



话题11购物 (Shopping).话题相关词汇名词、形容词(词组)1商业中心shopping centre2儿童用品商店childrens goods store 3旧货店secondhand store4柜台counter5售货摊stall/stand 6橱窗show window7玻璃柜台show case8货架shelf9收银处cash desk/cashiers desk 10标价签price tag11折扣价discount price12零钱change13售货员shop assistant14女售货员saleswoman15价值;益处value16市场,集市market17钱包purse/wallet18债务;欠款debt19食品杂货商grocer20号码,尺寸size21超市supermarket22购物单shopping list23支付方式payment24销售中on sale25待出售for sale26信用卡credit card27微信支付WeChat pay28支付宝Alipay29促销sales promotion30便宜cheap31昂贵expensive/dear32品牌brand动词(词组)1买东西do some shopping/go shopping2留发票keep the bill3包装wrap up4送deliver5售空be all sold out/be out of stock6(价格)上涨go up/increase7(价格)下降go down/reduce/decrease8不收费be free of charge9分享,共同使用share10花费,值cost11提供;提出offer/provide/supply12挣得,赚得earn13买单pay the bill14成交make a deal15现金支付(pay)in cash16付款pay for17还清/付清pay off.实用句型1如果你今天买这台微波炉就可以享受15%的折扣。If you buy the microwave oven today, there will be a 15% discount for you.2我想看看最新款的电视机。I would like to have a look at the latest model of TV set.3我不喜欢这颜色,有点过于艳丽了。I dont like its colour,because its a bit too bright.4我试穿了这件大衣,有点大,能不能换件小一点的?I have tried on the coat and it is a little bigger for me. Can you change it for a smaller one?5我昨天在这里买的录像机有点问题,请问我能要求退款吗?Something is wrong with the video recorder I bought here yesterday. Could I ask my money back?.佳作背诵假如你正在书店购书。你对Around China和Olympic English这两本书爱不释手,但你只有40元钱。请参看下表,就这两本书的相关内容(content)进行比较,选择购买其中的一本,并简要陈述你的理由。要求:1.请首先把你选择购买的书籍名称填在文首的横线上;2述理有据,内容连贯;3词数80左右。BooksPriceContentsAround China39 yuanthe history, culture, places of interest about ChinaOlympic English27 yuanEnglish and knowledge about the Olympic GamesI will buy_参考范文I will buy Olympic English.It is said that learning a new language can open up another world.I am also able to understand a new way of life.So I want to learn how to speak English well.Furthermore, the 2022 Winter Olympic Games will be held in Beijing.This book teaches me a lot about the Olympic Games, t


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