



整容一些和整容相关的术语:jaw plastic (颌骨整形), a double eyelid(割双眼皮), opened canthus(开眼角), mat chin(垫下巴), hump nose(隆鼻), the tender lips(丰唇), Breast enhancement (丰胸), orthodontics(牙齿矫正)wrinkle removing, kind of eyelash(睫毛种植), hair removal(脱毛)等。关于整容的一些现象:1. Everyone wants to have a perfect face. Along with the progress of modern medical techniques, medical cosmetic began to popular, more and more people involved, especially some stars. It is undeniable that they have changed a lot; they became more and more beautiful and amazing, so began to become more and more famous.2. For women in age 20s, importance of beauty was very important than 10s and 30s. For age 10s also importance of beauty was very important. For age 30s importance of beauty was just Important. More and more women in Teens and 20s will have plastic surgery due to effect of media and society. Women in 30s are highly interested in beauty, but not as great as teens and 20s.问题:Suppose you have a lot of money, there is no pain to have plastic surgery, will consider to have it, which part do you want change?对于整容的正方观点:1. One due to congenital defects, or the day after the cause of the accident, such as burns, car crashes, leading to the appearance of disability, therefore, they had to bear the physical and mental pressure. At that time, it is necessary to take plastic surgery.2. Plastic surgery can remove facial wrinkles, sagging skin, fat deposits, or other visible signs of aging. Everyone is no longer its old forbidding grey self.3. These operations do not need too much time and we can afford the fees of the small cosmetic surgery.4. This kind of surgery can improve ones appearance, thus secure a good job.对于整容的反方观点:例子:The tragic death of celebrity Wang Bei has made people aware of the risks of cosmetic surgery, which is becoming increasingly popular.(超女王贝整容殒命的新闻使得人们愈加意识到越来越流行的整容手术的风险性。)Denny Chen, a 27-year-old Beijing hairdresser, dropped his plans for vision-correcting laser surgery because of the news. Im afraid the same thing might happen to me, so Ive decided to forget the surgery, he says.(来自北京的27岁的发型师丹尼陈,就是因为这则新闻而打消了做激光矫正视力手术的想法。他说:“我害怕同样事件发生在自己身上,所以决定不做这个手术了。”)看法:1. Beauty is only skin-deep, virtue is more important than appearance. Plastic surgery cannot improve ones character.2. Dont judge a person by appearance. Success relies on ones abilities but not appearance.3. A waste of money and time.4. People have to bear the risks of an unsuccessful surgery which will be a lifelong pain.总的来说:Everyone loves beauty, Im not against others to do the facial plastic surgery, thats their rights and ways of life, but I will never do this. Because my body and life were given by my parents, my nose, eyes are signs of my family, so I will never change them, though I am not the most beautiful one, I hope I am the happiest one!一些建议:1. Be confident.2. We can get what we want by improving our inner qualities, such as our personality and ability, and there is no need to endure the pains and economic loss of


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