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Unit 9 The English Club 一、课题名称牛津小学英语5B第九单元B、C部分二、设计思路本课所学内容是本单元的核心,具体介绍了国家、国籍和语言。重点学习句型Where are you from? 及其答语。在Book 4B第八单元中学生已学过China,Chinese,English.,因此.我采用了以旧带新的方法拓展相关内容。在教学中我主要采用面向全体而又分层教学的方法,借助情境教学,利用各种媒体的辅助,让学生在教师鼓励性评价中体会学习英语的乐趣,在多说、多做、多练中学会用书面和口头语传递信息,提高学习效率,同时增进对西方文化的理解。三、教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词UK, British, USA, American, Japan,Japanese。2、能正确地听、说、读、写句型 Where are you from? Im/ were from四、教学重点能正确朗读并在句型中运用有关国家和国籍的词汇。五、教学难点1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词 British, American,。2、能熟练运用所学句型询问人的国籍。六、教学准备1、教具准备:多媒体课件、单词卡片、头饰、中国国旗2、板书准备:预先写好课题Unit 9 The English Club七、教学过程Step 1 Greetings师生齐唱English songs. 以Good morning! Glad to see you! 等跟学生问好。Step 2 Prensentation1、师生问答:T: Excuse me, do you have any hobbies? S: Yes, I do. I like 2、Practise in pairs3、Ask a group to act it out.Step 3 New lesson teaching1、unit 9 the English clubToday, we have some friends in the English club. Look, this is the English club.Teach club- English club-the English club-unit9 the English club2、China , ChineseT : I want to see some friends in the English club. Do you want to join me?S : Yes. T: OK. Lets go.T: Look, this is the first friend. Guess, who is he? Hes from China. Teach China .Im from China. So Im Chinese. I speak Chinese. Teach Chinese.(多媒体展示)T: Boys and girls , where are you from? S: Im fromImI speakLets have a chat. China, China, Im fom China. Chinese, Chinese , I am Chinese. Chinese, Chinese , I speak Chinese. China, China, I love China.3、Japan, JapaneseNow Im Yumi. Guess “ Where am I from?” s: You are from Japan.( 多媒体展示)Teach JapanIm from Japan. Im Japanese. I speak Japanese.Teach JapaneseYou are Yumi, T: Where are you from? S: Im fromImI speak4、UK, BritishLook, this is Nancy. Lets ask : Nancy, Nancy, where are you from?( 多媒体展示) Im from the UK, Im British. I speak English.Teach the UK, British.Girls you are Nancy. T: Where are you from? G: Im fromImI speakGirls ask boys.Sing a song (边拍手边唱) Where are you from?Where are you from?Im from the UK. Im from the UK.I am British. I am British.I speak English. I speak English. 5、the USA , AmericanIll introduce a new friend to you. Welcome Tony White.(边拍手边唱)Tony White, Tony White, welcome Tony White.Hes coming. Guess: Where is he from?Teach the USA, AmericanNow , lets chat. USA, USA, Im from the USA. American, American , I am American. English, English, I speak English.6、Do morning exercise (边说边做动作)One, one, one two one, One, one, one two one,Wash , wash, wash my face.Brush, brush, brush my teeth.Go, go, go to school.Clean, clean, clean the desk.Eat, eat, eat some cakes.Drink, drink, drink some juice.Play, play, play the violin.Take, take, take some photos. Yeah!7、Do exercise(1) do oral exercise: They are They speak(2) do writing exercise: Take out paper and finish it.8、Act a playTheres an Olypic game in Beijing in 2008.Many friends of different countries will come to China. Lets welcome them. (Act a dialogue out)9、Some photos of different countries(欣赏各国图片,说出国家名称)10、Have a chatWe are from China, we are Chinese ,we love China forever. Lets chat again we love China. 教师启发:作为中国人很自豪的边做动作边说chat.11、SummaryWhat we learnt today? T say S speak.12、HomeworkCopy the new words and sentences 3 times.板书设计: Unit 9 The English Club China Chinese ChineseIm from Japan I am Japanese I speak Japanese The UK British English The USA American English八、教学反思我力求用新课该理念来指导课堂教学,关注每一位学生的情感,营造宽松、民主、平等、和谐的氛围,为学生创设真实情境,鼓励其大胆的使用英语。对


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