



高一英语课文知识点UNIT 11.be good to对待好对比:be good for对有好处2.add up 特别注意有关的几个词组: addto 给添加, 把加到上 add to 增添,增加 add up 把加起来 add up to 合计达 *If you add 5 to 5, you get 10. *She added sugar to the tea. *If you add some pictures to your report, that will be better. *The bad weather added to our difficulties. *Every time I add these figures up, I get a different answer. *His monthly income added up to no more than $1,000.翻译:请对我的话做些补充。 Please add something to what Ive said.请帮我把这些数字加起来。 Please add up these figures for me.3.upset(upset,upset)vt.使难过、不安;adj.难过的,不安的 *Losing the game upset her. *His friends death upset him very much. *Ill be really upset if you dont come. *I was very upset to see she was hurt. *You look upset-whats happened?4.ignore vt.忽略,没注意;不理睬 *Even the most careful person may ignore it. *Its a question that can be easily ignored. *I greeted him, but he ignored me.5.calm adj.平静的,镇静的;风平浪静的 vt.使平静 *After the storm, the sea was calm again. *Keep calm in time of danger. *Dont be nervous; calm yourself, please. calm down平静下来 *I told him to calm down.6.concern vt.关系到,和有关;使关心 *This matter concerns all of us. *Im not concerned with this matter again. be concerned about关心;为担心 *Please dont be concerned about me.7.go through 经历,经受;审阅,检查 *Most families went through a lot during the war. *I cant go through these letters in an hour.8. “make her diary her best friend” “call my friend Kitty” make和call都能以名词作宾语补足语,即 make+sb./sth.+n. 使某人/某物成为 call+sb./sth.+n. 称某人/某物为 *We must try to make our country a strong one. *All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. *We called messenger msn in short. *What do you call it?9.everything to do with nature something/anything/everything/nothing to do with与有关/无关 *What he is doing has nothing to do with his work.10.far too much实在太多too much(+n.)太多(), 超过某人的能力 far/much too+adj./adv.实在太 too much homework The work is too much for a boy like him. Its (much/far) too hot today much/ far too much实在太多11.suffer vi.受苦,受痛苦,受损失vt.受到,遭受 *He suffered terribly when his mother died. *He looked pale, and seemed to have suffered a lot/a great deal. *We suffered a set-back/no pain. suffer from遭受,患(病) *I suffered much from lack of rest. suffer from cold/cancer12.recover vt.恢复 vi.痊愈 *She recovered her health. *Amy is recovering from a severe illness. *He is unlikely to recover.13.get tired of对开始感到厌烦(表动作) be tired of对感到厌烦(表状态)14.get along with和相处;进展 *They get along quite well with each other. *How are you getting along with your classmates? *How are you getting along with your English? *Im getting along well with my study.15.exactly adv.确切地;正是;说的对 *You must tell me exactly what youre doing? *Thats exactly what I want. *It looks exactly like an elephants leg. *Exactly!(=Thats right.)16.grateful adj.感激的 *Im very grateful to you for your advice. =Thank you very much for your advice.17.join A.参加,加入(成为其中的成员) *He joined the army/the Party 3 years ago. *He is too young to join the club. B.join sb.和某人一起(从事某活动) *Will you join us for dinner? *Ill join you later. *May I join you in the game? C.join in参加某活动(=take part in) *A lot of newcomers joined in the discussion. *May I join in the game?Useful expressionsanother time 别的时间go on holiday 去度假cheat in the exam 考试中作弊make a list of 列出be crazy about 对狂热/痴迷remember well 记得非常清楚draw the curtain 拉上窗帘have trouble with sth. 某事有困难have trouble in doing 做某事有困难(in) that way 如果那样take ones advice 接受某人的建议keep a diary 记日记UNIT 21.“Which country do you think has the most English learners.” “Why do you think people want to learn English?”注意此类句子的语序:特殊疑问词+插入语+陈述语序 *What do you think has happened to him?对比:What are you doing? What do you think you are doing? 除do you think外,do you suppose, do you believe, do you guess也可这样用*Where do you suppose they have gone?2.because和because of *We were late because it rained. We were late because of the rain. *He no longer works here because he is old. He no longer works here because of his old age. 用because of改写句子:*He didnt go to school because he was ill. *He didnt come because his leg was broken *We had to stay at home because the weather was bad.*I realized that she was upset _what I had said.3.actually实际上表示同类意思的还有: in fact,as a matter of fact, in reality4.be based on根据,以为基础 该词组来源于base sth. on sth.把建立在基础上 *Alice always bases her opinions on the facts. =Alices opinions are always based on the facts.be concerned about来源于concern oneself about be tired of来源于tired of5.the English language英语此时要用定冠词the对比: *He can speak English. He can speak the English language. *Chinese is difficult to learn. The Chinese language is difficult to learn. *Ive learned Japanese for five years. Ive learned the Japanese language for five years.6.vocabulary*English has a much larger vocabulary than French. *The child has a very large vocabulary for his age. *He has a vocabulary of about 5,000 English words. *Your vocabulary is too small; you should learn more words.7.the 1600s或the 1600s十七世纪读作the sixteen hundreds the 1980s/the 1980s二十世纪八十年代8.make use of利用 我们必须好好利用时间。 *We must make good use of our time. 这本字典应该充分利用。 *The dictionary should be made full use of. (Full use must be made of the dictionary.)9.the latter(两个中)后者 the former, the latter前者,后者 *John and James are brothers. The former is a teacher; the latter is an engineer. *Of the pig and the cow, the latter is more valuable.10.a number of和the number of对比: *A number of students in our college are from the south. *The number of the students who are from the south is small. a number of后跟可数名词复数,谓语动词用复数;the number of后跟可数名词复数,谓语动词用单数。11.hold on坚持;别挂断 *Hold on; everything will be all right. *Hold on a minute! *If you hold on for a moment, Ill get him for you.12.play a part/role in起作用;扮演角色 *She played an important part/role in winning the match.*What part/role did he play? *He played a leading part/role in the film.13.recognise vt.认出,承认,认识到 *Dogs recognize people by their smell. 当我那天去机场接他时,他一开始没认出我。 *When I met him at the airport the other day, he didnt recognize me at first. *The United States does not recognize the PLO.Useful expressionsofficial language 官方语言than ever before 比以往任何时候都更native English speaker 以英语为母语的人even if/though 即使,尽管over time 在一段时间里communicate with 和交流/交际time will tell 时间会说明一切English speaking country说英语的国家without a second thought不假思索leave for 离开去on the phone 在电话里believe it or not 信不信由你ask directions=ask the way问路UNIT 31.preferA.prefer sth. *Which do you prefer? I prefer the blue one.B.prefer sth.A to sth.B*I prefer the town to the big city.C.prefer to do/ doing*I prefer being alone.*I prefer to take a walk after supper.D.prefer doing A to doing B*I prefer walking there to going by bus.E.prefer to do A rather than do B*I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.F.prefer sb. to do *I prefer you to stay at home.2.ever since=since(自从) prep. conj. & adv. *I havent been back to my hometown (ever) since childhood.*I havent been back to my hometown (ever) since I left 30 years ago.*I left my hometown 30 years ago and havent been back there (ever) since.*He returned home in 2001 and has stayed there (ever) since. *He has stayed there (ever) since 2001.*The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945, and their power _ increased enormously ever since.A. is B. was C. has been D. had been(答案为C)3.persuade persuade sb. to do sth说服某人做某事 *Finally we persuaded him to come with us. *He persuaded me to buy the house and now Im glad he did.注意:如果说而不服则应该说: advise sb. to do或try to persuade sb. to do *I advised(tried to persuade) him to give up smoking but he wouldnt listen.4.graduate vi.毕业; n.毕业生;adj.研究生的 *He graduated from university last year. *He graduated in engineering last year. a college graduate大学毕业生 a graduate student研究生5.It was my sister who这是个强调句。强调句的句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that1)I met him in the park yesterday.分别对非强调句中划线部分强调*It was I that/who met him in the park yesterday.(强调人而且作主语时可用who)*It was him that I met in the park yesterday.*It was in the park that I met him yesterday.*It was yesterday that I met him in the park. 2)一般疑问句的强调句只需把 “It is/was+被强调部分+that”改为“Is/Was it+被强调部分+that”即可。3)特殊疑问句的强调句*He didnt come because he was ill. It was because he was ill that he didnt come.Why was it that he didnt come?*Who was it that met him in the park yesterday? *When was it that you met him in the park? *Where was it that you met him yesterday?*Whom/Who was it that you met in the park yesterday?*He stayed in London for three months.*How long was it that he stayed in London? 4)特别注意notuntil如何变为强调句*He didnt go to bed until we came back.It was not until we came back that he went to bed.5)强调句的特点: 1)必须要有it, be动词和that, 缺一不可。 2)被强调部分必须是代词,名词,时间副词和地点副词以及从句。 3)如同非强调句可改为强调句一样,强调句也应能够还原成非强调句。6.where it begins在它(河)开始的地方 where可作连词,引导地点状语从句,意为 “在/到的地方”.*This is where I was born. *The book is where you put it yesterday. *Take him where its quiet. *I will meet you where we first met. *Bamboo grows best where its warm and wet.7.be fond of *Which subject are you fond of? Im fond of geography. *Shes fond of speaking English.对比: *-Which subject do you like? -I like geography. *She likes speaking English.8.way of doing sth做某事的方式/方法 也可说way to do sth.9.insist vt.&vi.坚持要求,一定要A.insist on doing*He insisted on leaving right now. *I insist on knowing the truth. *I insist on you giving us reply. *I insisted upon her staying in London. *I insisted on being told the truth. *We insisted on him being sent to hospital at once.B.insist that从句中用should+原形或只用原形)*We insisted (that) he (should) be sent to hospital at once.*I insist he go at once.*He insisted the plan be carried out as soon as possible.如果表示 “坚持认为,坚持说”,则从句动词形式不受限制。10.determined adj.决心,坚定的 *Im determined not to follow his advice. *They are determined to win the game. *She is a determined woman, who always gets what she wants.11.an altitude of 5,000 metres类似的说法: *China has a population of 1.3 billion. *China has an area of 9.6 million square kilometers. *The Mekong has a length of more than 4,000 km. *He was driving at a speed of 80 km an hour.12.once conj.一旦 *Once you make a promise, you should keep it. *Once you show fear, he will attack you.13.make up ones mind *He made up his mind to learn English well. *They made up their minds to cycle along the Mekong. =They decided to cycle along the Mekong. =They were determined to cycle along the Mekong. 14.give in(to) vi.(向)让步,(向)屈服 *In the end I had to give in. *Dont give in to him. give up vt.放弃 *He gave up his job to look after his invalid mother. *I give up smoking ten years ago.15.through the valley, across through the door(window, wall, tunnel, forest, city, crowd, valley, street) across the river(square, street, desert, lake, bridge, surface, room, hall)16.bend vt.使弯曲 vi.弯腰, 拐弯 n.拐弯处 *He bent his head and hurried on. *What will happen if I bend the ruler? *He bent down and picked it up. *The river bends westward. *The river is full of bends.17.attitude to/toward(s)对的态度 *Whats WangWeis attitude to/towards the trip?18.changefor以换 *change the house for a larger one *Change your dirty clothes for clean onesUseful expressionsadvantage and disadvantage利和弊a form of transport 交通方式fill in 填写grow up 成长,长大know sb./sth. well 对很了解make (up) a dialogue编对话all day 整天like clockwork 顺利地;有规律地give up 放弃,停止field trip 校外考察旅行the weather forecast 天气预报the river bank 河岸medical training 医疗培训blocks of ice 大冰块Thats what we look like.我们看上去就这个样。(be) dressed in 穿着the setting sun 落日put up the tent 搭帐篷for company 陪伴,作伴cant wait to do sth 迫不及待要做某事UNIT 41.think little/badly of认为不好;对不在意 *I think little of that plan. *He thought badly of me before.think much/highly/well of对评价很高2.as if/as though似乎,好像 A.以“it looks/seems as if+句子”的形式出现*It looks as if its going to rain. *It seems as if well have to walk home. B.以“主语+look/seem/taste/smell/feel等系动词+as if”的形式出现*The milk tastes as if it has already gone bad. *He looked as if he were a stranger here.*She felt as if something bad would happen. C.以as if 从句作状语的形式出现 *I love you as if you were my own child. *I remember the whole thing as if it happened yesterday.2.one-third of the nation; two-thirds of them 全国三分之一的地方;他们中三分之二的人 英语中分数的构成,分子用基数词,分母用序数词;当分子超过1时,分母用复数。 one third/a third 三分之一 two thirds 三分之二 a fifth/one fifth 五分之一 three-fifths 五分之三 特殊分数的表示 one half/a half 二分之一 one fourth/a quarter 四分之一 three fourths/three quarters 四分之三 (参见教材P.83)3.however 然而,不过 可位于句首、句中或句末,但要加逗号。 *He said that it was so; he was wrong, however. *However, the medicine did not have much effect. *The medicine, however, did not have much effect.4.last vi.持续 *The hot weather lasted for a whole week. *But their friendship didnt last long.5.All hope was not lost.希望并没有全部失去。 all+not(无论not在句中什么位置)均表示部分否定。 *Not all the students are here. =All the students are not here. 并不是所有的学生都在这里。 *I didnt understand all that he said. every, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere, both+not都表示部分否定。 *Both of them are not from America. =Not both of them are from America. *I can understand what he said, but not every word. *You can not find it everywhere. 若要表示全部否定,则要用none, neither. *None of them are here.所有的人都不在。 *None of them is here.没有一个人在。 *Neither of them is from America.6.the dead死了的人 某些形容词和分词前面加the,可表示一类 the blind 盲人; the old老人 the sick 病人


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