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AdverbialClause 状语从句 状语从句 考查特点 能力要求 用法归纳 时间状语从句 条件状语从句 原因状语从句 结果状语从句 让步状语从句 as while用法的归纳 省略现象 一状语从句高考的考查特点 1 试题的设问呈现出交叉和综合的特点 不同性质的连词 定语从句和名词性从句的干扰 2 题干句的情景化增强 句意理解难度提高 二能力要求 1 了解状语从句的分类情况及各种状语从句中经常使用的连词2 能够在真实的语境中判定从句与主句的逻辑关系 从而能够使用恰当的连词完成交际 3 能够辨别同类状语从句中近似连词的用法区别 三状语从句的定义 功能 分类 定义 在复合句中作状语的从句 功能 状语从句在主从复合句中修饰主句中的动词 形容词或副词 或整个主句 分类 按意义可分为时间 地点 原因 目的 结果 条件 方式 比较 让步等状语从句 从句的位置放在句首 也可放在句末 放在句首时 从句后面常用一个逗号 放在句末时 从句前一般不用逗号 常见考点 考点一 主句与从句的时态呼应问题 考点二 连接词的选择 注意区别几组连接词 while as when引导时间状语从句 because since as for引导原因状语从句 if unless引导条件状语从句 so that such that引导结果状语从句等 考点三 状语从句与非谓语动词之间的替换 考点四 状语从句的倒装结构 hardly scarcely when nosooner than等 时间状语从句 引导时间状语从句的从属连词 1 基本类 before after when while as since till until once assoonas etc 2 名词类 由名词词组充当引导词 themoment theminute thesecond theinstant etc 一 就 everytime eachtime thelasttime thefirsttime etc 3 副词类 由副词充当引导词 immediately directly instantly etc 一 就 4 句型类 nosooner than hardly scarcely when etc 一 就 e g IwillgiveyouananswerimmediatelyIfinishmywork e g Scarcelyhadhegonewhensheappeared 注意 用于句首时应引起部分倒装 且前部分一般用过去完成时 1 1998上海 Ithoughtherniceandhonest Imether AfirsttimeB forthefirsttimeC thefirsttimeD bythefirsttime 2Hehurriedoutoftheroom themeetingwasover AthemomentB amomentagoC afteraminuteD minuteafter 3 Dr Bethunebegantowork hearrivedatthefront A immediatelyB bythetimeC beforeD atthemoment 4 He tothelabthanhesetouttodotheexperiment 99上海 A hasnosoonergotB nosoonergotC willnosoonergetD hadnosoonergot 5Hisfatherbegantowork hischildhood A sinceB beforeC asearlyasD while 6 Whatwasthepartylike Wonderful It syears Ienjoyedmyselfsomuch A afterB beforeC whenD since 7 2000 Someonecalledmeupinthemiddleofthenight buttheyhungup Icouldanswerthephone A asB sinceC untilD before 8Therooffell hehadtimetodashintotheroomtosavehisbaby A beforeB asC afterD until 9 Scientistssayitmaybefiveortenyears itispossibletotestthismedicineonhumanpatients A sinceB beforeC afterD when 10 It longbeforewe theresultoftheexperiment 02上海春招 A willnotbe willknowB is willknowC willnotbe knowD is know 我们来这两年了两个月他才能回来 Itis hasbeentwoyearssincewearrivedhere Itwillbetwomonthsbeforehecomesback NMET99 I mgoingtothepostoffice you rethere canyougetmesomestamps A AsB WhileC BecauseD If 下课的时候 webeganourwriting Johnsings 边走 我们看电视的时候 hewaswritingacomposition 注意 几种常用when的句型 bedoingsth when beabouttodosth when beonthepointofdoingsth when Whenthelessonwasover ashewalks WhilewewerewatchingTV 用when as while完成下列句子 Hefellasleep hewasreading Ikeptsilent hewaswriting Shesang shewentalong Itwasraininghard wearrived Ithoughtofitjust youopenedyourmouth Thingsaregettingbetterandbetter timegoeson It scold itsnows Iwillgohome hecomesback Wewereabouttostart itbegantorain Helikescoffee shelikestea aboy helivedinJapan reading hefellasleep introuble askherforhelp when while as while as when as when as as when when when while As When When While When While 主句表示的是一个短暂性动作 从句表示的是一个持续性动作 主 从句表示两个同时进行的持续性动作 且强调主句表示的动作延续到从句所指的整个时间 同时进行 一边 一边 主句 持续性动作 从句 短暂性动作 主从句 几乎同时发生的短暂性动作 正在发展变化的情况 随着 每当 的时候 暗示一种规律性 有先后顺序 表示 这时 突然 而 却 表示对比 as when 名词 构成省略句 while无此用法 when while 现在分词 介词短语 形容词等构成省略句 但as一般不这样用 When while和as的区别 1Whenhe come back pleasetellhimtomeetmeatmyoffice comes 2Iwilltellhimwhenshe back 3Iwouldtellhimwhenshe back comes came 注意时态 4 When youcometoseeme Dad Iwillgotoseeyouwhenyou thetrainingcoursing A do willhavefinishedB will willfinishC do arefinishingD will finish 时间状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时 用一般过去时代替过去将来时 while用法的归纳 作并列连词 意为 然而 却 表对比 Helikesfootballwhilehisbrotherlikesbasketball 2 引导时间状语从句 Whilehewasdoinghishomework hismothercamein 引导让步状语从句 表 虽然 尽管 置于句首 WhileIadmithisgoodpoints Icanseehisshortcomings 引导条件状语从句 表 只要 I lldoeverythingforyouwhileyouarehappy 地点状语从句引导词 where whereverI llgowhereverhegoes I llgowherehewent Canyoutellme youarefrom Itisnotimportant Icamefrom A when wheneverB where whereverC theplace whereD wherever where 我要去他去的地方 他去哪我就去哪 地点状语从句与定语从句的区别1 Wheredoyouplantowork I vemadeupmymindtogo I mmostneeded A totheplaceB towhichC thatD where2 Iwillgotoacountryforaholiday therearealotofflowersandtrees A intheplaceB whereC whichD wherever辨析 Gobackwhereyoucamefrom Gobacktothevillagewhereyoucamefrom 条件状语从句 1 引导词 if unless aslongas solongas只要 incase that 以防万一 如果 onconditionthat 条件是 在 的条件下 ifonly 要是 多好 onlyif 只要 supposing suppose 假设 etc 用if和unless填空 You llmissthetrain youhurryup You llmissthetrain youdon thurryup Don ttouchanything yourteachertellsyouto Youcantouchit yourteachertellsyouto unless if unless if Ifcitynoises fromincreasing people shouttobeheardevenatthedinnertable20yearsfromnow NMET1992 Aarenotkept willhavetoBarenotkept havetoCdonotkeep willhavetoDdonotkeep haveto 注意 在if unless aslongas等引导的条件状语从句中 用一般现在时代替将来时 Johnmayphonetonight Idon twanttogoout hephones NMET2000 春季 A aslongasB inorderthatC incaseD sothat2 Ishouldstayinthehotelallday thereisnewsofthemissingchild NMET2000上海春季 A incaseB nomatterC inanycaseD evensince3 Idon tthinkI llneedanymoneybutI llbringsome NMET2000 A atlastB incaseC onceagainD intimeIcantellyouthetruth youpromisetokeepasecret A incaseB onconditionthatC sothatD while 让步状语从句 由though although as 虽然尽管 evenif eventhough wh ever nomatterwh whether引导 mostofthepeopleagreed somewerenotwillingtoaccept Proud thenobleis heisafraidtoseeme Wewouldn tloseheart weshouldfailtentimes Although as evenif as引导让步状语从句时从句部分语序要部分倒装 其结构为 Youngasheis hecanreadandwriteinseveralforeignlanguages 注意 Childashewas hehadtosupportthefamily 表语名词提前并常省去冠词 n adj adv v as 主语 谓语 1 hisideawasacceptedbyallthepeopleatthemeeting 2007重庆 StrangeasmightitsoundB AsitmightsoundstrangeAsstrangeitmightsoundD Strangeasitmightsound2 tomorrow ourshipwillsetsailforMacao 2007上海春 HowevertheweatherislikeB HoweveristheweatherlikeC WhateveristheweatherlikeD Whatevertheweatherislike 3 hetalksalotabouthisfavouritesingersafterclass 2005重庆 A AquietstudentashemaybeB QuietstudentashemaybeC BeaquietstudentashemayD Quietashemaybeastudent4 hehaslimitedtechnicalknowledge theoldworkerhasalotofexperience 2006全国1 SinceB UnlessC AsD Although5 Ihavetoputitawayandfocusmyattentiononstudythisweek 2004上海春 HoweverthestoryisamusingB NomatteramusingthestoryisC HoweveramusingthestoryisD Nomatterhowthestoryisamusing 6 Idon tlikeart Ifindhisworkimpressive 2007山东 AsB SinceC IfD While7 Dad I vefinishedmyassignment Good and youplayorwatchTV youmustn tdisturbme 2003上海 WheneverB whetherC whateverD nomatter8 Carolidacouldn tgetthedooropen 2005广东 TryasshemightB AsshemighttryC ShemightastryD Mightsheastry 原因状语从句 1 在强调句中强调原因状语从句 只能用because引导 不可用as或since 2 because可以引导表语从句 而as since不可以 这时主语一般都是it this that Itwas hewasillthathedidn tgowithus It s heistoolazy 3 since表示 既然 只能放主句前 wehavenomoney wecan tbuythatvase because 用because as since填空 because Since 引导词 because as since nowthat 既然 consideringthat 考虑到 既然 etc 1 you vegotachance youmightaswellmakefulluseofit NMET99 NowthatB AfterC AlthoughD Assoonas2 Amancannotsmilelikeachild achildsmileswithhiseyes whileamansmileswithhislipsalone 2006湖南 A soB butC andD for 结果状语从句 用so such填空 Therewere manypeopleintheroomthatwecouldnotgetin Hemade anexcellentspeechthateveryoneadmiredhim Sheis lovelyagirlthateveryoneinherclasslikesher Hehas poorfurniturethatotherscannotfindaplacetosit so such so such 注意 1 so that 与such that 的区别 so adj adv thatso adj a an 可数名词单数 thatso many much few little 名词 that e g Itissohotthatwecan tsleep Itissointerestingabookthatshehasreadittwice such a an adj 单数可数名词 thatsuch adj 复数名词 不可数名词 thatsuch alotof lotsof 名词 that Itissuchaninterestingbookthatshehasreadittwice Therewassuchdeliciousfoodthathehadtoomuch 2 such so that 与such so as 的区别 Theyhavesuchafiercedog noonedarestogoneartheirhouse Theyhavesofierceadog biteswhoeverpassesbytheirhouse that as Thisissoheavyastone noonecanliftit A asB thatCwhichDwhat Thisissuchaheavystone Ican tlift Thisissuchaheavystone Ican tliftit as that 目的状语从句引导词 so sothat inorderthat forfearthat 以免 以防 惟恐 等 其谓语动词常与情态动词can could may might should would连用 1 I dliketoarrive20minutesearly Icanhavetimeforacupoftea A assoonasB asaresultC incaseD sothat2TheShanghaiesearemakinggreateffortstobeautifythecity moreoverseascompanieswillcome A inorderthatB soastoC solongasD onconditionthat 方式状语从句引导词 as 象 一样 正如 asif asthough 好象 宛如 1Just wateristofish soairistoman A sinceB whatC likeD as2Readingistomind foodistothebody A thatB whatC asD likeLeaveitasitis Hestatedthefactsastheywere Heis asitwere awalkingdictionary 事实上 按现在的样子 按原样子 插入语 仿佛 好象 比较状语从句引导词 as as 和 一样 notas so as 不如 than 比 themore themore 越 越 ScientistsgenerallyagreethattheEarth sclimatewillwarmupoverthenext50to100years ithaswarmedinthe20 000yearssincetheIceAge A solongasB asmuchasC aslongasD aswellas2 Itisgenerallybelievedthatteachingis itisascience A asartmuchasB muchanartasC asanartmuchasD asmuchanartas as用法的归纳 可引导定语从句 可引导时间状语从句 表 一边 一边 可引导原因状语从句 表 因为 Asisknowntoall Chinaisagreatcountry Shecriedasshegotoffthebus Weshallnotgototheparkasitisraining 可引导让步状语从句 表 虽然 尽管 Surroundedastheywerebytheenemy theymanagedtogetout 可引导方式状语从句 表 按照 Doasyouaretoldto 可引导比较状语从句 表 和 一样 Heanswersasquicklyashissisterdoes 状语从句中的省略现象 Once seen thefilmcannever
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