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2005年武汉市中考英语试卷第I卷(听力测试:A卷;B I卷)一、听力测试部分(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共6小题;每小题1分,满分6分)听下面6段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。1. What is that?A. A cat.B. A card.C. A kite.2. What is the woman going to have?A. Fish.B. Fruit.C. Potatoes.3. Whats wrong with Tom?A. Nothing wrong with him.B. He is not well.C. Everything is bad with him.4. Where is Black?A. At a post office.B. In the office.C. Just here.5. How did the man go?A. By bus.B. By air.C. By train.6. What does the woman mean?A. Nobody will work on the program.B. The man himself can work on the program.C. She wants to work on the program.第二节(共14小题,每小题1分,满分14分)听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍。听第7段材料,回答第7至第9题。7. Who will go to the party?A. Dick and his wife.B. Dick himself.C. Dick and his friend.8. Where will the woman meet Dick?A. At the womans home.B. At the station.C. At Dicks home.9. What can we know from the talk?A. Dick has made some trouble to the woman.B. The woman has a box of chocolates for Dick.C. There will be a present for the woman.听第8段材料,回答第10至第12题。10. What will the man do tomorrow?A. Hell go to Canada for a visit.B. Hell show his friend around.C. Hell work for Mary.11. What will Mary do?A. Shell talk to the boss.B. Shell meet the mans friend.C. Shell telephone some people.12. How is the mans friend coming from Canada?A. In his car.B. By plane.C. By bus.听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。13. Where do you think Mark is?A. At his friends.B. In a cinema.C. In a karaoke bar.14. What did they decide to do?A. To go to have more food.B. To watch TV films.C. To go for a walk.15. What can we know about Mark?A. He is not good at singing.B. He didnt enjoy the meal.C. He wanted to go home.听第10段材料,回答第16至第20题。16. Where were the two men going?A. To a big city.B. To the sea.C. To the bus station.17. Why did the two men go out?A. To meet the ticket inspector.B. To do some business.C. To spend their holiday.18. Who got two tickets in hand?A. Black did.B. Brown did.C. Nobody did.19. When did the ticket inspector ask for tickets?A. When the train came into the station.B. After Brown and Black got on the train.C. As Brown was going to hide under the seat.20. What can we know from the text?A. Brown prefers to travel under the train seat.B. Black and Brown like making jokes on each other.C. Brown hid his ticket under his eat.笔试部分A卷(60分)二、基础知识(本题共20小题,每小题3分,满分60分)从A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。21. Miss Green goes to the doctors _ Monday mornings.A. onB. inC. at22. Excuse me, where can I take a bus to the Supermarket?Sorry, there are _ buses here.A. someB. anyC. no23. Kate is nice. I like to work with _.A. sheB. herC. hers24. There is some water in that bottle, isnt _?A. thereB. itC. that25. Kate, there is a picture of a panda on _.A. the 55 pageB. page 55C. page 55th.26. Which one is yours, A _ B?A. butB. andC. or27. Can I read here _ minutes longer?A. a fewB. fewC. very few28. Mary is often at home at weekends and _ time to her garden.A. givesB. gaveC. had given29. Someone _ at the door when she was cooking in the kitchen.A. had knockedB. has knockedC. knocked30. They _ Miss. Brown at the airport when she arrives this afternoon.A. will meetB. have metC. meet31. Whos in the office?Mr. Smith is. He _ a report.A. is writingB. wroteC. would write32. Tom, can you tell me where Jack is?He _ to the library.A. has goneB. had goneC. has been33. I was surprised that she could run _ I could.A. as faster asB. so fast thanC. as fast as34. I hear that Mike is _ student in his class.A. more carefulB. the most carefulC. careful35. You children _ play near the street. Its not safe.A. mustntB. neednt.C. wont36. A new bridge will _ across the river.A. be buildingB. be builtC. build37. The girls were asked _ go out at night.A. to not toB. notC. not to38. Bob didnt tell the others _ he found it.A. whatB. that ifC. how39. What Jane said made them _.A. be happyB. to be happyC. happy40. Tom is ill at home, _ he cant come here.A. soB. ifC. becauseB卷B I卷 (45分)三、选择填空(本题共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。41. Here is your change, sir. Thank you._.A. Thank youB. Never mindC. With pleasureD. Of course not42. You must come to the meeting on time. I _.A. mustB. have toC. willD. should43. It hasnt rained for quite some time.I _ it will rain tomorrow.A. needB. wantC. hopeD. like44. This pink dress looks nice on you and it is only twenty yuan.OK, _.A. Ill need itB. Ill take itC. Its too expensiveD. Id like to sell it45. Jack, will you please paint the door yellow?_?A. What forB. What is itC. How is itD. How about46. Who did you find in the room?_.A. NobodyB. NotC. NoD. None47. Im going to buy another skirt.Hey, youd better be _ with your money.A. busyB. kindC. freeD. careful48. Theres too much sunshine.Wed better _ the sunglasses to protect our eyes.A. put onB. turn onC. get onD. try on49. I want to have a _ with you about the problem.Sure.A. funB. wordC. playD. rest50. The medicine tastes so bad.It surely does, But it will _ you good.A. giveB. wantC. doD. help四、完形填空(本题共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从51-65各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。Jack was a milkman. He and his horse, Pierre, worked (51) every day. They were great friends and took (52) to people together for years and years. After a while, Jack didnt have to do much any more because Pierre knew where and when to (53). The two friends went on with their (54) until one morning. Jack came into work one day to find his boss waiting for him. “Jack,” said his boss, “I have some (55) news. This morning, Pierre died in his stall.” Tears started to run down Jacks face. “I will never see my friend (56),” said Jack tearfully. “I understand what you (57) now. You may have the day off if you like.” “No, I have something to do,” and with that Jack walked off He was given a new horse and carriage(马车). That day, Jack was in a bad (58). His carriage was hit by a truck. When the boss got to the place, he asked, “Is Jack (59)?” “No, he died in the crash,” said the doctor. “I dont (60),” said the driver of the track. “It was like he didnt even see me.” “Thats because he didnt. This man has been (61) for 5 years,” said the doctor. “I never knew!” said Jacks boss. “He didnt (62) you?” said the doctor. Just then, Jacks boss (63) what Jack said about Pierre. “No, but someone else knew.” “(64)?” asked the doctor. “A friend of Jacks. His name was Pierre. I think that it was just a little (65) between friends.”51. A. hardlyB. badlyC. angrilyD. happily52. A. milkB. newspapersC. foodD. money53. A. restB. startC. playD. stop54. A. jobB. wayC. mealD. holiday55. A. sadB. oldC. strangeD. usual56. A. muchB. againC. oftenD. home57. A. thinkB. wantC. meanD. feel58. A. roadB. troubleC. accidentD. weather59. A. dangerousB. OKC. afraidD. weak60. A. knowB. understandC. driveD. watch61. A. illB. blindC. lonelyD. careless62. A. seeB. tellC. askD. mind63. A. forgotB. thoughtC. rememberedD. wrote64. A. WhoseB. WhatC. WhenD. Who65. A. jokeB. mistakeC. friendshipD secret五、阅读理解(本题共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。AJack lived in a small town near the sea. He loved the beaches and the visitors who came in summer. His family had moved there when he was two years old, Now, eleven years later, he was going to enter the eighth grade. Jack had lots of friends, really good friends, and the school he went to was almost new. He loved basketball. He played as a seventh grader, and he was going to be in the starting five during the coming season. One morning at the breakfast table, Jacks dad told everybody that city in another state. Jack was angry and terribly disappointed(失望). He didnt like big cities, and he knew that leaving his friends would be very hard. On his first day he found this new school was much older, and it seemed that the students didnt like to make friends with him. “I really hate this school,” Jack said at the dinner table that night. “Why cant we move back where all my friends are?” Jacks mother asked him if he was really trying to make new friends. Jack didnt answer. He was too busy thinking back over the great times he used to have with his old friends at the beach and during practices in the gym. Jacks disappointment deepened the next day when he learned that his new school didnt even have sports. There was no basketball team! He felt like telling the kids in the new school exactly what he thought about the place, but something inside of him told him that he should keep his thoughts to himself.66. This reading is mainly about _.A. Jacks fathers new job in a cityB. Jacks change of his schoolC. Jacks new school and basketballD. Jacks favorite and family67. From the reading we learn that _.A. Jack was one of the best basketball players in his gradeB. Jack was very good at making new friendsC. the school in the city was almost new but had no basketball teamD. the city life was just what Jack wanted68. Jack didnt answer Mothers question because he _.A. was very angry about the new schoolB. was too busy with his lessonsC. had no time to think about itD. wanted to talk to his dad69. We know that Jack _.A. was going back to his old friendsB. had a great time for the first day in the new schoolC. didnt think about his basketball any moreD. was thirteen and loved the beaches70. He kept his thoughts to himself not to _.A. trouble his mom and dadB. hurt the kids in the new schoolC. make his old friends sadD. show he was pleased with the new lifeBJed couldnt keep the tears running down his face. His friend, Rob wanted to help, but the more he talked about it, the worse Jed felt I know how terrible you must feel, Rob said “Everyone on the team thought the coach(教练)would choose you. He must be crazy(疯狂)to let Tom swim the breaststroke(蛙泳)!” When the coach told him about the date and place of the state swimming meeting for boys of 15 and under, Jed was sure he would be swimming the breaststroke. He even told his family that the team couldnt win the event without him. When the coach chose Tom Timmons, the new boy from Spring field, to swim the breaststroke, Jed could hardly believe it. Coach Robertson told Jed he could swim on the relay teem, but that offered little consolation. “I may leave the team,” he told Rob. “Id rather not swim at all than be on the relay team.” “I dont know whether you should do that or not,” Rob said. “We need you on the relay team. Of course, if you say you wont swim at all, the coach may change his mind and let you swim the breaststroke.” Jed left Rob and headed towards home. He knew it would be embarrassing(尴尬)to have to tell his family and his friends that someone else would take his place. He wondered if he should make up a story and tell his mom and dad that he asked the coach to put the new boy in. Jed didnt know what to do.71. We can know from the reading that _.A. Rob failed to help JedB. Jed didnt want to swim the breaststroke at allC. Tom would swim on the relay teamD. the coach chose both Jed and Tom for the breaststroke72. The word consolation in the reading means _. A. something that makes you feel sadB. something that makes you feel betterC. another chance to swim the breaststrokeD. another chance to be on the relay team73. The best title of this reading should be _.A. Too Good to SwimB. Its Terrible to Be OutC. The Coach and JedD. The Relay Team74. If Jed really decides to make up a story, it should be _.A. the coach didnt like himB. he was not good enough to swimC. he wanted Tom to swim instead of himD. his friend Rob wanted to swim75. Rob thought _.A. Jed should have the chance to swim the breaststrokeB. the coach made a clever decisionC. Jed should ask for help from his mom and dadD. Tom should be on the relay team第II卷 (B II卷) 非选择题 共25分六、阅读理解填词。先阅读短文,在7685各题后的空白处写出各单词的正确形式,单词的第一个字母已给出。(本题共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)Can a boy have a MAMA and not a MOTHER? Tex Clark did. He didnt have a r (76) home. His father and mother were dead. He had to work from an early a (77) . Then one day a circus(马戏团)found him and let him j (78) it. He was luckier than many children without p (79) . The only place for him to sleep was the elephants pen(棚). There Tex found the elephant named Mama. Mama seemed f (80) to him and looked after him. Text had to work hard. At night he was always very t (81) . He would return to the pen. And Mama would cover him with hay(干草)and touch his face with her trunk(象鼻). Tex felt better. Mama c (82) ! Text left the circus after a while. He was asked to work at the zoo in Kansas City. He was very good with a (83) . And very soon he became the t (84) man. Tex made the zoo one of t


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