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用at/in/on完成下列句子。在不需要介词的空白处打叉 1.My birthday is_ July. On my birthday _ last year l had a party.2._Saturday,we went shopping _ the afternoon, then we had a meal _ the evening and went dancing _ night.3.I saw my grandmother _last week. l met her for tea_10:30am_Tuesday morning.4.My parents were married_1968.They met _ New Year and the wedding was_15th April.5.My aunt arrives _ two hours. Ill meet her at the airport_8:20.6.We always go skiing _ the winter, _weekends. In fact, we went _ last weekend and were going _ next weekend.7.I play tennis_tomorrow,_10 oclock _the morning.8.I will leave this job _six months when l have saved some money. I will leave _ the summer so that I can have a long holiday.9.I usually go to bed early, but _ that evening I stayed up late. There were a lot of strange noises _ night, and I couldnt sleep.10.Would you like to stay with us _ New Years Day? If you caught the train _ Friday morning, you would be at the house _ lunch time.11.I met Sally _ yesterday afternoon. We arranged to meet again. _a few days. We will meet _ the morning and go shopping.12.My mother bought meat _ Saturday, we ate it hot _Sunday and cold _ Monday.13.Keiths father was born_1922 and he died_1986.14.Most Americans see their families _ Thanksgiving. The first Thanksgiving was _ 1621.15.Most letters from Europe arrive _ about a week. _ Christmas, they take longer.16.I dont work _ every weekend, but I think _ this weekend I am going to work.17.My son was born_24th November. He was born _ night and it was very cold because it was _ the winter.18.See you _a few months. I will be back in Beijing _ August.19._Friday evening I am going out, but _ Saturday I wont.练一练:用on,in和at填空:1. _ Saturday, Mike is ill _ home.2. Im _ China.3. Ill meet my uncle _ the airport _five past one.4. Theres a picture _ the wall.5. Lucy likes skating _ the ice _ December.6. Therere some apples _ the bag.7.Betty arrived _Lodon_the evening of June 1st.8.When did HongKong return to our motherland?-_July 1st,1997.9._Chlidrens Day,all the children are very happy.10.Gina was born _1999.She is old enough to go to school.11.Can you find New York _this map of America?12.I like salt _ soup ,but not too much.13.John is _the hospital.14.Im going to my cousins home _Saturday.15.We get _ the bus every morning _ seven and go to school.16.The meeting is _ Tuesday _nine _the morning.17.We live _ a small city _the northeast of the country.18.We got there _ time.19.He wrote some words _ the paper.20.She make a note _ the book.21.There are a piece of interesting news _ the paper.22.There is a bird _ the tree.23.There are many apples _ in the tree.24.I met him _ the stop.25.He works _ the building.26.He was born _one oclock_ a cold morning _Fuzhou.27.We are _ the second floor.28.He is _in class2.29. The picture is _ the wall.30.I put a cup of tea _ the table.31.His teacher wrote some words _ the blackball.32.She is playing basketball _ the playground.33.I saw a cat _ the corner of the /2.on in in at3./ at in at / /7./ at at10.on on at11./in in12.on on on13in in in at16./ /17.on at in 19.On on那是心与心的交汇,是相视的莞尔一笑,是一杯饮了半盏的酒,沉香在喉,甜润在心。我无所谓成功不成功,但我在乎我自己的成长;我无法掌握别人,但我可以掌握自己。我唯一能把握的,是我会一直尽力走下去,不为了别人,为了给自己一个交代。这个世界上有太多的事情是我们无法掌握的,你不知道谁明天会离开,你不知道意外和你等的人谁先到来。最可怕的是因为怕失去而放弃拥有的权利。我们都会遇到很多人,会告别很多人,会继续往前走,也许还会爱上那么几个人,弄丢那么几个人。关键在于,谁愿意为你停下脚步?对于生命中每一个这样的人,一千一万个感激。有一些人、一些事是不需要理由的:比如天空的颜色;比如连你自己都不知道为什么会喜欢上的那个人;比如昨天擦肩而过的人变成了你今天的知己。梦想这东西,最美妙的在于你可以制造它,重温它。看一本书,听一首歌,去一个地方,梦想就能重新发芽,那个在你体内扎根的与生俱来的梦想。我们唯一能把握的事情是,成为最好的自己,我们可以不成功,但是我们不能


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