七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Its Show Tim Lesson 8 Marco Polo and the Silk Road教学课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Its Show Tim Lesson 8 Marco Polo and the Silk Road教学课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第2页
七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Its Show Tim Lesson 8 Marco Polo and the Silk Road教学课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第3页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 2 Its Show Tim Lesson 8 Marco Polo and the Silk Road教学课件 (新版)冀教版.ppt_第5页
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jj七年级 下 学练优英语教学课件 unit2it sshowtime lesson8marcopoloandthesilkroad theimportantvocabularyage europe asia journey king coal discover invent other attheageof benewtoknowaboutmarcopoloandthesilkroadlearntouseregularandirregularverbs objectives leadin whatdoyouknowaboutmarcopolo findmoreinformationabouthimandpresentittotheclass marcopolo marcopolo 1254 1324 avenetiantraderandexplorerwhowasfamousforhisworldwidetravels hisfamousbookisthedescriptionoftheworld xi an thewalledcity italyagegoodseuropeasiajourney 意大利 地名 n 年龄n 商品 物品n 欧洲n 亚洲n 旅行 旅程 xi an thewalledcity kingcoaldiscoverinventother n 国王n 煤v 发现 了解v 发明 创造adj 别的 其他的 xi an thewalledcity phrases1 在 岁时 2 对 陌生 3 在 和 之间 4 带回来 5 写关于 attheageof benewto between and bringback writeabout hello everyone myprojectisaboutmarcopoloandthesilkroad marcopolowasamanfromitaly attheageof17 hewenttochina hetravelledalongthesilkroadwithhisfatheranduncle together theymovedgoodsbetweeneuropeandasiaonthe silkroad later marcopolotravelledwithhisbrother theytravelledonboats horsesandcamels theirjourneylastedabouttwentyyears in1275 marcopolotravelledtobeijing hemetthekingandworkedforhimfor17years duringthoseyears marcopololearnedaboutcoalandpaper thechinesediscoveredcoalandinvented paper thesethingswerenewtomarcopolo hebroughtsomecoalandpaperbacktoitalywithhim healsobroughtbackalotofsilk teaandothergoods marcopolowroteafamousbookabouthistravelstochina ihopeto writeabooklikethatsomeday thankyou by jennydate march25 1 attheageof marcopolowenttochina twenty seventeen sixteen2 marcopoloandhisfathermovedgoodsbetween onthesilkroad americaandasia europeandasia europeandamerica let sdoit listenandtickthecorrectanswers 1 3 marcopololearnedabout inchina teaandpaper coalandsilk coalandpaper readthelessonandanswerthequestions 2 whatcountrydidmarcopolocomefrom marcopolowasfromitaly 2 howdidheandhisbrothertravel theytravelledonboats horsesandcamels 3 howlongdidhisjourneylast theirjourneylastedabouttwentyyears 4 whendidhetraveltobeijing in1275 marcopolotravelledtobeijing 5 whatdidhebringbacktohishomecountry hebroughtsomecoalandpaperbacktoitalywithhim healsobroughtbackalotofsilk teaandothergoods fillintheblankswiththecorrectformsofthewordsinthebox 3 hopecoaljourneydiscovergoods 1 peopleselltheir atthemarket 2 it scoldinthehouse putsome onthefire coal goods 3 afterthelong marcopoloarrivedinbeijingatlast 4 hedidn tdowellthistime buthe todobetternexttime 5 iwalkedaroundmycityandi somebeautifulplaces journey hoped discovered xi an thewalledcity languagepoints 1 attheageof17 hewenttochina attheageof whensb was yearsold在 岁时eg hemovedtolondonattheageof20 hemovedtolondonwhenhewas20yearsold 他在20岁时搬到了伦敦 xi an thewalledcity 2 thechinesediscoveredcoalandinventedpaper discover发现 了解 指初次看见本来已存在但以前未被发现的事物 columbusdiscoveredamericabuthedidnotexplorethenewcontinent 哥伦布发现了美洲 可是他没有去探索这个新大陆 invent发明 创造 是指创造前所未有的事物 edisoninventedtheelectriclightbulb 爱迪生发明了电灯泡 xi an thewalledcity 3 benewtosb 对 陌生eg themovieisnewtome 4 hopetodosth 希望做某事eg ihopetoseeyouagain 5 other其他的 别的one theother 一个是 另一个是 eg ihavetwocomputers oneisbig theotherissmall xi an thewalledcity exercises 根据汉语意思填空 1 marcopoloisamanfrom 欧洲 europe 2 who 发现 america 3 who 发明 paper discovered invented xi an thewalledcity 4 their 旅程 lastedabouttwentyyears 5 at 年龄 eight helearnedtoswim journey age xi an thewalledcity 单项选择 1 jamesworks achinesecompany a forb ofc outd on a xi an thewalledcity 2 lucywill herhomeworkbacktoherschool a talksb bringc talk b xi an thewalledcity 3 therearesomeelephants koalasandsnakesinthezoo what animalsarethereinit a otherb othersc another a xi an thewalledcity 4 theplaceis tome it sthefirsttimeicamehere a oldb happyc newd sad 5 whatdoyouoftendo classestorelax listentomusicroundtheschool a overb throughc between c c xi an thewalledcity workingroups whatdoyouknowaboutmarcopolo fin


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