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八年级下册 1 Feelingsandimpressions Module Unit1Itsmellsdelicious Theflowersmellsgood smellv 闻起来 这花闻起来很好 freshadj 新鲜的 这奶酪闻起来很新鲜 Thecheesesmellsfresh cheesen 奶酪 Newwords Thepizzalooksnice lookv 看起来 这比萨看起来很漂亮 这个女孩看起来很可爱 Thisgirllookslovely lovelyadj 可爱的 pizzan 比萨 soundv 听起来 这首歌听起来很悦耳 Thesongsoundsbeautiful 这个房间听起来很安静 Theroomsoundsquiet tastev 尝起来 souradj 酸的 这柠檬尝起来很酸 Thelemontastessour 这牛奶尝起来很酸 不要喝 Themilktastessour Don tdrinkit sweetadj 甜的 这些曲奇尝起来很甜 Thesecookiestastesweet 苹果派尝起来很甜 我很喜欢 Theapplepietastessweet Iloveit cookien 曲奇饼 pien 馅饼 派 bitteradj 苦的 咖啡不加糖尝起来很苦 Thecoffeewithoutsugartastesbitter 火锅尝起来很辣 Thehotpottastesspicy spicyadj 辣的 saltyadj 咸的 它尝起来很咸 请给我点水 Ittastessalty Pleasegivemesomewater saltn 盐 这沙发摸起来很软 softadj 柔软的 Thesofafeelssoft feelv 摸起来 感官动词 look sound smell taste feel smell smelled smelt smelled smelt 闻 嗅 闻起来feel felt felt 摸起来 感觉taste尝起来look看起来sound听起来 quiet安静的salty咸的sour酸的fresh新鲜的pretty漂亮的lovely可爱的soft柔软的 Thecheesesmellsfresh adj 感官动词 bedone完成了的 做好了的 Mychocolatecookiesaredone 我的巧克力曲奇做好了 Haveatry 试一下 toothn 牙齿 teethn 牙齿 复数 sweettooth对甜食的喜爱 我很喜欢甜食 Ihaveasweettooth smel s ft sa k ki m pi ts l vli d n 闻 闻出v 气味n smell 软的 柔软的adj soft 酸的 馊的adj cookie 小甜饼n 呣 表示食物味道好 int sour mm Wordsandexpressions pizza 比萨饼n lovely done 令人愉快的 可爱的adj 做完的adj traI paI sa nd s lt d m 尝试 努力n try 尝一尝 试一试v haveatry 馅饼 派n sound 听起来 令人觉得v 对甜食的爱好 pie sweettooth Wordsandexpressions salt 食盐n jam 果酱n f feIv r t I 最喜欢的人或事n favourite 耳朵n ear Wordsandexpressions for 用于 表示持续的时间 达prep 1 Listenandnumberthepictures Listeningandvocabulary feellooksmellsoftsourstrongsweettaste 2 1 3 4 2 Listenagainandcompletethesentences 1 Thecookie 2 Themilk 3 Thisbed 4 Tom tastessweet smellssour feelsabitsoft looksverystrong 1 Lingling Guesswhatitis Betty Ittastessweet Isitacookie 2 Darning Ugh Thismilksmellssour Tony Don tdrinkit 3 Betty Thisbedfeelsabitsoft Lingling Tryaharderbed 4 Lingling Tomlooksverystrong Darning Yes Hedoesalotofexercise Tapescript Watchandread EverydayEnglish I mafraid Haveatry It smyluckyday Nowcheck whatBettyismaking Tony Mm Whatadelicioussmell Yourpizzalookssonice Betty Thanks Wouldyouliketotrysome Tony Yes please itlookslovely itsmellsdelicious andmm ittastesgood Daming What sthatontop Betty Oh that scheese Doyouwanttotryapiece 3 Thenlistenandread Darning Ugh No thanks I mafraidIdon tlikecheese Itdoesn tsmellfresh Itsmellstoostrongandittastesabitsour Betty Well mychocolatecookiesaredonenow Haveatry Darning Thanks Theytastereallysweetandtheyfeelsoftinthemiddle Tony Areyoucookinglotsofdifferentthings Youlookverybusy Betty Yes Iam There ssomepizzaandsomecookies andnowI mmakinganapplepieandacake Darning Applepiesoundsnice Ihaveasweettooth youknow ShallIgetthesugar Betty Yes please Oh areyousurethat ssugar Tasteitfirst Itmightbesalt Darning No it sOK Ittastessweet It ssugar Tony What sthis Ittastessweettoo Betty That sstrawberryjam forthecake Darning Good everythingtastessosweet It smyluckyday 1 Iboughtalargechocolatecake becauseIlove food 2 Driedfishhasa taste Youdon tneedmuchofitinthedish 4 Completethesentenceswiththewordsinthebox lovelysoftsourstrongsugarsweet sweet strong 3 Shedoesnotput inteabecauseshedoesnotlikesweettea 4 Themilkhasgone overnight sowecannotdrinkit 5 Thebedfeels andcomfortable 6 Applepiesounds Itismyfavourite sugar sour soft lovely 5 CompletethetablewiththewordsintheboxesinActivities1and4 look lovely strong soft feel lovely soft strong taste sour strong sweet lovely smell sour strong sweet lovely Pronunciationandspeaking 1 Itsmellstoostrongandittastesabitsour 2 Theytastereallysweetandtheyfeelsoftinthemiddle 6Listenandunderlinethewordsthespeakerstresses Nowlistenagainandrepeat Doyoulikebananas Yes Ido Theytastedelicious Doyoulikeflowers 7 Workinpairs Askandansweraboutthethingsinthebox Saywhyyoulikeordonotlikethem bananasflowersicecreampopmusicsilkT shirts Doyoulikeflowers Yes Ido Theysmellnice Doyoulikeflowers bananasflowersicecreampopmusicsilkT shirts Doyoulikeicecream No Idon t Ittastestoosweet Doyoulikeicecream Doyoulikepopmusic No Idon t Itsoundsnoisy Doyoulikepopmusic bananasflowersicecreampopmusicsilkT shirts DoyoulikesilkT shirts Yes Ido Theyfeelcomfortable DoyoulikesilkT shirts Youandyourfriendsareataparty Thereisalottosee toeatandtodrink Andthereisalsobeautifulmusic Talkaboutyourfeelingsandimpressionsaboutit Makeadialogueswithyourfriends Freetalk Let smakedialogueslikethis A Doyoulike B Yes Ido No Idon t Itlooks tastes smells feels sounds Theylook taste smell feel sound Doyoulike A Keywords classicalmusic flowers icecream sea yourbed jeans roastduck jazz 1 Whatadelicioussmell 2 Ittastestoostrong 3 I mafraidIdon tlikecheese 4 Haveatry 5 Applepiesoundsnice 6 Ihaveasweettooth 7 It smyluckyday 好香啊 味太浓了 我恐怕不喜欢奶酪 试一试 苹果派听着不错哦 我喜欢吃甜食 我今天好幸运啊 Importantsentences Languagepoints Well mychocolatecookiesaredonenow 嗯 我的巧克力饼干做好了 句中的bedone表示 做好了 完成了 例如 Iamnearlydone 我差不多做完了 Areyoudonewiththatpen 那只笔你用完了吗 Thebedsaredone 床铺都整理好了 3 ShallIgetthesugar 我来拿糖吧 当说话人主动提出要做某事 尤其是主动提出帮助时 我们常用shallI 例如 ShallIgetsomewaterforyou 我去给你弄点水喝吧 shallwebuybettyacake 我们给贝蒂买个蛋糕吧 2 I mafraidI 恐怕我 I mafraidIcan thelpyou 恐怕我帮不了你 4 areyousurethat ssugar 你确定你拿的是糖吗 besure后面接句子 表示 确信 相信 例如 IamsuretomorrowisBetty sbirthday 我确定明天是贝蒂的生日 Iamsurewewillfindeachother 我相信我们能找到对方 单项选择 What sthematterwithyou Icaught badcoldandhadtostayin bed A a 不填 B a theC a aD the the2 What s Judy Ihaveasorethroat A matterB amatterC thematterD athing3 What sthematterwithmyson doctor A SeriousnothingB NothingseriousC SeriousanythingD Anythingserious A C B Exercise 4 Theseflowers beautiful Iwillbuysomeformymother A lookB so


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