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Lesson 3 Are You an Athlete?教学目标:1. 培养学生具有建议别人做某事或建议对方和自己一起做某事的能力2. 鼓励学生勇于提出自己的建议有关学习、生活等3. 让学生体会纳谏后,给别人带来方便,体会其中的乐趣教学重点:1. Practice the important words and phrases of the text .2. Accepting other persons suggestions can make much progress.3. Give some suggestions about how to learn English well.教学难点:1. Teach the students to learn direct object and indirect object.2. Act out the dialogue and take one of three roles (Brian, Jenny and Danny)3. Give somebody a suggestion, and then make her or him do something.教学情景导入:Class Olympics is held by us many times. There are a lot of athletes in our school too, Maybe in our classroom. Is there an athlete here? Are you an athlete? Please introduce yourself to us.教学过程设计;Step 1. Warming up.Discuss the question “How many events do you know?”. And then write the keys on the blackboard. Swimming, Table Tennis, Volleyball, Diving, Shooting, Canoe/kayak-Slalom and running.Step 2. Let the students learn the new word of the text.design v. 设计 luck n. 运气 rope n. 绳子 tennis n. 网球jump rope 跳绳 sit-up 仰卧起坐 push-up n. 俯卧撑Step 3. Through the three pictures, let us deeper understanding of these three sports. Sit-up, push-up and tennis.Step 4. Listening tasks: Listen to the tape with the questions and then tell the sentence is true or false.1. They are talking about the event.2. Brain doesnt like Jennys idea.3. Danny is two meters tall.Step 5. Reading tasks: Read the text with the following questions and then answer them.1. Who have ideas for an event?Jenny and Danny.2. How many dinosaurs does brain know?Only one.3. -Does Jenny think its a good idea to jump over Danny? -No.Step 6. Language notes: Explain the text and understand the language notes.1. What do you need to bring to the class for the event? 为了这个项目你需要给班级带来什么?need to bring to class意为“需要带到班级来”。need及物动词,意思是“需要”,后接名词表示“需要什么东西”“需要做某事”,有两种形式:a. need to do sth. b. need doing sth. 二者的区别是,当主语是人时,表示“某人需要干某事”用need to do;当主语是物时,用need doing。如:I need a bike. 我需要一辆自行车。Do you need your dictionary? 你需要你的字典吗?I need to have a rest. 我需要休息。(主语是人用need to do)Your hair needs cutting. 你的头发需要剪了。【注意】need也可用作情态动词,用于疑问句和否定句,表示“需要”,后面跟动词原形,没有人称和数的变化形式。如:You neednt go home for lunch. 你不需要回家吃午饭。Need they come into the room? 他们需要到房间里来吗?He neednt answer the question. 他不需要回答这个问题。2. On the last day of the project, get your event ready and put up your poster. 在活动的最后一天,把比赛项目准备好,并贴出你们的海报。get your event ready意为“把你们的项目准备好”。getready意为“把准备好”。Please get your school things ready. 请把你的学习用品准备好。I havent got my exercises ready. 我还没有把练习准备好。get ready for 为做好准备The students are getting ready for the term exam. 同学们正在为期末考试作准备。get ready to do sth. 准备做某事Do you get ready to take part in the party? 你准备参加聚会吗?3. We ask each group to run across the soccer field. 我们要求每个小组跑过足球场地。run across意为“跑过”,across介词, “过,越过”。要表示“过”,其前通常跟一个动词。如:walk across the street走过街 swim across the river游过河go across the road过路4. We show the groups where to start and where to stop. 我们指出各组从哪里出发,在那里停止where +to do是动词不定式的和疑问词连用的用法。动词不定式可以和疑问词连用,通常在句中作主语,表语或宾语,构成简单句,如:I dont know what to do. 我不知道在做什么。How to do it is a question. 怎样来做是个问题。His problem is which to choose. 他的问题是该选择哪一个。5. Youre the only dinosaur I know, and youre two meters tall. 你是我知道的唯一恐龙,你2米高啊!英语中表示物体的 “长、宽、高”,先说某一物体是多少,然后在句末加上一个表示“长、宽、高”的词。The road is ten meters wide. 这条路10米宽。The building is about twenty meters tall. 那座建筑物大约20米高。6. Try two more times再试两次。more在该句中是“再,又”的意思。在“数词+more+名词”结构中,more具有这种意义。如:Two more students in our class joined the League. 我们班又有两名同学入了团。7. Can you kick the ball farther? 你能把球踢得更远吗?farther意为“更远”,father是far的比较级,其最高级是farthest。【辨析】:farther和further都可以是far的比较级,但further除此之外,还有“更进一步,此外的”的意思,既可以做形容词,也可以作副词.Step 7. Evaluation standards:单项选择1. Can you wait for me for five _C_ minutes?A. much B. some C. more D. another2. After you _C_ the bridge, you can find the gym.A. across B. crossing C. cross D. though3.I can only jump one meter in the long jump.Try _C_ and you can jump farther.A. more two times B. two another times C. two more times D. two many times4._A_ of us knew how to deal with th


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