



八年级下册教案Unit 7 Food FestivalTopic 2 Im not sure whether I can cook it well.Section A 刘瑞星Teaching objectives :1. learn the object clauses with “whether”2. learn the usage of adverbs of sequence 3. learn the mew words and new phrasesTeaching methods : 1.Task_based listening 2.Cooperative learning Teaching tools : A tape recorder and the computer multimedia Teaching Important Points: learn the object clauses with “whether”Teaching Difficult Points : master the usage of object clause and adverbs of sequence.Teaching procedure Step 1 Review : 1.Teacher organizes the students to play the game: Brainstorming. Let students speak out words about food, and the group which speaks the most is the winner.2.Ask and answer between the teacher and the students in order to lead to the new words. For example : T: Do you like fried rice ? Can you make fried rice? S: yes, I can No, I can not T: If you can not ,let us learn how to do it.3.Learn the new words ,master them in groups (1) Words about kitchen utensils: pan, pot, cooker, bowl.(2) Words about materials of food: oil, pork, ham, onion, noodle.(3) Words and phrases about actions: add, fry, cut up.(4) Adverbs of manner: finely, lightly. Step2 Presentation1Let studentslisten to 1a and discuss how to cook fried rice to lead to the adverbs of sequence.2Let students read 1a,find out the adverbs of manner,and pay attention to their formation and usagers. Let students circle the adverbs of sequence.Careful+lycarefully cook. carefullyLight+lylightly fry. lightlyFine+lyfinely cut. finelySlow+lyslowly add. slowlyFirst,next,finally Step 4 Consolidation1、Let students read 1a again,find out some language points. Make sth. for sb. try to do sth. Would you like me to help you? Well done. But Im sure whether I can cook it well. Be proud of 2、Let students listen to the tape and follow it.3、Let students finish 1b according to 1a.Check the answers.4、Encourage students to retell 1a according to 1b. Step5 Practice1、Let students read 2a and fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words. Check the answers together.2、Let students use the information in 2a to finish 2b.Check the answers.3. listen and finish 3a. Step 6 Project 1、Work in groups 1.t students work in groups to discuss how to cook a certain kind of food. 2Finish SectionA. In exercise book 3. Preview SectionB after class板书设计Unit7 Topic2 SectionA. 1、表示厨具的单词 pan, pot, cooker, bow.2. 表示原料的单词 oil,pork,ham,onion,noodle 3. 表示动作的单词 cut,cut up,fry,add 4. 表示方式的单词 finely,lightly,carefully 5. First,next,fi


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