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1 competevi 根据语境猜词义 1 small independentbookstoressimplycan tcompetewiththebignationalchains 2 sheandhersisterarealwayscompetingforattention 3 someadvertisingagenciesarecompetingtogetthecontract 根据语义找匹配a 为得到 而竞争b 与 抗衡 与 竞争 跟 比赛c 争着做 答案 1 b 2 a 3 c competevi 链接competitorn 参赛者 选手competitionn 竞争 比赛competitiveadj 竞争的 竞争性的 compete in参加 比赛 在 竞争for为得到 而竞争with against与 竞争todosth 争着做 短语 competevi 活用用compete的适当形式及其相关短语填空astheyoungest 1 johnhadtocompete 2 thewritingcontest 3 30othertopstudents 4 theannualawardofwriting 5 答案 1 competitor 2 in 3 with against 4 for 5 competition competevi admitvt vi 根据语境猜词义 1 sheadmitteddrivingthecarwithoutinsurance 2 eachticketadmitsoneadultandonechild 3 thesocietyadmitsalluscitizensover21 4 heisadmittedtobeijinguniversitybecauseofhisgreatachievements 根据语义找匹配a 准许进入b 被录取 用 c 准许加入d 承认 答案 1 d 2 a 3 c 4 b admitvt vi 链接admissionn 承认 入场费短语tosth 承认某事tosb that向某人承认sb into to允许某人进入beadmittedinto to被某单位录取 用 beadmittedas被录用为 admit admitvt vi 句型itwasgenerallyadmittedthat 人们普遍认为 活用根据括号内的汉语提示填空thoughthepublicareagainsttheparkschargingan 1 收门票 beforethey 2 允许进入 it thepark 3 不承认 thattheyaremakingaprofitfromthepublic 答案 1 admission 2 areadmittedto 3 doesn tadmit admitvt vi admitvt vi 活用单项填空 4 nowadays moreandmorestudentsareadmitted keyuniversitieseveryyear a inb toc ond for 解析考查动词的搭配 表示 被 录取 被 录用 要用beadmittedto into被录取到 a replacevt 根据语境猜词义 1 davidwillreplacemikeinnextweek stenniscompetition 2 wouldyoupleasereplacethemagazineafterreadingit 3 i veownedmycarforalmosttenyears thisyeari llreplaceitwithanewone 根据语义找匹配a 用 取代 替换b 替代c 放回原处 答案 1 b 2 c 3 a replacevt 短语replacesb sth with 用 替换 代替 replacesth 把 放回原处taketheplaceof代替takeone splace顶替某人的位置inplaceof代替inplace在适当的位置outofplace在不适当的位置 replacevt 活用选用上述单词或短语完成下列情景shedidn t 1 放回原处 thecupafterusingit soitfelltothegroundandwasbroken whichmadeherverydisappointed herhusbandsuggested 2 取代 itwithaplasticonesothatitwouldn tbesoeasytobebroken butshesaidnothingcould 3 替代 thiscupasitwasmadeover1 000yearsago 答案 1 replace 2 replacing 3 replace replacevt chargen v 根据语境猜词义 1 wehavetomakeasmallchargeforbooks 2 shehaschargeoftheday to dayrunningofthebusiness 3 hischargeistoobtainspecificinformation 4 doyouthinkparksshouldchargeforadmission 答案 1 b 2 a 3 c 4 b 根据语义找匹配a 负责 掌管b 收费c 责任 任务 chargen v 短语beinchargeof负责 管理 takechargeof接管 负责 inthechargeof由 负责 由 管理freeofcharge免费chargesb with 控告某人某罪chargesb for因 向某人收费in underone scharge由 负责 由 管理 chargen v 链接chargeableadj 应支付的chargern 充电器 chargen v charge与accuse都有 指控 控告 之意 它们的区别是什么呢 themantheyarrestedlastnighthasbeenchargedwithmurder themantheyarrestedlastnighthasbeenaccusedofmurder 答案通过对比 我们便知 他们的句型表达不一样 chargesb with accusesb of chargen v 活用用charge的适当短语填空 1 delivery 送货 is thatis wedon tchargeyoufordelivery 2 hewillbesenttoenglandtoface ofarmedrobberyashe robbingacar 3 sheaskedtom thecompanyandnoweverythinginthecompanywas tom 答案 1 freeofcharge 2 acharge waschargedwith 3 totakechargeof inthechargeof chargen v hostn vt 根据语境猜词义 1 wearefacedwithahostofdifficulties 2 heactsashosttohisfather sfriends 3 doesanyonewanttohosttheparty 根据语义找匹配a 主办v b 一大群 好些 可数 c 主人 东道主n b c a 链接hostessn 女主人 hostn vt 活用用host的适当形式填空 1 whichcountryis thenextolympicgames 2 whichcountrywillbethe forthenextolympicgames hosting host 解析 1 此处用进行式表示将来的含义 根据语境猜词义 1 ipickedupafewgoodbargainsinthesale 2 i vedonewhatipromisedandiexpectyoutokeepyoursideofthebargain 3 ifyoubargainwiththem theymightreducetheprice bargainn v 根据语义找匹配a 协议 交易b 跟某人讲价 跟某人讨价还价c 便宜货 减价品 答案 1 c 2 a 3 b bargainn v 链接bargainingn 讨价还价 商讨bargainhunter淘宝者 bargainn v 句型it sarealbargain 真便宜 短语bargainwithsb about oversth 跟某人讲价 就某事跟某人协商bargainsth away做亏本生意bargainfor on预料到 料想到 常用于否定句 makeabargainwith和某人达成协议 bargainn v 活用单项填空aftermuchhard theshopowneragreedtocutdownthepriceofthemp5by20 a debatingb talkingc bargainingd discussing c bargainn v deservev 值得 应当 受到 根据语境猜测其用法 1 hedidnotdeservesuchfortune 2 hefeltthatherpraiseofhimwasdeserved 3 shedeservedtowinbecauseshewasthebest deservev 值得 应当 受到 链接 后跟名词或代词 过去分词作表语或定语 理所当然的 应得的 后跟不定式 后跟从句或动名词 注意 deserve后如跟动名词 要用主动形式表示被动意义 相当于不定式的被动式 deservev 值得 应当 受到 活用单项填空 1 iworkhardandithi
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