2013届高考英语一轮复习活动单(译林牛津版模块五 Unit 3).doc_第1页
2013届高考英语一轮复习活动单(译林牛津版模块五 Unit 3).doc_第2页
2013届高考英语一轮复习活动单(译林牛津版模块五 Unit 3).doc_第3页
2013届高考英语一轮复习活动单(译林牛津版模块五 Unit 3).doc_第4页
2013届高考英语一轮复习活动单(译林牛津版模块五 Unit 3).doc_第5页
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2013届高考英语一轮复习活动单(牛津译林版)模块五 Unit 3 Science and nature核心词汇一、根据句意及中文提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1.The went into town with the (目的)2.Have you any (评论)to make on the recent development?3.He caused his parents great (担心,焦虑)by cycling long distances alone.4.Having no children of their own they decided to (收养)an orphan.5.As a (医师,内科医生),I am interested in human cloning.6.People have done harm to nature through _ (农业), fishing, hunting and tourism.7.The plan suggested by him is practical and worth careful (考虑)8.The form should be (确认)by the customer after it is printed.9.The greedy businessman is only concerned about making (利润)rather than ensuring his workers safety.10.No one is allowed into the lab without the teachers (允许)二、译出下列短语1. on one hand, on the other hand _ _2. toy with _ _3. on ones way to doing _ _4. the first mammal to be cloned_ _5. be praised for _ _6. with the intention of _ _7. show respect for_ _8. be anxious to do sth. _ _9. push ahead with _ _10. for sale _ _11. a crop to be harvested _ _12. comment on _ _13. in complete agreement with _ _14. on a personal note_ _15. die of heart failure _ _16. be burnt out_ _17. follow in ones footsteps _ _18. conduct a survey_ _19. the majority of people _ _20. in summary _ _21. take into consideration _ _22. in favor of _ _23. point of view of _ _24. meet ones needs _ _25. natural resources _ _26. at a fast pace _ _27. be opened up to _ _28. be limited to _ _29. as to _ _30. food chain _ _重点句式根据中文提示完成下列句子 1. 如果我有机会,我现在就要一个克隆的孩子。If I _ the chance, I _ a cloned baby right now. 2. 用成年细胞克隆出来的第一个哺乳动物是多利羊。The first mammal _ successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. 3. 虽然克隆人类胚胎在许多国家是不合法的,许多科学家在努力推进研究以制造出一个克隆的人类的婴儿。_ cloning human embryos is not legal in many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research in order to produce a cloned human baby. 4. 在中国,科学家们除了致力于克隆动物的研究,也研究用于医疗的克隆组织。In China, scientists have focused their efforts on cloning animals, _ cloned tissues to be used in medical treatment. 5. 转基因食品就是最好的例子。Nowhere _ than with genetically modified food.重要知识详解一、重要词汇(单词+词组)词汇-1. intention【教材原句】Some people believe that cloning human embryos with the intention of destroying them shows no respect for human life. (P42)【例句研读】译出句中划线部分以完成汉语句子(1)I came with the/every intention of staying, but now Ive decided to leave.我来 ,但现在我决定要离开。(2)I have no intention of coming to this terrible place again! 我 到这个可怕的地方来了。【自主归纳】(1)intend 词性_ 词义_ (2)intended 词性_词义_ (3)intentional 词性_词义_(4)be intended for 意为:_【即时巩固1】根据汉语完成下列英语句子(1)这本书是为儿童写的。 The book children.(2)计划下周开始把方案付诸实施。 the project will be put into practice.(3)他打算去国外进修。He went abroad further education.(4)他从来不会故意伤害任何人。 He will never hurt anyone. 词汇-2. anxiety【教材原句】Even though human cloning is causing a lot of anxiety, it is good news for Faye Wilson.(P42)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1)We waited for news with a growing sense of anxiety. (2)The doctors report removed all their anxieties. 【自主归纳】(1)anxious 词性 词义 (2)anxiously 词性 词义 【即时巩固2】根据汉语完成下列英语句子(1)这是另一个焦虑的表现。This is another _ .(2)我不对任何“不得不”去做的事情感到焦虑。Im not _about anything I “have to” do.(3)他焦急地在名单上搜寻他的名字。He _ searched for his name on the list.词汇-3. adopt【教材原句】I dont want to adopt someone elses childif I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby right now. (P42)【例句研读】译出句中划线部分(1)Having no children of their own they decided to adopt an orphan. (2)After much deliberation, the president decided to adopt her suggestion. 【自主归纳】(1)adopt 词义: (2) adoption 词性 词义 (3) adoptive 词性 词义 【即时巩固3】用adopt的适当词性填空(1)如果您认为我们的建议适合您,那么就采用它们。If you think our suggestions work for you, then _ them.(2)我们说服他采纳这项计划。We argued her into the _of the plan.(3)他们是他的养父母。They are his _ parents.词汇-4. blame【教材原句】Should they be blamed for destroying hundreds of thousands of acres of rainforest if it means a better income for their people? (P58)【例句研读】翻译句子(1)It is not right to blame your failure on your teacher.(2)The couple were blamed for the ill-treatment to the old man.(3)If anyone is to blame, its me. 【自主归纳】(1)be to blame 意为:_(2)be blamed for 意为:_(3)blame sth. on sth. 意为:_【即时巩固4】根据汉语完成英语句子(1)Which driver the accident.哪位司机是本次事故的肇事者?(2)She doesnt anyone her fathers death. 她没有把父亲的死归罪于任何人。词汇-5. favor【教材原句】Would anyone say that development should be stopped in favor of nature?(P58)【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1)I am all in favor of equal pay for equal work. (2)Could you do me a favor and pick up Sam from school today? 【自主归纳】(1)do sb. a favor _(2)in favor of _(3)in sbs favor _【即时巩固5】根据汉语完成英语句子(1)But not everyone is_ the phenomenon. 但是,不是所有的人都喜欢这样的现象。(2)The exchange rate is_ at the moment. 目前的汇率对我们有利。词汇-6. permission【教材原句】Since no one really knows whether GM food is safe, many countries have hesitated to give permission for the production of GM foods.(P59)【例句研读】译出句中划线部分(1)The teacher gave me permission to go home early. (2)Smoking is not permitted in this room. (3)They dont permit talking in the library. (4) The policeman permitted him to park there. (5)Ill go to meet you if time permits. (6)Well start tomorrow, weather permitting. 【自主归纳】(1) _ n. 许可(2)vt. permit doing sth. _permit sb. to do sth._permit sb. sth. _(3) without permission _ (4) ask (for) permission _ (5) with your permission _ 【即时巩固6】(1)Before building a house, you will have to _ the governments permission. A. get from B. follow C. receive D. ask for (2)His father gave him an _ of 1,000 pounds a year to help him finish his college education. A. permission B. permit C. allowance D. admission(3) I am _ to meet you, time _.A. likely; permits B. probable; permitting C. likely; permitting D. possible; permits (4) Its illegal to read peoples private letters without .A. pressure B. reputation C. standard D. permission词汇-7. push ahead with【教材原句】Some scientists are already pushing ahead with research in order to produce a cloned human baby.(P42)【例句研读】翻译句子(1)The government is pushing ahead with its reforms.(2)He pushed aside the feeling of fear.(3) James did not push her into stealing the money【自主归纳】选用下列词组填空push ahead with义无反顾地进行,努力推进 push back 把向后推,把推回原处push through使通过,使得到批准push aside不考虑,避开,把放到一边push in推入push off离开push out拉出,排出push sb./sth. over 使某人/某物倒下或推翻(1)Why dont you your seat a little; it will help you to relax.(2)It is hard to such an unpopular policy.(3)She her way the big crowd.(4)I wish she would stop annoying us and .(5)You switch on the computer and then the disk.【即时巩固7】(1)The government decided to go on_ economic reforms in the next five years.A. putting forward withB. going ahead withC. pushing ahead withD. accelerating the pace of(2) Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to them too hard.A. draw B. strike C. rush D. push(3) It is suggested that the wall _to build a new street. A. should push inB. be pushed inC. should push overD. be pushed over词汇-8. on the way to doing sth.【教材原句】If mankind toys with nature in this way, we may be on our way to producing a real-life Frankensteins monster. (P42)【例句研读】翻译句子(1)You are in my way-youll have to move.(2)They made their way to that village.(3)In a way the performance was a success.【自主归纳】译出下列短语(1)in ones way (2)make ones way (3)in a way (4)on the way of (5)in no way (6)all the way (7)in this way 【即时巩固8】用适当的短语完成了句子(1)According to the weather forecast, a storm is .(2)In order to catch the early bus, they were running .(3)As senior students, will we cheat in the examination.词汇-9. on the (one) handon the other hand【教材原句】On the other hand, some scientists point out that if you clone an embryo(P41)【例句研读】译出划线部分以完成汉语句子(1)I dont want to go there. On the one hand, I am not free. On the other hand, I have no money. 我不想去那里。 因为我没时间, 我没钱。(2) It is very slow to make shoes by hand. 做鞋是很慢的。(3)Let us create a beautiful tomorrow !让我们携手共进,共创美好的明天!(4)You should hand in your examination paper in time.你应该及时 考卷。(5)Were going to talk about the new project. let me hand out the materials first.我们将讨论新的企划案。我先把资料 大家。(6)Ive handed over my place on the committee. 我已 在委员会的职位。(7)This custom has been handed down since the 18th century. 这风俗从十八世纪开始 。(8)The work is in hand, but not finished.这工作 ,但没完成。(9)Could you give/lend me a hand with the baggage? 你能 拿一拿行李吗?(10)He believes that the great day is at hand. 他相信这个伟大的日子 。【自主归纳】翻译下列词组帮某人一个忙 亲手,手工 在手边,近便;临近 手头现有的,正在进行中 上交 分发 移交 传下去 手拉手;连在一起地 一方面另一方面 注意:give sb. a big hand的意思是“给以热烈的掌声进行鼓励”【即时巩固9】(1)_is known to all, dirty and disease go_ . A. It ,in hand B. As, hand in hand C. As, in hand D. It, hand in hand(2) It is certain that he will _ his business to his son when he gets old.A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over(3)Marias been my partner since I the business from my fatherA. handed over B. got across C. came across D. took over(4)The government has taken measures to _ the high prices of daily goods to keep the market stable.A. take down B. bring down C.hand down D. tear down(5)Annie has handled the whole project by herself and lets give her a big hand ! A. give her a handB. lend her the handC. give her a big hand D. lend her a hand词汇-10. point of view【教材原句】From the point of view of some people, we are only doing what humans have always done, using nature to meet our own needs. (P58)【例句研读】用不同的表达方法完成汉语句子 在我看来,我们应该更关注在校儿童的安全问题。 , we should pay more attention to the safety of schoolchildren.【自主归纳】选用下列词组填空view. as认为是 in view of 鉴于,考虑到 take the view that 持的态度 in the view of 按观点看 (1)We it would be wrong to interfere.(2) the foreign experts, there wasnt much oil here.(3)She doesnt _ herself _ a success.(4)_ the fact that he was ill with a high fever, he did a good job in last nights match.【即时巩固10】_the majority, Clinton was a successful president.A. From the point of view B. In view of C. In the view of D. On view二、重点句型梳理(含重点语法):1.【教材原句】 If I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby right now. (P42)【语法分析】该句是一个与现在事实不相符的虚拟语气。从句用一般过去时,主句用would +动词原形;如果与过去事实不符,从句用过去完成时,主句用would+ have done。【即时巩固11】(1)如果我是一名医生,我会毫不犹豫的挽救他的生命。If I a doctor, I her life without hesitation.(2)如果他没有淋雨就不可能发烧了。If he in the rain, he a fever.2.【教材原句】 The first mammal to be cloned successfully from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep. (P42)【句法分析】to be cloned 做定语。表示动词clone与mammal之间存在被动关系。mammal前有序数词修饰,因此要用动词不定式做定语。动词不定式的被动式,除这种用法外,还常用来表示将来的被动动作。【即时巩固12】根据中文提示,完成句子。(1)我要去购物,你有没什么需要买的?I will go shopping, do you have something _?(2)明天要召开的会议非常重要。The meeting _ tomorrow is of great importance.3.【教材原句】While cloning human embryos is not legal in many countries, some scientists are already pushing ahead with research in order to produce a cloned human baby. (P42)【句法分析】句中while是连词,意思是“虽然,尽管”。while除了这种意思,另外的两层意思也是考查的重点:(1)表示“当/在时候”(注意:引导的句子谓语动词只能是延续性动词!),(2)表示“然而;可是”,常用来表达对比关系。【即时巩固13】(1)_ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand.A. while B. Since C. As D. If (2)She thought I was talking about her daughter, _, in fact, I was talking about my daughter.A. whom B. where C. which D. while(3)_the Internet is of great help, I dont think its a food idea to spend too much time on it. (2008年湖南)A. If B. While C. Because D. As(4)Im going to the post office. youre there, can you get me some stamps?A. AsB. WhileC. Because D. If4.【教材原句】In China, scientists have focused their efforts on cloning animals, as well as cloned tissues to be used in medical treatment. (P42)【句法分析】as well as 不但而且; 和一样;和;也;as well 用于句末。【即时巩固14】完成句子(1)Unlike watching TV, reading is a highly active process, for it requires attention _ memory and imagination.(2)I am going to London and my sister is going _单项选择(1)Mr. Smith _ his wife and daughter _ going to the Great Wall. A. as well as ; is B. as well ;areC. as well as ; areD. as well ; is(2)_ the danger from the enemy action, people had to deal with a severe shortage of food, clothing , fuel and almost everything. A. As soon as B. As long as C. As far as D. As well as(3)My interests include football, bowling and surfing the web _ studying my favorite subjects. A. instead of B. as well as C. less than D. rather than 5.【教材原句】 Nowhere is this true than with genetically modified food. (P 59)【句法分析】否定意义的副词或短语放在句首,句子半倒装。这样的副词主要有:little, seldom, hardly, rarely, scarcely, never, not at all, by no means(决不), at no time(在任何时候都不),nowhere, in no case (无论如何都不);not in the least (=not at all) , on no condition(决不) 等。【即时巩固15】单项选择。(1)We laugh at jokes,but seldom about how they work A. we think B. think we C. we do think D. do we think(2)Little about her own safety, though she was in great danger herself.A. did Rose care B. Rose did care C. Rose does care D. does Rose care (3)How was the televised debate last night?Super! Rarelyso much media attention.A. a debate attractedB. did a debate attractC. a debate did attract D. attracted a debate【M5U3参考答案】核心词汇一、根据句意及中文提示写出所缺单词的完全形式1.intention 2. comment 3. anxiety 4. adopt 5. physician 6.agriculture 7. consideration 8. confirmed 9. profits 10. permission二、译出下列短语1. 一方面,另一方面2. 戏弄3. 就要做4. 克隆的第一个哺乳动物5. 因而受到表扬6. 带着目的7. 对表示敬意8. 急于做某事9. 努力推进10. 供出售11. 一种可被收获的庄稼12. 对作出评论13. 完全赞同14. 就我个人而言15. 死于心脏病16. 耗尽体力17. 效仿某人18. 进行一次调查19. 大多数的人20. 总之,概括起来21. 认真考虑22. 赞同23. 观点24. 满足某人的需求25. 自然资源26. 以很快的节奏27. 打开之门28. 局限于29. 至于,关于30. 食物链重点句式根据中文提示完成下列句子 1. had; would have 2. to be cloned 3. While 4. as well as 5. is this true重要知识详解重要知识详解一、重要词汇(单词+词组)词汇-1. intention【例句研读】翻译句子。(1)我来就是想呆在这里的,但现在我决定要离开。(2)我再也不想到这个可怕的地方来了。【自主归纳】(1)动词,打算干某事 (2)形容词,打算的,计划的 (3)形容词, 故意的,有意的 (4)为而准备的【即时巩固1】根据汉语完成下列英语句子(1)is intended for (2)It is intended that (3)with the intention of (4) intentionally词汇-2. anxiety【例句研读】翻译句中划线部分(1)我们等着消息,心情越来越着急。(2)医生的报告去除了他们所有的焦虑。【自主归纳】(1)形容词,焦虑的,渴望的 (2)副词, 焦虑地【即时巩固2】根据汉语完成下列英语句子(1)signs of anxiety (2)feeling anxious (3) anxiously词汇-3. adopt【例句研读】翻译句子。(1)没有自己的孩子,他们决定领养一个孤儿。(2)慎重考虑之后,总统决定采纳她的建议。【自主归纳】(1) 领养 采纳 (2) 名词, 采纳,收养 (3)形容词,收养的,有收养关系的【即时巩固3】用adopt的适当词性填空(1) adopt (2)adopting (3)adoptive词汇-4. blame【例句研读】翻译句子(1)把你的失败归咎于老师是不对的。(2)那对夫妇因为虐待老人而受到责备。(3)如果有人该受责备,那就是我。【自主归纳】(1) 该受责备 (2) 因而受到责备 (3)把归咎于【即时巩固4】根据汉语完成英语句子(1)was to blame for (2) blamefor词汇-5. favor【例句研读】翻译句子。(1)我非常赞同同工同酬。(2)今天你能帮我一个忙,从学校将Sam接回来吗?【自主归纳】(1)帮某人一个忙 (2)赞同,支持 (3) 支持某人;对某人有利【即时巩固5】(1)in favor of (2) in our favor词汇-6. permission【例句研读】翻译句子。(1)老师允许我早些回家。 (2)这个房间里不允许抽烟。 (3)他们不允许在图书馆大声谈话。 (4)警察允许他在那里泊车。(5)如果时间允许我就去接你。(6)如果天气允许,我们明天就出发。【自主归纳】(1) permission (2) 允许做某事;允许某人做某事;允许某人某事(3) 未经许可(4) 请求许可(5) 如果你同意的话,经您许可【即时巩固6】(1)D (2)C (3)C (4) D词汇-7. push ahead with【例句研读】翻译句子(1)政府正在努力推进改革。(2)他把恐惧的感觉放到了一边。(3) 詹姆斯没有逼迫她去偷钱。【自主归纳】选用下列词组填空(1)push back (2)push ahead with (3)pushed through (4)push off (5)push in 【即时巩固7】CDD词汇-8. on the way to doing


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