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欢迎下载本文档参考使用,如果有疑问或者需要CAD图纸的请联系q1484406321编号无锡太湖学院毕业设计(论文)相关资料题目: S195G柴油机机体专用清洗机设计 信机 系 机械工程及自动化专业学 号: 0923005学生姓名: 李 辉 指导教师: 刘新佳(职称:副教授) (职称: )2013年5月25日目 录一、毕业设计(论文)开题报告二、毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译及原文三、学生“毕业论文(论文)计划、进度、检查及落实表”四、实习鉴定表无锡太湖学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目: S195G柴油机机体专用清洗机设计 信机 系 机械工程及自动化 专业学 号: 0923005 学生姓名: 李 辉 指导教师: 刘新佳 (职称:副教授) (职称: )2012年11月20日 课题来源某厂生产的S195G柴油机是为出口拖拉机配套的主要产品,其整机清洁度要求较高,在生产过程中机体的清洗工序直受到生产厂家的重视。科学依据清洗是使物体清洁的重要手段之一。部件所能达到的清洁度对该产品的质量好坏有着关键性的影响。所以清洗技术在各个行业中得到了广泛性地应用。清洗技术在机械行业也不例外,零件的清洁度对该机械制造产品的质量也有着直接关键的影响。在拖拉机箱体的清洗上,清洁度的好坏会直接影响到下一道工序和发动机的装配,干燥度也直接影响到下一道工序和发动机的工作性能。所以在拖拉机的箱体机械加工完成后,又在入库前必须对拖拉机的箱体进行清洗和干燥的工序。S195G柴油机是用途广泛的发动机,某厂生产的S195G柴油机是为出口拖拉机配套的主要产品,其整机清洁度要求较高。所以在生产过程中机体的清洗工序一直都受到生产厂家的高度重视。但长期以来都是采用手工清洗的方法,效率低,清洗质量差且不稳定,不能满足企业生产的需要,迫切需要开发一种适合流水线生产的自动专用清洗机床。研究内容(1)学习独立查阅机械设计相关资料及参考文献的能力;(2)完成S195G柴油机机体专用清洗机总体结构和主要部件设计,最后,将它们转化为能供指导制造、装配、安装、调试和维修用的设计图纸及各类说明书等技术文件,本设计的主要内容分为机械系统、液压系统和控制系统三部分;(3)学习撰写学术论文,完成毕业论文规定的各项任务。拟采取的研究方法、技术路线、实验方案及可行性分析(1)机床总方案对那些清洗难度较大的铸造小孔、盲孔、小螺纹孔、油道、通水道、凹槽及复杂的机体内腔等部位全部采用定点对位高压冲洗的方法才有可能获得高的清洗效果。所以本S195G柴油机机体专用清洗机床决定采用高压喷射清洗方式。(2)机械系统方案确定 输送机构:由于滚动摩擦阻力系数比滑动阻力系数小,把输送机构设计成为一个滚道的输送机构。 密集形喷嘴结构盒式清洗及吹干系统:设计采用分离与被清洗面相对应的六个框板式密集形喷嘴结构组成的喷水清洗系统。排渣机:在机床内部,输送滚道下设置一个挡水板件,使其能挡住洗涤流下的水,油垢,铁屑等,有一个小角度的倾斜,让水汇聚到一起并流向水箱。铁屑,杂物则落到排渣机上。(3)液压系统方案确定 考虑到要实现机体的定点对位冲洗,必须有高的输送精度来保证机体准确定点。为此,设计采用液压步进式输送机构。(4)控制系统方案确定为达到远距离,主动控制清洗机全部动作的目的,全部传动系统由PLC程序控制系统自动控制。研究计划及预期成果研究计划:2012年11月12日-2012年12月2日:按照任务书要求查阅论文相关参考资料,填写毕业设计开题报告书。2012年12月3日-2013年1月20日:专业实训。2013年1月21日-2013年3月1日:毕业实习。2013年3月4日-2013年3月8日:专机总体方案设计。2013年3月11日-2013年3月15日:专机总体方案设计。2013年3月18日-2013年3月22日:绘制清洗机装配总图。2013年3月25日-2013年3月29日:绘制清洗机装配总图。2013年4月1日-2013年4月5日:绘制机架图。2013年4月8日-2013年4月12日:绘制水箱总图。2013年4月15日-2013年4月19日:绘制喷水吹风系统图。2013年4月22日-2013年4月29日:绘制卷渣机图。2013年4月29日-2013年5月3日:绘制输送机构图。2013年5月6日-2013年5月10日:绘制输送机构图。2013年5月13日-2013年5月17日:检查、修改、完善、撰写设计说明书。2013年5月20日-2013年5月25日:资料整理、装订、准备答辩。预期成果: 完成S195G柴油机机体专用清洗机床的设计,设计图纸一套,设计说明书一份。特色或创新之处本设计由于采用流水线清洗,清洗效率高;由于采用定点,对位清洗清洗效果特别好,清洗质量高;控制系统采用PC控制,操作完全实现自动化。因此,清洗任务能安全高效的完成,并且操作、维护十分方便。已具备的条件和尚需解决的问题已具备的条件:包括专业课程设计等的训练,经过毕业实习,前期调研,相关资料的搜集,做好技术设计的相关准备工作,设计思路及方案已基本明确。尚需解决的问题:CAD制图的效率,成本材料的进一步控制。指导教师意见指导教师签名:年 月 日教研室(学科组、研究所)意见 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日系意见 主管领导签名: 年 月 日英文原文Computer Numerical Control UnitToday, computer numerical control (CNC) machines are found almost everywhere , from small job shops in rural communities to Fortune 500 companies in large urban areas. Truly , there is hardly a facet of manufacturing that is not in some way touched by what these innovative machine tools can do . Everyone involved in the manufacturing environment should be well aware of what is possible with these sophisticated machine tools. In this chapter, we will explore the basics of the core of CNC machine tool-CNC unit, showing you much of what is involved with its function, working principles ,hardware configuration and software structure. With so many types of CNC machine tools and CNC units in existence, it is next to impossible for this chapter to be extremely specific about any one particular type .The key concepts allow us to view the main features of CNC unit in more general terms, stressing why things are handled the way they are even more than the specific techniques used with any one particular CNC machine tool. With this broad background , you should be able to easily zero in on any kind of CNC machine tool you will be working with.11 INTRODUCTION Machine controls are divided into two types:numerical control(NC)and computer numerical control(CNC)NC controls have to read the program each time a part is run; they have no means of editing existing programsCNC controls can store and allow editing of loaded programsAll machines built today are CNC machinesCNC unit is the heart of CNC machine. Nevertheless,in order to aid to understand the working principles of CNC unit,it is necessary that the principles of NC system be introduced firstly111 NC system The NC machine can be divided into three basic areas. The first area is the control unit, which processes the commands from the input media. The second area is the drive mechanisms, and the last area is the machine itself The most basic function of any NC machine is automatic,precise,and consistent motion controlA11 forms of NC equipment have two or more directions of motion,called axesThese axes can be precisely and automatically positioned along their lengths of travelThe two most common axis types are linear(driven along a straight path)and rotary(driven along a circular path) Instead of causing motion by manually turning cranks and handwheels as is required on conventional machine tools,NC machines allow motions to be actuated by servomotors under control of the NC,and guided by the part programGenerally speaking,the motion type(rapid, linear,and circular),the axes to move,the amount of motion and the motion rate(feed rate)are programmable with almost all NC machine toolsFigure 11 shows the makeup of a linear axis of an NC machine Figure 11 The makeup of a linear axis of all NC machine An NC command executed within the control (commonly through a program) tells the drive motor to rotate a precise amount of angleThe rotation of the drive motor in turn rotates the ballscrewAnd the ballscrew drives the linear axisA feedback device at the opposite end of the ballscrew allows the control to confirm that the commanded number of rotations has taken place All NC machine tools need numerical data for controlling the relative motion between cutting tool and piece part, the component dimensions normally emanating directly from engineering drawings-the geometric dataOther digitized numerical data define feed rates,spindle speeds,tool identification numbers,and miscellaneous functions to perform such operations as tool or work changing,or coolant control-the technological dataThe combination of all this numerical information in a sequence understood by the machine tools controller is called a part program,and the process of creating the data in a correctly structured format is called programming Numerical controls use standard microelectronic modules that have been developed for computer hardware。Except for special modules needed in servocontrol circuits,no individual modules are necessary,in contrast to traditional controls,which employ only components tailored to suit one specific control functionIn modern NC controllers extensive control and calculation tasks are performed by one or more integral microprocessors。These are termed computer numerical control system( CNCs )112 CNC system and functions of CNC unit Control systems based on industrial PC(abbreviation for personal computer)are increasingly used in automation technologyMachine controls have changed greatly with the “age of the computer”Controls today are“softwired”,which allows greater flexibility in changing and upgrading the computer controlIn fact,many of machines operating characteristics can be changed by the operator,so that the machine operates the way heshe wants it to. Parameter tables in CNC machines today allow each machine to be personalized to the needs of the job to be runThe modern CNC machine tool is software drivenSimply speaking,computer controls are programmed instead of hard-wired Definition:According to Electronic Industries Association(EIA),CNC system is a special computer system that is equipped with certain interface circuits and servo drivers,and can do part or a11 the works an NC system do by running the software stored in its memories CNCs have expandable memories that can store large numbers of programs,plus subroutines and correction data。Sophisticated graphic displays and dynamic simulation have also now become available as a result of the extensive memory capacity being built into current CNCsWithin only few years,the capability and efficiency of machine controllers has increased to such an extent that the name“numerical control”is no longer appropriate;“computer numerical control”is more accurately descriptive Generally,CNCs comprises CNC unit,feed motion servo subsystem,spindle servo subsystem and some auxiliary control cells, as shown in Figure 1.2,CNC unit is the core of the whole CNC systemIt is composed of hardware and software。The hardware comprising a CNC unit is made up of microprocessors,electronic memory modules,I0 interfaces,and position control modules,etcCNC software controls all functions of the machine and its efficiency of operation,and manages all local programming at the machine tool and graphic simulation of the cutting process if availableThe hardware and the software work together to do all functions of CNC unit,which an ordinary NC system can never do,such as graphic display HMI(Human-Machine Interface),system diagnosis,implementing of various complex tool-path controlling and compensation algorithms,intelligent controlling,online programming,and Web communications,etcThe main functions and features of CNC unit are described as follows: Figure 12 CNC machining system (1)Controlling function (the number of control axes and synchronously control axes) Controlling function indicates the maximum axis-number the CNC unit can control and the number of axes the CNC unit can control synchronouslyIt is also the mare features of CNC machineAxes to be controlled by CNC unit have linear axes and rotate axes, basic axes and auxiliary axesGenerally,CNC machine needs only 2 axes to be controlled synchronouslyIn case of double toolslides,four axes are neededCNC milling machine,boring machine, and CNC machine center need 3 or more controlled axesThe more the number of Controlled axes, especially the number of axes being controlled synchronously, the more powerful functions of the CNC unit, and the more complex structure of the CNC unit,the more difficulty of programming (2)Preparatory function Preparatory function,also called G function,describes the motion modes of CNC machineThe motion modes comprise instructions of basic motions,dwell,plane selections,coordinate system settings,tool compensations,reference point return,fixed operation circles,and metricinch unit transfer,etcAccording to ISO standard,there are 100 types of Gcodes (from G00 to G99)used in CNC unit,which can be divided into two classes- nonmodal codes (which functions are valid only in the code segment including the codes themselves)and modal codes(which can keep effective before the coming of next Gcode of the same group)For the exact function of each G code used in your machine tools,you must reference your control manufacturers manual to find the list of functions for your machine (3)Interpolation function CNC unit does interpolation by using software realtime calculationsLinear interpolation,circular interpolation,helical interpolation,and polar coordinate interpolation will do their best to help CNC unit generate tool track as close to various paths as possible (4)Feed function Feed function uses F (Feedrate designation)to designate the. feedrate to axisThe method by which feedrate is programmed varies from one machine type to the nextGenerally speaking,machining centers only allow the feed rate to be specific in per-minute format(inches or millimeters per minute),such as,F15000 means the federate is 15000 millimeters per minuteTurning centers,which have position encoders in their spindles,also allow feed rate to be specified in per-revolution format(inches or millimeters perrevolution)that is named synchronous feedrate (5)Spindle functionAn“S”word is used to specify the spindle speed(in RPM for machining centers).An M03 is used to turn the spindle on in a clockwise(forward)D1a11nerM04 turns the spindle on in a counter clockwise mannerM05 turns the spindle offNote that turning centers also have a feature called constant surface speed,which allows spindle speed to be specified in surface feet per minute(or meters per minute)On operation panel,there is a button to turn the spindle on and off,as well as a rheostat to control spindle speedAll of these functions are activated manually,through the Manual or Jog mode (6)Miscellaneous function Like preparatory functions,miscellaneous functions(M words,from M00 to M99)allow a variety of special functionsMiscellaneous functions are typically used as programmable switches(1ike spindle onoff,coolant onoff,and so on).(7)Compensation functionAll types of CNC machine tools require some form(s)of compensationThough applied for different reasons on different machine types,all forms of compensation allow the CNC user to allow for unpredictable conditions related to tooling (8)Enhanced graphic display function CNC unit has a CRT or an LCD displayer to show programs,parameters,various compensation data,coordinates,fault information,menus of conversation programming,part graphsIt also can monitor dynamic cutter tool paths while machining (9)Self-diagnosis function In CNC unit,various diagnosis programs are designed to prevent faults occurring or going worseWith the aids of self-diagnosis programs,operators can find out the fault and its location in time,so that shorten the time of broken-down(10)Communication functionA1l current model CNC controls come with an RS-232-C communications (serial) port. All current model personal computers come with a serial communications portBy connecting a properly configured cable to the computer and CNC,the user can command that transmissions of CNC programs take place.(11)Programming functionThere are three methods of developing CNC programs-Manual programming,conversational(shopfloor)programming,and CAM system programming 113 Functional interface between hardware and software in CNC unit As being described above,CNC unit comprises hardware and software,which work together to perform all functions of CNC unitBecause that software is logically equivalent to hardware,just like in an ordinary computer system,hardware functions can also be implemented by software in CNC systemHardware and software have different charactersHardware can process in a higher speed than software,but it is more expensive;software is flexible when being designed,but it is a little slow on processingHence,in a CNC system,the proportion between hardware and software is determined by costperformance of the CNC unitIn practice,the functional interfaces between hardware and software are not fixed。In the earlier NC equipments,all functions were implemented by hardware。As the developing of computer technology,computer was introduced into numerical control system,formed so-called CNC system. But the participation of computer are different in different CNC units and in different time. Figure 1.3 show four different kinds of functional interfaces between hardware and software in CNC systems. Figure1.3中文译文电脑数值控制单元 今天,计算机数值控制(CNC)机床几乎随处可见,从农村社区小商店工作,财富500强企业在大城市地区。真的,几乎没有一个小的制造,是不是有点感动这些创新机床能做的。人人参与的制造环境应该很清楚什么是可能与这些精密的工具机。 在本章中,我们将探讨数控机床的数控装置的核心基础,告诉你什么是参与其功能,工作原理,硬件结构和软件结构。有这么多种类型的数控机床和数控单元的存在,几乎是不可能的这一章是关于任何一个特定类型的非常具体的关键概念。让我们看数控系统的主要特点在更一般的条件的单位,强调为什么事情的处理他们比使用任何一个特定的数控机床的具体技术更加的方式。在这个背景之下,你可以很容易的在零上的任何类型的数控机床将要和你一起工作。1.1引言机器控制分为两种类型:数控(NC)和计算机数值控制(CNC)。数控控制读取的程序每次一部分运行;他们没有编辑现有的c控制手段可以存储和允许加载程序编辑。所有的机器建立的今天是数控c单元是数控机器的心脏。然而,为了帮助理解数控装置的工作原理,它是必要的,数控系统的原理是首先介绍了。1.1.1数控系统数控机床可分为三个基本环节。第一区的控制单元,处理命令的输入媒体。第二个区域是驱动机制,和最后一个领域是机器本身。任何数控机床最基本的功能是自动的,精确的,和数控设备一致的运动control.a11形式有两个或两个以上的方向运动,称为轴。这些轴可以自动准确定位沿其长度的旅行。最常见的两种类型的线性(驱动轴沿直线路径)和旋转(沿圆形路径)。而造成运动通过手动转动曲柄和手轮是普通机床,数控机床允许的运动是驱动伺服电机的数控控制下,通过部分程序的引导。一般来说,运动型(快速,线性,和圆形),移动轴,运动量与运动速度(进给速度)都是可编程的几乎所有的数控机床。图1.1显示了一个数控机床直线轴的化妆。图1.1组成的数控机床直线轴数控指令执行的控制范围内(通常通过一个程序)告诉驱动电机旋转角度的精确量。反过来驱动电机的旋转的滚珠丝杠和滚珠丝杠传动。线性轴。在滚珠丝杠的相对端的反馈装置允许控制来确定所要求的数量的旋转运动的发生。所有的数控机床需要数值数据控制刀具和零件之间的相对运动,组件的尺寸通常直接从所产生的工程图纸几何数据。其他数字化数值数据定义的进给率,主轴转速,刀具识别号码,和杂项功能执行的工具或工作变换等操作,或冷却控制技术数据。在一个序列中的机床控制器理解这一切的数值信息的组合称为程序的一部分,并在正确的结构化的格式创建的数据的过程称为程序设计。数值控制使用标准微电子已开发的模块,对计算机硬件。除特殊模块,伺服控制电路所需,没有单独的模块是必要的,在对比传统的控制,只采用组件适合一个特定的控制功能。在现代数控控制器广泛的控制和计算任务都由一个或多个微处理器进行积分。这些被称为计算机数控系统(CNC)。1.1.2数控系统和功能的数控单元基于工业PC的控制系统(个人计算机的缩写)越来越多地应用于自动化技术。机控制已经发生了很大的变化,“计算机时代”。今天是“软接线”控件,允许更大的灵活性在变化升级计算机控制。事实上,许多机器的操作特性,可由操作员改变,使机器的方式,他她想要工作。今天,在数控机床参数表允许每台机器进行个性化的工作需要运行。现代数控机床的软件驱动。简单地说,计算机控制程序代替硬接线。定义:根据电子工业协会(EIA),数控系统是一种特殊的计算机系统,配备一定的接口电路和伺服驱动器,可以部分或全部作品的数控系统的运行做存储在其记忆软件。 数控系统,可以存储大量的节目可膨胀的回忆,加子程序和校正数据。复杂的图形显示和动态仿真也现在由于广泛的内存容量建成为当前数控系统成为可能。在短短的几年中,能力和机控制器的效率提高到这样的程度,的名字“数控”不再是合适的;“数控”更准确的描述。 一般来说,数控机床包括数控装置,伺服系统进给运动,主轴伺服系统和一些辅助的控制单元,如图1.2所示,数控单元是整个数控系统的核心。它是由硬件和软件组成。硬件


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