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Listening and Speaking1.Growing UpGrowing up is by no means a bad thing. It allows us to make a 1)differencein the world, to find out who we are, and to live the life we 2)imaginedas children. We dreamed of growing up when we rested our young heads on our downy pillows and looked up with 3)wonderat the glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to our ceiling, wondering what the world 4)looked likebeyond our own home, beyond the world that had been so meticulously created for us. Yet upon growing up, we find that reality often 5)contends withthose very dreams. We find that the 6)realityof growing up is perhaps less lovely than wed envisioned. We find that the only thing we really want back is our youth and our 7)innocenceand the cruel irony is that these are the very things that will never 8)return.Text AReading Comprehension1.A.Time expressionsRelated events or stateswhen the author was nine years oldHer mother left the family.during her senior year of high schoolShe started to review what happened to her mom and realized that she just felt sad about her moms leaving.when she arrived on Dukes campusShe was conscious of her sorrowful feelings, but didnt have anyone to share her emotions with.at the beginning of her spring semesterShe came to realize that only by leaving behind her complicated feelings about her mom could she live her own life.this summerShe was able to understand some of the things in her life after so many years grief over her mom.last weekTo her great shock she didnt feel sad about her moms death, because the grief over her mom had already affected her for so many years and it was time to let go.B.Pronouns or phrasesWhat they refer toShe (Line 5, Para. 1)my motherus (Line 6, Para. 2)our family membersHe (Line 6, Para. 2)my fatherher (Line 3, Para. 5)my motherat that time (Line 8, Para. 2)the time when we live without my momdoing so (Line 7, Para. 5)to failthis news (Line 2, Para. 6)the news that my mother may have passed awayC.1) My peripheral world was puzzled by her actions.2) By the time I accepted that I had emotions that needed to be grieved, I had already arrived on Dukes campus.2.My mom was said to be a good mom until one day inmy ninth year, she left my two brothers and me forever. What she did puzzled me and changed everything in my life, though I nevershed a tear. My dad did what he could to keep our life as normal as possible,promptingus to remain grateful to God. Therevisitingof the memory of my mom during my senior year of high school made me understand that I needed togrievemy mom so that I couldmove on toa new chapter of my life. I couldnt find anyone to whom todischargemy emotions until I participated in Kathy Rudys Baldwin Scholars freshman seminar in Duke, where I learned to let go of my mother and was able tomake sense ofsome of the things in my life. Notice of the speculation of my mothers death left me shockingly unaffected, for the grief and the pressuresimposed uponmy life by my mom were already released. The whole issue taught me that people need to deal with the past by understanding it, thenleavingitbehind, and most importantly,acknowledgingpain as an opportunity for growth.Reading and DiscussingLanguage in Use4. 1) proclaim 2) scar 3) speculation 4) discharging 5) clarity 6) contacted 7) compromise 8) grieved 9) affirmed 10) prompted5.1) If you dont know what you want, you mightend up with something you dont want.2) It is the time of year when the island nations of the Caribbean normally expect their hotels and beachesto be crammed with sun-seekers.3) I can teach you about kindness, but I cannotimpose graciousness on/upon you.4) When parentsfind it hard to let go of bitterness or anger, or if they are depressed about the changes brought on by divorce, they can find help from a counselor or therapist.5) As the preferred candidate for this job he has no shortcomingother than his lack of experience.6.inhand(在手头;在掌控中)alongthe way(一路上;沿途)byhand(用手)onthe way to (在去的路上)athand(在手边)inthe way(妨碍人的;挡道的)onhand(现有;在现场)out ofthe way(偏远的)bythe way(顺便说说)underway(进行中) 1) in hand 2) by hand 3) on hand 4) at hand 5) along the way 6) out of the way 7) in the way 8) on the way to 9) By the way 10) under way7.For referencefirmreaffirm; infirm; affirmantspec; spectsuspect; aspect; respect; spectacle; retrospect; perspectiveclaim; clamdeclaim; clamor; disclaimposedispose; compose; oppose; proposestru; structstructure; instruct; reconstructfac; fic, fact; fecteffect; infect; defect; factory; factorsciscientific; scientist; prescienceportimport; portable; support; reportceed; ced; cesssucceed; process; procedurevert; versinvert; revert; diverse; vertical; extrovert; introverttractdistract; subtract 1) B 2) A 3) A 4) A 5) A 6) C 7) A 8) C8.1) 在哭闹了5分钟之后,我最终妥协了,心想如果明天妈妈一大早就来接我,那我现在就进去。2) 他提醒我们要对上帝心存感激,因为我们终于在一起了。3) 当我回想过去,令我惊讶的是其实一切都没有改变,尽管看起来我们的生活样样在变。4) 最值得一提的是我放弃了曾经向妈妈许下的要当医生的诺言。5) 一路走来,我开始明白:唯一能让我开始自己人生的方式便是放下对母亲离去的那份伤感。在这样的人生中,我相信自己不仅仅是一个因表现得不够好而得不到妈妈爱的女儿。9.Reference translation1) Resultantly, the fans had to accept the rescheduling of the concert due to the weather.2) Luckily, we could cook all these delicious courses by following the steps provided in the recipe book.3) Notably, the credits earned from Internet open courses have been officially accepted by many universities.4) More importantly, students understand that they should find a balance between their study and entertainment.5) Clearly, the media has hidden some important information from the public.Text BReading Comprehension1.1) Beyond that2) but then3) In other words4) One; another; another5) Or ratherLanguage in Use2. 1) jealous 2) pursue 3) household 4) rejections 5) permanent 6) frustrating 7) switch 8) delicate 9) gambling 10) progressively3. 1) right now 2) is addicted to 3) No wonder 4) narrow down 5) sign up for 6) What if4.Reference translation1) 那晚回家后,我想了想他对我说的话。2) 书籍之于全人类正如记忆之于个人。3) 他对自己未来追求什么已有明确而又专注的想法,而我对该学什么专业还懵懵懂懂,对此我应该妒忌吗?4) 现在的问题并不是我打算要学什么。5) 我想我暂时还是要好好享受我剩下的童年时光,马上去看部迪士尼电影。WritingExercise 11) Her face was smooth and in a very mysterious way looked carefree like a childs face does. And she did not even look like a woman over 50, though her long hair tied in a ponytail was grey. She wore blue jeans, trainers and a cotton blouse. She looked like a normal and modest woman, one that you would meet in a supermarket.2) I have read some of her books and like her idea of teaching children all over the world about environmental conservation and wild animal care so much that I hope to do it personally one day, too. As the greatest and most popular scientist of chimpanzees in the world today and also an active member of the UN Security Council, she is very busy and always travelling, so the chance to see her is quite rare. She has lived over 30 years next to chimpanzees in the rainforest, studying and learning from them.3) Through the descriptions of Claires appearance, the things she does, and her strong influence on the writer, I think she is a very determined lady who is a respected scientist who is moreover interestingly attractive.Exercise 22) I hope to hear from the person whom I spent hours talking with last month.3) I like my bike that my father gave me.4) My mother, who is an excellent cook, is thinking of opening a restaurant.5) Im driving across the country with three small children, which is going to be stressful.6) The


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