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备课大师:免费备课第一站!培优专项训练三Lessons 9-12I.用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Liu Mei is too tired to walk any _ (far). 2. I think Chinese is _ (interesting) than any other subject. 3. The white box is much _ (heavy) than the red one. 4. My bike isnt so _ (expensive) as yours. 5. The building is _ (big) than that one.6. The tower is one of the _(tall) buildings in the world.7. The price of the book is $2.75, _(include) postage(邮资).8.Why did he leave without _(say) goodbye?II.汉译英1.这条河长1000多千米, 宽大约150米,深大约10米。(long, wide, deep)_2. 上海位于中国东方。(be located in)_3. 我们学校是他们学校的两倍大。(twice asas)_4. 对我们来说学好英语很重要。(It isto)_5.他的故事把我们大家都逗笑了。(make sb. do sth.)_III.完形填空The Great Wall of China has a history of more than two thousand years. It runs from east to west in North China. It is more than 7, 000 kilometres long and 7 metres high. In most places it is 1 for ten men to walk side by side along the top. The Great Wall is made of stones and bricks(砖). There are huge stones on 2 and the top. To build 3 Great Wall over the mountains and down the valleys(山谷) was 4 . When you look at the Great Wall, you cant help wondering how the Chinese working people 5 build it without any 6 machines. They did all the work by hand. They lifted the earth in baskets and pulled the stones in groups with ropes. They worked in wild places. It was difficult to give them enough food to eat and enough clothes 7 . Thousands of workers died of hard work, cold and hunger. Many people were driven to work on the wall far away from their homes, and they never came back. As an old 8 , the Great Wall of China is known to the whole world today. Every year thousands and thousands of people come to 9 it from all over the world. It is a monument( 纪念碑) to the strong will(意志) and 10 of the Chinese people. 1. A. enough wide B. wide enough C. high enough D. enough high2. A.all sides B. every sideC.both sides D. either sides3.A. such B. so C. such a D. so a4. A. easy B. not easy C.happy D. sure5.A.must B. were able toC.may D. might6. A. modern B. old C. ancient D. useful7. A. to put on B. to wash C.to make D. to wear8. A. building B. house C. country D. city9. A. draw B. paint C. visit D. build10. A. work hard B. work easilyC.hard work D. easy workIV.选词填空long, help, big, than, howWhat is the largest animal of all? The blue whale is. The blue whales are the 1 whales. Some blue whales weigh more 2 a hundred tons. 3 heavy that is! Just think of a bus. A bus is big and heavy, but it weighs only about fifteen tons. A bus is about eight metres 4 , but some blue whales are as long as thirty metres! Though whales are so big, they are a gentle kind of giant(巨物). They live together and 5 each other. Now we know whales “talk” to each other in the water. And the giants “speak” like singing birds. V.【2012宿迁】 阅读理解Wild animals are our friends, but many of them are getting fewer and fewer. We should try to protect them. The four animals below are now in danger.Tibetan AntelopesTibetan antelopes (藏羚羊) are medium-sized animals. They mainly feed on grass. They are usually found in groups of about 20. They are killed for their wool, which is warm, soft and fine and can be made into expensive clothes. Although people can get the wool without killing the animals, people simply kill them before taking the wool. The number of them is dropping year by year. There are less than 75,000 Tibetan antelopes left in the world, down from a million 50 years ago.Golden Monkeys Golden monkeys are mainly found in Sichuan, Gansu, Shanxi provinces and Shengnongjia mountainous area of Hubei province. Golden monkeys have golden-orange fur. They move around in the daytime, usually in groups of as many as 100 to 200 heads, or 20 to 30 heads. They feed on fruits and young leaves of bamboos. But people are destroying the environment where they live. Trees and bamboos are disappearing, so golden monkeys have less and less to eat.ElephantsElephants are very big and strong. They are bigger than any other animals on land. They are grey and have long trunks and tusks. They have poor eyesight, but very good hearing and smell. They can lift heavy things and break down branches with their trunks. Elephants are very friendly towards each other and their neighbours. Normally, they live in a group for many years. Young male elephants do not leave the group until they are about 12 years old. Now, there are very few elephants in the world. The number of them is becoming smaller and smaller because their living areas are used for farming. Also, people hunt them for their tusks.WolvesWolves are not very big. They have grey fur. Wolves have very good eyesight, hearing and smell. Wolves food is various. They eat animals, insects and snails. They are friendly to each other and never attack people. They do not kill for fun. Wolves are in danger, too. They are losing their living areas because people cut down forests. Soon they will have no home or food.1. Tibetan antelopes usually live in groups of about _. A. 20 B. 30 C. 100D. 2002. Which of the following animals are the biggest on land? A. Tibetan antelopes.B. Golden monkeys.C. Elephants. D. Wolves3. Which of the following sentences is right? A. There are less than 7,500 Tibetan antelopes left in the world now. B. Golden monkeys usually move around during the night. C. Elephants have good eyesight, but very poor hearing and smell. D. Wolves are friendly to each other and they never attack people.4. What can be the best title of the passage?A. Wild animals in dangerB. How to hunt wild animalsC. Animals in the zooD. How to train the animalsVI.书面表达 假设你叫Jack是一名外地学生, 现在就读于北京第二中学,请以书信的形式向你的朋友Mary介绍一下你的新学校和新城市的一些情况。要求:1.恰当运用比较级和最高级的表达方式。2.语句通畅,完整,词数100左右。Dear Mary, Im very happy to study in my new schoolNo.2 Middle School and live in a new cityBeijing. Im much happier now._培优专项训练三Lessons 9-12 I.1.farther 2. more interesting 3. heavier 4. expensive 5. bigger 6. tallest 7.including 8.sayingII.1. This river is more than 1,000 kilometres long, about 150 metres wide and about 10 metres deep.2.Shanghai is located in the east of China.3.Our school is twice as big as theirs.4.It is important for us to learn English well.5.His story makes us all laugh.III. 1-5 BCCBB 6-10 ADACCIV. 1. biggest 2. than 3. How 4. long 5. helpV. 1. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据第二段中They are usually found in groups of about 20. 可知答案。2. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第四段中They are bigger than any other animals on land.可知答案。3. 【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中They are friendly to each other and never attack people.可知答案。4. 【解析】选A。主旨大意题。文章主要介绍了四种濒临灭绝的动物。VI.Dear Mary, Im ve


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