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内 部 交 流, 翻 录 必 究 高三英语辅导讲义 0902 I. 词汇填空 (2017上海虹口区一模)Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be use only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A. public B. inadequate C. lowered D. released E. disappointment F. casting G. possibility H. objective I. desperately J. balance K. comparedWhy Arent Women Happier?Why arent women happier these days? Thats the question raised by a thought-provoking study, The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness, _31_ last month. The research showed that over the past 35 years womens happiness has declined, both _32_ to the past and relative to men even though the lives of women in the US have improved in recent decades by most _33_ measures.The research, by University of Pennsylvania economists Stevenson and Wolfers, and made _34_ by the National Bureau of Economic Research, found the decline in happiness to be widespread among women across a variety of demographic (人口统计的) groups. The researchers, for instance, measured similar declines in happiness among women who were single parents and married parents, “_35_ doubt on the hypothesis (假设) that trends in marriage and divorce, single parenthood or work/family _36_ are at the root of the happiness declines among women,” they wrote.One theory for the decline in happiness is that expectations for workplace and general advancement were raised too high by the womens movement and women might feel _37_ for not “having it all,” as a Los Angeles Times columnist recently put it.The researchers acknowledge thats a _38_:“If the womens movement raised womens expectations faster than society was able to meet them,” the paper says, “they would be more likely to experience _39_ in their lives.” But they add things could change for the better: “As womens expectations move into adjustment with their experiences, this decline in happiness may reverse.”Readers, why do you think women are unhappier than in the past? Do you think that if expectations for “having it all” were _40_ to “move into adjustment with experiences,” women might be happier? 实战演练 【2017松江区一模】A statuses B. relevantly C. reserves D. highlighting E. populationF. estimated G. downgraded H. driving I. critically J. enforced K. reverseGood news for giant panda lovers: the cute and cuddly creature has just been brought back from the edge of extinction.The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) _31_ the species from “endangered” to “vulnerable” as the union released its updated Red List on Sept. 4 at Hawaii with their _32_ growing by 17 percent in the decade leading up to 2014.Chinese conservation efforts, including forest protection and reforestation, are considered to be the _33_ force behind the animals re-prosperity. The number of panda _34_ in China has also jumped to 67, from 13 in 1992. Nearly two-thirds of all wild pandas live there. Restoring the pandas habitat has given them back their space with food available to them.Apart from giant pandas, the Tibetan Antelope has also moved from “endangered” to “near threatened”. According to a statement from IUCN, the animals numbers have shrunk severely - dropping from around 1 million to a(n) _35_ 65,000 - 72,500 in the 1980s and early 1990s - due to commercial poaching (偷猎). Rigorous protection has since been _36_ to protect the beasts and the population is now likely to be between 100,000 and 150,000.Despite the improved _37_,wild animals like the giant panda and the Tibetan Antelope still face challenges. The IUCN warned, for example, that ongoing threats from climate change could eliminate more than 35 percent of the pandas bamboo habitat in the next 80 years, which would _38_ the species recent gains.Good progress has been made but there is still work to do. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is devoted to _39_ species from around the world and their statuses in relation to their risk of extinction. The list currently has eight categories, including extinct, extinct in the wild, _40_ endangered, endangered, vulnerable, near threatened, least concern and data deficient. These categories are based on criteria relating to population trends, size and structure, and geographic range.II. 完形填空精选 (改编于2017长宁区、嘉定区一模试卷) About five years ago, when the first generation of wearable fitness trackers became popular, they were announced as the dawn of a revolution. Health experts and busniess people alike said that giving people access to real-time calorie (卡路里)- burning and step-count data would inspire them to lose weight, eat better and -most important- _41_ more. But even as the U.S. market for _42_ devices hits $7 billion this year, theres evidence that their promise isnt quite paying off. The U.S. has an exercise problem, with 28% of Americans ages 50 and over considered wholly _43_. That means 31 million adults move no more than is necessary to perform the most basic functions of daily life. Wearables, experts _44_, were going to change that. But limited academic research has been done to _45_ whether wearables change peoples behavior in the long term. The little research that does exist isnt _46_. For a recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers wanted to see whether activity trackers would help overweight people lose more weight over two years than if they just did a weight-loss intervention(干预) alone. They didnt. “We found that just giving people a device doesnt mean its going to _47_ something you think its going to lead to,” says John Jakicic, the author of the study, from the University of Pittsburgh. “These activity trackers dont engage people in strategies that make a _48_ in terms of long-term change” Another new study highlighted a different challenge: user _49_. By the end of a year long study of 800 people, just 10% of participants were still wearing the trackers, according to, Eric Finkelstein, a professor at the Duke- NUS Medical School in Singapore. “We didnt find that Fitbits really have much of an effect,” he says. This may well be because people expect trackers to do something theyre not designed to do- _50_, force them to change their behavior. “Theres _51_ among people about their function, a measurement tool and an intervention,” Finkelstein says. A scale counts pounds, _52_, but wont teach you how to eat less. “When people put these devices on, they might interact with the app(应用程序) for the first few weeks, maybe the first few months, but there comes a point where that starts to fall off,” says Finkelstein. To be _53_, some of the costlier add higher-tech wearables have features baked into them that encourage users to move more, says Shelten Yuen, Fitbits vice president of research. Among them: shaking sensors, movement reminders and social- media combination, all designed to _54_ users to make better health choices every day. But more research will be needed to determine whether or not these _55_ - or others like them-measurably improve peoples health and fitness levels.41.A. learnB. purchaseC. exercise D. perform42.A. wearable B. electronicC. hi-techD. built-in43. A. misunderstoodB. inactiveC. discourageD. depressed44.A. announcedB. determinedC. hopedD. noticed45.A. make up B. focus on C. worry aboutD. figure out46.A. encouraging B. interesting C. pioneeringD. challenging 47. A. benefit from B. result in C. add toD. seek after 48.A. designB. movement C. profitD. difference49.A. reductionB. participation C. creation D. expectation50. A. namely B. therefore C. however D. similarly51.A. argument B. popularity C. confusion D. interaction52.A. by the way B. in other wordsC. of course D. for example 53.A. fair B. cute C. accessible D. technical54. A. persuade B. motivate C. follow D. teach55.A. concepts B. sensors C. scales D. featuresIII. 阅读六选四 【选自017虹口区一模】Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. He found the bacterium had a similar effect on the mice as an anti-depressive drug mightB. Soil bacteria not only benefit people but also benefit animalsC. Gardening can also be used as a way of treating addictionD. Its no wonder some of us turn to gardening as a form of therapyE. Alcohol can make people behave peculiarly and dangerously in gardeningF. Some experts actually believe that getting outside to dig and plant things acts as a “natural excitement”The Good of GardeningDo you have a hobby that helps you relax and unwind? For some people, there is no better way to relieve pressure than spending time in the garden. This small private area of green space can be their place of calm._67_. A survey conducted by the Royal Horticultural Society, found that 82% of people in the UK said that gardening makes them happier. It also found that 70% of them, given the choice, would prefer to spend their working day in the garden with just 9% opting for an office.For those with green fingers, the pleasure of gardening comes from getting out in the fresh air, in all weathers and communing with nature - even if there are a few too many worms! It can also be seen as a sort of digital-detox - time away from technology. _68_.Dr Christopher Lowry, a neuroscientist at the University of Colorado, injected a bacterium commonly found in soil into mice to see what affection this would have on them. _69_. When we dig in soil we absorb this bacterium through our lungs or cuts in our skin, so Dr Lowry concluded that since the mice seemed happier when treated with soil bacteria, its likely we would be, too._70_. Theres evidence that recovering alcoholics who have been given the opportunity to plant, grow, and even sell their produce, have managed to stop their addictive habits. Scot Stephenson, for example, got dismissed from school and started a vocational qualification in gardening. He says, “I got my NVQ level 2 which is my first qualification and enjoyed it ever since.”Whatever the reason, there are many therapeutic benefits to getting your hands dirty, doing some physical hard work and then watching your garden grow. Does this sound like your idea of fun? 【2017闵行区一模】Directions: Read the following passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. In a sense, theyre not really themselves. B. Rather, a persons thoughts - or at least the thoughts they type - are what really count. C. With so many unknowns, its easy to let ones imagination fill in the blanks. D. The internet encourages people to express their ideas in a more free way.E. However, online relationship will be damaged by this kind of image.F. But Some Internet users want more than just someone to chat with.In so many ways, cyberspace(网络空间) mirrors the real world. People ask for information, play games, and share hobby tips. Others buy and sell products. Still others look for friendship, or even love.Unlike the real world, however, your knowledge about a person is limited to words on a computer screen. Identity and appearance mean very little in cyberspace. _67_ So even the shyest person can become a chat-room star.Usually, this faceless communication doesnt create problems. Identity doesnt really matter when youre in a chat room discussing politics or hobbies. In fact, this emphasis on the idea themselves makes the Internet a great place for exciting conversation. Where else can so many people come together to chat about their interests?_68_ They are looking for serious love relationships. Is cyberspace a good place to find love? That answer depends on whom you ask. Some of these relationships actually succeed. Others fail miserably.Supporters of online relationships claim that the Internet allows couples to get to know each other intellectually first. Personal appearance doesnt get in the way.But critics of online relationships argue that no one can truly know another person in cyberspace. Why? Because the Internet gives users a lot of control over how others view them. Internet users can carefully craft their words to fit whatever image they want to give. And they dont have to worry about what their “faceless” communication is doing for their image. _69_All of this may be fine if the relationship stays in cyberspace. But not knowing a person is a big problem in a love relationship. _70_ This inevitably leads to disappointment when couples meet in person. How someone imagines an online friend is often quite different from the real person.So, before looking for love in cyberspace, remember the advice of Internet pioneer Clifford Stoll: Life in the real world is far richer than anything youll find on a computer screen. 【2017松江区一模】Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given m the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.A. Parental involvement makes up for what schools are not able to do.B. They have a wide range of activities after school.C. Talking with children is a very simple task.D. A number of recent studies remind us that parents are even more important than schools.E. Engaging in these sorts of conversations has a greater impact on educational accomplishment. F. Recent research has indicated exactly what kinds of talk at home encourage childrens success at school.It is found that American students spend less than 15% of their time in school. 67 _. A study published earlier this month by researchers at North Carolina State University, for example, finds that parental involvement - checking homework, attending school meetings and events, discussing school activities at home - has a more powerful influence on students, academic performance than anything about the school the students attend. Another study, published in the Review of Economics and Statistics, reports that the effort put forth by parents reading stories aloud, is devoted by either teachers or the students themselves. And a third study concludes that schools would have to increase their spending by more than $1,000 per pupil in order to achieve the same results that are gained with parental involvement.68 _. But it is also revealed in researches that parents, of all backgrounds, dont need to buy exp


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