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unit3i mmoreoutgoingthanmysister sectiona2grammarfocus 3c revision 形容词或副词比较级的构成 3 重读闭音节词词尾只有一个辅音字母时 先双写辅音字母再 er 4 以辅音字母 y结尾的单词 变y为i er 2 以不发音的字母e结尾的 r 1 一般在词尾 er 5 多音节词和部分双音节词前加more gonghanlinis liuhuan liuhuansings gonghanlin betterthan thinnerthan gaoyuanyuanisas 漂亮 assunli sunliworksas 努力 asgaoyuanyuan hard beautiful grammar 1 a be 形容词比较级 than b e g i mmoreoutgoingthanyou 两者进行比较 表示 一方比另一方更 2 a 实义动词 副词比较级 than b e g tomjumpshigherthanjack 汤姆比鲍勃跳得更高 我比你更外向 1 a be as形容词原形 as b e g jackisasfunnyasmike 克莱尔与休起得一样早 杰克与迈克一样滑稽 e g clairegetsupasearlyassue 两者进行比较 表示 一方与另一方一样 2 a 实义动词 as副词原形 as b 1 汤姆比萨姆更聪明吗 istom sam 2 不是 萨姆比汤姆更聪明 no heisn t samis tom 3 塔拉比蒂娜更外向吗 istara tina grammarfocus smarterthan smarterthan moreoutgoingthan completethesentencesaccordingtothetext 4 不是 蒂娜比塔拉更外向 no sheisn t tinais tara 5 你和你姐姐一样友善吗 you friendly yoursister 6 不是 我更友善一些 no i mnot i m asas are friendlier moreoutgoingthan 7 塔拉与蒂娜工作一样努力吗 doestarawork tina 8 谁在学校里更努力一些 who s atschool 9 蒂娜认为她学习比我更努力 tinathinksshe thanme ashardas morehard working worksharder 3a practice usethewordstowritequestionsandanswers 1 julie tall you 2 jack run fast samq a no hedoesn t heruns thansam q isjulieastallasyou a no sheisn t she s thanme doesjackrunasfastassam taller faster 3 yourcousin outgoing youq a no sheisn t sheis thanme isyourcousinasoutgoingasyou 4 paul funny carolq a no heisn t heis thancarol moreoutgoing ispaulasfunnyascarol funnier iwas70cmtwoyearsago i m130cmnow 3b thinkofyourselftwoyearsago writeabouthowyouaredifferentnow 1 areyoutaller yes iam i mtallernowthaniwastwoyearsago 2 areyoufunnier 3 areyoumoreoutgoing yes iam i mmoreoutgoingthaniwastwoyearsago yes iam i mfunnierthaniwastwoyearsago 4 doyoustudyenglishharder 5 doyousingbetter yes ido istudyenglishharderthanididtwoyearsago yes ido isingbetterthanididtwoyearsago compareyourparents check whoissmarter funnier etc inthechart thenaskyourpartnerabouthis herparents 3c survey a whoissmarter yourmotheroryourfather b ithinkmymotherissmarterthanmyfather 1 myhairis long thanmysister s 2 iam tall thanyou 3 sheis outgoing thanme exercises fillintheblanks taller longer moreoutgoing 4 lilyis heavy thanlucy andlucyis thin thanlily 5 ihave short hairthantina 6 tomis hard working thantim shorter he
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