



必修二Module5. 单词荟萃1. thriller n.惊险读物、电影、戏剧 v.使感到兴奋或激动 n.兴奋,激动 adj.令人兴奋或激动的2. n.性格,特性;人物,角色characteristic adj.特有的,典型的 n.(与众不同的)特征3. adj.女性的,雌性的male adj.男的,雄的4. adj.优美的,优雅的grace n.优美,雅致;优雅5. interest n.兴趣,利益,利息 vt.使感兴趣 adj.有趣的 adj.感兴趣的6. adj.令人感动的 adj.感动的move vt.移动,感动,触动7. adv.有时候,偶尔 adj.偶然的,偶尔的occasion n.场合,时机,机会8. vt.争论,辩论argument n.争论,辩论9. drama n.戏剧 adj.戏剧性的 adv.戏剧性地10. adj.令人愉快的,有趣的 vt.娱乐,招待 entertainment n.款待,娱乐,娱乐表演.短语检测1出版6.讲述2爱上某人7.时常3 使某人惊讶的是8.短暂的一段时间4惊讶地9.干得好,真棒5关心,关注10.对.没有兴趣.佳句再现1As in the old wuxia stories,characters leap through the air every now and then,with beautiful,graceful movements while audiences shout in surprise.2Unusually, it is the female characters that interest us most.3Brave,good and strong, Xiulian is the character we care about most.4However, int eh last fifteen years, some of his films have been less successful.单元语法1. interest vt.使感兴趣 n.U兴趣; C爱好;C利益(通常用复数);U利息(1) interesting adj. 有趣的 interested adj. 感兴趣的(2) show/lose interest in 表现出/失去对.的兴趣 take/have (an) interest in 对.有兴趣 arouse interest 激起兴趣 be/become interested in 对.感兴趣 a place of interest 名胜 in the interest(s) of 为了.的利益【温馨提示】interest表示“兴趣”时是不可是名词,但前面却经常加不定冠词an,此事an也可以省略,但如果有形容词修饰,则不能省略不定冠词。如:She takes(an)interest/a great interest in politics.【活学活用】(1) the tourists most are the famous in Xian. 最让游客感兴趣的西安的名胜(2) Babies soon begin to the world around them. 婴儿很快就对周围的世界产生兴趣(3) We work for our . 我们为公共的利益而工作2. argue v.(to express an opposite opinion often in an angry way)辩论,争辩;(to give reasons for or against sth.,esp with the aim of persuading sb.)说理,争辩(1) argument n.争论,辩论;论据,理由,论点(2) argue with sb. over/about sth. 与某人据理力争 argue for/against 据理力争/反对 argue sb. into/out of (doing) sth. 说服某人做/不做某事 【活学活用】(1) We argued her .我们说服她加入了我们(2) They the right to strike.他们据理力争罢工权利.短语学习1. come out (太阳等)出来;开花;出版;显出;结果是;宣布 come about 发生 come across 偶然遇见或发现 come up with sth. 找到或得出(答案、办法等) come on 加油;快点;得了吧 【经典句式】When it comes to sth./doing sth. 当涉及.,当谈到.How did tit come about that.? .怎么发生的?How come(+句子)? (口语)为什么?怎么会这样?【活学活用】用come 相关短语的适当形式填空(1) Her best qualities in a crisis. (2) When the news ,everyone was shocked.(3) I dont know how this confusion has .(4) you are late again?(5) management,I am just a new hand.2. good for sb. (used to say that you approve of something that someone has done)干得好,真棒 be good for 对.有益,有好处 be good/kind to 对.很好 do sb. good 对某人有益处 for good 永远;永久 be good at 擅长 【经典句式】It is no good doing sth. 即使做.也是没用的 【活学活用】(1) The nurse is always the patients and she telling stories. 这位护士对病人总是很好,而且她很擅长讲故事(2) It is no good the issue between the nations by means of war. 用战争解决国家之间的问题是没有益处的(3) Eating more fruit will .多吃水果会对你有好处3. care about 关心,关注;在乎,在意 care for 喜欢,照顾;想要 take care of sb./sth. 照看,照顾;负责,处理 take care 当心,小心 【易混辨析】care about和care for(1) care about : to feel that sth. is important and worth worrying about; to like or love sb. and worry about what happens to them关心,关注,在乎,在意 如:He cares about his employees.(2) care for:to look after sb. who is sick,very old ,very young,etc.照顾to love or like sb. or sth. very much 喜欢”Would you care for sth.?” used to ask sb. politely if they would like sth. 想要 如:I dont care much for opera. 我不太喜欢歌剧 【活学活用】用care for ,care about 或 take care (of)的适当形式填空(1) Dont you our countrys future?(2) !See you next week!(3) She moved back home to her elderly parents.(4) Would you another drink?4. to ones surprise 使某人惊讶的是 much to ones surprise/ to ones great surprise 是某人非常惊讶的是 give sb. a surprise 使某人大吃一惊 get a surprise 大吃一惊 in surprise 惊奇地;吃惊地 【活学活用】(1) ,the boy won the prize.使我们惊奇的是这个男孩获奖了(2) He gave me by arriving early. 他的早到使我大吃一惊(3) “How did you come here?”she said .“你怎么到这儿来的?”她惊讶地说5. every now and then 偶尔,有时,不时 表示频率的常见副词及短语: always/ at all times 总是,一直 often/frequently/regularly 经常 usually 通常 (every) now and then/now and again/occasionally/once in a while/from time to time/at times 偶尔,有时every few days/ every other day 每隔几天/每隔一天once a week 一周一次seldom/rarely 很少,不常never 从不 【活学活用】1. 根据汉语意思完成句子The flower needs watering .这花需要每隔一天浇一次水2. 单项填空To improve your spoken English, youd better listen to the tape .A. generally B.fluently C.frequently D.gradually 【解析】C 句意:要想提高你的英语口语,你最好经常听磁带。generally通常地,fluently流利地,frequently频繁地,gradually逐渐地.句型学习Brave,good and strong,Xiulian is the character we care about most. 【句式点拨】句中的brave,good and strong是形容词在句中作伴随状语,表示主语的特征。形容词(短语)可以在句中做状语表示原因、伴随等,往往是补充或说明主语所处的状态。可放于句首或句末,常有逗号与句子分开。如:To our relief, the plane landed,safe.使我们欣慰的是,飞机安全着陆了The old man died,happy and satisfied.老人幸福、满足地去了 【活学活用】(1) The lost children returned home, . 失踪的孩子回到了家,又累又饿(2) The old woman lay in bed,quite .老妇人躺在床上,非常清醒课后习题.单词拼写1 They are the two main c in the play. 2 O ,he came to school late, so the teacher didnt scold him.3 How do you find the sports c of CCTV?4 The first section of the story book is very (感人的).5 Today we saw a very (有趣的)movie. .选词填空come out, in surprise, have no interest in, tell of, every now and then1. The poem the deeds of a famous king.2. He investment, so you are wasting your breath trying to persuade him to join you.3. I heard from him when he was in Beijing. 4. He didnt tell me when his new book would .5. He looked at me , not saying anything.单项填空1. ,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile. A.Shy and cautious B.Sensitive and thoughtful C.Honest and confident D.Light-heated and optimistic2. Hiking by oneself can be fun and good for health. It may also be good for building. A.respect B.friendship C.reputation D.character3. As he works in a remote area, he visits his parents only .A.occasionally B.anxiously C. practically D.urgently4. Tom sounds very much in the job, but Im not sure whether he can manage it. A.interested B.interesting C.interestingly D.interestedly5. I just wonder that makes him so excited.A.why it does B.what he does C.how it does D.what it


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