台灣食品科技學會第 39 次年會 論文徵稿 論文題目 添加枸杞及紅棗之韓式泡菜開發及其貯藏性 聯 絡 人 葉佳聖 聯絡電話 0929318139 分機 傳真號碼 063010978 E Mail yehcs mail stut edu tw 本年度論文發表分為 6 組 請在 中以阿拉伯數字 1 2 3 選擇您 希望參加組別之優先順序 A 食品化學組 B 食品微生物與生物技術組 C 食品加工 品管 管理組 D 食品分析 品評 食品安全組 E 食品保健 生化 營養組 F 食品工程 包裝 物性組 本論文與民眾關係密切本論文與民眾關係密切 希望由學會向媒體發表希望由學會向媒體發表 請參考下頁之格式並使用 Word 書寫論文摘要 摘要可以中文或英 文書寫 中文使用標準楷 英文則請使用 Times New Roman 本年 度之論文投稿將透過網路化的系統投稿 系統將於 7 月底上線 截 稿日期為 98 年 9 月 30 日 如有疑問 請與中山醫學大學 王進崑副校長聯絡 電話 04 24730022 轉 11020 請於 10 月 21 日由網頁上查詢投稿是否成功 審核通過之論文請繳 交年會費用後才完成論文發表的程序 如有問題請於一星期內 10 月 28 日前 告知 添加枸杞添加枸杞及及紅棗紅棗之之韓式泡菜韓式泡菜開發開發及其貯藏及其貯藏性性 林利秀 1 林苑暉 2 紀學斌 2 林淑瑗 3 葉佳聖 4 1 中華醫事科技大學生物科技研究所 2 中華醫事科技大學餐旅管理系 3 中華醫事科技大學食品營養系 4 南台科技大學餐旅管理系 CorrespondingAuther 摘要 本實驗添加枸杞 Lycium barbarum 和紅棗 Zizyphus jujuba MILL 於韓式泡 菜 採用真空包裝分成普通包裝 KN 真空包裝 KV 添加普通包裝 KNLZ 添加真空包裝 KVLC 調味普通包裝 KNS 調味真空包裝 KVS 調味添加普 通包裝 KNSLZ 及調味添加真空包裝 KVSLZ 等八組 貯藏於4 並於0 3 5 7 14及28天分析pH值 可滴定酸及微生物 含總生菌 厭氧總生菌和乳酸菌數 結 果各組pH值至第28天分佈於4 0 4 4間 一般泡菜較佳品嚐pH值為4 2 因此本產 品冷藏於4 之適嚐期約一個月 可滴定酸依貯藏時間增加 普通包裝各組均較 真空包裝各組高 另真空包裝各組之菌數均較普通包裝各組低 在第28天時總生 菌數仍符合食品衛生標準 顯示真空包裝有助於微生物之控制 在品評及喜好性 試驗方面 除普通包裝組外並加入二組市售韓式泡菜 試驗組之酸及辣味均顯著 低於 p 0 05 市售A組 甜味均顯著高於 p 0 05 市售二組 另各試驗組之喜好性 均顯著高於 p 0 05 市售二組 顯示本地消費者偏好比傳統韓式泡菜酸辣味略低 及偏甜之產品 關鍵字 韓式泡菜 枸杞 紅棗 AbstractThis experiment increasess Chinese medicines mixed to use Lycium barbarum and Zizyphus jujuba MILL in Kimchi and uses the vacuum packing to discuss its shelf life divides into normal packs KN vacuum packing KV the increase to normalpack KNLZ increase vacuum packing KVLC flavors normal packs KNS flavors vacuum packing KVS flavors the increase to normal pack KNSLZ and flavors increase vacuum packing KVSLZ for eight groups stores in 4 and in 0 3 5 7 14 and 28 days analyzes the pH value titrate acid and microorganism including aerobic anaerobic and Lactobacillus The result showed that each group of pH value in 0 day is 4 7 the 28th day of KVSLZ is 4 0 lowest The Kimchi best taste pH value is 4 2 so stored in 4 suitable taste contract one month But the titrate acid in the 28th days the vacuum packing group ordinary packing group is low The vacuum packing group aerobic anaerobic and Lactobacillus ordinary packing is low aerobic number in the 28th days vacuum packing group still to conform to the Food Safety and Sanitation In sensory evaluation besides the normal packing groups and two groups of market Kimchi sour and ruthlessof the normal packing groups is lower than p 0 05 market A group but the sweet taste is higher than p 0 05 the market two groups this contains Lycium barbarum and Zizyphus jujuba MILL for the formula The another each experimental groups its overall taste higher than p 0 05 the market two groups the demonstration local consumer likes ruthless acid lower and slightly sweet product than the traditional Kimchi Key words Kimchi Lycium barbarum Zizyphus jujuba MILL Lactobacillus Development and Shelf Life of Kimchi with Lycium barbarum and Zizyphus jujuba MILL 林利秀林利秀1林苑暉林苑暉2紀學斌紀學斌2林淑瑗林淑瑗3葉佳聖葉佳聖4 1中華醫事科技大學生物科技研究所 中華醫事科技大學生物科技研究所2中華醫事科技大學餐旅管理系中華醫事科技大學餐旅管理系3中華醫事科技大學食品營養系中華醫事科技大學食品營養系4南台科技大學餐旅管理系南台科技大學餐旅管理系 Corresponding Author Fig 5 Changes in the log cfu g number of Kimchi during storage period at 4 under anaerobic condition 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 4 0 4 5 5 0 5 5 6 0 6 5 7 0 7 5 036912151821242730 Day log cfu g KN KNLZ KNS KNSLZ KV KVLZ KVS KVSLZ 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 5 3 0 3 5 4 0 4 5 5 0 5 5 6 0 6 5 7 0 7 5 036912151821242730 Day log cfu g kN KNLZ KNS KNSLZ KV KVLZ KVS KVSLZ Fig 6 Changes in LAB log cfu g number of Kimchi during storage period at 4 Table 1 Sensory evaluation of Kimchi after 3 days at 4 3 9 1 6bc4 4 1 4ab3 9 1 2a3 5 1 4b3 1 1 3a2 9 1 2ab3 1 1 5bSell B 3 7 1 6b4 6 1 4a3 7 1 3a4 8 1 7a3 6 1 6a2 4 1 4b4 4 1 6aSell A 4 8 1 3a3 9 1 3b4 2 1 5a3 8 1 5b3 7 1 3a3 2 1 2a3 6 1 4bKNSLZ 4 6 1 3a3 8 1 4b4 1 3a3 8 1 4b3 3 1 3a3 5 1 3a3 7 1 4bKNS 4 5 1 3ac3 8 1 3b3 9 1 2a3 4 1 2b3 2 1 4a3 1 2a3 2 1 3bKNLZ 4 7 1 4a4 2 1 4ab4 1 2a3 7 1 2b3 5 1 2a3 1 1 2a3 2 1 1bKN Overall taste ColorCrispnessRuthlessSaltySweetSour AttributesGroups ps Values are means of 100 panelists different superscripts indicate significant differences at p 0 05 IntroductionMaterial KNLZ Kimchi with Lycium barbarum and Zizyphus jujuba MILL normal package group KNS Kimchi with Sufu normal package group KNSLZ Kimchi with Sufu Lycium barbarum and Zizyphus jujuba MILL normal package group KV Kimch vacuum package group KVLZ Kimchi with Lycium barbarum and Zizyphus jujuba MILL vacuum package group KVS Kimchi with Sufu vacuum package group KVSLZ Kimchi with Sufu Lycium barbarum and Zizyphus jujuba MILL vacuum package group 0 4 0 6 0 8 1 1 2 1 4 1 6 036912151821242730 Day Titratable acidity lactic acid KN KNLZ KNS KNSLZ KV KVLZ KVS KVSLZ Fig 3 Changes in the titratable acidity of Kimchi during storage period at 4 3 0 3 5 4 0 4 5 5 0 5 5 6 0 6 5 7 0 7 5 036912151821242730 Day log cfu g KN KNLZ KNS KNSLZ KV KVLZ KVS KVSLZ Fig 4 Changes in the log cfu g number of Kimchi during storage period at 4 under aerobic condition The epidemiology research and the animal experiment demonstrated that increases the fruits and vegetables ingestion possible to reduce chronic disease diabetes hypertension the fresh fruits and vegetables have the antioxidation the adjust immune response against cancer and the antiallergy and many functions and the pickled fruits and vegetables might adjust the gastro intestinal function and increase its nutrient content also possible to increase of value and the shelf life The salt soaks the cabbage similar Kimchi in Taiwan is popular food take Chinese cabbage primarily material its material as hot pepper garlic leeks and carrotr seasoning f
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