



131大学英语(II) (131-A08017-J02082-3)作业 复查测验: B-2 词汇测试(4)复查测验: B-2 词汇测试(4)已提交13-6-9 下午4:44名称B-2 词汇测试(4)状态已完成分数得 2.95 分,满分 3 分 说明问题 1得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Never before has an African American woman won the best actress award and as she accepted the Oscar, Halle Berry was overcome with _.所选答案:D.emotion问题 2得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分These procedures _ microorganisms responsible for diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis.所选答案:A.remove问题 3得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分At last I have to cultivate the habit of feeling the joy of sorrow which makes the dire (terrible) _ also look positive.所选答案:A.circumstance问题 4得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分As to whether it is a blessing or a _, however, people take different attitudes.所选答案:A.curse问题 5得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Hearing about those murders, the little boy felt his blood _ with fear.所选答案:B.frozen问题 6得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分“And you really think Im stupid enough to believe that, do you?” John said, _ with anger.所选答案:B.flushed问题 7得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Mary darted an interested _ at the handsome newcomer from under lowered eyelids.所选答案:B.glance问题 8得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Thomas Edison said: “_ is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.”所选答案:C.Genius问题 9得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Be quiet! I cant _ the noise a moment longer. You guys know that Ihave a test to take tomorrow morning.所选答案:A.endure问题 10得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The incident might cause the price of oil to _ above $50 abarrel and stay there for some months.所选答案:D.soar问题 11得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Masks arejust covering one part of the body so your hands and clothes could all have the virus on and when you take them off you will infect yourself.所选答案:C.obviously问题 12得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The two parties needed to keep on working together under the principles of facing _, building mutual trust, laying aside disputes and creating a win-win situation.所选答案:D.reality问题 13得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Thailands agriculture minister says his country will never_rice exports. He says thatThailandhas enough supplies to meet demand at home and for export.所选答案:C.restrict问题 14得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Climate change is a direct _of the way human beings act.所选答案:B.consequence问题 15得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Some researchersthat corn production in the United States is down mainly because of the weather.所选答案:B.suspect问题 16得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分_, the bus arrived, forty minutes late.所选答案:C.At length问题 17得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Pollutions from industrial production _ many clean rivers into undrinkable water.所选答案:A.transform问题 18得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Please call me Virginia. Virginia said for the tenth time. Mrs. Allen bowed _ and continued to call her Miss Martin.所选答案:A.stiffly问题 19得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Gmail is a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that email can be more intuitive, _, useful and even fun.所选答案:B.efficient问题 20得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The nation is about _ a big lesson in African-American history. At least seven major black museums, cultural centers and memorials have been recently opened or are being developed.所选答案:A.to get问题 21得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Aunt Mary is a real _. She has totally opposed to women going out to work.所选答案:D.conservative问题 22得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The police have spent an _ day searching the neighborhood and the forest.所选答案:B.exhausting问题 23得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分T Theschool picnic is on Saturday, so were _ for a fine day.所选答案:D.praying问题 24得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分It is simply thelast_ for a region of southWalesthat has seen a steady decline of its manufacturing industry over thelastthree decades.所选答案:C.straw问题 25得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Theres enormous compassion, love, _,and even tenderness in this movie.所选答案:A.humanity问题 26得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分I must admit that I admire the _ you are making to improve your English - getting up at six oclock every morning to read aloudfor four successive years.所选答案:B.sacrifice问题 27得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Among these I would list string and brown paper, kept by _ people when a parcel has been opened, to save buying these two requisites next time.所选答案:C.thrifty问题 28得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The university _ fee per year is about HK$ 40,000 which is quite expensive. Therefore, many students have got a loan from the bank.所选答案:B.tuition问题 29得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Everyone has his own way of doing things, and I am no _.所选答案:C.exception问题 30得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Future workers will learn a wide array of skills and will be expected to constantly upgrade those skills. Self-_ and internal motivation will also be critical success factors.所选答案:C.discipline问题 31得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Rescuers have been _ trying to reach the six miners who have been trapped since a cave-in on August sixth.所选答案:C.frantically问题 32得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The stronger the _, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.所选答案:B.motivation问题 33得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Chinahas determined its focus of high-tech research for the coming five years,and _drawing up the next centurys high-tech research plans.所选答案:B.set about问题 34得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分It_ to him that he should go to see a dentist as soon as possible.所选答案:B.occurred问题 35得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分On a summer morning, the65-year-old man _ to the sea and began his sailing round the world. This is the story of that adventure.所选答案:C.sailed out问题 36得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The scientists have _ their search for the new gene by working harder.所选答案:A.intensified问题 37得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The government will not _ to take measures against these terrorists.所选答案:C.hesitate问题 38得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Rachel is a Hebrew name in origin, and it means gentle and _ like a sheep.所选答案:A.innocent问题 39得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Pakistans economy is being propped up by a $7.6 billion _ from the International Monetary Fund.所选答案:C.loan问题 40得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分While some things may _, you know that our love and affection will not.所选答案:A.pass away问题 41得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Chinawill launch a massive survey of its underwater relics in an effort to better conserve the countrys cultural_.所选答案:A.heritage问题 42得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分I am willing to workfor a small salary for several months, if necessary.所选答案:A.on a trial basis问题 43得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The 1,400 pages of the Codex - the worlds oldest surviving Bible - were_ betweenSt Petersburg, Leipzig,Londonand Egypt, but each page has now been digitally photographed and collected on the internet.所选答案:B.scattered问题 44得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The ideal candidate will have some years of experience and hold a tertiary (有效的) _.所选答案:C.qualification问题 45得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The government has successfully coped with the economic_and has won its peoples trust as a result.所选答案:D.crisis问题 46得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分A particularly pointed chin is his most memorable facial _.所选答案:B.feature问题 47得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The report says that, especially in the longer term, the airports would be likely to compete more _ if they were separately owned.所选答案:C.vigorously问题 48得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分If you had prepared _, you wouldnt be in such an awkward position.所选答案:B.in advance问题 49得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分All her children are clever, but the youngest daughter is really _.所选答案:C.exceptional问题 50得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分He lost all the money invested in the real estate during the global economic downturn;thereforesmuggled goods_expecting a turnaround from his great lost.所选答案:B.in desperation问题 51得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分With her _, she felt depressed at the beginning but never sought sympathy. Instead, she worked hard to make achievement.所选答案:D.disability问题 52得 0 分,满分 0.05 分While scanning through books, Susan was attracted by a true story, which gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a _ writer.所选答案:C.respectable问题 53得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分Caring and amazingly _, Marlas parents gave her a lot of encouragement.所选答案:D.supportive问题 54得 0.05 分,满分 0.05 分The main scary thing about speaking in public is that you think people will _ you if you say something wrong.所选答案:C.ma


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