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浙江省临海市杜桥中学2013届九年级英语第三次统练试题 浙教版 一、听力(共15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,满分25分)第一节:听小对话,选择正确的图片。 ( )5. a. b. c. 第二节:听长对话,回答问题。(1)听下面一段较长对话,回答第6-7两小题。( )6. what are the speakers talking about? a. jacks mother. b. jacks study. c. jacks class.( )7. whats the relationship between the two speakers? a. neighbors. b. husband and wife. c. a parent and a teacher. (2)听下面一段较长的对话,回答第8-10三小题。( )8. why does the woman suggest going to the top of the hill? a. because they can see the whole town. b. because they can see the sunrise. c. because they can see the history museum.( )9. why didnt the woman want to go to the museum? a. because she isnt interested in flowers. b. because she isnt interested in history. c. because she isnt interested in stamps.( )10. what are they going to visit? a. a museum. b. a zoo. c. bird island.第三节:听独白,请根据独白的内容,从题中所给的a、b、c三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成下面的表格。(10分)mike was born in 11 .mike went to beijing with his parents 12 .the next year, he 13 and made a lot of chinese friends.in 1994, mike 14 his friends because he had to go back home.now mike studies in a high school and misses his 15 very much.( )11. a. paris b.london c.new york( )12. a. at the age of four b. at the age of five c. at the age of six( )13. a. went to a school b.went to a party c.went to a club( )14. a. said thanks to b.said goodbye to c.said sorry to( )15. a. friends b.teachers c.parents二. 单项选择(共10小题,每小题1分,10分)( ) 16. could you pass me _glass on the table, please? sure, but its _empty one. a. the , an b. the , the c. the, a d a, an( )17. how do you study for a test? i study _working with a group. a. for b. with c. on d. by ( ) 18. do you like zhoujielun or liu dehua? _. i am not their fans a. both beither cneither d. all( )19. we find _ important to use a foreign language well. a. that b. it c. this d. its( ) 20. the little boy is very brave. he _ through the jungle with us last week. a. trek b.treked c. trekes d.trekked( ) 21. i didnt sell it. i _it_.a. putup b. puton c. put down d. give away( )22.his father _an actor , didnt he ? yes, he did . a. used to beingb. used c. used to be d.uses to be ( )23. the olympic games _ in london in 2012. i hear it _ in different countries every four years.a. is given, is given b. was held, is heldc. will be held, is held d. will be given, is given( )24. -could you tell me _? i dont know. maybe at 8:00pm.a. when will the meeting start b. when the meeting will start c. the meeting will start when d. the meeting when will start( )25. what good weather! lets go boating on the lake. _. a. thats all right b. thank you very much c. it doesnt matter d. thats a good idea三. 完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) all over the world people swim for fun. swimming is enjoyed by people of 26 ages, from the very young to the very old. there are many places for people to swim in swimming pools. many schools, hotels and clubs have swimming pools. some people have pools of 27 in their yards.swimming is one of 28 forms of exercise. it can 29 hearts and bodies strong. it can also help blood circulate (循环). handicapped people can keep their bodies in better condition by swimming 30 they cant enjoy sports. 31 is a good idea for parents to see to it (务必做到) that their children learn to swim 32 an early age. so their children will 33 it for the rest of their lives.there are many rules for water safety. these rules can help save not only your life 34 the life of a friend. first of all, know 35 . many schools 36 swimming lessons to children. adults (成人) can learn to swim at public pools. 37 rule to remember is never to swim 38 . always swim with a friend and know 39 in the water at all times. it is best to swim 40 in safe places if you are beginners. if everyone learned to swim and obeyed the rules for water safety, most drawing (溺水) could be avoided.( ) 26. a. all b. any c. some d. both( ) 27. a. themselves b. their own c. theirs own d. their owns( ) 28. a. good b. better c. best d. the best( ) 29. a. help b. let c. make d. show( ) 30. a. though b. as c. so d. until( ) 31. a. that b. there c. this d. it( ) 32. a. over b. during c. at d. on( ) 33. a. learn b. enjoy c. stopd. know( ) 34. a. and aim b. still c. and yet d. but also( ) 35. a. how to swim b. why swimming c. how swimming d. why to swim( ) 36. a. have b. take c. gived. make( ) 37. a. the other one b. other c. an other d. another( ) 38. a. alone b. yourself c. lonely d. together( ) 39. a. who that person is b. where that person isc. who is that person d. where is that person( ) 40. a. nearly b. hardly c. almost d. only四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出最佳答案。asteve jobs, the ceo of apple, was not a good student when he was in school. at that time, he always got into trouble with his schoolmates. when he went to college, he didnt change a lot. then he dropped out(退学). but he was full of new ideas.after that, steve jobs worked as a video game designer in a company. he worked there only for a few months and then he went to india. he hoped that the trip would give him some new ideas and a new chance to change his life.steve jobs lived on a farm in california for a year after he returned from india. in 1975, he began to make a new type of computer. he designed the first apple computer with his friend in his garage. he chose the name “apple”just because it reminded him of a happy summer he once spent in an apple orchard.his first apple computer was a great success. because of this, steve jobs soon became famous all over the world.( )41. steven jobs always got into trouble with _ in school. a. his schoolmatesb. his parentsc. his teachers d. his brothers( )42. steven jobs designed the first apple computer with his friend _. a. in his schoolb. in his companyc. in his garaged.at home( )43. which of the following is not true? a. steve jobs didnt finish his college. b. steve jobs worked as a video game designer in a company for a few months. c. steve jobs soon became famous all over the world because of his first apple computer. d. steve jobs chose the name “apple” just because he liked eating apples.b people usually talk about two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. scientists think that there are also two kinds of people: people who prefer warm colors and people who prefer cool colors. the warm colors are red, orange and yellow. where there are warm colors and a lot of lights people usually want to be active. people think that red, for example, is exciting. sociable people, those who like to be with others, like red. the cool colors are green, blue and violet. these colors, unlike warm colors, are relaxing. where there are cool colors, people are usually quiet. people who like to spend time alone often prefer blue. red may be exciting, but one scientist says that time seems to pass more slowly in a room with warm colors than in a room with cool colors. he says that a warm color, such as red or orange, is good color for a living room or restaurant. people who are resting or eating do not want time to pass quickly. cool colors are better for offices or factories if the people who are working there want time to pass quickly.( )44. according to this passage, people who dont like to be with others _. a. like orange color b. like blue color c. prefer warm colord. are usually active( )45. which of the following is true according to this passage? a. scientists like warm colors better than cool colors. b. time seems to pass more quickly in a room with red than with violet. c. time passes more slowly where there are cool colors. d. wed better color a living room or restaurant in warm colors.( )46. why are offices and factories often colored in cool colors according to the scientist? a. because these colors can make time pass more quickly. b. because these colors can make people excited. c. because everybody likes white color. d. because working people can be more active. ( )47. the best title of this passage should be _. a. warm colors and cool colors b. people and colors c. sociable people like warm colors d. places and colorsc there are 5 channels on british television and each channel has several news programs all day long. some programs are only for 3 minutes but some are one hour long. the people who read the news are called news presenters and because they appear on television every day, they are very famous. this is a popular news presenter in england called trevor mcdonald, in the news studio. he presents a program called “news at ten”every monday to friday evenings. another popular news presenter is kirsty young. she has a more modern style of reading the news, as you can see, she sits on the desk not on a chair! television news presenters need to have worked as journalists because they have to write most of the news that they read. sometimes an important new event happens after the program has started, so the presenter has to be able to read something without looking at it first. they must always keep calm even when there are many changes during the program. at the end of “news at ten”trevor mcdonald says “and finally.”. then he reads an unusual or interesting item. its a famous saying in england now.( )48. who sits on the desk to read the news? a. kirsty young.b. trevor mcdonald. c. all the news presenters.d. some journalists( )49. people in britain can watch tv news _ every day. a. only for three minutesb. for an hour c. in the eveningd. at any time( )50. which is the best title of this passage? a. television newsb. trevor mcdonald c. evening newsd. news at tend everyone would like to be remembered. a few people even try to do something that no one else in history has ever tried to do. these people sometimes have their names recorded(记录)in the guinness book of records. often it takes a group of people to do something unusual. one such team paddled(用桨划)a bathtub(浴缸)145 kilometers for 24 hours. this group had 13 members. they paddled their bathtub on a river near ashford, great britain on may 28 and 29. 1983. a month later, a racing team of hospital bed pushers in avon, great britain, pushed a hospital bed 16 kilometers in just 50 minutes! however, the distance(距离)record for hospital bed pushing is still held by the men of bruntsfield bedding center. this team from edinburgh pushed a hospital bed 5,203 kilometers in 1979. it took the team 35 days to cover the distance. another group of record makers held the highest dinner party in the world. nine people from sydney,australia, climbed mountain huascaran on june 28, 1989. the climbers carried a dinner table. chairs, and a meal up the mountain. when they reached the top, they all put on warm suits for dinner. people all over the world are trying hard to do something unusual to make a record. it should be understood, however, that now not all the records will be kept in the guinness book of records.( )51. according to the passage, what record was made near ashford in may, 1983? a. a record for paddling a bathtub. b. a record for climbing a mountain.c. a record for pushing a hospital bed d. a record for swimming across a river.( )52. the word cover in the passage means _. a. startb. go throughc. keepd. know( )53. what was unusual about the highest dinner party held by the nine people in the passage? a. the people who held the dinner party all came from sydney. b. only nine people held the highest dinner party. c. they had a meal on the mountain. d. they carried a dinner table and chairs up the mountain to hold the dinner party.( )54. which of the following shows the right order(顺序)of what happened in the passage? a. a group of 13 members paddled a bathtub on a river near ashford. b. a team from edinburgh made a distance record for hospital bed pushing.c. a group of nine people from sydney had a dinner party on the top of mountain huascaran. d. a racing team pushed a hospital bed 16 kilometers in just 50 minutes in avon. a. a-b-c-db. d-b-c-ac. a-d-b-cd. b-a-d-c( )55. which of the following is mentioned(提及)in the passage? a. hospital bed pushing was a popular sport in edinburgh. b. people living in ashford usually used a bathtub to carry things. c. two different records for hospital bed pushing were given. d. hospital bed pushing was held twice a year in avon, great britain.五、词汇运用(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)a) 阅读下面短文,根据括号内所给汉语写出单词的正确形式(每空一词)。have you ever heard of jet li? he is a great film 56 (明星) in china. his action films are very popular in the 57 (世界)because he is good at kung fu. many of us like him. “ huo yuanjia” is one of his 58 (最好的) films. its an action film. in this film, there are many famous 59 (演员)and actresses. i 60 认为)it is very exciting and funny. its 61 (真正地)a good film, and 62 (所有)of us like it. at the 63 (相同的)time, jet li is a kind man. he donated much money to the people in sichuan 64 (在.之后)the earthquake on may 12th, 2008. he would like to 65 (建造) some new schools for the children there.56. _ 57. _ 58. _ 59. _ 60. _61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _b)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每空限用一次。flower, dream, with, sleep, both 66. most of the students in this school can speak_ english and chinese.67. dont make so much noise. your little brother is .68. my is to be a famous doctor.69.the poor children got back to school _ the help of the kind people. 70. mothers day is coming. tom wants to buy his mother some _ as a gift. 六、任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)blue sky hotel150 rooms 156 xinlin roadtwo restaurants(24hr.)tel: (0471) 740-5386swimming pool fax: (0471) 840-5181near the downtown71. there are _ rooms in the blue sky hotel.72. the restaurants are open for _.73.the blue sky hotel is at _.74.if you want to book a room, you can call _.75.you can _ to relax in the blue sky hotel.七、书面表达 (共1小题,满分20 分)76.我校英语老师想在寒假组织一次英语冬令营活动,要求你制作一份海报贴在校园布告栏上,具体内容包含如下:(1)要求说英语、生活自理(look after oneself.);(2)时间:一周:(3)写一句话呼吁大家参加。 注意:海报部分内容已写好,你只需将其它内容补充完整。do you want to have an interesting winter camp this winter vacation? you needto and .it will take you . our english teachers will be with us. !77.最近的一项研究调查表明,大约20%的学生有不吃早餐的习惯。请根据下列表格内容提示用英语写一篇短文。原因1.晚上学习太晚,想睡多一会而不吃早餐;2. 家长太忙无法照顾,直接给钱让孩子自己解决;3. 一些男生把钱拿去玩游戏机,一些女生想保持苗条不吃早餐后果1. 上课无精打采,成绩下降;2. 身体越来越差;你的建议(至少写出2条建议并说明原因)注意:1. 词数80左右(短文的开头已给出,不计入词数);2. 不能透露个人任何信息(例如:班级和姓名等),否则不予评分。 a survey shows that about 20% of the students have a bad habit of not having breakfast. 初三英语第三次统练.听力材料 第一节 听小对话,选择正确的图片。1. w: can i help you, sir? m: yes, please. id like a cup for myself. 2. m:morning,jill!what did you have for breakfast? w:i had an egg and some milk. 3. m: jack had an accident. hes in hospital now. im going to see him.w: sorry


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