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高考复习训练语法翻译题名词翻译题1. 我们想让你讲讲你在西藏的经历。Experience2. 她在上海解放前夕被谋杀。 Eve3. 你安排好支泰山旅游的事宜了吗?arrangement4. 参军前他没有受过多少教育education5. 在这种情形下,一个人必须特别谨慎。Circumstance41.早睡早起身体好 (good)42后悔是没用的,你应设法去弥补损失。(point)43有迹象表明,饭店将越来越受普通家庭的欢迎。(sign44他总有自己独特的思考问题的方式 (way)45如果你精通英语,找工作就不愁了。(need) 46.我们不能否认环境影响睡眠质量的事实48如果你愿意接受他们的挑战,你不妨先试着和他们接触。(contact)49他在一年内学会了两门外语真是奇迹。(wonder)50只要你努力了,输赢无所谓。(effort)51他经常称赞房东的宠物狗,给他们留下很好的印象。(compliment)52没有弄清事实不要轻易做出决定。(decision)53成长过程中父母非常重视我的礼节。(emphasis)54同事们都不想同他合作,因为他总是吹毛求疵。(fault)55 聚会结束后,他的房间一片狼藉。(mess)56爸爸:心情好的时候我有求必应。(mood)57无论什么场合他总是主动和人打招呼。(occasion)58你失败的原因是只重结果不重过程。(notice)59有驾照却没车开已成为普遍现象。(phenomenon)60由于天气突变,他们迫不得已更改日程安排。(choice)61至今无法去除该西药的副作用。(rid)62经理因为员工的失误向顾客赔了礼。(apology)63这种植物在艰苦的条件下也能存活。(condition)64我们是凭借科技的力量才赢得与那场疾病的斗争。(victory)65她通过卖报赚些零钱。(means)66睡眠的缺乏是造成交通事故的重要因素之一。(1ack)67当他再一次被误解时,忍不住大发脾气。(tempter)68他曾有开灯关窗睡觉的习惯。(habit)69据心理学家分析,出现在梦中的某些事物是特定疾病的标志。(sign)70电脑自从问世就对世界产生了巨大的影响。(appearance)71在西方国家,大多数人骑车是为了锻炼身体。(purpose)72是向老师承认错误,还是掩盖事实,他举棋不定。(decision)73如果你能坚持到底,当宇航员的梦想并非遥不可即。(dream)40. As a teacher in the kindergarten, you cant be more patient.41. Going to bed early and getting up early makes a man healthy.42. There is no pointing in regretting. You should try to make up for the loss.43. There are signs that restaurants will be more and more popular with ordinary families.44. He always has his own unique way of thinking.45. If you have mastered English. There is no need for you to worry about finding a job.46. We cant deny the fact that environment affects the quality of sleep.47. The thief was seen making off in the direction of the park.48. if you are willing to accept their challenge, you might as well try making contacts with them49. it is a wonder that he learned two foreign languages within a year50. as long as you have made efforts, it doesnt matter whether you win or lose51. he often gives compliments to the host familys pet dog, which leaves a good impression on them.52. Dont make a decision casually before you make out the fact.53. During my growth my parents laid great emphasis on my manners.54. None of his colleagues wants to cooperate with him, for he always finds faults with them.55. After the party, his room was a complete mess.56. When Father is in a good mood, he will do everything that I ask of him.57. He actively greets others on any occasion.58. The reason why you failed is that you take notice only of the result but not of the process.59. It is a common phenomenon that some people have driving license but dont have cars.60. Because of the sudden change of the weather, they had no choice but to change their schedule.61. So far there hasnt been a way to get rid of the side effect of the Western medicine.62. The manager made an apology to the customer for the rudeness of his employees.63. This species of plant is able to survive under tough conditions.64. It was by means of the power of science and technology that we won a victory over the disease.65. She made some pocket money by means of selling newspapers.66. The lack of sleep is one of the principal actors that lead to traffic accidents.67. When he was misunderstood a second time, he couldnt help bursting into tempter.68. He used to be in a habit of sleeping with the light on and the window closed.69. According to psychologists analysis, things that appear in ones dream are signs of particular diseases.70. The computer has had a huge impact on the world since its appearance.71. In Western countries, most people ride bicycles for the purpose of keeping fit.72. He couldnt make his decision on whether to admit his mistake to the teacher or to conceal the fact.73. If you can persevere, your dream of becoming an astronaut is not beyond sight.答案:1. wed like to have you tell us something about your experiences in Tibet2. she was murdered on the eve of Shanghais liberation3. have you made arrangements for your trip to Mount Tai?4. He hadnt had much education before he joined the army5. On e has to be especially careful under such circumstancesPage 7代词翻译:1. 他着装得体,似乎他对这次面试做了充分的准备。In good taste, preparation2. 我打算换个工作以挑战自我,你不要向别人讲 between challenge3. 我想起当麦琪看到我的时候很尴尬。 Occur/ strike ,embarrasses4. 约翰在朋友中受欢迎是因为他谦虚勤奋 it5. 很多中国人说英文和美国人说英文一样流利。As6. 我没有足够大的箱子来存放我的衣服。Case, contain7. 我没有足够大的箱子来存放我的衣服。Have8. 我喜欢看诸如蜘蛛侠,黑客帝国之类的电影 the Spider and Matrix9. 孩子要什么就给什么,这被认为是不明智的。 Unwise10. 吸烟的人应该定期进行肺部X光检查 supposed11. 王老师即将退休,我认为为她举行欢送会是个好主意。Farewell12. 无论谁出席那个新闻发布会,都被要求出示证件。Required , identity13. 有些人情愿骑车上班,因为骑车不会有乘车会遇到的那些麻烦。 Trouble14. 除了那个技工,没人知道如何修理那台新买的机器。 Except15. 现在有些药品的价格与前几年的相比已经降了百分之五十。 As答案:1. His outfit is in good taste. it seems that he has made full preparations for the interview.2. Between ourselves am going to change for another job so as to challenge myself.3. It struck me / it occurred to me that Maggie seemed embarrassed when she saw me.4. it is because John is modest and diligent that he is popular with his friends.5. Not a few Chinese speak English as fluently as Americans do.6. I dont have big enough cases to contain my clothes.7. I dont have enough big cases to contain my clothes.8. I like movies such as the Spider and Matrix9. it is considered unwise to give the child whatever he or she wants.10. those who smoke are supposed to have their lungs x-rayed regularly.11. miss Wang is going to retire. I think it a good idea to have a farewell party for her.12. whoever will attend the press is required to show his identity card.13. some would rather go to work by bike, for riding bikes has none of the trouble of taking buses.14. nobody except the mechanic knows how to repair the newly-bought machine.15. the current prices of some medicines have dropped by 50% as compared with those in previous years.Page ten 数词翻译1. 我们的卧室比父母的小三分之一。than2. 恐怕你得重做一次 second3. 她是第一批来这村庄安家的。 Among4. 这城市有四百万人口。Population5. 在过去几年中这里盖了数以百计的楼房。 Set up答案:1. out bedroom is one-third smaller than our parents.2. Im afraid youll have to do it a second time.3. she was among the first few to come and settle in this village.4. the city has a population of four million5. hundreds of new buildings have been set up in the past few years.what he said sounds reasonable, but it/ this needs to be proved by ve adjprove to bebe proved to doP15 形容词与副词1. 有些人喜欢古典音乐,而有些人偏爱流行音乐,这是个人品味问题 classical , taste2. 他们已经把婚期定在十月八日,因为他们的父母认为那是个结婚的理想日子。 Fix as3. 那们受重任的士兵被送往医院时已经不省人事,但是还活着 unconscious4. 姐姐总对我说好看的食物不一定好吃 necessarily5. 我越了解他,就越不喜欢他 more6. 她轻柔地说着,与其说是在对我说,不是在自言自语。More/ as7. 你怎么敢这么说他!你连给他擦鞋都不配 fit dare8. 如果你不向你那位受尊敬的丈夫提起这次短暂的拜访,那就太好了,你知道,他一点儿都看不上我decent9. 留给我印象最深刻的是我们队的士气比他们高昂。What, moral10. 据报道,美国人每天攝入的蛋白质是他们实际需要的两倍。Protein ,as括号内所给词为形容词114他相信自己会成功。(sure)115 游客只有乘坐直升飞机才能抵达那座山顶。(accessible)116凭票买布的日子一去不复返了。(Gone)117主队赢得比赛后,球迷们欣喜若狂。(wild)118说实话,我至今还不习惯用刀叉吃西餐。(accustomed)119他已经两天未来上学了。(absent)120新隧道的建成使人能快速穿越黄浦江。(possible)121我认为你没有理由让你父母为你买台新的录音机。 (reasonable)122如果你把自行车停在路边,你可能会把它弄丢的。(1ikely)123你要的书任何书店都没买不到。(available)124凡与会者皆可获得随身听一部。(present)答案:1. some enjoy classical music while others prefer popular music. it is a matter of personal taste.2. they have fixed the date for the wedding as Oct.8th because their parents believe that it is an ideal day for a wedding.3. the seriously wounded soldier was unconscious but still alive when taken to the hospital.4. Grandma always says to me that good -looking food doesnt necessarily taste good.5. the better I know him, the more i dislike him.6. she said softly, more to herself than to me7. how dare you say so of him ! you arent even fit to wipe his boot.8. it would be very decent of you if you didnt mention this little visit to your respected/ revered husband. he doesnt exactly approve of me.9. what impressed me most was that the morale of our team was better than that of their team.10. it is reported that Americans eat twice as much protein as they actually need every day114. He is sure of success.115. The top of the mountain is only accessible to tourists on a helicopter.116. Gone are the days when people had to buy cloth with a ticket.117. The fans were wild with joy after the host team won the match.118. To tell the truth, I havent been accustomed to eating Western food with knife and fork.119. He has been absent from school for two days.120. The construction of the new tunnel makes it possible for people to travel through the Huangpu River rapidly.121. I dont think it reasonable for you to ask your parents to buy another tape recorder for you.122.if you leave your bicycle on the roadside, it is likely to get lost the book you want is not available in any bookstore 123.anyone present at the meeting can get a Walkman连词翻译题 p211. 尽管人们相距数千里,他们能用电子邮互相交流 apart, yet2. 再对他解释一次,否则他不理解这个论点 follow3. 对我们来说,重要的不是输赢,而是参与 matter4. 他一心要挣钱,却毫不顾及对环境的破坏。 Occupy, care v5. 一千多学生参加了活动,募集的资金共计大约五万元。And ,come to6. 徒步旅行很有趣,也是很好的锻炼。 Well7. 你有助手来得正是时候,不太早也不太晚neither8. 你可以自己解决问题,或是向别人求助。Turn9. 显然,越来越多的人开始享受网上购物的悠闲。Ease10. 如果你方便,请给我多提供点有关国际贸易的资料。 Concern11. 由于许多国际会议将要在我市举行,改善上海的形象是我们的责任。Improve12. 树立信心,你一定能在现代社会的竞争中成功。And13. 不是你而是我误解了孩子所说的话。But14. 他制定的计划不很完善,不过我们还是决定采纳。Nevertheless15. 要么你必须改善你的工作,否则我将开除你。Not that16. 我不管别人怎么想,我现在担心的是你。Not that17. 事情很急,设备和材料明天都要运走。Both18. 不仅年轻人爱好这项运动,许多中年人也跃跃欲试。Not only括号内所给的为代词,连词,介词等1作为客人;不辞而别是无礼的。(without)2.他几乎对自己丧失信心的时候,同事们向他伸出援助之手。(about)3他犹豫了好久才作出决定。(before)4在美国将孩子独自留在家中是违法的。(it5通过阅读英语报纸杂志可以提高语言的摄入量。(by)6在超市人们会情不自禁去买根本不需要的东西。cannot7,只要坚持不懈,不半途而废,你一定能实现奇迹。8无论我怎么努力,就是无法说服他们接受新方案。(no matter)9,不管前方的路有多难走,你不能轻易放弃 (however)10互联网使人与人之间的交流越来越容易了。(it11.12有时候让你疲惫的不是远方的大山,而是你鞋里的一粒砂子。(it is)13.直到黄昏他才意识到自己陷入困境。Not until14玩电子游戏的时间越长,你的视力会越差。(the more15使我们失望的是,那位作家没为我们签名,也没跟16一有感冒症状,你得尽快去看医生。once)17你只有加倍努力才能赶上你的同学。(only)18太空旅游并没有人们想象得那么浪漫。(soas19第一次看到大海时她兴奋得晚上睡不着觉。so. that20教授的演讲很精彩,大礼堂座无虚席。(So)21人类首次登月距今近四十年。(since)22没什么会难倒坚持不懈的人(those)23他每次路过母校都不忘顺便探望他的老师。(ever224我第一次打高尔夫球时就爱上了这项运动。(the first25你该好好反省:下自己的所作所为。(high time)26手术后她虚弱得很,不能照顾自己。 (too)27如果你能帮我买两节电池我将感激不尽。(if28.除非采取紧急措施,否则我们的计划将流产。(unless)29她一直默默无闻,直到在演唱赛中夺得第一名。(until)30真正重要的不是你的言辞而是你的行动。(What)31我们一定要全力以赴,力争在天黑前抵达目的地。(whatever)32那位明星无论走到哪儿,两位保镖都寸步不离。(wherever)33不管你有没有犯罪,在法庭上一定要尊重法官。(whether34借助特别仪器才能研究肉眼看不见的细菌。(with)35没有成年人陪同儿童不可观看此片。(without36董永和仙女的浪漫爱情故事百听不厌。(worth)37他尽管双目失明,却没有放弃作家梦。(as)38应该把火柴放在孩子拿不到的地方。(Where)39那位总统辞职后很少在公众场合露面。(Seldom)40他突然意识到自己犯了一个多么愚蠢的错误。(how)41既然我们现在无法达成一致,不妨让老师来作最终决定。(up to )42租辆自行车,你就可以环游这座历史古城了。(and)43这对夫妇决定,再穷也要设法供儿子上大学。(no matter)44听了老师的演讲后,学生们不再反对穿校服了。(against) 45他一看到警车就意识到出事了。(the moment)答案:1. people are thousands of miles apart, yet they can communicate with each other by e-mail.2. explain it to him once more, or he couldnt understand the points. = follow3. what matters to us is not to win but to take part.4. he was occupied in making money, but cared nothing about the destruction of the environment.5. over/ more than 1,000 students took part in the activity, and the funds raised/ collected came to about 50,000 yuan.6. Hiking is good exercise as well as fun.7. your assistant came at the right time, neither too early nor too late.8. you may solve the problem by yourself, or turn to someone else for help.9. it is clear that more and more people are beginning to enjoy the ease of shopping on the Internet.10. if it is convenient to you, please offer me some more information concerned with international trade.11. since a number of international meetings will be held in our city, it is our duty to improve the image of Shanghai.12. build up your confidence, and you are sure to succeed in the competition in the modern society13. not you but I am mistaken about what the child has said.14. the plan that he had worked out was not perfect, nevertheless, we decided to adopt it.15. either you must improve your work, or I shall fire/ dismiss you.16. not that I care what the others think, but that its you Im worrying about.17. it is urgent; both the equipment and the material will be shipped tomorrow.18. not only do the young go in for / love/like the sport, but also many middle-aged people hope to try it out.1. As a guest it is bad manners to leave without saying goodbye.2. He was about to lose self-confidence when his colleagues lent him a helping hand.3. He hesitated a long time before he made his decision.4. It is against the law to leave a child alone at home m the USA.5. We can increase our language input by reading English newspapers and magazines.6. At the supermarket people cannot help but buy things that they dont really need.7. As long as you persevere and not give up halfway, you are sure to accomplish wonders.8. No matter how hard Ive tried, I cant persuade them to accept the new project.9. However difficult the road ahead is, you cant give up easily.10. The Internet makes it easier and easier for people to communicate between each other.11. It was foolish of me to think that everyone would approve of my proposal.12. Sometimes it is a grain of sand in your shoe rather than the distant mountain that tires you out.13. Not until dusk did he realize that he had got into trouble.14. The more time you spend playing video games, the poorer / worse your eyesight will be.15. To our disappointment, that writer didnt sign his name for us, nor did he talk to us.16. Once you show the symptoms of cold, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.17. Only if you double your efforts can you catch up with your fellow students.18. Space travel is not so romantic as people thought.19. The first time she saw the sea, she was so excited that she couldnt fall asleep at night.20. So wonderful was the professors lecture that there was not a single vacant seat in the hall.21. It is nearly forty years since man first set foot on the moon.22. Nothing is impossible for those who persevere.23. Every time he passes by his Alma Mater he wont forget to drop in on his teachers.24. The first time I played golf I fell in love with this sport.25. It is high time you reflected on what you have done.26. She was too weak after the operation to look after herself.27.I would appreciate it very much if you could buy two batteries for me.28. Unless you take urgent measures, our plan will be spoiled.29. She remained unknown until she came first in the singing contest.30. What really matters is not what you say but what you do.31. We must do whatever we can to try to reach our destination before dark.32. Wherever that star goes, his two bodyguards follow him closely.33. Whether you have committed a crime or not, you34. the germs invisible to naked eyes can only be studied with special instruments35. kids cant watch the film without the company of adults36 the romantic love story between Dong Yong and the fairy is worth listening to a hundred times37. Blind in both eyes as he was, he didnt give up his dream of being a writer.38. Matches should be kept where children can t reach them.39. Seldom did the president show up in public after his retirement.40. He suddenly realized how silly a mistake he had made.41. Now that we cant reach an agreement, we might as well leave the final decision up to our teacher.42. Rent a bicycle and you can make a tour of this historical ancient town.43. The couple decided that no matter how poor they were, they would try to afford their Son to go to college.44. Having heard the teachers speech, the students were no longer against wearing school uniforms.45. The moment he saw the police car, he realized that something had happened.46. The reporter interviewed the coach and the field captain by taking advantage of the interval.Translation 2 on page 25情态动词翻译1. 五班的学生可能正在用语音室。Language lab2. 无论我们如何努力,我们不能在两天之内解决如此多的难题。However3. 这首诗可能是雪莱写的,但我不确定。Shelley4. 建造金字塔一定需要很长时间的。Take ages5. 你本应该严厉批评他,但你没有这样做。 Criticize6. 你本没有必要不锁门,杰克有钥匙。Leave7. 别担心。今天下午你就可以得到这些数据。Shall8. 未经允许,你不得进入这所房子。Permission9. 他本来要今天回来的,但是他们留他再待一星期。Be to do10. 他确实对我说他要参加我们的研究。Join do11. 他们有个规矩,每个学生每学期必须为养老院服务一次。Make the rest house12. 一切必要的措施都已经采取了,那么我们可以预期工作人员是安全的。So that , staff答案:1. the students of Class Five may be using the language lab now.2. however hard we work, we cannot solve so many problems within two days.3. the poem may / might have been written by Shelley, but i am not certain/ sure. building/ to build4. it must have taken ages to build the pyramids.5. you should have criticized him severely, but you havent done so.6. you neednt have unlocked the door. jack had a key.7. dont worry. you shall get the data this very afternoon.8. you are not to enter the building without permission9. he is to have returned today, but is asked to stay another week.10. he did tell me that he would join us in the research.11. they have made it a rule that every student must serve in the rest house once a term12. all necessary measures have been taken so that we may/ can expect that the staff will be safe = expect the staff to be safe.on page 29动词时态与语态翻译1. 音乐会已经开始了,因此,他踮起脚尖悄悄地从后门的入口进去。On tiptoe2. 苦日子就像一场噩梦一样过去了,现在日子好过了。 Times3. 作出决定前你应该仔细考虑是否接受这个工作。 Consider4. 我回到家乡时,发现旧房子都已经拆除了,我大为吃惊。To ones surprise5. 你学了几年英语?你讲起英语来就好象你真是美国人呢。 As if6. 我们说话时有人敲门,所以她只得告退去应门。Excuse7. 没等我把话说完,这孩子就冲出了教室。 Rush8. 如果你要来看我,请事先通知我。 In advance9. 今年到目前为止我们的球队每一场比赛都赢了,但是我们另外还要比赛三场。So far10. 昨晚他很快就睡着了,他一定是累坏了。Must11. 演出好极了,我想我一生中从来也没有看过比这更激动人心的演出了。 More12. 他说明天下午一点在学校的大门口等你。Wait for13. 再给我两天时间。到你下次来的时候为止,我会做完一切。By the time14. 他今晚


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