七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section B1 课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section B1 课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section B1 课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section B1 课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
七年级英语下册 Unit 12 What did you do last weekend Section B1 课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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sectionbperiod1 1a 2c unit12 whatdidyoudolastweekend guessinggame whatdoido iwroteanewsong ipracticedmyguitaryesterday amusician imeetmymoviefansandsomereportersatthehotellastweekend anactor actress iwasbusy apatientvisitedmelastsaturday adoctor guessinggame iwasverybusylastweekend therearemanypeopleatthesupermarket icountedmoneyallthetime ashopassistant ihadalotofhomeworktodoandistudiedforthemathtestlastsunday iwastired guessinggame astudent lastsaturday icaughtathief apoliceman policewoman mini playtime nemo dory let sgoandseewhat dory didyesterday eevrybody go go go abook read read 08 00a m geography studied study 09 00a m cleaned theroom clean 10 00a m soccer played play 11 00a m lunch had have 12 00a m thepiano played play 13 00p m hi friends friends visited visit 14 00p m dinner cooked cook 17 00p m tv watched watch 18 00p m tothemovies went go 19 00p m alettertonemo wrote write 21 00p m readabook cookeddinner playedthepiano hadlunch watchedtv wenttothemovies cleanedtheroom studiedgeography memorychallenge 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 6 5 1aherearesomethingsthatsallyandjimdidyesterday matchtheactivitieswiththepictures 1 sangandplayedtheguitar2 studiedforatest3 haddinnerwithfriends4 wenttothelibrary5 flewakite6 swaminaswimmingpool d c f e a b 1bdoyouthinktheactivitiesin1aarefun drawahappyfaceoranunhappy 1clisten whatdidsallyandjimdolastweekend completethechart studiedforatest wenttothelibrary sangandplayedtheguitar flewakiteinthepark haddinnerwithhisfriends whatdidtheydo howwastheirweekend playedcomputergamesfor24hours playedcards drankwine smoked itwasnotgood it sunhealthy 不健康的 discuss howwastheirweekend it simportanttoarrangeweekendreasonablyandmeaningfully everyoneshouldlearnhowtomakefulluseoftime makeaninterview whatdidyourfrienddolastweekend name howwasyourweekend whatdidyoudo giveareportlikethis myfriend hadabusy nice happy great colorful weekend onsaturdaymorning he she 2awhatkindofanimalsarepeoplesometimesafraidof why makealist crocodile kr k dail 鳄鱼 lizard liz d 蜥蜴 whale鲸鱼 snake蛇 tiger老虎 lion狮子 hippopotamus hip p t m s 河马 rhinoceros rai n s r s 犀牛 2breadaboutlisa sweekendandanswerthequestions 1 howwaslisa sweekend 2 wheredidlisaandherfamilygolastweekend 3 howdidlisafeelwhenshesawthesnake 4 whatdidlisaandhersisterdo 5 whatdidtheirparentsdo whydidtheydothat 6 whatlessondidlisalearnfromtheweekend howwaslisa sweekend 2 wheredidlisaandherfamilygolastweekend 3 howdidlisafeelwhenshesawthesnake itwasinterestingbutscary theywenttoasmallvillageinindia shewassoscaredthatshecouldn tmove 4 whatdidlisaandhersisterdo 5 whatdidtheirparentsdo whydidtheydothat 6 whatlessondidlisalearnfromtheweekend theyshoutedtotheirparents herfatherjumpedupanddowntoscarethesnake don tgonearsnakes snakescan thearbuttheycanfeelmovements 2cputthephrasesinorderaccordingtothepassage thenusethemtoretellthestory snakewentintotheforest putupourtestsandcookedfood learnedausefullesson sawasnakeandshoutedtoparentsforhelp snakescan thearbutcanfeelthingsmoving mydadjumpedupanddowninhistent tookabustoasmallvillageinindia toldstoriesunderthemoon thenwenttosleep 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 languagepoints asaspecialgift ourparentstookustoindia 作为一份特殊的礼物 我爸妈带着我们去了印度 1 此处介词as表示 作为 当作 其后可以接职业 用途 特点等 用在句首时 这种短语的后面往往有逗号与语句的主体隔开 例如 asastudent imustworkhard 作为一名学生 我必须努力学习 2 本句中动词take表示 带领 take to 则表示 带领某人去某处 例如 onsundays thefatherwouldtakehissontothepark 一到星期天 爸爸便会带他的儿子去公园 辨析 bring take carry fetchbring意为 拿来 带来 表示 拿到靠说话人近的地方 take意为 拿走 带走 表示 拿到远离说话人远的地方 carry意为 扛 搬 用力移动 没有方向性 fetch意为 去取 去拿 表示往返拿物 theyoungpioneer waterfortheoldmaneveryday a fetchesb bringsc takesd carries 答案 选d bring从远处把某物拿到跟前 take with 随身带上某物 即物就在旁边 通过用力搬运 扛 抬等 那是carry的能力范围 fetch去把某物拿来 强调的是 去 回 双线行为 2 thereweputuptentsandmadeafiretokeepuswarmandcookfoodon 在那里我们架起帐篷 生火取暖并做饭 1 动宾短语表达法 putuptents搭建帐篷 makeafire生火 keepuswarm使得我们暖和 cookfoodonthefire在火上做饭2 本句的主体部分是weputuptentsandmadeafire 后续的tokeepuswarmandcookfoodon it 表达的是madeafire的目的 句尾介词 on 后有所省略 以避免重复 3 onthefirstnight 在头一天夜里 英语中表示一天中的时间分别采用atnight 在夜里 inthemorning 在上午 intheevening 在下午 等 但表示 在某一天上午 下午或晚上等 的特定时间 往往使用介词on 例如 ontheearlymorningofnovember20th wegotaspecialpostcard 在11月20号一大清早 我们收到了一张特殊的明信片 4 butiwassotiredthatiwenttosleepearly 但是我太累了 所以早早就睡着了 iwassoscaredthaticouldn tmove 我是那么害怕 一动都不敢动 英语中 so 形容词 that句子 表示 太 以至于 例如 thegameissointerestingthatidon twanttostopplayingit 这个游戏是如此有意思 以至于我都不想停下来 thesoupwassodeliciousthathedrankitup 汤是那么好喝 于是他喝了个精光 辨析sothat so thatsothat引导目的状语从句时 表示 以便 为了 例如 igotupearlysothaticouldcatchtheearlybus 我早起是为了搭乘早班车 2 so 形容词或副词 that 引导结果状语从句 意思是 如此 以致于 例如 herunssofastthatnobodycancatchupwithhim 他跑得非常快 没人能追上他 单项选择 1 finedayitistoday yes thesunshineis beautifulthati dliketogoswimminginthesea a how suchb whata veryc how sod whata so2 sheboughtadigitalcameraonline shewouldsavealotoftime a sothatb assoonasc nomatterd suchthat d a 5 wesawabigsnakesleepingnearthefire 我们看见一条大蛇正在篝火附近睡觉 mydadtoldmelaterthatsnakes canfeelthingsmoving 后来我爸告诉我蛇 能够感觉到东西的震动 英语中表示感官的动词 例如see hear feel等动词后可以接动词 ing短语 表示 看见 听到 觉得某人或物在做 某事 icanhe


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