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Wallace and Gromit 教学设计广东顺德 田湘军教学内容 英国动画系列短片Wallace and Gromit 之A GrandDay Out. 影片情节Plot: From:/wiki/A_Grand_Day_OutOne night, Wallace andGromit are relaxing in the living-room pondering where to go for the upcomingbank holiday. Wallace gets up to prepare tea with cheese and crackers, only todiscover they are out of cheese. Wallace suggests they should go somewherewhere there is plenty of cheese. After browsing possible destinations(including Lancashire, Cheddar, Wensleydale, Philadelphia and Tescos), they ultimatelychoose to go to the Moon, since everybody knows the moons made ofcheese. The two build a moon rocket in their basement, complete with easychairs and a wallpapered cabin. Once the two complete packing provisions forthe journey, Wallace lights the rockets fuse. With only a minute in thecountdown, he realizes that they have forgotten to pack crackers. He rushes outof the rocket and hurries up to the kitchen to get crackers, making it back tothe rocket in time before the engine ignites. Even with the engine running, therocket refuses to lift off (the mice in the basement are watching the wholething and with the fire coming from the rocket they put on different colours ofsunglasses to protect their eyes). Gromit realizes he has forgotten to releasethe hand brake and does so, allowing the rocket to lift off.Upon reaching the moon,which is literally made of cheese, Wallace and Gromit set up a picnic. They tryout the lunar cheese, trying to determine what kind it is, but realize itslike nothing theyve ever tasted before. They decide to try another spot, wherethey find a mechanised storage facility, with a strong resemblance to an oven,called the Cooker. Wallace puts a coin into the machine, butnothing happens (he accidentally pulls a dial off while trying to get it toactivate), so he and Gromit continue on their way. Once theyve left, theCooker springs to life with two robotic arms springing out from both sides ofit. It discovers Wallace and Gromits picnic site; agitated by the mess, itcleans up the mess of dirty dishes. It then discovers a magazine advertisingskiing holidays lying on the picnic blanket, and develops a desire to travel toEarth and go skiing. After putting a moon cheese spike Wallace and Gromit hadsampled earlier back together with glue, it then spots their rocket and isamazed by it. It gives them a parking ticket and is annoyed by an oil leak.Shortly afterwards, theCooker notices Wallace. Aggravated by his littering, illegally-parked andleaking rocket, and uncontrollable consumption of moon cheese, the Cookersneaks up behind Wallace to bludgeon him with a truncheon. Just as Gromitnotices the machine, it runs out of money and shuts down. Thepreviously-oblivious Wallace notices the Cooker, decides to take the truncheonas a souvenir, and inserts another coin into the Cooker in exchange for thetruncheon. As Wallace and Gromit leave for the rocket, the Cooker comes back tolife. Realizing the rocket can take it to Earth where it can fulfill its dreamof skiing, the machine chases after Wallace and Gromit, who, noticing theCooker and thinking that its angry with them for taking a large basket of lunarcheese, prepare for an emergency takeoff. At the same time, the Cooker breaksinto the rocket with a tin cutter (it could not climb up the ladder from a lackof legs). Blundering about in the dark interior of the rockets engine room(even knocking a pipe out of its place), the Cooker lights a match near thefuel tank (at which point, Wallace realizes Gromit forgot to light the fuse),causing an explosion. The Cooker tries to hang on, but eventually is thrownacross the lunar surface as the rocket launches, ripping off two strips ofmetal from the rocket. Initially crushed by its failure to get to Earth, theCooker realizes it can use the metal strips as a pair of skis. While happilyskiing on the lunar surface, the Cooker waves goodbye to Wallace and Gromit,who return home.教学目标1、通过观看英语动画系列短片Wallaceand Gromit 之 A Grand Day Out , 教学与电影相关的单词并让学生感受语言文化带来的快乐。2、重点帮助学生使用first,next, then, later, finally的词汇进行具体活动先后顺序的表达,努力唤醒学生“内存”语言知识,竭力拓展学生综合语言运用能力。辅助手段1、Powerpoint 教学课件2、影片原版视频并将完整视频分别截取成为八个片段供教学所需。 教学过程Step One 观看电影前1、师生问答,课前热身a) What day is it today?b) What do you usually do on weekdays?c) What do you usually do on weekends?(通过此项活动,主要到达两个目的:第一、加强师生情感交流,拉近师生关系。第二、师生问答过程巧妙设计问题,有意识地问道:Whatdo you usually do on weekends? 由此引入到go to the cinema, see a film,watch a movie这一主题,为新授课的教学内容呈现做好铺垫。)2、介绍不同类型的电影a) 多种形式的电影类型,只要求听、拼、读;b) 重点介绍cartoon,documentary, action movie(在课堂教学的过程中,我们必须紧扣主题。但是,紧扣主题并不是说要单纯地去围绕需要学习的内容开展教学活动,而忘记了有效拓展。因为这样不利于培养学生学习兴趣、激发学习积极性。同时,不利于拓展孩子学习空间,影响到孩子想象力和语言综合运用能力的提升。基于这样的考虑,在热身环节有意识地增加了多种形式的电影类型介绍,因为目的在与拓展,因此,只要求达到听、拼、读得目标。)Step Two 观看电影中1. What type of movie is it?(通过观看第一个剪辑片段,判断影片的类型。)2. Go on seeing the movie and answerquestions. (Who, when, where)(通过观看第二个剪辑片段,解决影片人物、故事发生的时间和地点三个核心问题。并由地点引入到下一阶段house, living room, sitting room, kitchen,bedroom, study, garden, basement 等词汇学习。)3. 通过影片中出现的场景livingroom,引出与房屋结构相关单词的学习巩固,为稍后basement 教学做好铺垫。(影片随后由living room转移到basement开始进行登月火箭的制作。因此,在这一环节,通过图片等方式学习巩固与房屋结构相关的单词,能够有效地铺垫并为下一环节教学打下一个良好的基础。)4. Go on seeing the movie and answerquestions.Question 1: What are they doing?Question 2: What happens?Question 3: What are they going to do?(通过观看第三段视频剪辑,了解影片发展情节,明确影片人物在做什么事情、想做什么事情,为下一阶段“make a rocket to fly to the moon”做准备。)5. DiscussTopic: If you want to go to the moon, whatwill you do?(通过此活动的设计,将课堂话语权交给学生们。让孩子们通过小组合作,运用英语,发挥想象,讨论交流,并预测下一步影片中的主人公将会做什么。)6. See the movie and find out what Wallaceand Gromit do.重点掌握:first, next, then, later, finally(继续组织观看第四段视频剪辑。这是本堂课语言呈现最关键的环节。因此,在开始这一环节之前,教师需要特别强调并要求学生注意观察主人公做了一些什么事情、以及所做事情的先后顺序,为进一步呈现first, next, then, later, finally做好铺垫。当观看完毕,组织学生讨论,然后分享,并板书要点词汇:first, next, then, later, finally, 最后组织带读。)7. 组织学生快速完成电影短片最后的片段,了解rocket是否成功登陆月球、了解月球上是否真有cheese等,以保证电影观看的连贯性。Step Three 观看电影后小组合作,讨论下列活动需要分几步进行。要求学生们必须用first, next, then, later, finally等表示动作先后顺序的词语,从记忆库中调出已经学过的语言知识,合作交流分享,解决一下三个问题。TaskOneHow many steps should we take if we want tolearn English well?(这是一个常规任务。孩子们可以用自己所学到的语言知识大胆表达。) First,listen to the teachers in class carefully. Next,do homework after class. Then,listen and read English everyday. Afterthat, Finally,your English will be very good.(孩子们通过小组讨论,表达自己认为学好英语的各种方法。在孩子们回答过程中,要引导学生学会尊重他人,善于倾听。同时,要告诉学生:学好语言的方式方法很多种。最关键的是我们应当努力找到最适合我们的学习方法。)TaskTwoHow many steps should we take if we want toput an elephant into a fridge?(“如果要把一头大象放入冰箱里,请问一共要几步?”-这是一个脑筋急转弯的题。相信很多


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