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高三英语书面表达考前辅导2011湖南卷 假设你参加所在年级的英文写作比赛,请按如下要求完成一篇短文: 1简要描述下图内容,并点明主题; 2联系实际,表达该图带给你的启示。注意:1.词数不少于120个; 2不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。One possible version: As can be seen from the picture,when drops of water accumulate,they can form the sea;trees added together can make the forest,and the human society is formed by every individual or family. The picture conveys an important message to us.That is,as human society is made up of every individual,it is our responsibility to make as much effort as possible to make our society a good place to live in.As a matter of fact,every individual has his uniqueness and every individual has something in common with others as well.Learning from each other,we can bring richness to our quality and we can live a harmonious life.That is what all the people expect,I am sure.(2011福建卷)为纪念汶川大地震三周年,某英文报发起关于灾区新貌的征文活动。请根据以下图片提示,以“Great Changes”为题,用英语写一篇短文应征。内容要点如下: 1. 某中学灾后三年来的变化,如教学与活动场所,以及师生精神面貌等; 2. 发生变化的原因; 3. 你的感想。注意:1. 短文标题与开头已给出,不计入总词数;2. 可根据图片提示适当发挥;3. 词数:120左右。Great Changes I am deeply impressed by the great changes that have taken place in the school over the past three years.I am deeply impressed by the great changes that have taken place in the school over the past three years. On May 12, 2008, a severe earthquake destroyed almost everything in the school, leaving badlydamaged buildings. It is now, however, taking on a new look. Tall buildings have been put up, including classroom and laboratory buildings, and a library. There is also a newlybuilt standard playground. In the new environment, teachers and students are living happily and working hard. It is really amazing that the onceruined place has now been turned into a beautiful school, full of life. Obviously, without the help of the whole society, there would be no new school today. It is love and concern that have brought about the great changes. Many hands make light work. We can work wonders if we unite as a family, caring for each other and helping those in need. Union is strength.(2011江苏卷)下面这幅照片展现了女儿为回家的妈妈拿包的情景。请根据你对这幅照片的理解用英语写一篇短文。 你的短文应包含以下内容: 1描述照片内容,如情景、人物、动作,等等; 2结合自身实际,谈谈你的感想; 3举例说明你能为家长减负做些什么。注意:1. 可参照图中文字及下面文章开头所给提示,作必要的发挥想象。2. 词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children. _The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children. The picture shows us a touching moment when a little girl comes to greet her working mom. Realizing her mom must be very tired after a days work, the girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder. In response, the mom kneels down to show how happy and thankful she feels. All this reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she could to let me have the best. But, totally engaged in my own study, I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels, and always think studying well is the only thing I could do in return. Now I know I can do my bit to help with the everyday washing, bedroom cleaning, or at least prepare breakfast myself, so as to share mothers daily burden. The picture convinces me it is even more important to be a good daughter than a “good” student.模版一:1开头From this picture, we can see/As is shown in the picture/As is seen in the picture2衔接句As we all know, /As is known to all,/It is well known that/In my opinion,/As far as I am concerned,/This sight reminds me of something in my daily life.3结尾句In conclusion/In brief/On the whole/In short/In a word/Generally speaking/As has been stated模版二:As can be seen in the picture, 图画内容. /The picture tells us概括图片大意The implied meaning of this picture should be taken into consideration seriously. To begin with, 揭示含义1/原因1/结果1. Second, 揭示含义2/原因2/结果2.In my opinion/ As for me, we should take some measures to deal with the problem. First we should具体措施Second, we must具体措施Only in this way can we solve the problem of 图画内容图表类下面是某高中学校对150名高三学生睡眠时间不足及原因所作的调查,结果如下。请根据图1提供的信息描述高三学生的睡眠情况,并针对图2中任何一个数据所反映的情况写出你的看法。参考词汇:图表chart n.思路点拨:本文属图表类作文,要仔细读图和图前的文字说明。本文要求考生说明学生睡眠情况的调查结果。基本时态应用一般现在时态。以第三人称的口气来表达内容。从写作步骤来看,可先描述学生睡眠时间不足的具体数据,然后针对图2中任何一个数据所反映的情况写出你的一个看法。在介绍数据变化时应特别注意表达的多样性。Chart 1 shows the sleeping time that senior 3 students can have every day. Sixtytwo percent of the students sleep just less than seven hours each day, while thirtyseven of them can sleep seven to eight hours. However, only one percent can sleep over eight hours. From Chart 2, we learn the reason why most senior 3 students dont have enough sleep. One of the reasons is that thirtyfive students stay up late studying hard. I think its not wise to do so. We should sleep well at night and wake up feeling more refreshed. So we can make the best of daytime and study better in an effective way.图表类模版Recently, a survey has been done to find out 所要表达的主题.As is shown in the pie chart,表中的内容1, 表中的内容2. 表中的内容3 and表中的内容4. As is shown/indicated/illustrated by the figure/percentage in the table (graph/pie chart),The chart gives us an overall picture of the 图表主题. The first thing we notice is that 图表最大特点. This means that as进一步说明We can see from the statistics given that 图表细节一.The figures also tell us that图表细节二. In the column, we can see that accounts for进一步描述In conclusion, the survey shows that总体规律、趋势或呈现的问题. 1)Many factors contribute to the problem. On the one hand ,_. On the other hand , _ is due to the fact that _. In addition , _ is responsible for_.(Maybe there are some other reasons to show) 2)Judging from these figures, we can draw the conclusion that 得出结论There are 至少两个 reasons why this happened. On the one hand, 原因之一 . On the otherhand, 原因之二. In addition, 原因之三 is also responsible for it.In my opinion,自己的观点, 如何解决问题It is high time that we 发出倡议. We should 解决问题的方法或对策.其他类型的书面表达模版一、利弊型Recently, our class had a heated discussion on whether 作文主题. Opinions vary from person to person/Opinions are divided among students. Some people think it necessary to 正方观点. For one thing, 理由一. For another, 理由二On the other hand, others hold the opposite opinion. From their point of view, 反方理由一. Whats more, 反方理由二In my opinion, I support/oppose that idea that作文主题. 你的理由 二、观点对比型Recently, a survey has been carried out in our school on whether 作文主题. As can be seen from the result of the survey, opinions are divided. About 持有第一种观点的人数. The reasons are as follows. First, 第一种理由. Besides, 第二种理由On the contrary, others say 他们的观点. They think 第一种理由. Whats more, 第二种理由As far as Im concerned, we should


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