组:go to see father Christmas buy new coatshave a party buy a Christmas tree put some pretty things on the Christmas tree put our presents under the tree buy flowers (学习单上让学生勾)T: Teach the phrases : put some pretty things on the Christmas treePut the presents under the tree(演示将蝴蝶结,铃铛挂在圣诞树上,将礼物盒子放在圣诞树下面)小组汇报: 边勾,边板书, 带读T: read the two paragraphs by yourselves2) T: Does Mike have any other fun at Christmas. Lets read the rest two paragraphs and underline the activities of Christmas fun.Tips: 4人小组合作, 自读三四段,划出Mike的圣诞趣事, 小组汇报分享.3) Whats Mikes fun? P3: put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents Teach: wait forT:When do we put the stocking on the bed?Teach: Christmas Eve (呈现日历)Dec, 24th is Christmas Eve, and Dec, 25th is Christmas Day.T: On Christmas Eve, What do they do?Ss: TheyT: Do you want to have presents? What presents do you wait for?Ss: I wait for (让学生用wait for说一说自己的圣诞梦想)4) p4: Whats Mikes fun on Christmas Day?Teach: wake up early 给出中文意思Why do they wake up early? Because they are very happy.They want to open the presents.板书: eat a turkey and Christmas pudding have a big lunchT: Presents, delicious food, have a big lunch with families. So Mike says : We all have a good time. Mike is .Can you read it happily?Ss: read in groups.c. Perfect reading1) 把四个副词遮住, This is Mikes Christmas fun.Open your books, read and find, What words does he use to make the story more clearly?Ss: First, next, then, finallyT: Teach the new words. 出示中文, 带读, 板书2) Lets read the story and Enjoy the Christmas fun with him.Tips: 小组读课文,感受Mike的圣诞趣事 ,齐读或者每人读一段。3) Can you say something about Mikes Christmas?Step3 Post- reading1) After reading, what do you think of Mikes Christmas?Ss: Mikes Christmas is .T: Mike has a lot fun at Christmas. So does Helen and Tim.给出信息卡:Tim Age: 8Hobbies: drawing, playing with robots Helen:Age : 4Hobbies: playing the piano playing with Barbie dolls If you are Helen or Tim. Whats your Christmas fun? T: Make a modelIm Helen. At Christmas, first I Next, I Then, I . Finally I 2) T: Today, we know a lot about Christmas fun. After class , you can share the fun with your friends and your families. Because the spirit of Christmas is : Sharing Love!Step 4 HomeworkWe dont have any homework today. Because today is Christmas. Do you like this present?板书设计:一、教学内容:5上 U8 Grammar time & Fun time二、教学目标1.知识目标:能听懂,会说,会读,会写顺序副词:first,next,then,finally,句子“Merry Christmas”。2能力目标:能用First/Next/Then/Finally,一系列表示先后顺序的副词描述一件事情。能制作圣诞贺卡并谈论制作的过程。3情感目标:培养学生了解西方节日文化的兴趣。培养学生相互合作学习的意识。三、教学重点:在实践活动中理解First/Next/Then/Finally四个顺序副词的逻辑关系和功能。教学设计(主备)复备Step1 Lead-in1. Enjoy Christmas songEnjoy a Christmas Song“极地快车主题曲” 2. Free talkT: Im your new teacher. Im Mr Tom. Nice to meet you, boys and girls. Its Christmas today. What can we say to each other?Ss: Merry Christmas!T: Lets say Merry Christmas to our dear teachers.Ss: Merry Christmas, dear teachers. Step2 Review the story time by a rap1. Do a modelT: We know Mike has a lot of fun at Christmas. Listen, I can sing a rap about Mikes Christmas.First, first, we go shopping.Presents, pretty things, Christmas tree.Father Christmas, go and see. Next, next, make the tree more pretty.Put pretty things on the tree.Put our presents under the tree. Then, then, Father Christmas is coming.We put a stocking on the beds.Wait for the presents for you and me. Finally, finally, open presents hurry to see.Robots, books and many many things.Have big lunch with family. 2. Sing together in groupsT: Would you like to sing the rap? Each group sing one picture. Please practice in groups first.学生小组练习。T: Now, lets sing the rap.老师带着学生分组说rap Step2. Grammar time1. Read and order出81页图,没有四个连接词,打乱顺序。T: You know Mikes Christmas. These pictures are about Mikes Christmas. Can you put them in order? Discuss in your group.学生小组讨论请学生回答。(贴板书图片,写句子)T: (如果学生直接就能用到这4个词,就问其他学生:What key words does he use to order the pictures?如果学生用了其他的一些词,就问:How can we say more clearly? Can you use some other words to show the order?)引导学生说出first, next, then, finally(依次板书出示4个副词,教师领读,纠错,学生齐读) 2. Grammar time将4幅图缩小放在ppt下方,然后上面蓝色框框里按序填入句子。T: Mike talks about his Christmas fun with these words.T: 带着学生一起说First, we buy presents.(板书) Next, we put pretty things on the Christmas tree. (板书) Then, Christmas Eve comes. We wait for presents(板书) Finally, it is Christmas Day. We have a big lunch(板书)课件强调这四个词是有关顺序的词。书上81页,小组用喜欢的方式读一读。T: So, these four words are about orders. Please open your books and turn to page 81. Read grammar time in your groups. Step3 Presentation and practice1. Try to know peoples fun at ChristmasT: This is Mikes fun at Christmas. (板书:Mikes fun)Western people have a lot of fun at Christmas. Lets enjoy some pictures about peoples fun at Christmas.(给学生一些图,伴随圣诞音乐,老师适当介绍。)T: What do they do? /Can you say? (重点介绍几个学生可能不会说的活动,有学生会说的请他领读,并板书: church, carol, cracker, chat)T: Please take out the pictures and talk about them in groups.(小组拿出平安夜活动图片,认读,有问题的举手) 2. Make a picture bookT: Look, I make a picture book about peoples fun at Christmas. First, (教师介绍自己的画册)T: Would you like to make a picture book you like? Please read the tips.(Tips: 1、选择最喜欢的几件活动,不少于4件。2、排好顺序。3、贴在卡纸上。4、小组读一读,和其他组交换读一读。)学生拿出彩色卡纸制作,老师设计好封面。T: Which group would like to show your picture book? I will give you presents.(请1到2组上台汇报,1人一句,引导大家鼓励,赞赏,贴一个在黑板上。) Step4 Fun time1. Learn the stepsT: We know a lot about peoples fun at Christmas. (板书:peoples fun)Today is Christmas Day. Sending cards is a good way to send wishes. Do you want to send cards to each other?Ss: Yes.T: Where is the card from?引导学生回答S: We can buy some cards. /We can make cards.T: Which is more precious? (突出一个自制卡片比购买卡片更有价值)S: Making cards.T: How to make a card?出示fold a card, draw a picture, write a message, write your name相机教学新单词fold,messageT: What can we draw on the card?S: Christmas tree. /Father Christmas. /T: What message can we write?S: Merry Christmas. /Happy New Year! /Best wishes! 2. Make a cardT: Now, take out your cards. Lets make the Christmas Cards. Please follow me.教师拿大卡纸做示范。学生跟着一起制作卡片。T: First, fold the card. Next, draw a picture. Then, write your message. (屏幕提供一些祝福语)Finally, write your name. 3. Talk about your cardT: Look, this is my card. How do I make the card?教师介绍自己制作的过程。T: Can you talk about your cards?请几个学生分享,老师进行评价,发奖。T: Oh, your card is nice. You draw a 补充一些步骤stick pictures, color the paper等步骤T: We can also stick pictures, color the paper. 4. Send our cardsT: Now, lets send our cards. What should you say?引出课文送贺卡图片。S: Merry Christmas. Heres a card for you.T: Today, there are many teachers in our classroom. Who wants to send your cards to our teachers?Ss: 举手T: OK. Look at the tips. First, dont push each other. Next, When I say one, two, three, you should go back to your seats quietly. Understand? If you can do these, I will give you more presents.Now, lets send our cards.伴随音乐,学生送卡片给听课老师或者同学。 Step5 Summary带着学生一起回顾本节课内容,板书关键词。T: Our lesson is nearly over. In this lesson, first, we talk about Mikes fun at Christmas. Next, we make a picture book about peoples fun. Then, we make Christmas cards. Finally, we send our cards to each other. Do you have a good time?Ss: Yes.T: Todays homework, enjoy your Christmas. Class is over. Goodbye! Say goodbye to our teachers! 板书设计:Unit8 At Christmas Dec.25th Mikes fun Peoples fun First buy presents churchTeachersChristmas cardpicture booksNext put pretty things carolThen wait for presents crackerFinally have a big lunch chat译林五上 Unit8 At Christmas (Cartoon time & Checkout time)教学目标: 一、 通过游戏复习,学生能够熟练说出关于圣诞节相关词组句型;二、 学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事,续写故事。三、 通过听力训练,学生能够有条理排列图片,并通过阅读将所听信息组织为有序的短文。四、 通过各项活动,体会中西方节日文化的区别,体会圣诞节的快乐。教学过程:教学设计(主备)复备Learning aims:I know more about Christmas.I can use First, Next, Then, Finally to talk about the activities.I can write a passage about Christmas.I know the culture about Christmas.Step1 Warm up1. Free talkT: Boys and girls, what holiday is it today?Ss: Christmas.T: Yes. So I want to say Merry Christmas to all of you.T: Before class, we listened to a song. Whats the name of it?Ss: Santa Clause is coming to town.T: Great. Today Father Christmas and his friend Rudolph are coming. (PPT) Rudolph is a red-nosed reindeer. His nose can glow at night. He can help Santa Clause to send presents. We know Father Christmas gives children presents at Christmas. So today theyll give you some presents, if you can help them go through the Game Town, Cartoon Town, Show Town and Reading Town. (PPT)Step2 Game Town:T: Listen, Santa Clause is coming to town. (歌曲串场) They come to Game Town. What are these?Ss: Theyre sweets.T: Haha, they are not sweets. Theyre Christmas crackers. Next, lets play the game Pull the crackers. Its a traditional game at Christmas. Read the culture tip to know about it.(PPT: Culture Tip: 圣诞拉炮是英国人在圣诞日使用的亮光彩色纸筒,在吃圣诞大餐前,他们会把这纸筒拉响,拉开时会发出轻微的爆炸声。筒里面往往装有一件玩具,一朵纸帽以及一则笑话。)I have eight crackers here. Choose one to pull, you may get presents.Cracker1: Say Merry Christmas to your classmates.Cracker2: Sing a Christmas song.Cracker3: Whats your present this year?Cracker4: What do people usually on Christmas Eve?Cracker5: Show a picture (一家人吃大餐) They eat _ at Christmas.Cracker6: Make a wishCracker7: Which country has “Hot Christmas”?Cracker8: You can get two presents. Give one to your friend.T: You did a good job. Santa Clause gives you a stocking. Let me put it on the blackboard.Do you love this game? You can pull the real crackers after class. Step3 Cartoon Town1. T: You did a good job. So you get some presents from Santa Clause. Oh, Father Clause and Rudolph come to Cartoon Town.Listen, Santa Clause is coming to town.PPT: Cartoon time 第一幅图T: Who are they?Ss: Bobby, Sam and their friends.T: What are they doing?Ss: Theyre having a Christmas party.T: What do they do before the Christmas party? Look at the pictures, and then talk about in groups. Dont forget to use First, Next, Then, Finally. (PPT显示小组活动要求)PPT显示四幅图: 买圣诞树,做卡片,吃大餐,开派对T: Which group can show us?S1-4: First, they Next, theyThen, they Finally, they (选择两组学生反馈,允许不同答案组合)2. Learn the storyShow Picture1T: They are having a Christmas party. They look happy.PPT圈出Bobby,Sam表情T: Does everyone like Christmas? Read the story by yourself.T: Does everyone like Christmas?Ss: No.T: Who likes Christmas? (PPT)Ss: Bobby and Sam.PPT出示第二幅图以及Bobby and Sam的语言T:So they say “I like Christmas. I like Christmas too.”Who wants to be Bobby and Sam? (拿出头饰)Ss: (学生朗读时指导语音语调)T: Who doesnt like Christmas?Ss: Mr Turkey.PPT出示第三幅图T: Mr Turkey looks sad. So he says I dont like Christmas. Why do Bobby and Sam like Christmas? Why Mr Turkey doesnt like? Watch the cartoon, and then tell me the reason. Pay attention to the expression and action. 播放动画I like Christmas. _PPT:I like Christmas too. _I dont like Christmas._T:Why does Bobby like Christmas? Read the reason for us. Ss: (指导朗读)T:Why does Sam like Christmas? Read the reason for us. Ss: (指导朗读)T:Why Mr Turkey doesnt like Christmas? Ss: (指导朗读)3. Lets imitateT:Lets imitate the dialogue. 4. Read in roleHow poor the turkey is. Bobby and Sam are happy, but Mr Turkey isnt. Can you read the story emotionally? You can choose any way to read.(PPT :Read in role 分角色朗读, Read together 齐读, Read by yourself自己读)T: You read nice. So you can get the second stocking.Step4 Show TownT: Listen, Santa Clause is coming to town. Father Christmas and Rudolph come to Show Town. Can you act out this story? Its time to show.PPT出现表演要求T: Christmas is a happy holiday. But Mr Turkey looks sad. Can you help him?Can you give him some advice? Ss: T: I have a good idea. Maybe he can go with Father Christmas. Step5 Reading Town1. Checkout time (将书上87页内容进行修改,主体结构不变)T: Mr Turkey is happy now. Thank you, boys and girls. You can get the third stocking.Listen, Santa Clause is coming to town. Finally, they go to Reading Town.We know a lot about peoples Christmas. How about Father Christmass? Take out your exercise paper. Listen the dialogue and put the pages in order.学生练习:圣诞老人是怎么过圣诞节的呢?听一听给图片排序! ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( (PPT播放录音)录音内容:1. R: What are you doing, Father Christmas?S: Im reading letters. Children really have a lot of wishes.2. S: Rudolph, come and help me. Lets pull all the presents in the big beg.R: OK. Im coming. Wow, so many presents.3. S: Time to send presents. The first one is for you, Rudolph. R: Oh, thank you. I love this rea hat. This pair of boots is for you.S: I love them. Thanks. Lets go.4. R: Let me pull down the chimney.S: Be Carful, Father Clause.5. S: Its really a busy night. I hope every kid loves my presents. Oh, its time for bed. See you next year.R: OK. Have a nice dream.T: Can you tell me the numbers?Ss: T: Why?2. T: What do Father Christmas and Rudolph do at Christmas? Read the story again. Then try to finish the passage.First,_. Next, _. Then,_. Finally, _. Father Christmas and Rudolph are _. T:How do you think about Father Christmas?(最后问)Ss: He is kind, busy and hard-working. T: Father Christmas is kind. He gives you the last stocking. What are in the stockings? Do you know?拿出之前放在圣诞袜里礼物分发给学生。T: Boys and girls, how do you think of Christmas?Ss: T: Christmas is happy, love, sharingPPT出示最后一屏 Do you like Christmas? Do you believe Father Christmas?Ss: T: Believe it , enjoy it.板书设计:Unit8 At Christmas (fun time, sound time & song time)教学设计一、教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写圣诞祝福语Merry Christmas!2、能听懂、会说、会读单词card,fold,message.3、能了解字母j在单词中的读音.4、能唱歌曲We wish you a Merry Christmas二、教学重难点:1.fold,card, message和Merry Christmas的听说认读2.字母j在单词中的读音3.歌曲的演唱三、教学准备:多媒体课件卡纸彩笔五、 教学过程:教学设计(主备)复备Stepfree talk(1) Whats your name?(2) Do you know something about Christmas?(3) Do you like Christmas?T: Wow, you like Christ


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