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.词汇1.Ilikethatred_(毛衣).2.Theblack_(短裤)areSams.3.Ilike_(黄色)color.4.Hewantsblue_(鞋).5.Thosepantsaretwelve_(美元).选择填空( ) 1.Thegreenshortsare_salefor$25.A.for B.on C.at( ) 2.Thesocks_allcolors are forjust2yuan.A.in B.for C.on ( ) 3._colordoyoulike? Whiteandred.A.Who B.What C.Howmuch( ) 4.CanIhelpyou? _.A.No,pleasedont B.Yes,please C.Yourewelcome( ) 5.Howmuch_thosepants? Theyre25yuan.A.is B.are C.am( ) 6.Hisclothes_,inthatroom.A.is B.are C.am( )7.Thankyou_yourlast letter.A.to B.by C.with D.for( ) 8. Do you have two _? A. ping-pong bats B. ping-pong bat C. ping-pongs bats( ) 9. What are these? _. A. This is a book B. They are books C. These are books( ) 10. Where _ our English books? A. am B. is C. are( ) 11. Do you _ TV?A. Look at B. watch C. see( ) 12. -Lets watch TV. -No, it sounds _. Lets play basketball.A. interesting B. boring C. difficult( ) 13. Lets play _ soccer. That sounds great. A. / B. a C. the ( ) 14.- Does your brother have a pen? -Yes, he _. A. does B. has C. do( ) 15. Tom _ his mothers dessert, but he doesnt _ her cakes. A. like; like B. likes; like C. like; likes( ) 16. _ you like strawberries? Yes, I love them very much.A. Is B. Are C. Do( ) 17. The runner star _ lots of healthy food.A. eat B. have C. eats( ) 18. My parents have some eggs and milk _ breakfast.A. at B. for C. of( ) 19. I _ like the fried chicken in McDonalds because its not healthy. A. not B. dont C. doesnt( ) 20. Jeff eats ice cream every day. He _ good food every day. A. eat B. doesnt eat C. dont eat( ) 21._ David and Tom like tomatoes? A. Do B. Does C. Is( )22. Whats your favorite vegetable?A. Hamburgers B. Tomato C. Bananas( )23. _ your brother _ fruit? A. Is, like B. Does, like C. Do, likes D. Does, likes ( )24.Doyouwanttogotoamovie? _.Iwanttoseeacomedy.A.Yes,Iam B.No,Imnot C.Yes,Ido D.No,Idont( )25.DoyouthinkBeijingOperaisinterestingor_?A.exciting B.boring C.funny D.boring( )26.Ilikecomedies_Idontlikeactionmovies.A.and B.or C.but D.so( )27._Marialikethrillers? Yes,she_.A.Do,do B.Does,does C.Is,Is D.Does,doesnt( )28.MrGreenknowsalot_BeijingOpera.A.at B.for C.about D.with( )29.Mysisterlikescomedies.Shethinks_.A.theyrefunny B.theyrescary C.theyarentexciting D.theyarentsad( )30.Whatkindof_doesyourfatherlike? Documentaries.A.story B.sports C.music D.movies( )31.Hestays_homeandlooks_thephotosofhischildrens(孩子)_weekends.A.in,of,at B.at,at,on C.to,for,at D.at,in,atA) 词语释义 选出与句中划线部分意义最相近的解释。(5分) ( ) 1. Jims parents are teachers. A. father and mother B. uncle and aunt C. brother and sister ( ) 2. -What day is it today? - -Its the first day of the week. A. Monday B. Wednesday C. Sunday ( ) 3. I dont like science because it is not interesting. A. fun B. boring C. difficult ( ) 4. His birthday is in the last month of a year. A. January B. December C. September B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. This is my pen and that is _ (she) pen. 2. I want to buy five _(tomato). 3. Today is my _ (twelve) birthday. 4. There _ (be) many books on the desk. 5. His father usually _ (go) to work by bike. 6. She wants _ (read) a book. 7. Lets go and _ (see) our grandma. 8. She _ (get) up at 6:30 in the morning. 9. His birthday _ (be) November 14th. 10. She _ (have) a new sweater. 11.Ilike_(China)actionmovies.12.BeijingOperais_(real)fun!13.Canyoutell_(I)astory?14.Thereare(有)many_(student)intheclassroom.15.Theboyisten_(year)old.16.MybirthdayisJune_(five)IV. 根据汉语提示,完成句子,注意正确形式.1. -Where is your bag? -Its in the _ _ _ _(失物招领处). 2. For dinner, he likes _ (汉堡包) and chicken. 3. Do you _ _ _ (想参加) the music club? 4. Can you _ _ _ (把你的相片带到.来) to school? 5. We eat lots of _ and _ (蔬菜、水果). 6. He has a _ _(生日聚会) on July 2nd. 7. _ _(谢谢) your letter. 8. Peter eats _ _ (许多) healthy food.9. We have English _ _ (每天) .10. He _ _ (看电视) at 8:00 in the evening.11. We can _ _ (做运动) every morning.12. He has _ _ _(两支网球拍).13. I like _ _ (冰淇淋),but I dont like _(汉堡包).14. Tom eats eggs and milk for _ (早餐).15. Make a _ _ _ (食物清单).16. We have many _ _(运动俱乐部).VI.按照要求写出句子。5%1. family thanks your photo for (连词成句) _2.Rick goes to bed at 10 pm.(改为否定句)Rick_ _ to bed at 10 pm.3.我喜欢喜剧,因为它们很有趣。 I like _, because they are _.4.我的兄弟通常在晚上8点做作业。 My brother often_ homework at eight_.IV.用have或has填空 (5 )。1. He _ a new friend.2. We _ some photos.3. Jim _ lunch at 12:00.4. Does she _ a nice volleyball?5. Toms father _ a new car.V. 填空 ( 20 )。A: _ play soccer, LiLei.B: Its _ . But I _ _ a _ _.A: Oh, thats a pity(真遗憾). _ you _ a basketball?B: Yes, _ _ .A: Is your _ in _ room?B: No, _ _ .A: _ _ it?B: Its _ my bedroom.A: _ , lets play basketball.B: _ _ good.翻译句子1.这些东西多少钱?_arethesethings?2.我能帮助你吗?_I_you?3.你最喜欢的颜色是什么?Whatisyour_?根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词。1.Icanl_alotaboutChinesehistory.2.Hisf_foodischicken.3.Herbrotherw_tobeanartist.4.Doyouwanttogotoam_.5.Mysocksarentw_.Theyreblack. 6Soccer is my f_sport (运动).7. Look at the p . Its very nice.8.Kangkangs is twelve . He is a school s_. Miss Gao is his t_.9. Oranges are o_10 B_ those books here .11.-What color is our national flag(国旗)? - Its r_and y_.12 This is her h_. Its nice.13.Whats this in E_? Its an apple.14.Lucys bag is new but Lilys is o_.15.Lindas f_ color is green. Today(今天) she is i_a green skirt16. Is this a cat or a tiger(老虎) ? I t_its a tiger.句型转换。(10分)1.Benlikesactionmovies.(改为否定句)Ben_actionmovies.2.Iwanttoseecomedies.(就划线部分提问)_kindof_doyouwanttosee?3.Mymotherlikesopera.(变为一般疑问句)_yourmother_opera?4.DoesJanelikesthrillers?(作否定回答)_,she_.5.Ihaveapencil.Idonthaveaneraser.(将两个句子连成一个并列句)Ihaveapencil_Idonthaveaneraser.改错:下列各句均有一处错误,请指出并改正.1.Doyouwantgotoamovie? ( )2.Whatkindofmoviedoyoulike?. ( )3.IlikeEnglishbutIlikeChinese. ( ).根据汉语意思完成下列各句,每空一词。1.我最喜欢英语。 I_English_.2.我认为动作片很有趣。 I_actionmovieis_.3.我经常与爸爸一起去看电影。 I_gotomovies_myfather.4.你喜欢哪种类型的电影? What_of_doyoulike?.阅读理解。ImJung.IminBeijingnow.IthinkBeijingOperaisveryinteresting.Ioftengotoseeit.MyfriendEdwardusuallygoestoChineseactionmoviesonweekends.ButIstayathomeandlookat


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