福建省泉州市泉港三川中学七年级英语上册课件unit 11《 what time do you go to school 》4(人教版)_第1页
福建省泉州市泉港三川中学七年级英语上册课件unit 11《 what time do you go to school 》4(人教版)_第2页
福建省泉州市泉港三川中学七年级英语上册课件unit 11《 what time do you go to school 》4(人教版)_第3页
福建省泉州市泉港三川中学七年级英语上册课件unit 11《 what time do you go to school 》4(人教版)_第4页
福建省泉州市泉港三川中学七年级英语上册课件unit 11《 what time do you go to school 》4(人教版)_第5页
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Name Activities getup eatbreakfast Askandanswerinpairs Ben sday Whattimedoeshegetup Hegetsupat A B HowmanybrothersandsistersdoesRickhave HowmanyshowersdoesRickhave two two one 2a Ashowerschedule Listenandcompletetheschedule 6 00 7 00 8 00 2b 1 gotoschool 2 getup 3 run 4 eatbreakfast 5 takeashower Matchthewordsandthepictures 1a d e b c a It s7o clock 7 00a m Whattimeisit Beijing北京 a m London伦敦 Tokyo东京 Paris巴黎 LosAngeles洛杉矶 NewYork纽约 p m Whattimeisitin It s It s7 15 seven fifteen Beijing北京 London伦敦 Tokyo东京 Paris巴黎 LosAngeles洛杉矶 NewYork纽约 p m It s7 30 seven thirty Beijing北京 London伦敦 Tokyo东京 Paris巴黎 LosAngeles洛杉矶 NewYork纽约 p m Whattimeisit It s4 30 Whattimeisit It s8 15 2 3012 455 157 5010 106 3011 354 20 Practice Don tforgetamandpm inthemorningintheafternoonintheevening Beijing Paris NewYork p m Whenisit getuptakeashowereatbreakfastgotoschooleatlunchrungohomedohomeworkeatdinnergotobed 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 1 10 7 6 2 5 4 9 3 1 SectionB2a rundomyhomeworkgetuptakeashowereatdinnergotoschooleatbreakfastgotobedeatlunchgohome SectionB2b 1 getsup 2 runs 3 eatbreakfast 4 goestoschool 5 goeshome 6 doeshomework 7 eatsdinner 8 goestobed 5 00 6 00 7 00 4 15 5 30 8 00 7 15 9 00 report Rickgetsupat herunsat Practice Whattime When doesRickusuallygetup Heusuallygetsupat5 00 getup Igetupat6o clock run Irunat6 10am eatbreakfast Ieatbreakfastat6 30am takeashower Itakeashowerat7o clock Igotoschoolat7 30am Whattimedoyouusually Iusuallytakeabustowork Iusually at hotel 温州宾馆 David sday Ben sday getup eatbreakfast gotoschool 7 40 playfootball 15 30 gohome 18 15 watchTVanddohomework 18 30 takeashower 21 30 playcomputergames 22 00 gotobed 23 30 Whattimedoeshegetup Hegetsupat 7 30am 3 30pm LessonTwo 1 MrGreenusuallytakeashoweratnineo clock 2 Peterusuallygetupatfiveo clock 3 Whattimedohisfathereatbreakfast 4 Igetupatninethirtyo clock 5 Mymotherusuallyshowerat4 00 6 Myfathergetsupatsixo clock 7 Tomandherfriendsusuallygoestoschoolat7 00 8 Theygotobedat10 00o clock Pairwork Note Don tforgettosayamorpm 7 203 159 4013 5020 25 15 1214 3017 3520 1523 45 Name Activities getup eatbreakfast Askandanswerinpairs Makeasurvey Askyourfriend5questionsabouthis herday A Whattimedoyouusually B Iusually at activity time name Myfriend usuallygetsupat herunsat report GrammarFocus Whattimedoyouusuallygetup Igetupatsixo clock Whattimedoesheusuallyeatbreakfast Heeatsbreakfastatseveno clock Whattimedoessheusuallygotoschool Shegoestoschoolateighto clock Thebedtimegame Whendoyouusuallygotobed Fromtheearliesttothelastest MygoodfriendScott Readthepassageandmatchthepictures What shisjob Heisaguitarist 1 4 3 Readthepassageandmatchthepictures Whendoeshetakeashower LessonThree 译以下短语 起床去上学去睡觉吃早 午 晚 餐乘1路公交车淋浴午餐后一整夜在早上 getup gotoschool gotobed eat have breakfast takethenumber1bus takeashower afterlunch allnight inthemorning 08 0013 0004 1512 0022 0001 00 8 00am 1 00pm 4 15am 12 00 10 00pm 1 00am Whendoyouusually Whattime Iusually Beckham sSaturdayschedule 时间表 Whatdoesheusuallydoat onSaturday Heusually at onSaturday Whattimedoesheusuallygetup 17 00 5 00p m Scott Whatishisjob 2 Whydoyouthinkso 3 Wheredoeshework 4 Howlongdoesheworkeveryday Heisaguitarist HeworksintheSaiTeHotel Heplayshisguitar Heworksallnight forabout12hours Answerthefollowingquestions Peoplelovetolistentohim 5 Howdoeshegotowork HetakestheNO 17bustowork Heeatsbreakfastat10 13am Whatafunnytimetoeatbreakfast Theyhavelunchat16 30 Whatafunnytimeto Shetakesashowerat6 00am Whatafunnytimeto Scott sDay getsupandhasashower eathisbreakfast playshisguitar takestheNO 17bustowork getstowork getshomeandwatchmorningTV goestobed Whatdoeshedoat LessonFour Thanksforyourletter Doyouwanttoknowaboutmymorning Well Iusuallygetupataroundsix fifteen Idomyhomeworkatsix thirty andthenIeatbreakfastataroundseven thirty Ataroundeighto clock Igotoschool Schoolstartsatnineo clock Pleasewriteandtellmeaboutyourmorning 1 2 3 getsup goestoschool eatsbreakfast DearMona Love Jane letter SomethingaboutJane smorning getsup doesherhomework eatsbreakfast goestoschool schoolstarts DearJiangMin Bestwishes Rick FillinaboutRick smorningfrom2b Doyouwanttoknowaboutmymorning Well IUsually at At I ThenI at I at Pleasewritesoon getup 5 00 6 00 run eatbreakfast 7 00 gotoschool 8 00 Bestwishestoyou 8 00getup Saturday Sunday 7 30run Youareafamousmoviestar fillinyouractivitiesinthetable 译以下短语 到达回家到家听 带 到 为 而感谢做家庭作业告诉 关于 良好的祝愿 getto gohome gethome listento take to thanksfor dohomework tell about bestwishes 1 He run at6 00am 2 Doesshewant go home 3 Maria have breakfastat7 00inthemorning 4 School start ateighto clock 5 Pleasewriteandtell I aboutyourparty 6 Wetakeabus go toBeijing 7 thank forhelpingmewithmyEnglish 8 Mybrotheroften play sportsatweekends 9 Whatafunnytime have lunch runs togo has starts me togo Thanks plays tohave 10 Whattimeisit It s 早上六点半 11 Myfriends 通常在下午游泳 13 Togettoschool he 乘坐15路公交车 14 Doyouwantto 知道 myschool 15 He 看早间电视 at6 00am 6 30am 6 30inthemorning usuallyswimintheafternoon takesthenumber15bus knowabout watchesmorningTV 1 Whattimeis It seightthirty A itB thatC thisD theclock2 When yourbrothergotoschool A isB areC doD does3 Ourmorningclassesstart 7 30 inthemorning A in inB at inC at atD in at4 Whendothey Sorry Idon tknow A gotobedsB gotohomeC goschoolD gotowork5 Alicia workintheevening A isn tB aren tC don tD doesn t A D B D D 1 MrBrownusuallygetsupat6 00 MrBrownusually 2 Heeatslunchat11 30 改为一般疑问句 he lunchat11 30 3 Theyoftendohomeworkat7 00intheevening dotheyoften at7 00intheevening 4 Whattimeisit 改为同义句 5 Hehasdinnerat7 20 把主语改为they dinnerat7 20 Whattimedoesgetup Doeseat Whatdo Wh


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