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第二部分专项语法高效突破 专项9动词与动词短语 高频考点精讲 考点1动词辨析 1 动词的分类 1 实义动词 2 连系动词连系动词不能单独作谓语 必须与表语一起构成谓语 3 助动词助动词本身没有词义 不能单独作谓语 只能和别的动词一起构成谓语 表示时态 语态 语气等特征 帮助构成否定 疑问 强调 省略等结构 主要的助动词有be do have shall will等 4 情态动词 2 近义动词辨析常见的易混近义词 考点2动词用法 大多数动词都有五种基本形式 动词原形 第三人称单数 现在分词 过去式和过去分词 1 第三人称单数形式的构成 1 一般现在时中主语是第三人称单数时 谓语动词后要加 s或 es 其变化规则与名词变复数的方法大体相同 2 不规则变化的有have has等 2 现在分词的构成 3 过去式和过去分词的构成 1 规则变化 2 不规则变化需单独记忆 考点3动词短语 1 动词短语分类 2 初中阶段易混动词 动词词组归纳 十年真题全练 近十年来 动词和动词短语是安徽中考的重点考查内容之一 每年都会考查 考查的内容多以动词变音 行为动词和动词短语词义辨析 情态动词和连系动词为主 命题形式主要为听力关键词语选择 每年0 2小题 听力信息转换 每年0 2小题 单项填空 每年0 2小题 完形填空 每年4 7小题 和单词拼写 每年1 2小题 预计2018年中考毫无疑问动词的命题会面面俱到 行为动词和动词短语词义辨析 情态动词仍然是考查重点 但对助动词 连系动词也要稍加关注 1 2017 安徽 37题 Itisnecessaryforschoolsto D theneedofallthestudents development A cutB hideC refuseD satisfy2 2016 安徽 40题 Forourownsafety it simportanttoAthetrafficrulesonthewaytoschool A followB changeC makeD break3 2015 安徽 38题 Dreamsarebeautiful However toCthemneedslotsoftimeandwork A discoverB findC achieveD stop4 2014 安徽 44题 Idon tBtheheat forI musedtohotweather A likeB mindC knowD stand5 2014 安徽 49题 Heisanhonestboy Ihavenoreasonto B whathesaid A hearB doubtC repeatD believe 考点1动词词义辨析 6 2013 安徽 39题 IwillmeetJaneatthestation PleaseCwhattimeshewillarrive A countB chooseC checkD catch7 2013 安徽 43题 ItishelpfultoCagoodhabitofreadinginlanguagelearning A takeB showC developD match8 2012 安徽 35题 Toprotecttheenvironment supermarketsdon tCfreeplasticbagstoshoppers A takeB showC provideD carry9 2011 安徽 41题 Wecan tdolisteningpracticetoday forMissZhao stape recorderdoesn tD A actB doC serveD work10 2010 安徽 32题 It sniceofyoutoBsomuchtimeshowingmearoundyourschool A takeB spendC costD have 11 2010 安徽 40题 DoyouoftenwatchManandNatureonTV Sometimes It saninterestingprogram butIASportsNews A preferB wantC enjoyD miss12 2009 安徽 41题 Whataday It srainingagain I mafraidwecan tflyakite Don tworry Itwon t B long A liveB lastC waitD go13 2008 安徽 33题 OurteamCthematch We vegotthefirstplace Welldone Congratulations A bitB beatC wonD watched14 2015 安徽 35题 TherunningwatermakesthestonesDverysmooth A soundB tasteC smellD feel 15 2014 安徽 36题 Mum whatareyoucooking ItDsosweet A tastesB feelsC soundsD smells16 2011 安徽 46题 Thefoodheresmellsgood butwhatdoesit A like A tasteB touchC seemD feel17 2009 安徽 36题 Longtimenosee Oh itBlikeyearssinceIlastsawyou A looksB seemsC feelsD sounds18 2014 安徽 35题 Iforgottobringmydictionary CouldIuseyours Yes youA A canB mustC couldD should19 2016 安徽 37题 Pleasedon tmakesomuchnoise IChearthespeakerverywell A needn tB mustn tC can tD shouldn t 20 2009 安徽 33题 Who sthemanoverthere IsitMr Black ItAbehim He smuchtaller A can tB mustn tC shouldD may21 2017 安徽 39题 Mum I vesignedforthebox What sinit I mnotsure It C beapresentfromyouruncle A needB mustC mayD will22 2015 安徽 44题 DoyouhaveanyplansforthisSunday I mnotsure I C gotothecountrysidetoseemygrandmother A canB mustC mayD need23 2008 安徽 32题 IsMr Browndrivinghere I mnotsure HeAcomebytrain A mayB shallC needD must 24 2012 安徽 42题 There senoughtimeforyoutogototheairport YouBhurrynow A shouldB needn tC mustD can t25 2010 安徽 43题 Whatwilltheweatherbeliketomorrow It B berainy cloudyorsunny Whoknows A mustB mightC shallD should26 2011 安徽 33题 MayIgooutnow Dad No YouDletyourmotherknowfirst A canB mayC needD must27 2013 安徽 32题 YouBdriveyourcarsofast It sverydangerous A wouldn tB shouldn tC couldn tD mightn t 考点2动词用法 1 2017 安徽 93题 Look Theboysarekicking 踢 theballaroundintheyard 2 2017 安徽 95题 Pleasefollowtherules Don ttouch 触碰 thephotosinthemuseum 3 2016 安徽 94题 Thelittlegirlkisses 亲吻 hermumgoodnightbeforeshegoestobed 4 2015 安徽 94题 Couldyoupleaselend 借 meyourdictionary 5 2014 安徽 99题 I mafraidwehavetocancel 取消 themeeting 6 2014 安徽 100题 Bobhasmanystorybooksandheoftenshares 分享 themwithhisfriends 7 2013 安徽 98题 Travellingbyplaneisexpensive butitsaves 节省 time 8 2013 安徽 100题 It spolitetoknock 敲 onthedoorbeforeenteringaroom 9 2012 安徽 98题 Theoldmanstartedsinging andwealljoined 加入 in 10 2011 安徽 96题 Sherides 骑 toschoolonherbicycleeveryday 11 2010 安徽 99题 Tominvited 邀请 allhisbestfriendstohisbirthdaypartylastSunday 12 2010 安徽 100题 Wehavetocarry 携带 alotofbooksinourschoolbagseveryday 13 2009 安徽 100题 Georgealwayschecks checked 检査 theanswerscarefullybeforehandinginhispapers 14 2008 安徽 97题 It snotrighttowaste 浪费 toomuchtimeoncomputergames 考点3动词短语辨析 1 2013 安徽 48题 ThepeopleinYa anhavemetlotsofdifficulties buttheyhaven tBhope A pickedupB givenupC lookedforD waitedfor2 2012 安徽 45题 Smokingisbadforyourhealth You reright IdecidetoD A takeitdownB finditoutC turnitoffD giveitup3 2015 安徽 39题 Weplannedtomeetat10 30atthestationlastSunday butBobdidn tAuntil12 00 A turnupB giveupC stayupD growup4 2011 安徽 39题 IcanhardlyhearwhatitissayingonTV WouldyoupleaseA A turnitupB turnitdownC turnitonD turnitoff 5 2008 安徽 48题 CouldyoutellmewhattimethetrainleavesHefeiforBeijing I mafraidyouneedtoDontheInternet A lookforitB lookatitC lookitoverD lookitup6 2010 安徽 37题 HowcanICwellwithmylessons Dad Practicemakesperfect A workonB holdonC getonD keepon7 2008 安徽 42题 Let splanasurpriseforourclass What syouridea Whynot D ashortplay A getonB keeponC haveonD puton 8 2016 安徽 42题 TakingsomeexerciseeverydaywillCfatandmakeyoufit A turntoB selloutC burnoffD puton9 2017 安徽 44题 OurgeographyteachertoldustoAmoreinformationaboutourcityandshareitnextweek A findoutB keepawayC turnoffD useup10 2014 安徽 39题 AstimeA you llcometothinkofEnglishasyourfriendandloveit A goesbyB runsoutC takesoffD turnsup11 2014 安徽 46题 Rosefinishedherstudyintheuniversityandwentto D agoodjob A takeafterB lookafterC careforD searchfor 12 2009 安徽 48题 TheseproblemsaretoohardtoA Willyougivemesomeadvice Therearemanyways butthemostimportantistohaveacarefulplan A workoutB lookoutC handoutD putout 猜押预测 单项填空1 Beforestamps peopledidn t fortheletterstheysent butfortheletterstheyreceived A payB costC spendD take2 Theywalkedhomelastnightbecausetheycouldn t totakeataxi A leaveB buyC affordD allow3 ThemovieissointerestingthatIdon t seeingitagaintomorrow A enjoyB mindC keepD finish4 I theschoolbusthismorning Luckily Tony sfathergavemearide A tookB caughtC sawD missed5 2016 重庆中考 Whenspringcomes treesbeginto green A soundB tasteC keepD turn A C B D D 6 MayIplaycomputergamesnow Mom No You finishyourhomeworkfirst A mustB canC couldD may7 MustIanswerthisquestioninEnglish No you A mustn tB needn tC can tD shouldn t8 Whyareyoufeelingsleepyallthetime BecauseI latewatchingthefilmKungFuPanda lastnight A stayedupB cheeredupC gaveupD tookup9 2016 济南中考 Moreandmorepeoplehaverealizedthatweshouldn t theancientbuildingsincities A getoffB putoffC cutdownD pulldown A B A D 10 Theyheardthepartywas becauseoftheexam A putonB putupC putoffD putdown11 Susan herfriend sinvitationbecauseofanimportantmeeting A tookdownB putdownC turneddownD wrotedown12 Ourcountryistakingactionto airpollution A cutdownB cutupC cutoutD cutoff13 Childrenthesedays theirparentstoomuch Theyshouldlearnhowtolookafterthemselves A getonB keeponC holdonD dependon C C A D 14 AfatherintheUKhas awonderfulideatosendhiskidstoschoolontime Hetakeshissonstotheirschoolinawhitetank 坦克 A lookeduptoB madeupC come


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