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2002年11月GRE填空详解SECTION 11. Although she gives badly _ titles to her musical compositions, they _ unusual combinations of materials including Gregorian chant, Asian scale patterns and rhythms, electronic sounds, and bird songs.A. exotic belie B. eccentricdeploy C. traditionalexcludeD. imaginativedisguise E. conventional incorporate2. Even though the folktales Partout collected and retold were not solely French in origin, his versions of then were so decidedly French in style that later anthologizes of French folktales have never _ them.A.excluded B.admired C.collected D.promoted E. comprehended3.In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent, her book does not ridicule all predictions of doom but rather claims that the risks of harm have in many cases been _.A.exaggerated B. ignored C. scrutinized D. derided E. increased4.There seems to be no _ the reading publics thirst for books about the 1960s: indeed, the normal level of interest has _ recently because of aspiration of popular television documentaries.A. quenching moderated B. whetting mushroomed C. curtailing wanedD. ignoring transformed E. slaking increased5. Despite a tendency to be overtly _, the poetry of the Middle Ages often sparks the imagination and provides lively entertainment, as well as pious sentiments.A. diverting B. emotional C. didactic D. romantic E. whimsical6. One of the first _ of reduced burning in Amazon rain forests was the chestnut industry: smoke tends to drive out the insects that, by pollinating chestnut tree, allow chestnuts to develop.A. reformers B. discoveries C. casualties D. critics E. beneficiaries 7. The research committee urged the archaeologist to _ her claim that the tomb she has discovered was that of Alexander the Great since her initial report has been based only on _.A. disseminate suppositionB. withdraw evidenceC. undercut capriceD. document conjectureE. downplay facts SECTION 31. The scientist found it puzzling that his theory encountered _ despite widespread agreement that it was _A. respect crucial B. dismissalsimplistic C. skepticismunfathomableD. oppositionindisputable E. acceptancecomprehensive2. The rate at which soil can absorb water _ with continuous wetting, so the longer a _ lasts, or the greater the rate of precipitation, the higher the percentage of water that will flow across the ground as runoff and enter stream channels.A. rises deluge B. diminishes drought C. increases showerD. decreases rainstorm E. stabilizesthaw 3. The ideas expressed in the art historians book are more_ than one would expect on the basis of her rather _ treatment of her subject in the opening pages.A. compelling intriguing B. accessible recondite C. hidebound reactionaryD. insightful innovative E. dispassionate evenhanded 4. The meeting on environmental issues produced _ discussion but no commitment on a plan of action: the many uncertainties surrounding global climatic change and the huge cost of efforts to limit it made the policymakers _.A. little voluble B. heated contentious C. cordial quarrelsomeD. frustrating affable E. interminable businesslike 5.Art that endures often makes an initially disturbing impact: the profound experience that such art seeks to provoke necessarily engenders a certain_.A. familiarity B. ennui C. upheaval D. intimacy E. tranquility 6. The history of film reflects the _ inherent in the medium itself: film combines still photographs to represent continuous motion and, while seeming to present life itself, can also offer impossible and dreamlike unrealities.A. trivialities B. biases C. constraints D. paradoxes E. liabilities 7. The _ with which the politician peppers her speeches are so memorable that many people think of her as being far more _ than she in fact is.A. superlatives egalitarian B. pejorativesoptimistic C. examples soporificD. diatribes censorious E. malapropisms straightforward解析:1、根据主干大法,本题的线索主词是she、titles和they、combinations,显然这里they只能是指代her musical compositions (看作titles的同义重复),也就是说句子的转折围绕titles展开。转折前对于titles的评价由第一空决定,转折后titles(they)的评价由unusual combinations决定(这取决于第二空的动词是正评价还是负评价),如果第二空是正评价词,表明titles与unusual combinations一致,那么转折前就应该相反,所以第一空填unusual combinations的反义表达;如果第二空是负评价词,表明titles与unusual combinations相反,所以第一空填unusual combinations的同义表达。第一空只有CE是清楚的unusual combinations反义表达,候选。第二空选项单词正负评价正好相反(这是ETS惯用思路,2空题先变成2选1,再取舍就容易多了),根据前面分析只能选正评价的词汇,所以答案是E。参考译文:尽管她糟糕地给她的音乐作品赋以寻常的(传统的)题目,但是这些作品却体现出对一些材料的不寻常整合,比如罗马教的圣歌、亚洲的音阶风格节奏、古怪的声响和鸟鸣。2、太简单了!显然空格后面的them指代前面的his versions,由so 。 that结构知道是同义重复,所以that前是his versions与French一致,那么后面也必然是这样,空格前出现负评价词never,所以空格处必须填负评价词。只有唯一的A是负评价词。参考译文:尽管Partout搜集的民间故事并不仅仅来源于法国,但是那时他的描述却是法国风格以至于后来的法国民间故事集从来都不排除收录它们。3、主干是清晰的not。but结构,但是我们不能确定all predictions of doom与the risks of harm是否同义重复,所以需要参考伴随状态的In arguing against assertions that environmental catastrophe is imminent,而在这里我们清晰地发现了the risks of harm的同义重复environmental catastrophe。伴随状态一定与主句一致,意思是对environmental catastrophe is imminent进行arguing against驳斥,所以空格中的词汇既然是claims指出的就应该与驳斥的相反,所以应该体现出not imminent。只有A。参考译文:在对“环境灾难临近”的观点进行驳斥的过程中,她的书并没有嘲笑所有的命运预测,而是指出灾害的风险在许多情况中被夸大了。4、第一空无法轻松判断,第二空是现在完成时并且出现了recently(重要的时间对比特征词,最近发生的动作一定是与以前相反),前面无论是否出现about the 1960s也应该知道一般现在时There seems to be表示一般惯常状态,现在完成时+ recently表示最近发生的动作,是对过去或者一般状态的改变,所以“no+第一空”应该与第二空相反(题感好的同学应该能够马上觉察到the reading publics thirst与the normal level of interest是同义重复,尤其是thirst 与interest很明显),以前thirst没有什么和现在interest有什么,正好与时间相反一致,两空填同义词即可,只有C。注意moderate不表示quenching熄灭。注意时间相反题型的特点:1、时间相反一切相反。2、总是后者否定前者。3、现在否定过去,将来否定现在,更远的将来否定较近的将来。参考译文:看起来20世纪60年代阅读人群对书籍的渴望并没有减少;事实上,兴趣的正常标准只是最近下降了,因为人们渴望通俗的电视文献片。5、简单的转折题。空格由sparks the imagination and provides lively entertainment取反决定,要想不幻想不生动不娱乐,只有C(didactic说教的)啦。参考译文:尽管趋势是明显地说教,但是中世纪的诗歌经常激发(人们)想象力和提供以生动的乐趣以及虔诚的感情。6、冒号表示同义重复,后面显然对烟是负评价,所以前面说减少燃烧也就是减少烟显然是好的情况,所以空格填正评价词,一眼看出E最合适。阅读中注意一般不去看in后面的东西,否则你很可能会粗略读后把“在亚马逊雨林中减少焚烧”理解成“减少燃烧亚马逊雨林”。参考译文:在亚马逊雨林中减少焚烧的直接受益者之一是栗子工业:烟会驱除昆虫,而昆虫却通过给栗子树授粉而使栗子得以生长发育。7、第一空填正还是负评价的动词要依据since后面的内容。that the tomb she has discovered was that of Alexander the Great是声明的具体内容,不需要读。initial report决定了最初的东西肯定是不完善的有问题的(这在学术英语中几乎是必然),而且有only帮助推断,所以第二空一定是负评价词ACE。最初的是不好的,后来的就应该是好的啦,不过这里没有时间对比因素,因为主句是过去时(urged)。所以这里her claim一定是her initial report的同义重复,所以要对它进行负评价,只有C啦。参考译文:因为原始报告仅仅依据异想天开,研究委员会敦促这个考古学家砍掉她的声明,声明说她发现的这个坟墓是亚历山大的。SECTION 31、简单的转折,第一空填agreement的反义词,直接一点D最好啦,范围大一些就候选BCD,第二空显然是由agreement决定填正评价词,只有D了。参考译文:尽管普遍认为这是不需要争议的,但是他的这个理论还是遭到了反对意见,该科学工作者觉得有些莫名其妙。2、无论是基本阅读还是技巧都能轻松做对。按阅读解:伴随持续潮湿的状态,土壤吸水的比率当然下降,第一空BD,so表示因果同义重复,什么越持续,水分越高,BD正好相反,当然是D啦。按技巧解:单独的or表示并列同义重复,所以第二空等于precipitation,只有ACE,再看第一空, AC与D正好相反,看不看懂都马上选出D。参考译文:伴随持续潮湿的状态,土壤吸水的比率下降,因此暴雨持续越长或者下雨量越大,经地表汇入河流的水就越多。3、句子主干是简单的AB两者比较,A比B更如何?AB相反,所以第一空由A决定,第二空是B的特征,所以两空相反,只有B。注意这里rather是副词。参考译文:这个史学家的书中观点比(读者依据)书中开篇她对于主题的相当深奥的表述(所预期的)要容易理解得多。4、单词比较难!but后面是no commitment,“没有约定”是负评价,前面就应该是正评价,第一空填正评价词BCD,冒号后面是解释。根据主干大法简化为uncertainties made the policymakers空格。不确定性使得决策者怎么样?当然是不确定啦BC。在许多字典上contentious与quarrelsome是同义词。注意:Contentious强调的是有不同意见,重点是“争”,而quarrelsome强调的是不同意见导致的争吵,重点是“吵”。此题没说到吵,所以答案是B。参考ETS对本题的解释:The word “quarrelsome” is improper here for describing the controversial views harbored by different persons but emphasizes the shadow of anger and aggression gratuitous in this sentence. 参考译文:环境问题会议产生了激烈的争论但是没有行动决议:围绕着全球气候改变和防止它改变需要的巨大花费等问题上的不确定性使得政策决定者们争议不休。5、此题还是单词太难。根据技巧主干简化为:Art 产生disturbing impact,后面experience产生空格,而experience由艺术引起,可以视为art的同义重复,所以冒号前后完全一致,空格中选出disturbing impact 的同义词BC。注意:disturbing让人烦恼,而ennui指的是无聊,不让人开心但是也不让人烦恼,而重点显然是impact,能够表示一种负评价的行为结果的只有C。参考译文:忍耐的艺术常常产生原发性地让人烦恼的冲击效果:这种艺术试图引起的深刻经验必然产生一种错乱。6、冒号是解释重复,后面整句话解释空格。单独的and表明空格要么满足2者之一即可,但是没有单词能表现出combines,但是D却很好地表现了while seeming to present life itself, can also offer impossible and dreamlike unrealities。参考译文:电影的历史反映了这种媒体本身固有的矛盾:电影将静止的照片们结合在一起去表现连续的动作,并且当表现生活本身时,也常常提供一些不可能的虚幻的不真实东西。7、so。that同义重复。什么让人印象深刻以至于人们认为她比实际更什么?显然两空一定同义。只有D。注意A more _ than B表示AB相反,空格由A决定,也可以由B取非决定。本题中B是she in fact is,信息不够,所以只好由so memorable that结构从前面找,从而快速判断出答案。参考译文:这个政客用漫骂使得她的演说生动,这是如此的让人印象深刻以至于许多人认为她的吹毛求疵(批判的)特点远胜实际。 KEY:EAACC EC | DDBBC DD8. STOMACH: DIGESTION A. heart : pulsation B. eye : recognition C. muscle : exertion D. skin : irritation E. lung : respiration 9. DEHYDRATE : WATER A. melt : liquid B. wither : vitalityC. anchor : stability D. emote : enthusiasm E. shrivel : winkle 10. RAVENOUS: HUNGRY A. congenial : friendly B. mean : wild C. obsessed : absorbed D. inept : clumsy E. sated : savory 11. ELEGY : LAMENT A. epic : idolize B. comely : pleaseC. parody : ridicule D. sonnet : court E. tragedy : pity 12. ANECDOTE : NARRATIVE A. acronym : letter B. summary : excerpt C. simile : comparison D. metaphor : fantasy E. pseudonym : signature 13. TRUNATE : LENGTH A. separate : substance B. ventilate : circulation C. vaccinate : immunity D. transfer : location E. cool : temperature 14. GENERATION: INDIVIDUAL A. conference : speaker B. shift : laborer C. city : official D. tree : limb E. river : stream 15. RERERTOIRE : PERFORMANCE A. agenda : meeting B. catalog : library C. manifest : cargo D. invoice : receiptE. inventory : sale 16. BLANDISHMENT : COAX A. equivocation : dispute B. assessment : infer C. augmentation : complicate D. persuasion : coerce E. explanation : enlighten 28. DISAVOW A. instigate B. acknowledge C. envision D. ameliorate E. inculcate 29. FLOURISH A. lose out B. catch upC. turn off D. waste away E. slow down 30. HYPERBOLE A. misdemeanor B. understatement C. imprecation D. concession E. obstinacy 31. RIVETING A. appetizing B. enriching C. wearisome D. wastefulE. harmful 32. DAMN A. undoB. entreat C. mollify D. motivateE. extol 33. REPROACH A. sustain B. advanceC. acclaim D. manipulate E. embellish 34. MYOPIA A. maturity B. prescience C. prompt response D. good fortune E. final event 35. NICE A. restrained B. colorlessC. obscure D. imprecise E. balanced 36. LASSITUDE A. pride B. breadth C. vim D. pomp E. valor 37. PUSILLANIMOUS A. successful B. sociable C. adept D. stouthearted E. trustworthy 38. ABASE A. aggrandize B. limit C. defy D. purify E. destabilize Section 3 8. ANTISEPTIC : DISINFECT: A. solvent : preserve B. emollient : soften C. tonic : inoculate D. antidote: poison E. palliative: sensitize 9. DOSE : MEDICINE : A. beverage : drink B. medal : award C. tremor : earthquake D. ration : food E. temp: music 10. DITCH : CANYON : A. landslide : erosionB. boulder : granite C. weed : vegetation D. burrow : cavern E. moon : planet 11. AVERSION : DISINCLINATION : A. assurance : doubt B. adulation : admiration C. evaluation : preference D. denunciation : avowal E. slander : insincerity 12. AIRTIGHT : LEAK : A. sporadic : continuity B. incorporeal : importance C. ancient : relevance D. arcane : solutionE. invalid : certainty 13. SPURN : CONTEMPT : A. condone : mercy B. apologize : regret C. vacillate : impression D. balk : obstruction E. endorse : familiarity 14. TEACHER : CLASSROOM : A. bather : beachB. resident : neighborhood C. traveler : station D. child : playground E. chef : kitchen 15. RESCISSION : LEGISLATION : A. authorization : retrenchment B. recantation : testimony C. attainment : goal D. cessation : process E. acquittal : innocence 16. POLULATION : MORTALITY A. electorate : abstention B. workforce : attrition C. traffic : gridlock D. membership : absenteeism E. taxation : expenditure 28. DISSIPATE A. pile up B. sort out C. illuminate D. hasten E. include 29. TRANSIENT A. distant B. helpful C. actual D. violet E. everlasting 30. EXTRANEOUS A. indeterminate B. modified C. accurate D. concealed E. essential 31. SEEMLY A. banal B. deceitful C. indecorous D. eclectic E. ineffectual 32. VIRULENT A. intermittent B. courteous C. defeated D. confident E. salubrious 33. TORRID A. gloomy B. inert C. icy D. opaque E. smooth 34. FORMIDABLE A. enticing B. invigorating C. ambivalent D. affectionate E. negligent 35. DISCURSIVE A. polite B. succinct C. florid D. candid E. impassioned 36. EXECRATION A. misrepresentation B. engrossment C. requisition D. approbation E. allegiance 37. VICISSITUDINOUS A. charitable B. immutable C. imitative D. extrinsicE. endearing 38. TENDENTIOUS A. uncommon B. uncooperative C. unpretentious D. unimportant E. unbiased 短文章 Industrial production of powders involves mechanical forces fracturing individual particles of material into ever-smaller particles. The theory explaining this fracturing recognizes two general types of behavior exhibited by material under stress: elastic and plastic deformation. Elastic deformation occurs when stress is placed or a brittle material, which deforms and then returns to its original shape when stress is removed. If the material is stressed too heavily, however, excess energy builds up and the material fractures. This behavior makes brittle material fracture suddenly whe n subjected to mechanical impact by powder-making machines. Nonbrittle, or ductile, materials by contrast, are harder to fracture, since they respond to comparable amounts of stress by deforming plastically, that is, by changing sh ape permanently. Excess energy that builds up in the strained material is expended in deformation of the material rather than in fracturing. Plastic behavior can al so be exhibited by brittle materials as their particles become smaller during processing and thus less susceptible to fracturing.短文章 late-eighteenth-century political economists regarded the specialization of labor as a positive development, resulting in increasingly refined products and services. However, to their contemporaries in philosophy and the arts,this development suggested societys disintegration into conflicting interests. The political economists acknowledged that diverse occupations represented com peting perspectives on society, since what one knew was a function of what one did, but they viewed specialization as a source of social unity. Individuals who produced only one product or service must depend on others for most of the ir needs; this, specialization was the basis of social cohesion. The common go od depended upon everyones dependency guaranteed the unity and therefore the health of society. A fundamental problem with this concepts recognized even then, was that specialization seemed to preclude anyones being able to demonstrate that the society was unified. If everyones knowledge of society was tied to specialized occupational interests, who was in a position to monitor societys overall functioning?2003年3G笔试题目1. ADVENTURESOME : CAUTION : A. tendentious : bias B. convivial : congenialityC. timorous : fear D. magnanimous : generosity E. gluttonous : restraint 2. TAIL : APPENDAGE A. rib : skeleton B. iris : cornea C. knuckle: finger D. molar : tooth E. lobe : ear 3. HAVEN : DANGER A nirvana : suffering B. sinecure: experience C sanctuary : immunity D limbo : uncertaintyE arcadia : quiet4. MASONRY: BRICKLAYER A seminary : theologian B jurisprudence : criminal C pedagogy : student D medicine : doctor E conservatory : musician 5. NOURISH : FOOD A. warn : safety B. dehydrate : water C. waft : air D. circulate : blood E. finance : money 6. HASTE : PLODDER A. deception : dupe B. courtesy : boorC. disillusionment : malcontent D. forbearance : suspect E. reluctance : skeptic 7. VINDICATE: BLAME A. disabuse : misapprehension B. decry: aspersion C. acquiesce : regret D. expose : malfeasance E. investigate : suspicion 8. OBSTACLE : IMPEDE A. prediction : convince B. blandishment : cajole C. embellishment : praise D. deficiency : compensate E. compliment : exaggerate 9. MARVEL : QUOTIDIAN A. deny : malicious B. exploit : utilitarian C. defuse : controversial D. revere : ancient E. recoil : delightful 10. INCAPACITY A. peculiarity B. ability C. scarcity D. distinction E. quietness 11. FEROCIOUS A. reliable B. clear C. sane D. wise E. mild 12. AFFIX A. select carefully B. make visible C. detachD. infect E. dilute 13. ASYMMETRY A. equilibrium B. colorfulness C. abundance D. rigorous logic E. lack of information 14. DELEGETE A. pursue assiduously B. assume responsibility C. withdraw consent D. display partiality E. ensure compliance 15. EVASIVE A. downcast B. inventive C. foolish D. frankE. disciplined 16. SACRILEGE A. pious action B. resounding defeat C. favorable sign D. sensible choice E. expected event 17. HIERARCHIC A. contemporary B. anachronistic C. subversive D. nuanced E. egalitarian 18. FRENETIC A. unhurried B. convivial C. unyielding D. prolific E. pristine 19. OBSOLESCENCE A. maturity B. pithiness C. incorruptibility D. currency E. worldliness 20. UNASSAILABLE A. doubtful B. contemptuous C. swift D. temporary E. novel 21. BANANA : PEAL A. flour : sift B. potato : mash C


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