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英语复习资料一、单项填空:(20分)1. It is _C_ in Australia than in Britain. A.more warmer B.very warmer C.much warmer D.so warmer2. The girl speaks English _A_ in her class. A.best B.the best C.the good D.better3. Oil _B_ recently _ in the North Sea. A. was; found B.has; been found C.had;been found D.is; found4.There _B_ general elections for the House of Commons every 5 years. A.is B.are C.was D.were5. The party _A_ wins more seats in the House will form the government. A.which B.when C.who D.whose6. Yet, he was faced with (面对) the problem that he would have to learn to do everything by himself.7. More than 25000 years ago, the first men _A_ on the continent of America. A.arrived B.arrives C.has arrived D.arrive8. Their _C_ on this continent became a milestone in human history. A.lives B.live C.living D.lived9. Every year, the western frontier was _A_ from the Atlantic. A.farther and farther B.further and further C.more far and far D.more fur and fur10. Men _A_ didnt work didnt eat. A. who B. that C. / D.whom11. Researchers have found that in poor countries, such as Bangladesh, being _D_ well off does make for greater well-being. A.relation B.relate C.relative D.relatively12.Once comfortable, more money provides diminishing _D_. A.turns B.return C.retakes D.returns13.Meanwhile, the divorce rate has doubled, the teen suicide rate _A_ nearly tripled,the violent crime rate has nearly quadrupled, and more people than ever are depressed. A. has B. is C. have D. was14. In an age of plenty, we feel _A_ hunger. A.spiritual B.spirit C.spiritually D.spririts15. People generally call each other by their first names much sooner in their acquaintance (熟人) than people do in other walks of life.16. People generally call each other by their first names much sooner in their _B_ than people do in other walks of life. A.acquaintances B.acquaintance C.acquainted D.acquaints17. Taking that _C_ too soon has closed many doors for the offender. A.liberal B.liberate C.liberty D.liberation18. In the business circle, many people think it _A_ to be called by the first name, it is best to use “Mr.” “Miss.” with a business superior or an employer. A.demeaning B.demanding C.deciding D.declining19. Therefore, one must sense the proper moment _A_ drop formal address and adopt subtle measures to prevent unwelcome intimate address. A. to B. of C. off D. than20. Mr. Li required the computer equipment referred _C_ used in every classroom. A.should be B.have to be C.to be D.to being21.-Yang Liwei has won great honour for our country. -Who is Yang Liwei? -What a question! It is surprising _C_ the first spaceman in China.A. you didnt know our national hero B. to you not to know himC. you should know nothing about D. you knew nothingt about him22.-What courses are you going to do next term? -I dont know. But its about time _A_ on something.A. Id decide B.I decided C.I decide D.Im deciding23. One of the requirements for the fire is that the material _D_ to its burning temperature. A. is heated B. will be heated C. would be heater D. be heated24. Robert wishes that he _D_ business instead of history when he was in university. A.studies B.studied C.has studied D.had studied25. Blairs aircraft is nicknamed “Blair Force One”.26. He was very busy yesterday,otherwise he _C_ to the meeting. A.would come B.came C.would have come D.had come27. Without electricity human life _D_ quite different today. A. is B. will be C. would have been D. would be28.If he had not gone out in the storm, he_B_ alive now. A.will be B.would be C.would have been D.is29.If only I _D_ how to operate an electronic computer as you do. A.had known B.would know C.should know D.knew30. Black Friday ranked from fifth to tenth on the list of busiest shopping days, with the last Saturday before Christmas usually _A_ the first place. A.taking B.to take C.took D.taken31. Black Friday actually was _C_ shoppiung day of the year. A.busy B.busier C.the busiest D.busily32._B_ take advantage of this, virtually all retailers in the country offer various sales. A.For B.In order to C.So that D.As33.Recent years _C_ retailers extend beyond normal hours in order to maintain an edge. A.see B.saw C.have seen D.seeing34.However,this practice has largely disappeared in recent years, perhaps _D_ an effort by retailers to create a greater sense of urgency. A.as B.because C.for D.because of35. _D_ many products made within the European Union carry the country of origin label, some non-EU manufacturers in Europe and some others outside the continent of Europe use vaguer markings. A.As B.After C.Before D.While36. When shipping products from one country to another, the products may have to _C_ with country of origin. A.marking B.mark C.be marked D.marked37.Its hard to know exactly _A_ is the country of origin, and different rules apply as to how to determine their “correct” country of origin. A. what B. that C. it D. witch38. Sources include the item itself, _D_ material. A.to accompany B.accompanied C.accompanies D.accompanying39. By _D_ the English hard during the holiday, Alice made much progress. A.study B.studies C.study D.studying40. I _C_ walk to worik, but not now. A.am used to B.was used to C.used to D.use to41. He speaks English as _D_ as Mr.Smith. A.fluently B.much fluent C.more fluently D.fluent42. The teachers visited the building in _C_ Marx had ever lived. A.what B.that C.which D.as43. We _C_ many trees since 2008. A.had planted B.planted C.have planted D.are planting44. We went to see the woman _C_ son had saved the little boy in the accident. A.her B.womans C.whose D.of which45. The General has made _D_ clear that all the soldiers must withdraw from the front. A.that B.what C.which D.it46. The classroom _D_ by Peter everyday. A.cleaned B.was cleaned C.cleaning D.is cleaned47._A_ he was lost, he went to ask the policeman for help. A.Realized B.Realizing C.Have realized D.Has realized48. We _B_ for 3years before we left for Shanghai. A.have lived B.had lived C.were living D.are living49. Carnegie believed _D_ individuals should progress through hard work. A.what B.who C.which D.that50. Among his more noteworthy contributions to society are those _A_ bear his name. A.that B.who C.what D.which51. He also founded a school of technology _B_ is now part of Carnegie-Mellon University. A.what B.that C.who D.it52. Few Americans _A_ untouched by Andrew Carnegies generosity. A.have been left B.had left C.had been left D.left53. His contributions formed the mucleus of the public library system _D_ we all enjoy today. A.what B.where C.who D.that54. Collectibles _A_ a part of almost every culture since ancient times. A.have been B.is C.are D.has been55. Interest in collectibles _C_ enormously during the past decade. A.have increased B.has been increased C.has increased D.increased56. In general, the most traditional collectibles will be sought _D_ they have preserved their value over the years. A.whereas B.that C.but D.because57. Collectibles have been a part of almost every culture _A_ ancient times. A.since B.from C.off D.left58.“Individual traits matter more than with whom you went,”Ms.Dale said.59. Its as if your opinions, your likes and dislikes just dont _ (算得上重要)。60. Were _ to listen to her _ voice. Its _ to hear her sing. (B) A.pleasing;pleased;a pleasure B.pleased;pleasant;a pleasure C.pleased;pleasing;pleasure D.pleasing;pleasant;pleasure61. This ship measures _B_ that one. A.as twice as long B.twice as long as C.twice long as D.as twice long as62.If tap water were as dangerous as some people think, _A_ would be getting sick. A.a lot more of us B.more a lot of us C.a ot of us more D.a lot of more us63._B_ you say is of no use now. A.Which B.Whatever C.Who D.How64. Yao Ming is the best basketball player _D_ I know. A.whom B.which C.who D.that65. Every pupil _ (应该) be in his classroom at 9 a.m.66. The study,conducted by the National Research Councils Committee on Diet and Health, concludes that balancing nutrition, calories and activity is the key _B_ a long and healthy life. A.to being enjoyed B.to enjoying C.for enjoying D.enjoy67. What _C_ this moment? A.do he do B.did he do C.can he be doing D.can he doing68. _B_ often free of charge. A.Having used public toilets is B.Using public toilets is C.Having used public toilets are D.Using public toilets are69. She is always careless, _A_ we should not be. A.which B.what C.who D.whom70. Environmental protection _D_ a basic national policy in China since the 1980s. A.is B.was C.being D.has been71. Environment protection authorities _B_ over 100 regulations. A.publicize B.have publicized C.publicizing D.being publicized72. The State Environment Protection Committee _A_ in 1984. A.was established B.is established C.haws been established D.establish73. The first Environmental Protection law _A_ in 1989. A.issued B.issue C.was issued D.being issued74. In 1993, the Environmental Resource Committee of NPC _B_ . A.set up B.was set up C.setting up D.has set up75. The world IT is _C_ often appearing in newspapers. A.more or less B.much more C.more and more D.many76. Lets explain it in a _D_ way. A.simple B.much simple C.more simpler D.simpler77. It helps to store sound _A_ than ever before. A.more quickly B.quickly C.more quick D.quicker78. Computers have _D_ memories than any man. A.good B.better C.best D.much better79. I think the raincoats is _D_ among the three. A.beautiful B.more beautiful C.most beautiful D.the most beautiful二、完型填空:(10分)(一)A New WorldMore than 25000 years ago, the first men arrived on the continent of America. These red-skinned men were Asians,who came from the far North in search of food. Their living on this continent became a milestone in human history.In 1492, Christopher Columbus, who was looking for a new sea route to India, found the land. He thought it was India, and he gave the name “Indians” to the red-skinned people he saw there. Europe had finally discovered America.For the next hundred years, few Europeans crossed the ocean to the new world as life in America was rough and dangerous. Then suddenly, at the beginning of the seventeenth century, large numbers of Englishmen began to go to America. Why did they leave the old world for the new?In those days, the laws of England were very cruel. Often a judge gave a prisoner a choice: pay the penalty or go to America. Everybody knew that life was hard and cruel in the wilds of America. But most prisoners chose to go to America. Men lift Europe for America for other reasons, too. Many wanted to make more money. Some went to look for gold. Some wanted to make Christians of the Indians. Others went to buy and sell with the Indians or to find adventure.From the beginning, America was a mixture of races, languages, and religious and political beliefs.(二)How Names are Called in AmericaPeople generally call each other by their first names much sooner in their acquaintance than people do in other walks of life. Taking that liberty too soon has closed many doors for the offender. Therefore, one must sense the proper moment to drop formal address and adopt subtle measures to prevent unwelcome intimate address. If you have been accepted wholeheartedly into a group, however important first names are in the worlds eyes, it would be conspicuous for you to continue beyond a certain time to call them by their last names, such as Mr. Robinson and Mrs. Harvin.If an older woman enjoys having young people call her first name, she will ask you to do so; otherwise dont. In the business circle, many people think it demeaning to be called by the first name, it is best to use “Mr.” “Miss.” with a business superior or an employer.(三)Presidential Class(1)Vladimir Putin, RussiaFed up with Moscows infamous traffic jams and tailbacks, last year the state Duma finally stood up to its president and voted 262-1 to order him to “abolish the archaic practice of blocking roads for the passage of official convoys of any level”. Things had come to a head when reports surfaced that Putin was demanding local police block off roads in both directions, hours ahead of his entourage passing through. On one trip to St Petersburg to meet with his Austrian counterpart, dozens of motorists were left trapped for hours in their cars in freezing temperatures while police waited for Putin to pass.Putin also raised eyebrows on a trip to London a few months after being elected in 2000. On his request, a 13-strong motorcade was flown in, including two armoured Russian Zil limousines and a Mercedes. In tow were 50 aides and up to 100 security men, all wearing none-too-subtle white macs.Thabo Mbeki, South AfricaThe government had it all planned: the president needed transport befitting the leader of one of Africas largest nations. It couldnt suffer the embarrassment of having to borrow a jet from a Saudi Arabian prince again when Mbekis jet broke down the previous year, so it authorized $38million to be spent buying a business jet from either Boeing or Airbus. In the end the order was placed for a modified Boeing 737-700 and everything was going fine until someone realized that South Africa couldnt boast a pilot with enough experience to fly the nations president.(四)For Some Managers, Doing Less Is MoreMost managers are familiar with the idea that no matter how busy they are, they could do more. Theres always another project to take on, another meeting to attend, another email to answer.Well, now theres a new school of thought about how managers are supposed to get more done-and done better.They should just do less.“Everybody says their days are too short.” says J.Keith Murnighan, a professor at Northwestern Universitys Kellogg School of Management. The key to unlocking greater productivity, Dr.Murnighan says, is to just say no: to switch off the email pings, decline meeting invitations and get home in time for dinner.In fact, dozens of studies all say the same thing: Doing less, and doing it without interruptions, can be the key to being a more productive manager and entrepreneur.三、阅读理解:(30分)不提供范围四、汉译英:(10分)1.议会分为两院,下议院和上议院。Parliament has two houses, the House of Commons and the House of Lords.2.然而,他面临的问题是,他不得不学会自己去做任何事。Yet, he was faced with the problem that he would have to learn to do everything by himself.3.他们带来了东方的方式和想法,但他们总是在试验。They brought eastern ways and ideas with them but they were always experimenting. 4.在商业圈,许多人认为被以名称呼是有损人格的。In the business circle, many people think it demeaning to be called by the first name. 5.人们相熟以后以名称呼彼此。 People generally call each other by their first names much sooner in their acquaintance than people do in other walks of life. 6. Leo Hickman看着其它世界领导人是如何获得参加顶级峰会的。Leo Hickman looks at other world leader to get some tips on how to arrive at that summit meeting in style.7.新闻媒体一直称感恩节为一年中最繁忙的采购日。The news media have long described the day after Thanksgivings as the busiest shopping day of the year.8. 原产国是指从事制造,生产,或种植物品或产品的国家。Country of origin is the country of manufacture, production, or growth where an article or product comes from.9.然而许多欧盟的产品都挂有“欧盟制造”或“欧共体制造”的标签或标记。While many products made within the European Union carry the country of origin label or marking “Made in Eu ” or “Made in EC”.10.在长途穿梭外交的新时代,总统或总理如何从a地到b地从未如何重要。In the new age of long-haul shuttle diplomacy, how a president or prime minister gets from A to B has never been so important.11. 与几乎所有著名女性不同的是,她的确拥有一个重要的特质:她是一个明星。Different in almost every respect from those famous women, she did share one important quality: she was a star.12.那些在人权战争中获胜的人被授予和平奖,包括那些为种族平等而战的人。It has awarded the Peace Prize to champions of human rights, including those who have fought for racial equality.13. 安德鲁.卡内基,被称为钢铁之王,在美国建立了钢铁工业,并且,在这个过程中,成为美国最富有的人之一。Andrew Carnegie, known as the King of Steel, built the steel industry in the United States, and, in the process, became one of the wealthiest men in America.14.收藏品自古以来都是每种文化的一部分。Collectibles have


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