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附件一:临沂市南坊新区一环三河景观规划 河岸城市节点设计说明祊河城市广场景观设计控制要求 (参见报告书3.12 页)Ben River Enlarged Plan -Urban Plaza(Refer to page 3.12 )1.种植 1.Planting 由于原始河岸较窄,为减少土方工程,景观设计采用架空、悬挑的方式,营造河岸的大型开放空间城市广场它向南浮出河岸,朝向宽阔的祊河, 向北以开阔的草坪、缓缓的草坡,与商业门户广场形成视线联系,同时也是水上巴士的终点站商业门户广场是内环景观带与河岸开放空间的过渡,设有小型商业、交通配套建筑,以铺装广场为设计主题;滨河大道北侧的城市绿化带,种植幼苗丛林形成一道绿墙,沿商业门户广场留出视线通道,形成由城市到河岸的空间联系;在树苗森林公园以树阵式种法,直径五公分以上长青树种, 每棵间距1.5米,最少七至十排层次。在广场地区以直径20公分以上开花乔木为树阵, 每棵间距3米,树的最低分支点二米以上, 以保持其空间通透。It is recommended to keep the pier plaza clear from trees or shrub in order to maintain both visual and physical connection to the plaza across from the road. In the Sapling Forest Park, use 7 to 10 rows of evergreen trees, with trunk size 5cm or above , spaced each trees at least 1.5 meter apart.In shopping Plaza area across from the pier, use rows of flowering deciduous trees. Each trees spaced 3 meters apart, with 2 meter clearing in order to maintain visual connection. 2.铺砖2.Paving 4.0米宽主要铺道,深色山东石材, 600 x 600, 5公分厚; 浅色山东石材收边,两边道牙高15公分, 完成面是火烧面。1.5米次要铺道, 深色山东石材300 x 600, 5公分厚; 浅色山东石材收边,不设道牙完成面是火烧面。所有广场铺地用暗红色系石材, 5公分厚,以浅色石材做线条对比效果,完成面是火烧面。All paving are flamed finish. 4 meter wide path: recommended to use dark-color local granite 600 x 600mm, 5 cm thick ; Use light-color local granite for accents, 15 cm tall curbs are used on either side of the path. 1.5 meter wide path: recommended to use dark local granite 300x600, 5 cm thick; light color local granite used for accents, no curb for the path. Recommended to use dark red toned granite, 5 cm thick for all plaza paving. Use light color granite for accents and to create linear contrasting affect. All finish to be flamed finish.3.景观小品3. Landscape element 座椅简约,摩登款式,面向河景,每组间隔二十米, 每组两到三张座椅,每张座椅间两米。垃圾箱在座椅之间,是组团的一部份。Recommended to use 1.1 meter high bollard light, spaced 10 meter apart along the 4 meter path. Only to placed the bollard lights behind the bench, not to obstruct the river view. Recommend all trash bins are located between the benches and it is part of the group as mentioned above. 4.灯俱4. Light Fixture 四米宽道路用1.1米高的柱灯,间距十米,只排放河的背面,座椅的后面;射树灯距离道牙一米以上,间距二十米;广场地区布置1.1米高的柱灯,间隔2米之灯阵。只用白光系列;Recommended to use 1.1 meter high bollard light, spaced 10 meter apart along the 4 meter path. Only to placed the bollard lights behind the bench, not to obstruct the river view. Encouraged to use tree up-light 1 meter away from the path and approximately spaced 20 meter apart. It is recommended to use rows of 1.1 meter high bollard lights, spaced 2 meter apart in some plaza areas for special affect. 5.地形处理5. Earth Work 广场地区将创造丘陵造型山坡。In the Plaza area, it is recommended to create hill with an island affect that resembles the existing islands around the rivers. 祊河河滨公园景观设计控制要求 (参见报告书3.13 页)Ben River Enlarged Plan - River Front Park (Refer to page 3.13)1.种植1.Planting 十到十五棵自然组团式种植法,最少五公分直径以上,三种以上不同类落叶乔木,每组团间隔五米, 每棵间距1.5米。靠近街道地区,以长青树种为背景。绿化带: 以树阵式种法,直径五公分以上树种, 每棵间距1.5米。在河岸滩涂地的种植区以耐涝树种为主, 五公分直径以上,如丝棉木,水杉。Naturalistic cluster of 10-15 trees with trunk size min.5 cm in diameter. Three different species of deciduous are used for each cluster. Each cluster is placed 5 meters apart, each trees are spaced max. 1.5 meter apart. Area close to the road, it is recommended to use evergreen tree as backdrop, min. 2 to three rows.Green Buffer: Rows of trees, trunk size min. 5cm in diameter, spaced 1.5 meter apart. In flood zone area, use flood resistance species with trunk size min. 5cm in diameter. Flood resistance species such as cotton woods are recommended. 2.铺砖2. Paving 四米宽主要铺道:深色山东石材, 600 x 600, 5公分厚; 浅色山东石材收边,两边道牙高15公分, 完成面是火烧面。1.5米次要铺道: 深色山东石材300 x 600, 5公分厚; 浅色山东石材收边,不设道牙完成面是火烧面。所有广场铺地用暗红色系石材, 5公分厚,以浅色石材做线条对比效果,完成面是火烧面。All paving are flamed finish. 4 meter wide path: recommended to use dark-color local granite 600 x 600mm, 5 cm thick ; Use light-color local granite for accents, 15 cm tall curbs are used on either side of the path. 1.5 meter wide path: recommended to use dark local granite 300x600, 5 cm thick; light color local granite used for accents, no curb for the path. Plaza:Recommended to use dark red toned granite, 5 cm thick for all plaza paving. Use light color granite for accents and to create linear contrasting affect. All finish to be flamed finish.3.景观小品3. Landscape element 座椅简约,摩登款式,面向河景,只有在四米宽的道路上排放,每组间隔二十米, 每组两到三张座椅,每张座椅间两米。垃圾箱在座椅之间,是组团的一部份。Recommended to use 1.1 meter high bollard light, spaced 10 meter apart along the 4 meter path. Only to placed the bollard lights behind the bench, not to obstruct the river view. Recommend all trash bins are located between the benches and it is part of the group as mentioned above. 4. 灯俱4. Light Fixture 四米宽道路用1.1米高的柱灯,间距十米,只排放河的背面,座椅的后面;射树灯距离道牙一米以上,间距二十米。只用白光系列;Recommended to use 1.1 meter high bollard light, spaced 10 meter apart along the 4 meter path. Only to placed the bollard lights behind the bench, not to obstruct the river view. Encouraged to use tree up-light 1 meter away from the path and approximately spaced 20 meter apart. 5.地形处理5. Earth Work 增加适当高度,创造高低起伏丘陵造型。Retain existing slope and grade; adjust when appropriate to create the desire rolling hill affect. 祊河水湾公园景观设计控制要求 (参见报告书3.14 页)Ben River Enlarged Plan - River Bay Park (Refer to page 3.14)1.种植1.Planting 五到七棵自然组团式种植法,最少十公分直径以上落叶乔木,每组团间隔十到十五米, 每棵间距三米。所有落叶乔木在阳面, 长青树在阴面。 靠近街道地区,以长青树种为背景,最少两至三排树层次; 落叶乔木与长青树的种植比例为4:6。建议所有落叶乔木用秋叶变红的枫树类,以创造特殊的景观效果。Naturalistic cluster of 5-7 trees with trunk size min.10 cm in diameter are used in this area for both deciduous and evergreen trees. Each cluster is placed 10 -15 meters apart, each trees are spaced min. 3 meter apart. All deciduous trees are planted on southern slope, whereas evergreens are planted on the northern edge. Area close to the road, it is recommended to use evergreen tree as backdrop, min. 2 to three rows. Ratios between deciduous and evergreen trees are 4:6. Highly recommended to use various maple species as the only deciduous trees to create special affect for the autumn. 2.铺砖2. Paving 四米宽主要铺道,深色山东石材, 600 x 600, 5公分厚; 浅色山东石材收边,两边道牙高15公分; 完成面是火烧面。1.5米次要铺道, 深色山东石材300 x 600, 5公分厚; 浅色山东石材收边,不设道牙; 完成面是火烧面。所有广场铺地用暗红色系石材, 5公分厚,以浅色石材做线条对比效果; 完成面是火烧面。All paving are flamed finish. 4 meter wide path: recommended to use dark-color local granite 600 x 600mm, 5 cm thick; Use light-color local granite for accents, 15 cm tall curbs are used on either side of the path. 1.5 meter wide path: recommended to use dark local granite 300x600, 5 cm thick; light color local granite used for accents, no curb for the path. Plaza: Recommended to use dark red toned granite, 5 cm thick for all plaza paving. Use light color granite for accents and to create linear contrasting affect. All finish to be flamed finish.3.景观小品3. Landscape element 座椅简约,摩登样式,面向河景,只有在四米宽的道路上排放,每组间隔二十米, 每组两到三张座椅,每张座椅间两米。垃圾箱在座椅之间,是组团的一部份。广场上的座椅面向河景。地标以石材为主,最高不过六米,宽两米,由当地艺术家创作。All benches are simple and modern. Recommended that all benchs front to face the river view and located only along the 4 meter path. Each group of bench are spaced 20 meter apart where each group consist 2 to 3 benches. All benches are positioned 2 meter from each other. Recommend all trash bins are located between the benches and it is part of the group as mentioned above. Use durable materials including stone or granite for the feature Landmark sculpture. Recommended the sculpture not to exceed 6 meter in height, 4 meter wide, to be made by local artist. All benches are to face the river view. 4.灯俱4. Light Fixture 四米宽道路用1.1米高的柱灯,间距十米,只排放河的背面,座椅的后面;射树灯距离道牙一米以上,间距二十米。只用白光系列;Recommended to use 1.1 meter high bollard light, spaced 10 meter apart along the 4 meter path. Only to placed the bollard lights behind the bench, not to obstruct the river view.Encouraged to use tree up-light 1 meter away from the path and approximately spaced 20 meter apart. 5.地形处理5. Earth Work 保持原山坡地形的基础上,增加适当高度,创造高低起伏丘陵造型。Retain existing slope and grade; adjust when appropriate to create the desire rolling hill affect.祊河内湖公园景观设计控制要求 (参见报告书3.15 页)Ben River Enlarged Plan - The Lake Park (Refer to page 3.15)1.种植1.Planting 半岛山丘公园: 建议当以地草种为主,创造开扩空间。此区不种任何乔,灌木。Rolling Hill Park: Recommended to use native grass only, without any shrubs or trees, in order to create an open environment. 三角绿地公园: 三到五棵自然组团式种植法,最少十公分直径以上落叶乔木,每组团间隔十米, 每棵间距五米。靠近街道地区,以长青树种为背景,最少两至三排树层次,此区以大乔木及大草坪为主,树的最低分支点二米以上, 以保持其空间通透。Triangle Park: 3-5 naturalistic clusters of deciduous trees, min. 10 cm in diameter. Each cluster spaced 10 meter apart from each other, each tree spaced approximately 5 meter apart. Area close to the road, recommended using evergreen tree as backdrop, min. 2 to three rows. This area consists of large deciduous trees with min. 2 meter clearing and large open lawn. This will result a large park that is visually open and spacious. 绿化带: 以树阵式种法,直径五公分以上树种, 每棵间距1.5米。Green buffer: Recommended to use rows of trees with min. 5 cm diameter. Each tree will be spaced 1.5 meter apart. 2.铺砖2. Paving 四米宽主要铺道,深色山东石材, 600 x 600, 5公分厚; 浅色山东石材收边,两边道牙高15公分, 完成面是火烧面。1.5米次要铺道, 深色山东石材300 x 600, 5公分厚; 浅色山东石材收边,不设道牙完成面是火烧面。所有广场铺地用暗红色系石材, 5公分厚,以浅色石材做线条对比效果,完成面是火烧面。半岛山丘公园只有汀步道,深色山东石材宽500 x 长1500-2000之间, 5公分厚,间距约一跨步。All paving are flamed finish. 4 meter wide path: recommended to use dark-color local granite 600 x 600mm, 5 cm thick; Use light-color local granite for accents, 15 cm tall curbs are used on either side of the path. 1.5 meter wide path: recommended to use dark local granite 300x600, 5 cm thick; light color local granite used for accents, no curb for the path. Plaza: Recommended to use dark red toned granite, 5 cm thick for all plaza paving. Use light color granite for accents and to create linear contrasting affect. All finish to be flamed finish. Rolling Hill Park: Recommended to use stepping stone or granite 500mm wide x 1500-2000mm long, 5 cm thick. Each stepping stone is approximately one step apart. 3.景观小品3. Landscape element 座椅简约,摩登样式,面向河景,只有在四米宽的道路上排放,每组间隔二十米, 每组两到三张座椅,每张座椅间隔两米。垃圾箱在座椅之间,是组团的一部份。All benches are simple and modern. Recommended that all benchs front to face the river view and located only along the 4 meter path. Each group of bench are spaced 20 meter apart where each group consist 2 to 3 benches. All benches are positioned 2 meter from each other. Recommend all trash bins are located between the benches and it is part of the group as mentioned above. 4.灯俱4. Light Fixture 四米宽道路用1.1米高的柱灯,间距十米,只排放河的背面,座椅的后面;上射树灯建议布置在距树干1.0m 的位置,平均间距控制在20m 左右;只用白光系列;三角公园:建议在走道使用高3米的高柱灯, 间距十米, 形式摩登简约。Recommended to use 1.1 meter high bollard light, spaced 10 meter apart along the 4 meter path. Only to placed the bollard lights behind the bench, not to obstruct the river view. Recommended to use white incandescent light only. Encouraged to use tree up-light 1 meter away from the path and approximately spaced 20 meter apart. Triangle Park: recommended to use 3 meter pole lights nestled within the deciduous forest as well as along the path. 5. 地形处理5. Earth Work 保持原山坡地形的基础上,增加适当高度,创造高低起伏丘陵造型。Retain existing slope and grade; adjust when appropriate to create the desire rolling hill affect.沂河第一沙滩浴场景观设计控制要求 (参见报告书3.21 页)Yi River Enlarged Plan - No.1 Sand Beach (Refer to page 3.21 )1.种植1. Planting 自然保育森林区 - 建议以大规模幼苗自然组团式种植,阳面用落叶乔木, 阴面采用长青树, 每棵最少五公分直径以上. 每棵间距三米。主要是幼苗存活率较高, 让时间及大自然式的淘太, 因而创造出自然森林区. 靠近沙滩地区建议使用耐风,耐涝, 适合沙地种植之品种例如Red Maple 红枫, 最少两排种植其余地区建议使用五到十棵自然组团式种植法,最少十公分直径以上落叶乔木,每组团间隔十五米, 每棵间距五米。靠近街道地区,以长青树种为背景,最少两至三排树层次,此区以大乔木及大草坪为主,树的最低分支点二米以上, 以保持其空间通透。Naturalistic preserved forest suggest to use large amount of sapling, arranged in clusters. Deciduous saplings are planted on the south for max. sun light exposure, whereas evergreens are planted on the north. All saplings are at least 5 cm in diameter, spaced 3 meter apart. Saplings have higher survival rate, by natural selection process, in time, it will form a natural habitat as well as a real forest. Area close to the sandy beach, it is highly recommended to use flood resistance, wind resistance species such as red maple. Use two rows of trees minimum. Other areas, suggest to use 5 to 10 trees, in a cluster arrangement, with trunk size min. 10 cm in diameter. Each cluster spaced 15 meter apart, each trees are spaced 5 meters apart. Use evergreen trees as back drop in areas that is closed to the road. Min. 2 to three rows. These zones consist of mostly large deciduous trees and great open lawn. All trees to have 2 meter clearing to maintain visual connection.2.地形处理2. Earth Work 保持原山坡地形的基础上,增加适当高度,创造高低起伏丘陵造型。Maintain existing hills and slope as necessary. Minor adjustment to the existing slope is recommended to achieve better rolling hill affect. 3.沙滩3. Beach 二层式沙滩. 以石墙创造高差不同沙滩区域. 高差不超过500 mm. 低区沙滩适用于水位低时, 高区沙滩适用于水位高涨时.Two zones for the beach area, higher beach are 500mm above the lower level. Lower beach is used during the low tie, whereas higher level is used during the high tie period. Appropriate adjustment of the level is required pending on the water level. 沂河第二沙滩浴场景观设计控制要求 (参见报告书3.22 页)Yi River Enlarged Plan - No.2 Sand Beach (Refer to page 3.22)1.种植1. Planting 自然保育森林区 - 建议以大规模幼苗自然组团式种植,阳面用落叶乔木, 阴面采用长青树, 每棵最少五公分直径以上. 每棵间距三米。主要是幼苗存活率较高, 让时间及大自然式的淘太, 因而创造出自然森林区. 靠近沙滩地区建议使用耐风,之品种例如Red Maple 红枫, 最少两排种植;其余无原生树林地区建议使用五到十棵自然组团式种植法,最少十公分直径以上落叶乔木,每组团间隔十五米, 每棵间距五米。在原生树林内, 增加多元化树种应而加强多元化生态环境,增加当地水生植物及草本类植物为鸟栖类创造更加生态环境靠近城市道路地区,以长青树种为背景,最少两至三排树层次,此区以大乔木及大草坪为主,树的最低分支点二米以上, 以保持其空间通透.Naturalistic preserved forest suggest to use large amount of sapling, arranged in clusters. Deciduous saplings are planted on the south for max. sun light exposure, whereas evergreens are planted on the north. All saplings are at least 5 cm in diameter, spaced 3 meter apart. Saplings have higher survival rate, by natural selection process, in time, it will form a natural habitat as well as a real forest. Area close to the sandy beach, it is highly recommended to use flood resistance, wind resistance species such as red maple. Use two rows of trees minimum. Other areas, suggest to use 5 to 10 trees, in a cluster arrangement, with trunk size min. 10 cm in diameter. Each cluster spaced 15 meter apart, each trees are spaced 5 meters apart. Use evergreen trees as back drop in areas that is closed to the road. Min. 2 to three rows. These zones consist of mostly large deciduous trees and great open lawn. All trees to have 2 meter clearing to maintain visual connection. 2.铺砖2. Paving 100-300 直径公厘左右大小铺砖,使用以当地山东石材为主,凿面为主,使用淡色系列石材或透水砖与自然协调;Use local granite, rough finish.100 -300 diameter paving Light color local granite or concrete pavers to blend in with natural surroundings. 3.地形处理3. Earth Work 保持原山坡地形的基础上,增加适当高度,创造高低起伏丘陵造型。Maintain existing hills and slope as necessary. Minor adjustment to the existing slope is recommended to achieve better rolling hill affect. 4.沙滩4. Be


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