英语人教版六年级下册unit1 lets talk.doc_第1页
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英语人教版六年级下册unit1 lets talk.doc_第3页




合力英语教学法(The Ropes)课堂教学设计用表学校: 授课教师: 年级: 时间:教学内容:Unit 1 How tall are you? (Period 2) Part A. Lets try Lets talk SectionsLinksStepsActivitiesTimeEvaluationLet me knowReviewWarm upListen to the song my small catReviewT: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you again. We are one year older than before, so how old are you ?S1:Im11yearsold.T:Whataboutyou?S2:Im12.T:Im16yearsolderthanyou. Lead inLets go to the dinosaur museum and talk about the dinosaurs. Enjoy a film “Jurassic Park”OverviewTask assignmentCompare the height between you and your friends. Talk in groups and find out who is the tallest in your group.Explisit objectivesThe Ss should :1. Listen, say, read and write the four-skilled sentences:Howtallareyou?Im1.64metres. Im tallerthanyou. 2. Be able todescribe their height, age and compared with others3. Understand and finish the practice about “lets try”.4. understand the new word according to the text.PresentationLead inLook at the dinosaurs in the museum and talk about their height, food and so on.ReviewWe can describe the dinosaurs with the following adjectives: big, small, tall, short, long, young, old, strong, thin, heavy.Presentation1.Listen to the text and try to find out : How tall is Zhang Peng? 2. watch the video and read the text, find out : Who is taller, Zhang Peng or the small dinosaur?Let me tryEngagementIndividual work1. listen and imitate the text.2. read the text and find out the answers to the questions.Pair work1.Talk about the text in pairs.2. Ask and answer in pairs : How tall are you? How old are you? Then take notes. Group workTalk in groups and find out who is the tallest in your group.Let me doSummaryTask fulfillmentCompare the height between you and your friends. Talk in groups and find out who is the tallest in your group.Feed backAsk the Ss find out the sentences , making a comparision. Its taller than both of us .Im taller than this one.Zhang Peng is taller than the small dinosaur.The green dinosaur is taller than the brown one.SummarySummary the comparative degree of the adjectives.After-school activities1.Listen and recite the dialogue on P


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