



写作专项文章一 假如你是Henry,你校的乐队需要一名歌手,要求会唱会跳,能演奏多种乐器。你正符合这些要求,而且也想加入,要求你写一封展示自己才能的信。要使用单词正确,语句通顺。Dear friends,My name is Henry. I am 15 years old. I like music very much. I can sing and dance very well. And I can play many kinds of instruments. I can play the violin, the piano, the drums and so on. I want to join the school band. May I? Henry 文章二作为一名学生,你喜欢你现在的学校吗?你希望将来的学校是什么样子?请展开你的想象,以“Our Future School”为题,写一篇70-80词左右的文章。Our Future SchoolThis is our school in fifteen years. We will have a large classroom. There will be a satellite(卫星) TV in our classroom. Everyone will have a computer on the desk. We wont use paper or pens. We will study on the Internet. Our school is very nice and beautiful. It will be warm all the year round. We like our future school.文章三随着网络的发展,人们的消费观念的转变,购物方式也在悄然地发生变化,“网购”成为一种时尚,越来越多的学生也正加入到网购的群体当中。请你根据一下表格的提示,写一篇网上购物的文章。优点1. 足不出户,避免拥挤、劳累2. 省时省钱缺点1. 只能看到图片,看不到商品本身2. 容易购买到不太需要的东西Because of the Internet, many people begin to enjoy shopping online. It is popular now and is changing our way of life. Some of us students also go online and shop for things. Shopping online has many advantages. You dont have to shop at the supermarket with many people in it and you will not get tired. You can save not only time but also money. It also has some disadvantages. You can only see pictures. You cant see the products. Its easy for you to buy what you dont need. 文章四上个星期天是你母亲的生日。你们全家人在一起给你母亲过生日。适当发挥想象,用至少5句话进行描述。It was my mothers birthday last Sunday. All the families were together at home. There was a big smile on everyones face. There was a big birthday cake. I like eating cakes. There was a big dinner. Some nice food was on the table. We were very happy.文章五根据表格内容,写一写Mike 生活中的事情。姓名Mike出生地伦敦五岁随父母来北京六岁开始上学,结交了许多中国朋友两年后随父母离开中国回伦敦Mike was born in London. When he was five years old he came to Beijing with his parents. At the age of six, he started school and make lots of Chinese friends. Two years later. Mike left Beijing because his parents went back to London .文章六你们举行了一个班会,讨论应该怎么做个好学生。请以“How to be a good student”为题,写一篇英语短文内容要点:1. 按时到校2. 上课认真听讲,放学后完成作业、学会放松等3. 与同学友好相处,互相帮助4. 在家为父母做些力所能及的家务活(洗碗、打扫卫生等)要求:1. 词数:80个左右。2. 必须包括全部要点,但不能逐词翻译,可适当发挥。We had a class meeting to talk about to be a good student.Here are some rules. First, dont be late for school. Second, listen to the teachers carefully in class and finish the homework after school. Also, learn to relax yourself. Then get on well with your classmates and help each other. Finally, try your best to help parents do some housework, like doing the dishes and cleaning the house.I think I will be an excellent student.文章七以My musical habits(习惯)为题写一篇70个词左右的短文,介绍你的音乐爱好,内容要点包括:1.介绍你的音乐爱好。2.每天晚饭后弹半小时的钢琴;3.你喜欢的流行音乐,在上学和放学路上经常听MP3,也能唱很多流行歌曲;4。有时去听音乐会。 I love music and I have some good musical habits. I enjoy playing musical instruments, listening to music and singing songs as well. I practice playing the piano for half an hour after school. In this way, I learn many popular songs. So I can sing lots of them now. And sometimes my parents take me to concerts. Music makes me happy and comfortable. Music makes my life rich and colorful. Music is really important to me.文章八假如你是小明,在十五中工作,今天早晨在上班的路上丢了手提包。提包里有一只钢笔,一把钥匙和一些现金。你的联系电话是请根据以上信息写一份寻物启事,50个词左右。 LostI lost my handbag on the way to work this morning. There is a pen, a key to the door and some money in it.Will the finder please come to the No.15 Middle School or call me? My telephone number isMy name is Xiao Ming . Thank you very much!文章九在未来,人们的生活将会变得更好:不出门就可以购物;孩子们可以在家里通过电脑接受教育;机器人将帮助人们做家务。请根据以上提示,以“Life in the future”为题写一篇英文小短文。要求:1 不要逐词翻译,可适当发挥。 2 60个词左右 Life in the future Life in the future will be much bettter than it is now. There will be a robot in each home, and robot will help us do housework, and people will have more time to relax .Each family will have a computer. We can do the shopping on the Internet. The students wont go to school. They can study at home with the help of computers. In a word,our life will be much more beautiful in the future,dont you think so?文章十迈克尔.杰克逊(Michael Jackson)是继猫王之后西方流行乐团最具影响力的音乐家。其成就超越猫王,被誉为流行音乐之王(king of pop)他的去世令无数音乐爱好者感到遗憾,他的粉丝们更是为他哀叹不已。根据下面的提示,向大家介绍这位伟大的音乐之王,80词左右。1 出色的音乐全才(genius).2 其唱片总销量过亿(a hundred million).3 在全球范围内拥有许多歌迷,是最受欢迎的艺术家之一。4 一生共为穷人捐款三亿美金。范文: Michael Jackson the greatest King of Pop Michael Jackson is the greatest musician in the world. He was called King of Pop.He has an excellent music genius. He can do well in composing, singing, dancing and playing instruments. All of his records are sold more than a hundred million. He has a lot of fans and he is one of the most popular artists. He is also a kind man.He offered three hundred million dollars to poor people. He died . Its really a pity . However, people will miss him forever! 文章十一上周末,你和朋友去长城玩,现在你打算将游玩的情况介绍给你的英国笔友Mike,同时邀请他来玩。下面是几点提示:1 在校门口会面,八点出发,乘公共汽车;2 天气晴朗而暖和;3 到达目的地后,爬了长城,购物,认识了一些新朋友;4 下午5点回家,虽然有点累但玩得很开心! Last weekend,I visited the Great Wall with my friends.We met at the school gate ,and started at 8:00. We went there by bus. It was sunny and warm. After we arrived ,we climbed the Great Wall,did some shopping made a few new friends. At 5:00, we went back home. We were tied but very happy. Can you come over to China and go there with us ? I am sure you will have a good time.文章十二我们学习了世界各地的问候方式和肢体语言,你对我们中国人的日常问候方式及肢体语言又了解多少呢?请简单介绍下中国朋友见面时的问候方式及肢体语言,不少于60个词。提示词: recent situations(近况) be familiar


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