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姓名:命题:李永红 编审:苗英一单项选择(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)( )1.We can see _ full moon on the evening of August _ 15th every year .A. the , a B. a . a C. a . the D. the .the ( )2.-Im sorry I cant help you . - _.A. Not at all B. It doesnt matter C. Thank you all the same D. Im sorry to hear that .( )3.-Lets go to the west Hill Park by taxi. -Oh, it is not far away from here . We_ take a taxiA. couldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. cant ( )4.It is reported that more new teaching buildings _ in our school in the next term .A. will be built B. was built C. has built D. will build ( )5. You should_the new words that you dont know how to spell.A look for B look after C look up D look down( )6._ Jane_ Susan dance very well .A. Neither nor B. Either or C. Both and D. Not. only but also( )7.I dont know when he _ here. Ill call you when he _.A. will arrive ; will arrive B. arrives ; arrives C. will arrive , arrives D. arrives, will arrive( )8.-Good morning, madam , can I help you ? -Sure, Id like _ for cooking vegetables.A. two cups of tea B. three pieces of bread C. five kilos of oil D. five kilos of oils( )9.-Must I finish my homework right now ? -No, you _.A. neednt B may not C. mustnt D. cant ( )10.Why not _ an English club to practice _ English.A. to join ; . to speak B. join ; speaking C. join ; to speak D. to join , speaking ( )11.-“Have you found the information about famous people _ you can use for the report ? -“Not yet , Ill search some on the Internet .A. which B. who C. what D. whom( )12.-“Why didnt you tell me ?” -“ I _tell you ”.A. do B. did C. am D. are ( )13._the story is short and there are no new words in it , it is difficult to understand .A. But . B. Though C. And D. For ( )14.Why not consider_ your parents for help ? A. ask B. asks C. asking D. to ask ( )15.-Would you like some more tea ? - _ ,Please .A. No more B. Just a little C. Ive had enough D. Yes ,I would ( )16.-Peter, I think we need to buy a new car . -Oh ,no ! We are_ out of money , you know ?A. trying B. going C. getting D. running( )17.They have to _ the sports meeting .till next Sunday because of the bad weather.A. put off B. put on C. put up D put out ( )18. _the help of my classmates, Ive improved my English. A By B With C Under D For( )19.She didnt mind _ TV while she was trying to study .A. them to watch B. that they watch C. their watching D. watching ( )20.-Look ,what a nice garden ! -Yes , It _ every day .A. is cleaned B. has been cleaned C. is being cleaned D. was cleaned二、完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)AHere 21 good news for children and their parents .Smoking is going to be banned (禁止)in primary and middle schools in China .We all know smoking 22 our health .So schools will ask their teachers to stop 23 on campus (校园).According to a report , therere 24 young smokers in China .Young people are the hope of our country . Lets say no to smoking for our country and for 25 .( )21.A.are B. is C. am D. be ( )22. A. is bad for B. is good for C. is bad at D. is good to ( )23.A.smoke B. to smoke C. smoking D. smoked ( )24.A. million of B. two millions of C. two millions D. millions of ( )25.A.we B. our C. ourself D. ourselves BLife is not easy .so Id like to say , “ No matter what happens , believe in yourself .”When I was 14 .I was too 26 to talk to anyone . My classmates often laughed at me .I was sad but could do nothing. Later , 27 happened .It changed my life. It was an English speech contest .My mother ask me to take part in it . What a ( an) 28 idea ! It meant I had to 29 in front of all the teachers and students of my school .“Come on ,boy . Believe in yourself .You are sure to 30 .” she said .Then mother and I talked about many different topics .At last I chose the topic . “Believe in yourself ”. I tried my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 times. To my mothers great job , I did 31 in the contest ,I could 32 believe my ears when the result came that I had won the first place .I heard 33 from the teachers and students .Those classmates who once looked clown on me , now all said “Congratulations !” to me . My mother hugged (拥抱)me and cried 34 .Since then , everything has 35 . When I do anything , I try to tell myself to be sure that I will find myself . This is true not only for a person ,but also for a country .( )26.A. brave B. shy C. excited D. lazy ( )27.A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything ( )28.A.interesting B. wonderful C. awful D. sad ( )29. A. listen B. speak C. think D. write( )30.A.succeed B. fail C. lose D. defeat ( )31.A.terribly B. badly C. good D. well ( )32.A. almost B. hardly C. nearly D. always ( )33.A.cheers B. noises C. thanks D. hopes( )34.A. angrily B. sadly C. quickly D. excitedly ( )35.A.changed B. lost C. gone D. ended 三、阅读理解(共25小题,每小题2分,共50分)第一节 短文理解 :(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分)AThousands of years ago , people lived only in hot countries .They did not live in cold countries because they could not keep warm. And they did not know to make fire ,either .At times , lighting(闪电)hit a forest and started a fire . Then people took some of the fire to make a fire near their homes. A fire was important for three reasons . It kept them warm .It frightened wild animals . They did not attack people when they saw a fire .And if you cook food , it tastes much better!But men still didnt know how to make fire .When they had a fire , they did not let it stop burning .If it went out ,they could not start it again .They had to wait for lighting to start another fire ! Sometimes they had to wait for years .Later ,they found how to make fire . If you rub (摩擦) two pieces of wood together ,they become hot and burn. Of course you have to rub very fast ! One way of doing it is to make a little hole in a piece of wood .pieces of wood or dry leaves are put into the hole ,then you put the end of a stick into the hole .You rub the sticks between the hands .This makes it turn quickly .The end of the stick in the hole becomes very hot .The small pieces of wood and dry leaves begin to burn.( )36. This passage is a piece of _.A. narrative ( 记叙文) writing B. expository (说明文) C. story D. novel ( )37.In the past fire was important for the following reasons except _A. to keep people warm B. to frighten animals C. to cook D. to light the house ( )38.When a fire goes out , it _.A. leaves B. stop burning C. still burns D. became weak ( )39. This makes it turn quickly .Here “turn ” means _A. move around B. go away C. happen D. change ( )40. This passage is written in a _ way A. funny B. joking C. serious D. ironical (讥讽)BJealousy (妒忌)is a very common problem in daily life .Its everywhere .For example , if someone does better than you ,you will get annoyed because you want to be No .1. We may become jealous of a best friends top marks in an exam ,or of the girl in art class who is praised by the teacher all the time .We get annoyed because these good things are happening to someone else but not to us .Its bad to feel jealous .We should be pleased with the things we have .But we still wish we had the money of this person and the talent of that person .Instead of sharing their happiness ,we just feel jealous and unhappy with ourselves .And , too often ,these feelings are expressed by speaking ill of the people we envy .However ,envy is also a kind of compliment to others . We see that other peoples styles and talents are not the same as our own .By comparing ourselves with others ,we can know what we lack( 缺乏).And we can turn this comparison ,the envy of others ,into a kind of power .Therefore ,being a bit jealous of others lets us know what we are like and what we want to be like .It can push us to become what we really want to be .( )41.According to the first paragraph ,why do you be annoyed ?A. because you are an annoying person B. Because others do something better than you C. because the teacher doesnt like others ( )42.From the passage we can know if you have good marks in the exam, ,a jealous person may _.A. make friends with you B. speak well of you C. speak ill of you ( )43.If we feel jealous ,it shows that _ .A. we arent pleased with the things we have B. we wish we had little money C. we get good marks in our exams ( )44.The Chinese meaning of the underlined word “envy ” probably is “_”.A.赞美 B.妒忌 C. 崇拜( )45.What should be the right attitude towards jealousy ?A. Its just a bad things B. Its a goo thing C. It makes us know what we are like what we want to be like .C.Young people and older people dont always agree with each other .They sometimes have different ideas about living ,working and having fun .But in one special program in New York ,adults and teenagers live together in peace.Each summer 200 teenagers and 50 adults live together for eight weeks as members of a special work group .Everyone works for several hours each day .;The purpose of this program is not just to keep busy .It is also to find meaning and enjoyment in work .Some teenagers work on the farms near the village .Some learn to make furniture and to build houses .The adults teach them these skills .There are several free hours each day .Weekends are free ,too .During the free time ,some of the teenagers learn photography and painting .Others sit around and talk or sing .Each teenager chooses his own way to spend his free time .When people live together ,rules together .If someone breaks a rule ,the whole group will discuss the problem .they ask ,“Why did it happen ? What should we do about it ?” One of the teenagers has this to say about the experience ,“You dont only think about yourself .You learn how to think about the group .”( )46.The purpose of this program is _A. to keep busy B. to find meaning in work C. to find enjoyment in work D.A, B and C( )47.Which of the following is not the teenagers activity during their free time ?A. to learn photography B. to learn painting C. to learn to make furniture D. to sit around and talk or sing ( )48.If someone in the group breaks a rule ,_A. he must go away B. the problem must be discussed by the group C. he will be punished (惩罚) by others D. he will be kept busy working ( )49. People who join the group _A. live together in peace B. are busy working in order to learn more skills C. only think about themselves D. want to make friends with children ( )50.Which is the best title (标题)of this passage ?A. Teenagers and adults B.A special program C. How to spend your free time D. Enjoyment in work DIf you watch the sky for about an hour after the sun goes down, you may see some “moving stars”. But theyre not really stars. Theyre man-made satellites. And the biggest of all is the International Space Station (ISS). From May to July is the best season to watch the ISS flying over the earth. And people can see it with their eyes. The ISS is the biggest satellite(人造卫星) and scientists want to live on it. They think that the best way to learn more about space is to live there. When the space station is finished, it will be like a city in space. People will stay and study there with many of the things they have at home. Laboratories, living rooms and power stations are being built. The ISS is the most expensive space program. Billions of dollars are being spent on it every year. Scientists hope that the ISS will be a stepping stone for future space exploration(探测). “The ISS will help us understand the human body better, explore space and study the earth. It can help us make life on the earth better,” said Kathryn Clark, an ISS scientist. Sixteen countries are part of the program: the US, Russia, Canada, Japan, Brazil and 11 European countries. China isnt an ISS country, but it has helped with some of the experiments. In 2003, China sent some rice up to the ISS to find out what space would do to it. ( )51.The International Space Station . A. is really a big city in space B. is the biggest man-made satellite C. can only help us explore space D. is mainly built by the USA and Russia( )52.From the passage we know that . A. building the ISS is only for scientists to live there B. scientists can do anything they like there C. people can see the Space Station at any timeD. sixteen countries are members of the space program( )53.The phrase “a stepping stone” probably means .A. 滑梯 B. 巅峰 C. 垫脚石 D. 走廊( )54. China sent some rice up to the ISS is probably to_.A. be used as astronauts food. B. sell it to aliensC. do some science experiments. D. make it grow better in space( )55. Which of the following isnt mentioned in this passage?A. China will join the ISS in the future. B. The scientists are building living rooms for them in the ISS.C. The ISS will be more useful in the future.D. The ISS costs the members of 16 countries plenty of money every year.第二节:补全对话(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据对话内容,从方框内选出填入空白处,选最佳选项,使对话完整,选项中有一项多余。A:Could you show me your photos ?B: It was really fantastic C: Why do you say like that ? D: Did you feed them bamboo shoots ?E: No , They are sleeping in the house at that time F. What a pity!A: Hi , how was your class trip to Bi Feng Gorge (碧峰峡) B: 56 A: Did you see the tigers ? B: 57 A: Then , where did you go ?B: I went to the giant panda base ( 基地),This is my first time to see the giant pandas .A: Oh ,it must be very interesting 58 B: No , they were full .A: 59 B: But I took some photos with them .They were very lovely A: Wow , that sounds wonderful 60B: Certainly , You can see my photos of the trip on the Internet .I made a home page , I put all photos on it for everyone to look at .A: Oh , really ? I cant wait to see them 第三部分.写(共三节,满分50分)第一节:阅读填空(共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,然后根据短文内容补全文后表格中所缺失的信息,每空限填数字或一个单词。My name is Jane. My job is to write stories and newsletters for a magazine. I love traveling and hope to visit Great Britain one day. Id like a pen pal from London, who is interested in discussing the differences between Europe and Asia. I love listening to pop music and playing football.I am Manuel. Im a businessman and have a large company with many workers and clerks. I would like to find a pen pal who is also a businessman and lives in North America. I like using the Internet.I am working in a university. I speak English, French and Russian. My family name is Jackson but my students usually call me Sarah. Id like a pen pal who is interested in language learning working in Oxford University. I dont like using computers for learning and I believe that true language learning can only happen in a classroom.I am Peter and interested in the differences between East Europe and North America. I love riding my horse Jackie and listening to jazz. I usually get up at 7 oclock and go to school around 7:30 in the morning. I want to find a pen pal who has the same interest as me living in Sydney.Cindy is my first name. I am working in a travel agency. Sometimes I am called Mr. Guide as I am working. Id like to find a pen pal who comes from Europe. I like playing the piano and listening to jazz. I am interested in history, but I dont like discussing languages. First name What to do likesPen-pal fromJane61_Travelling, pop music, and playing footballLondonManuelBusinessman Using 62._North America63_TeacherTeachingOxford UniversityPeterStudentRiding horse and listening to jazz64_Cindy65_Playing piano, listening to jazz historyEurope第二节:选词填空(共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)slow it save when night doesnt there film with computer Are you able to send a letter with pictures and sounds to someone anywhere in the world without putting a


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