



How Do You Get More Money如何获得更多的财富?We know that everything in this universe is made up of one thing, and thats energy. I wont go into the quantum physics of it (Ill save that for another article), but scientifically speaking, at a very basic level, the material or building blocks that make up the universe and everything in it is energy.价值或被普遍认可的价值)。Of course this means that money is also a form of energy. Simply put, money is a type of energy that will allow you to fully express who you are (good or bad).当我们传递出“价值”这股能量时,我们就会收获财富这股能量。如果你挣了许多钱,那是因为你提供了许多价值。如果你挣的钱比较少,那是因为你没有提供足够的价值;不过你也要记住,每一分每一秒钟都是一次能让你扭转局面的机遇。How do you get this money energy?不知道该如何获得更多财富?In order for money to come into our life, we must act using the appropriate corresponding energy, and that energy is一位朋友告诉我他的愿景就是希望获得更多财富,但现实里他的财富并没有多少增长。我问他,“你为别人提供了哪些价值呢?”我不想对他的回答作过多的分析,但问题就是他并没有提供些许价值。阅读:财富吸引力法则:获得财富、健康和幸福的实践法则。When we send out the energy of “value” we will receive the energy of money. If you currently earn lots of money, its because you provide lots of value.你大可以坐在家里幻想自己开着一辆梅赛德斯;但除非你提供了价值,否则你是无法实现这个目标的。If you currently earn very little money, its because youre not providing enough value; but every passing moment is an opportunity to turn your situation around.冥想以及愿景对于成功来说也是一种不错的训练手段,但关键就是除此之外还要开始行动,除非你提供价值,否则什么事情也不会发生!Cant Seem to Get More Money几个月前我观看了乡村音乐颁奖典礼;在现场表演开始之前,主持人提到了各位艺人的专辑销售量。其中有一位歌手卖出了25,000,000张专辑,那可是一笔非常巨大的价值,因此他也获得了许多财富作为回报。A friend was telling me that hes been visualizing money, but no additional money is showing up in his life. I asked him, “What value are you providing to others?” I wont go into the details of his response, but in a nutshell, he wasnt providing much value.你也可以像这位歌手学习You can sit at home and visualize driving a Mercedes until your brain turns into a lolli-pop; unless youre providing value you will not be able to attract a dime.也许你并不擅长唱歌,但你可以发挥自己的天赋创造价值。Meditation and visualization are necessary as the training ground for success, but until you stop visualizing and start providing some real value, nothing is going to happen!大多数人早就在提供价值了;关键就是要提供足够的价值,一是获得你所需要的财富;二是体现你的价值。I watched the Country Music Awards a few months ago; before certain artists performed the host mentioned the number of records they had sold. One artist sold 25 million records. Thats a lot of value, and in return for that value exchange the artists has earned a lot of money.杠杆作用是非常关键的,因为仅凭你一个人的力量所创造的价值是极其有限的;如果你利用了别人的资料,如时间、金钱、技术来帮助你的话,就可以创造更多价值。You can do the same thing所以,你可以通过做自己所热爱的事情的方式来创造价值,然后获得财富(比如开一家餐馆),然后利用杠杆作用增加你的价值,这样就会有更多的人能享受到你的价值(如,开五家餐馆)。Maybe country singing isnt your thing, but you can certainly provide value using your talents.你同样也可以在工作中提供更多的价值Most people are already providing value; the key is to provide enough value through leverage to produce all of the money you need to fully express who you are.提供更好的服务;把工作做得更好。更努力得工作,花更多的时间在工作上,不断进步。你还可以去深造,增长自己的知识,功到自然成。当你在公司里不断获得升迁时,你就要管理更多的人,你所要肩负的责任也就更加重大了,你所提供的价值就会变得更多,那你的薪水自然会变得更多。Leverage is key, because you can only provide so much value by yourself, without the use of other peoples time, borrowed money, technology, etc.当你这样去做,提供更多的价值,那你就能给自己创造更多的财富。So in order to get money, you need to provide value doing something you love (open a restaurant), then leverage that value so more people can experience your value (open five more restaurants).人们总是告诉我说他们不想要许多财富,因为金钱让人做出了许多疯狂的事情。When you do these things you will be on your way to making lots of money because youre providing lots of value!不过,金钱不会让人变成坏人(或变得疯狂),它只是放大了你内在的那部分东西。As a side note: People often tell me they dont want lots of money, because money makes people do crazy things. Remember, money wont make you bad (or crazy), but it will magnif


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