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江苏省苏州实验中学2008年省招班招生考试试题英 语考生注意:1本试卷分第1卷(选择题)和第1I卷(非选择题)两部分。共80分。考试时间45分钟。2请将全部答案填在答题卷上。第1卷(共70分)I:单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并把答案写在答题上1Why not join us in the discussion now? _ AOk,coming BSure,please do CNo,you do the same DOh,thats it2Why dont you tell me something about your hometown?_ AI am afraid I cant BI dont know anything about it CSure,What in general are you interested in DBecause I cant tell you many things at a time3Tom isnt so strong as he _,is he? YesHe is his two brothers Athinks;no stronger than Bexpects;as strong as Cappears;stronger than Dlooks;strongest4Shall we meet tonight? Sorry,Im busyHow about _day? Aevery other Bthe other Cany other Dsome other5I am very proud of my daughterShe has quite a good memory Thatsvery goodWhom does she_,you or your wife? Atake after Blook after Clook for Dtake care of6The coflee tastes strange! It isnt like anything I_ while in London Awas having Bhave Chad Dhave had7She was so angry that she rushed out into the rain_ I could stop her Abefore Buntil Cafter Das8 Did jenny clean the whole house yesterday? She _ because she was not quite herself AHadnt cleaned it Bhad it cleaned Chad cleaned it Dcleaned it9You _televisionWhy not do something more active? Aalways watch Bhave always watched Chave always been watching Dare always watching10The country life he was used to_ in l 995,when a coal mine was opened Achange Bhas changed Cchanged Dchanging11It was several years_ I finally realized _David had lied to me Awhen;that Bthat;when Cbefore;that Duntil;why12Its fun to see all the food I have made_in such a short time Aeating Bto be eaten Cbeing eaten D.eaten13一Who is making so much noise in the garden? _ the children AIt is BThey are CThat is DThere are14When we_someone off, we often say,“_ you a safejourney Asee;Wish Bsend;Expect Csee;Hope Dsend;May15The picture_on the wall is painted by my nephew Ahaving hung Bhanging Changs Dbeing hung16The book is _ boring;it is,in fact,rather exciting and fascinating Aanything but Bnothing but Cno more Dall but17Happily for Johns brother,he is working harder to_ his lost time Amake up for Bkeep up with Ccatch up with Dmake use of18A new school _here nowThey hope to finish it in a year Awill be built Bis built Chas been built Dis being built19How about the two of us_ a walk down the garden? Ato take Btake Ctaking Dto be taken20Can Tom go and play football? Not_he has finished his homework Awhen Bif Conce DUnless II:完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2l40各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 The sun was shining when I got 0n No151 busWe passengers sat jammed in heavy clothesNo one spokeThats one of the 21 rulesAlthough we see the same faces every day,we prefer to 22 behind our newspapersPeople who sit close together are using those thin sheets of newsprint to keep their 23 As the bus came near the Mile,a 24 suddenly rang out“ 25 !This is your driver speaking”We 26 the back of the drivers head“Put your papers downAll of you”The 27 came down“Now,turn and face the person next to youGo 28 ” Surprisingly we all did itStill no one smiledI faced an old woman,her head wxapped in a red scarfI saw her 29 every dayOur eyes metWe waited for the next 30 from the driver“Now repeat after meGood morning,neighbor!” Our voices were 31 For many of us,these were the 32 words we had spoken thatBut we said them together,like 33 ,to the strangers beside usWe couldnt help 34 There was the feeling of relief( )that we were not being robbedMoreover,there was the sense of ice being 35 “Good moming,neighbor。”It was not so 36 After a11Some of us repeated it,others shook hands,and many laughed, The bus driver said nothing more,He didnt 37 toNot a single newspaper wentback upI heard laughter,a warm sound I had 38 beard before in bus No151 When I 39 my stop,I said good bye to my seatmate,and then jumped off the busThat day I was 40 off happily。21Aunwritten Bstrict C1egal Dimportant 22Aread Bsit Ctalk Dhide 23Aways Bmethods Crespect Ddistance 24Amessage Bwarning Csuggestion Dvoice 25AAttention BMind CHelp DListen 26Afound Bknocked at Ccared about Dtears 27Apapers Bpassengers CNeighbors Dtears 28Aon Bround Cahead Ddown 29Astill Bnearly Ceven Dhardly 30Aturn Btalk COrder Dremark 31Ahigh Bfast Cslow Dweak 32Afirst B1ast Cbest Donly 33Ateachers Bcitizens Cpatients Dschoolchildren 34Ashouting Bcrying Csmiling Dwondering 35Aformed Bheated Cbroken Dfrozen 36Asad Bhard COrdinary Dshy 37Aneed Bwarlt Clike Dbegin 38Aoften Bnever Cever Dalways 39Astopped Breached Ccame Dfound 40Astarting Bseeing Ctaking Dturning:阅读理解(共l0小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳答案。ADark Horse A“dark horse”is one that shows unexpected racing speed and comes in first,eventhough the expels said he had little chance of winning In politics,an unknown candidate(候选人)for office who wins a nomination(提名 )or election is called a“dark horse” British Prime Minister Benjamin Disrael is believed to have been the first to use thephraseIn his novel“The Young Duke”published in 1831Disrael described a horse raceand told how the two top choices fell beIlindwhile“a dark horse”which had never beenthought of rushing past the grandstand(看台)in a sweeping triumph From racing to politics was a short stepAs a political phrase,“dark horseappeared forthe first time in the national Democratic Party congress of 1844The“dark horse”was James knox Polk who became the 11th President of the United StatesPolk had been the leader ofthe House of representatives from 1835 to 1839He had also been Governor of the state of TennesseeBut asa national 1eader, he was considered apolitical nobody Nevertheless,he surprisingly won the Democratic nomination and was elected President Martin Van Buren did not want another slave state in the Union。As a result, he lostsupport among those Democrats who supported slavery At the 1884 congress,Van Buren could not get enough votes to win the nominationThecongress got into troubleTherefore,the Democratic leaders decided that the only wise thingwould bet o run a“dark horse”,a man who could unite the party, And so,one ofthe party leaders,George Bancroft ,proposed the name of james KnoxPolkHe won,and the party united behind himAnd he defeated his opponent,Henry Clay ofthe Whig Party After the 1844 congress,the “dark horse” candidates became an established fact ofnatiOnal political life One historian said,“The invention of the dark horse was in itself a remarkable product ofour professional politics”This made it possible for party leaders to choose candidates whowere not tied to certain ideasTherefore,they represented nothing and had developed fewenemies 41The term“darkhorseis often used to refer to_ Aa horse that can be in the lead all the time Ba horse that can attracts attention for its dark colour Ca person that people think the first to succeed Da person who achieves some goal unexpectedly 42The author introduced the novel“The Young Duke”with the intension that _Ahe would come to tell us about a“dark norse”in poimcs he would point out how the nobleman appreciated horse racing Che would tell us how the dark horse rushed past the two top horse Dhe would describe the fierce competition in the party 43The failure of Martin Van Buren in the nomination lay in the fact that _ AHe opposed the territory of Texas becoming a part of the United States Bhe had already been President of the United states Che couldnt get support from the Democrats who would keep slaver he had made few achievements during his presidency 44According to the author,Polks being nominated and elected President is considered entirely_ Aagood choice BA lucky chance Ca difficult process Dan expected result 45Nominating a candidate sometimes needs the invention of the dark horseBut its only when_ Aeveryone in one party wouldnt make any enemies Bthere is quite a different point between groups of party members Ceach one in one party sicks to his idea Dall me party members were not tied to certain ideasB One of the greatest sea tragedies that have ever happened was that of the steamship TitanicIt was the first trip ofthe giant shipThere were more than two thousand people aboard on their way to the United States from EnglandOn the night ofApril 14,1912,the sea was calmThe weather was beautifulPeople were dancing in the spacious salonMusic,laughter and singing could be heard everywhereThe thought of danger was far awhySuddenly,just before midnight,the sailor on guard cried,“An iceberg!”Before the ship could change her course,the iceberg had tom a huge hole in the bottom of the shipNothing could be doneThe ship began to sink and the passengers tried to escape,but there werent enough lifeboatsAnother ship was passing nearbyThe Titanic fired rockets into the air in order to get the other ships helpIt could have saved most ofthe passengers,but it did not even stopMore than two-thirds of the passengers went down with the TitanicIt was one of the greatest sea disasters of ali timeThe new ship went down theseaMore than fifteen hundred people lost their 1ives 46According to the text,which of the following statements is right? AThe sea tragedy happened in the nineteenth century BAll the passengers were killed in the sea accident except the captain CThe sea tragedy happened just because the thought of danger was far awav DThe tragedy happened in such a hurry that the shipmen could do nothing to stop it 47Before the ship sank,_ Athe weather wasnt fine Bthe peopie were enjoying the beautiful night Cthe saiiors were not on duty Dthere had been a big hole in the bottom of the ship 48Which do you believe is the best opinion? AIf the ship wasnt new,the tragedy would not have happened BIf the other ship gave a hand in time,more passengers would have been saved CIf there had been more lifeboats on the ship,the ship would not have beenrescued DOn condition that there were no icebergs,then there must have been fewerpassengers who lost their lives49The Titanic fired rockets in the air_ Abecause another ship which was passing did not give any help Bin order to calm all the frightened passengers on the ship Cto send signals to ask for help from the land DIn order to stop another ship for help 50The best title ofthe story should be_ AThe Most Dangerous Voyage BA Sea Tragedy CThe Terrible Iceberg DA Regretful Ship 第卷(共10分)任务性阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分i0分)请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词注意:每空格1个 It is meresting to know what people of different nations like to do bestIn France,when a woman enters a cafe o


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