幼儿园小班英语教案《Traffic lights》.doc_第1页
幼儿园小班英语教案《Traffic lights》.doc_第2页
幼儿园小班英语教案《Traffic lights》.doc_第3页




教学资料参考范本幼儿园小班英语教案Traffic lights 撰写人:_ 部 门:_ 时 间:_小班英语教案Traffic lights适用于小班的英语主题教学活动当中,让幼儿能听懂短语_ ,_,What do you say? I say 并且会大胆地说,幼儿能大胆地说“red light 、green light 、yellow light 、go、wait、stop”并且能理解其含义,在游戏中培养幼儿的英语兴趣,快来看看幼儿园小班英语Traffic lights教案吧。活动目标:1、幼儿能大胆地说“red light 、green light 、yellow light 、go、wait、stop”并且能理解其含义。2、幼儿能听懂短语_ ,_,What do you say? I say 并且会大胆地说。3、在游戏中培养幼儿的英语兴趣。4、学习单词,正确认读和区分发音。5、复习已经学过的单词,并且用游戏的形式进行巩固练习。活动准备:红、绿、黄小圆每人一个,红、绿、黄交通灯每人一个。活动过程:1、老师向幼儿问好,进行热身运动。Good morning boys and grils.Follow me!Ride my horse. Drive my car Take a walk Take my seat 2、复习“red、green、yellow”。(1)游戏:找朋友教师请幼儿举起手上的红色,然后和老师手上的红色交朋友。T:What color is it?C:RedT:Please put up your red circle. I will look for my friends.幼儿和老师击掌,幼儿认读。T:I fave found my friends. Bye Bye.(2)同样复习黄色、绿色3、复习“red light、green light 、yellow light”,理解“go、wait、stop”。教师扮演交通警察,出示交通灯。问幼儿什么灯亮了?T:I am a traffic policewoman.This is a traffic light.Now Please tell me what light is on?C:Red light.T: put the red light on the circle. T:The red light is on. we must stop同样复习“green light 、yellow light”游戏:Drive my car,在游戏中理解“go、wait、stop”4、学说对话:_ ,_,What do you say? I say配班老师扮演交通灯。(1)T:The red light is saying something,Let me ask it red light ,red light,What do you say? 配班老师:I say stop stop stopT:Lets ask it together. red light ,red light,What do you say? 幼儿跟学。(2)同样学习yellow light ,yellow light,What do you say? I say wait wait wait green light ,green light,What do you say? I say go go go5、互动中练习_ ,_,What do you say? I say 。(1)由幼儿扮演交通灯。幼儿之间互相对话red light ,red light,What do you say? I say stop stop stop(2)同样学习yellow light ,yellow light,What do you say? I say wait wait wait green light ,green light,What do you say? I say go go go6、游戏:


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