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unit 4 films and film events牛津版选修8一 、单项填空(本大题共5小题,共10分)-have you got your test result?-not yet. the papers _. a. are still being corrected b. are not correcting c. have already been corrected d. have not corrected (2014江西红色六校二次联考)_little such material left,they decided to hold a meeting to discuss what_.athere was;was donebbeing;to be donechaving;to dodwith;was done (2014沧州模拟)i regret_you john has been fired.i can hardly believe my ears.hes such a fine worker.atellingbhaving toldcto telldto have toldpeter , where did you guys go for the summer vacation?we_ busy with our work for months, so we went to the beach to relax ourselves. a. were b. have been c. had been d. will be ( 2014届苏锡常镇二模,29)israel was created as a homeland for homeless jews after world war . however, the creation of israel in _ used to be palestine left many palestinians homeless.awhat bwhichcwhere dthat二 、完形填空(本大题共1小题,共30分)i have been told in china,having a pet,particularly a dog,is often considered to be a status symbol because it shows the family can _1_ to have an animal.it is different here.in canada it is _2_ for people to have pets.many people have dogs.many others have cats and there are people who keep fish,birds or rabbits.some keep what we call exotic pets.these might be ferrets,snakes or almost any other animal you can think of,although keeping _3_ pets is often difficult and because it can also be hard on the animal.the keeping of some exotic animals is not allowed by law.now,my wife and i live in a small town.we no longer have a _4_we live in an apartment.we have a cat named callie and she never goes out _5_ onto the balcony so cars are no longer an issue.shes about sixteen years old and will probably live to be twenty or more.the _6_ will come when she dies and we no longer have a pet.we have had a pet for so long it seems like a natural part of our lives and without a cat around the house it will seem somehow _7_.on the other hand,we are getting older and given that a cat can live about twenty years we wonder if we will ever have another after callie goes.cats are cutest,of course,when they are small kittens but a kitten is _8_ for a longer time than we may have left.i think having a pet is very good for a number of reasons.it helps to teach children how to look after a _9_ creature,makes them realize that animals have feelings just like we do and that,in many ways,we depend on each other.for older people like me an animal is a _10_ and a comfort to have around,a pet,properly treated,returns the favor by _11_unconditional love.wouldnt this world be a _12_ place if people could learn how to do that.1a.buy baffordcsupply dprovide2a.common bunusualcparticular dpublic 3a.aboard bdomesticcexcited dexotic4a.dormitory bhomecfamily dhouse5a.except bbesidescexcept for dbeside6a.demand bdilemmacdecision dmatter7a.puzzled bconfusedcempty dalone8a.commitment bcommitteecfriend dfollower9a.lively baliveclive dliving 10a.company bcompetitorccompanion dcoworker11a.giving out bgiving incgiving back dgiving off12a.bad bgreatcmessy dpoor三 、阅读理解(本大题共2小题,共20分)amumbai, india the children in their party clothes on the stage were very excited when they received the award. and the two of them said, its unbelievable!nine-year-old rubina ali, and azharuddin ismail, 10, were living a very different life and apparently loving every minute of it. the two, some of the child stars of the oscar-winning slumdog millionaire (贫民窟的百万富翁)movie, know the indian slums very well. that was where they grew up, and it is where they will return at the end of their hollywood dream trip.but before going back home, there was an interview with the host, ryan seacrest. during the interview they smiled and repeated their disbelief at what was happening to them. to their surprise, their movie won the first place in the oscars. when the two received the award, it was late morning in the childrens home city of mumbai, where their family, friends and many fellow residents of the slums watched the results from hollywood. i dont really know what the oscars are, rubinas mother said. im just glad my daughter looks happy, though she told me she missed indian food.our children lead a dogs life, rubinas mother said, pointing at the rubbish everywhere, the open drains (下水道) and the lack of education opportunities.in a few days they will be back in mumbai and back in the slums. fortunately, according to media reports, the movies director, danny boyle, has promised to help the children he chose from the slums go to a proper school. the two dont need to worry about their daily lives because of the oscar success of slumdog millionaire. but the poverty and lack of education opportunities the central theme of the movie is always all around.1. which of the following is true about the two children? a. they played a major role in getting india children to receive education. b. they were both excited about receiving the award. c. they were interviewed after they went back home.d. they were the only two child winners of the movie.2. when the children attended the oscar ceremony in hollywood, their family and friends were _. a. watching tv in mumbai b. doing what they did as usualc. seeing the movie slumdog millionaire d. having a family party3. what will happen to the two children after they return to india?a. they will stay at home as before. b. they will still worry about their daily lives.c. they will leave school to learn acting. d. they will have a better education.4、 the movie is successful mainly because_.a. it attracts the public attention to an existing social problem b. it has made the two children famousc. the two children will go to a better schoold. the two children stars in the movie are from india slumsbwhen times get tough, we all look for ways to cut back. when were hungry, we eat at home instead of going out. we take buses instead of taxis. and we wear our old designer jeans just a few months longer. with college expenses at all-time highs, high school students are eager to do anything to cut the cost of a university education.one cost-cutting proposal is to allow college students to get a bachelors degree in three years instead of four. educational institutions have been actively exploring ways to make the learning process more efficient. but theres a question: would the quality of undergraduate education suffer? few us universities have formally approved a “three-year degree” model.i doubt that mainstream north american colleges will carry out a three-year curriculum (课程) any time soon. for one thing, most universities already allow highly qualified students to graduate early by testing out of certain classes and obtaining a number of college credits. in addition, at famous universities, the committee who determine which courses are required and which courses are electives are unlikely to suddenly “throw out” one quarter of the required credits. professors will resist “diluting (稀释)” the quality of the education they offer.in my opinion, a quality four-year education is always superior to a quality three-year education. a college education requires sufficient time for a student to become skilled in their major and do coursework in fields outside their major. it is not a good idea to water down education, any more than its not a good idea to water down medicine. if we want to help students find their way through university, we should help them understand early on what knowledge and skills they need to have upon graduation. we should allow students to test out of as many courses as possible. we should give them a chance to earn money as interns (实习生) in meaningful part-time jobs that relate to their university studies, such as the five-year co-op program at northeastern university. 51. which of the following can be the best title?a. its time to shorten the learning processb. best learning takes place over timec. university education should be watered downd. college education calls for reform52. we can learn from the passage that _.a. most american universities are against the “three-year degree” modelb. many famous us universities are considering adopting the “three-year degree” modelc. professors are willing to accept the “three-year degree” modeld. the “three-year degree” model can make college learning more efficient53. in most us universities,_.a. college students are offered the co-op programb. electives credits make up one quarter of the required creditsc. all students are required to finish four-year education before graduationd. some excellent students can graduate ahead of time54. we can infer that_.a. the author is a college professorb. the author thinks the cost of a university education is too high for people to affordc. the author considers the university education quality very importantd. the author pays special attention to the all-round development of collegestudents55. the first paragraph serves as a(n)_a. explanation b. definition c. introduction d. comment四 、信息匹配(本大题共1小题,共10分)阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。请根据以下网页信息,匹配其相应的链接内容。选项中有一项是多余选项。1. like most parents, youre concerned about what your kids are doing on the internet. norton online family helps you manage where they go, how long they are on line, who they talk to, and what information theyre sharing with others. best of all, it helps you open up a positive dialogue with your children about good online habits.2. some people just seem to spend more time mending their broken hearts. there may be something you can encourage them to do to speed the process, such as sharing their feelings with close friends or family members and taking good care of themselves physically. getting plenty of rest, eating healthily, exercising, and staying involved in a variety of activities can help combat sadness and boost self-esteem.3. there is no vaccine or cure for the flu. if you have it, youll want to rest until you feel better. if youre throwing up, dont eat solid food. instead, sip fluids, such as water, or chew on bits of ice. your mom or dad also might give you an oral rehydration solution.4. kidshealth is pleased to offer express email, a weekly email that provides information for parents, kids and teens. to subscribe to kidshealth express email, fill out the following form and let us know your areas of interest. this will give us the information we need so that we can provide you with personalized messages.5. this virus spreads in the same way as other flu viruses through the air when a person who has the virus sneezes, coughs, or speaks. people can also catch the virus after touching an object that someone with the virus sneezes or coughs on. you cant get the flu from eating pork or pork products. eating properly cooked pork is safe.abfor more great medically reviewed info, sign up for the free kidshealth weekly newsletter. click to sign upkidshealth daily q &ahow can i help my child deal with a breakup?im worried about my daughter, who has been depressed ever since her. read morecdswine fluearly symptomswhat you need to knowmyths about pigshot topicsyour tips for survivalsummer breakdying diseasesdove and romancepoison ivyefprotect your kids onlineget a free online safety service for your family.get started.online family. nortonearly infectiontreatment for stomach flufighting guide五 、书面表达(本大题共1小题,共30分)假如你是郭凯,自从你结识了美国笔友edward,在他的帮助下,你的英语学习有了明显的进步。你打算给他写封电子邮件,告诉他相关情况。过去现在1.口语差,不敢说2很少读英文书刊3兴趣小,成绩差1.口语流利,大胆交流2大量阅读英文书刊3进步快注意:词数100左右。一 、单项填空【译文】 你知道你的考试结果了吗?没有。试卷正在评改。【答案及简析】 a。 根据题意应选用被动语态的选项, b解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为:那种材料所剩不多,他们决定开会讨论做什么。分析句意和句子结构可知,第一空用现在分词having作原因状语或用with复合结构,但第二空处暗含将来意味,表示“能用这不多的材料做什么”,故用“疑问词to do”作宾语,故答案为c。答案:c解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为:我遗憾地告诉你约翰已经被解雇了。我几乎不能相信我的耳朵。他是一个如此好的工人。regret to tell意为“遗憾地告诉”,符合语境。答案:c答案c.考点考查时态题.解析我们去海边发生在过去. 而我们忙于工作在此之前. 因此用过去完成时.答案:a考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,句子主干为:the creation of israel left many palestinians homeless, in _ used to be palestine为地点状语,_ used to be palestine为名词性从句。因为从句中缺少主语,所以应用连接代词what引导。故答案选a。二 、完形填空1b根据前文可知,能够“养得起”宠物为认为是地位的象征,所以答案为b项afford“买得起,负担得起”。2a根据后文“many people have dogs.”可知,在加拿大拥有宠物的现象很普遍。a项“普通的,一般的,共同的”;b项“非同一般的,不寻常的”;c项“特别的,特定的,挑剔的”;d项“公开的,公众的”。3d根据上下文可知这里在讨论exotic pets“外来物种宠物”,所以d项正确。a项“在船(飞机或车)上”;b项“家庭的,驯养的”;c项“兴奋的,激动的”;d项“由外国引进的,非本地的”。4dhouse通常指平房或带有院落的房子,而后面的apartment则通常指公寓楼。根据后文可知,作者夫妇住在楼房中而不是平房里。5a根据后文“so cars are no longer an issue.”可知,因为住在楼房中,所以callie除了阳台外无处可去,更不用担心汽车会轧到它。a项“除之外”;b项“除之外还”;c项“除了之外(强调局部或部分,含有美中不足之意)”;d项“在边上,紧挨着”。6b根据后文可知,callie和作者夫妇生活了很多年,一旦失去它作者夫妇会不知如何是好。a项“要求,需要”;b项“(左右为难)的困境”;c项“决定”;d项“物质,事物,事情,问题,重要性”。7c家里没有callie就会显得空荡荡的。a项“迷惑不解的”;b项“糊涂的”;c项“空的,空闲的,空虚的,寂寥的”;d项“单独的,独自的”。8a9d考查固定短语:living creature“生物”。lively“充满活力的,活泼的,逼真的”;alive“活着的,健在的,存在的”;live“活着的,有生命的,现场直播的”;living“活着的,使用中的”。10c宠物可以成为人们特别是老年人的陪伴者。a项“公司,陪伴,伴随”;b项“竞争者”;c项“同伴,伙伴”;d项“同事,帮手”。11c宠物会用它们无条件的爱来回报人类。a项“分发,耗尽”;b项“屈服,妥协,让步,上交”;c项“归还,恢复”;d项“发出,散发”。12b如果人们能够学会和宠物(动物)和谐相处,那么这个世界将变成一个真正的好地方。bad“差的,严重的,不合格的”;great“伟大的,了不起的,非常的,杰出的,令人满意的,极好的,真正的”;messy“肮脏的,乱的”;poor“贫穷的,可怜的,低劣的”。 三 、阅读理解(参考答案 bada)【文章大意】本文叙述了大学教育是否要削减时间,由四年制改为三年制。虽然许多美国大学没有正式的赞同三年制的教育模式,但是在美国大多数大学,有些优秀大学生可以提前毕业。作者认为四年制的大学教育质量比三年制的更优越,学生可以利用充足的时间在所主修的专业和领域变得越来越熟练。51【答案】b【 解析】标题归纳题。根据a college education requires sufficient time for a student to become skilled in their major and do


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