Science and literature have traditionally been hostile to each other. Writers have regarded scientists as dull creatures who take pleasure in destroying great words of the imagination with boring facts. Scientists have thought of writers as frivolous people with no respect for the rules of evidence. At the heart of their mutual suspicion is the question of who owns the truth. Does something become real when it is imagined or when it is physically created?科学和文学传统上就相互敌对。文学作家认为:科学家们是一群愚蠢的生物,他们总是破坏人类伟大的想象取乐。科学家则认为:文人作家们是轻浮的,没有尊循事实依据,两者相猜疑的中心交点在于:到底是谁拥有真理事实,是先有想像后来成成真呢?还是实际设计出变成真的? Science fiction is the one area where these tow opposing groups have met and exchanged ideas . As its name suggests, science fiction is literature which predicts the technology of the future and the effect this will have on human society .Over the years many of their speculations have been remarkably accurate. Space travel, communications satellites, nuclear power, robotics, cloning and mobile telephony have all appeared in books before they appeared in reality. 科幻小说是两大对立集团相互邂逅并交流思想的公共领域。顾名思义,科学小学是预测未来科技和如何影响人类社会的文学作品。近年来,许多想象推测早己变成了现实,如太空旅行,通讯卫星,原子核能,机器人,克隆技术和移动电话,它们都是先出现在作品中然后才变成现实的。Unit 2 Text1 A Definition of Management Management is a complex process. Through management. managers coordinate the work of people with other resources. More formally, management is defined as the process of effectively and efficiently using an organizations resources to achieve objectives through the functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Successful management requires an understanding of how a firm operates. Managers must comprehend the individual components if a firms activities in order to complete their tasks properly. For example, a manager must understand how the companys products-goods or services are produced, financed, and distributed.管理工作是项复杂的过程,通过管理,管理者可以使人的工作与其他资源协调一致。说的正式点,管理工作就定义成一项有效性和高效性地利用公司资源,通过制定计划,组织管理,领导监督和控制运作等功能,更好地实现公司目标。成功的管理工作要求管理者必须对公司运作有深刻的理解,为了更好地完成任务,管理者必须综合平衡个人的胜任能力和公司的产销活动。打个比方说,管理者必须了解这个公司的产品(货物或服务)是怎样生产,注入资金,怎样分配和销售的。 Human resources. The one critical resource in all organizations is human resources. Human resources are the people through whom and with whom managers work to achieve objectives The challenge to managers is to motivate each person to work as effectively and efficiently as possible. Mangers must also make sure that human resources have the resources they need to be productive.人力资源,它是所有公司中最为关键的一个资源,人力资源是指人们通过自身努力和管理者的管理工作达到相关目标。对管理者最大的挑战是激励每个人尽可能有效和高效地工作,管理者也必须确保每个人都具备他们进行生产所必备的其他资源。(也就是劳动者和劳动资料紧密结合) Financial resources. Financial resources are the monetary resources required to support a firms current and future activities .These resources are used to acquire and maintain the companys human, physical, and informational resources.资金资源:资金资源是支撑一个公司的当前和未来生产活动的财力资源,它常常被用来满足和维持公司的人力、物产和信息资源。Physical resources. A third type of resources which mangers use to accomplish objectives is known as physical resources. These include raw materials, land, buildings, furniture and office equipment, computers, machinery(including robots), and physical inventories. Clearly, physical resources are important to a firms success. However, because a firm with adequate financial resources can buy the best physical equipment, educated human resources may be more important than physical resources.物产资源:管理者用于完成各种目标的第3个资源是物产资源,它包含原材料、土地、建筑物、家具和办公设施、计算机、机器(包括机器人)和各种货物库存。很明显,物产资源对一个公司的成功运作非常重要。当然,如果一个公司有足够的财力,可以购买最上乘的物品装备,雇用受过良好培训的人力资源,那要比物产资源更重要。 Informational resources. Informational resources are data that have been analyzed and converted into forms that help managers make effective decisions. To be useful, informational resources must be correct, timely, concise, and comprehensive. Examples of these resources include budgets, sales forecasts, economic forecasts, analyses of in-house training programs, and a host of other documents that help managers make decisions.信息资源:信息资源是经过分析和转换的数据,它能帮助管理者进行有效决策。为了更实用,信息资源必须正确、及时、简要、广泛全面。信息资源的实例包括财政预算、市场预测,经济前景预测、公司内部培训计划分析,和其他的帮助管理者决策的文献材料。The unique contributions of the United States to those who love the great outdoors are the National Parks and State Parks. They are beautifully organized and give particular thought to campers. There are also campsites by the sea, which are hidden from the beach by a line of sand dunes, or a thick belt of trees .Wherever you go ,you can nearly always find picnic places complete with wooden tables and benches, garbage cans and restrooms.美国为野外活动爱好者们所作的特殊贡献就是建立了众多的国家公园,及州立公园,这些公园布局漂亮,体现了对野营爱好者的特殊关爱。海边有许多野营营地,这些营地,或隐匿在海滩一连串的沙丘后,或在海滩茂密的林带后面。无论你走到哪里,几乎能找到地方野餐,这些地方设备齐全,全都配有木制桌子、长凳、垃圾桶和洗手间。 Many Americans, young and old, prefer camping in vehicles, called campers. There are many different kinds, from the extremely luxurious to the convertible pick-up truck. There are monster campers with every imaginable luxury, from deep freezes and microwave ovens, to plush carpets and color television sets. They can accommodate four people comfortably, and they do not necessarily belong to rich people.有很多美国人,不管老少,更愿自己开车野营。车型多种多样,有特别豪华奢侈的,也有可折叠的轻型皮卡,许多野营者豪华程度难以想像,深色的冰箱,微波炉,长绒地毯到彩电,可以很舒服给四个人提供宿膳。但这并不仅仅是富人的专利。 Some retired couples put a large part of their savings into these “homes on wheels” and spend half the year roaming the country. It satisfies a craving for the great open spaces that some of them still have in their advanced years, and it is at the same time a cheap way to live. If the price of gas goes up any further, they will simply roam less far.许多老夫妇把他们大部分积蓄花费在“车轮子上的家”,一年中的大半时间在国内游历,在他们的有生之年仍然心醉于渴望到开阔的地方,并且这也是一种省钱的生活方式,如果汽油价格上扬,他们就将减少游历。 People often experience tress as a result of events in their lives. Stress is a physical condition that results from real or expected problems. People may experience tress when they lose a job or feel threatened. Common signs include heart rate, higher blood pressure and muscle tension.人们在日常生活中必然要经历焦虑,焦虑是来自于真实棘手的问题或渴望达到的问题的一种身体不建康的状况。当人们丢失工作或受到威胁时,便感到焦虑,共同的特征那就是心脏跳动加快,血压升高,肌肉高度紧张。American agriculture experts say farm animals also may experience stress. Animals may experience stress after giving birth or for other reasons. They say stress may affect meat quality, milk production and the general health of farm animals.美国农业专家指出:家畜们也会同时经历焦虑,家畜生产后或其他原因易患焦虑症,他们说,焦虑会影响家畜的肉质,奶产量和健康。He had had to teach himself the job of being president in the most challenging moment in the nations history and as he learned so he commanded more and more personal respect. He died with the noblest part of the great task achieved-the end of slavery. 在国家历史上最有挑战性的时刻,他必须教会自己适应总统工作。他做到了,并且赢得了越来越多的个人声望。当最神圣伟大的任务-奴隶制度的终结-刚刚完成,他就走了。Teachers and administrators at several Washington-area colleges agree that cheating is on the risebecause the computer has made cheating so easy. High-tech offenses include using information from the Internet without proper attribution, buying term papers from online paper mills, and sharing answers and course work via e-mail or diskette. Dozens of Websites are dedicated to helping students cheat more easily and successfully.华盛顿地区的几所大学中的教师们和管理者都认为,作弊行为在上升-因为计算机使作弊变得容易,高科技犯罪包括使用因特网上的信息而没有注明出处,在线购买学期论文,通过伊妹儿或光盘共享答案或课文。不少站点致力于帮助学生作弊,使之变得容易和成功。 Professors are using the computer to fight back -launching Internet searches to find the source of purloined materials and installing software that detects similarities in students papers.教授们使用计算机进行反击-利用因特网搜寻去查找材料来源,并且安装软件探测学生们相似的论文。 The computer has made cheats out of students who otherwise would never have considered such trickery, some educator say. At Virginia Tech, the number of cheating complaints made to the schools Honor Court rose from 136 during the 19961997 school year to 280 last year. Most of the cases involved computer-aided cheating, said Leon Geyer, a Virginia Tech professor and an adviser to the schools student-run undergraduate honor system.要不是学生作弊的话,计算机就不会把它算作是诡计花招。许多教育者说,在弗吉尼亚工学院,提供给由学生组成的道德法庭的作弊申诉,从19961997学年的136起,到去年已是280起,大多数的申诉事件与利用计算机作弊有关,里昂盖耶说,他是弗吉尼亚工学院教授和由学校未毕业的学生运作的荣誉法庭顾问。Last spring, for example, dozens of students in different sections of one computer-science course were caught electronically sharing work on an end-of-year assignment, In another case, four students in one science class turned in the same paper. The students hadnt copied off each other or shared their workthey had all surfed the Web looking for a research paper to steal and, coincidentally, had chosen the same one.例如,去年春天,一些学生在学习计算机课不同的音节时被抓住了,他们通过电子共享做年终作业。在另一个事例中,科学课上4个学生上交了同样的论文,他们并没有互相抄袭或共享-他们都到网上冲浪寻找论文,碰巧得很,他们选择的竞是同一篇论文。The secondary plane on which music exists is what I have called the expressive one. My own belief is that all music has an expressive power, some more and some less, but all music has a certain meaning behind the notes and that that meaning behind the notes constitutes, after all, what the piece is saying, what the piece is about, This whole problem can be stated quite simply by asking, “Is there a meaning to music?” My answer to that would be. “Yes” And “Can you state in so many words what the meaning is ?”My answer to that would be, “No.” Therein lies the difficulty.音乐存在的第二层面就是我所谓的表义层面。我认为所有的音乐都有表现力,有的强些,有的弱些。但所有的音乐在每个词和每个词结构里面都蕴含有一定的意义。毕竟,这一支曲子说了些什么?这一支曲子是关于什么的?整个问题可通过问答来陈述“音乐里面含有意思吗?”我的答案是“有”,“你能够用词语把它的意思陈述出来吗?”我的答案将是“不能”,这对我来说的确有困难。While listening, each listener feels for himself the specific expressive quality of a theme or, the
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