七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第2页
七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第3页
七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第4页
七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip习题课件 (新版)人教新目标版.ppt_第5页
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howwasyourschooltrip unit11 第一课时sectiona 1a 1c 一 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词或短语 1 arethereany 奶牛 onthefarm yes thereare 2 mygrandparentsare 农民 theyliveinavillage 3 didyouseeanychickens yes isaw 相当 alot 4 lucyusually 照相 intheparkonweekends 5 canyou 骑马 tom yes ican whataboutyou cows farmers quiet takes some photos ride a horse 二 单项选择 6 wasdavid sschooldays itwasbusy a whatb howc where7 lily forawalk yes shedid a does goesb did goc do go8 didyourideabike a yes idob yes ididn tc no ididn t b b c 9 ilikeeat soikeepmany a chicken chickensb chickens chickenc chicken chicken10 didyourclassmates thecow no they thecow a fed milkedb feed milkc feed milked c a 三 根据汉语意思完成句子 11 蒂娜正在和一位农民交谈 tina a 12 我每天喜欢晚饭后和妈妈一起去散步 iliketo withmymotheraftersuppereveryday is talking with farmer take a walk 13 保罗会挤牛奶吗 paul acow 14 你们的学校旅行过得怎么样 schooltrip 15 杰克相当地喜欢牛奶 jacklikesmilk can milk how was your quite a lot 第二课时sectiona 2a 2d 一 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1 nowlotsofpeopleliketoliveinthe 农村 2 idon twanttoeat 任何东西 ionlywanttosleep 3 limingisan 优秀的 student allofuslikehim 4 theairhereisso 清洁的 iwanttolivehere 5 mymotheris 摘 applesandmyfatherishelpingher countryside anything excellent clean picking 二 根据句意 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 6 mygrandparents grow alotofstrawberrieslastyear 7 myfatherisfiftyyearsold helikestogo fish everyday 8 jack clean hisroomlastsaturday 9 whatdidyoudolastnight we have aparty 10 ivisitedmyuncleand pick applesinthecountryside grew fishing did clean had picked 三 单项选择 11 whatdidyoudo lastweek a onb atc 12 whatdidyoudoafterschool i basketballwithmyfriends a playb playedc amplaying b c 13 didyou anyapples carol yes idid a growb pickc ate14 jack somestrawberriesand themhomeintheend a took pickb picked tookc took picked15 tinalearnedalotabout onthe a farm farmb farm farmingc farming farm c b b 四 语法填空 阅读下面短文 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空 lastweekendi16 visit myauntonthefarm we17 homeearlyinthemorningand18 acarforabouttwohours duringthedaywe19 milk cows 20 feed chickens wealsohelpedmyaunt21 upstrawberries intheeveningwe22 eat dinnertogether afterdinner we23 walks whenwewalkedpastthepark isawsomewomen24 dance inthepark wejoinedthem itwasan25 excite day visited left drove milked fed pick ate took dancing exciting 第三课时 grammarfocus 3b 单元同步语法精讲精练 定义 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状语 常和表示过去的时间状语连用 eg hewenttoschoolbybikeyesterday 昨天他骑自行车去上学 构成 1 be动词的过去式 am is的过去式是was are的过去式是were 2 实义动词的过去式 一般在词尾加 ed eg play played clean cleaned 以字母e结尾的直接加 d eg live lived like liked 以 辅音字母 y 结尾的 变 y 为 i 再加 ed eg study studied worry worried 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节单词 先双写这个辅音字母 再加 ed eg stop stopped plan planned 不规则变化 eg do did go went have had eat ate buy bought write wrote 句型 含be动词过去时的句型 其否定句是在was were后加not 其一般疑问句和特殊疑问句是把was were提到主语前 eg wereyouathomeyesterday yes iwas no iwasn t 含实义动词过去时的句型 肯定句 主语 动词过去式 其他 否定句 主语 didnot didn t 动词原形 其他 一般疑问句 did 主语 动词原形 其他 其肯定回答用 yes 主语 did 否定回答用 no 主语 didn t 特殊疑问句 疑问词 did 主语 动词原形 其他 一 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1 lookatthe 花 theyareverybeautiful 2 幸运地 itdidn train andthesun 出来 again 3 昨天 wasmybirthday 4 therewasnoneedto 担心 her flowers luckily came out yesterday worry 二 根据句意 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 5 jeff be lateforschoolyesterday 6 mrwang go toamericalastweek 7 howdidthepeople spend theweekend 8 hisfather notwatch tvyesterdayevening 9 afteri watch cctv iwenttobed 10 i go tothemovies whataboutyou nancy ivisitedmyaunt 11 you go tothebookshoplastsunday was went spend didn twatch watched went did go 三 单项选择 12 wherewereyoulastsaturday i inthecapitalmuseum 首都博物馆 a amb willbec wasd havebeen13 jack hishomework a didn tb doesn tc didn tdod don tdo14 hestayed and tvlastnight a athome watchb athome watchedc atthehome watchesd inhome watches c c b 15 didyouhaveagoodtimeattheenglishparty yes we a dob doesc didd doing16 howwasyourschooltrip great we apicnic 野餐 bythelake a haveb arehavingc hadd willhave c c 第四课时sectionb 1a 1d 一 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词或短语 1 thereisalarge 博物馆 inbeijing 2 the 油画 looksverybeautiful ilikeit 3 yesterday ivisiteda 消防站 4 wouldyouliketo 去钓鱼 withme 5 larry 去公园 withmelastsaturdaymorning museum painting fire station go fishing went to the park 二 单项选择 6 thechildrenwenttothemountain fridayafternoon a onb atc ford in7 what yourfather lastfriday a does dob did doc does didd did does8 they andsawmanyoldpaintings a wenttothezoob wenttoafarmc visitedanartmuseumd visitedasciencemuseum c a b 9 herodeahorseand amountain a climbb climbedc climbsd climbing10 howwas trip itwasterrible a janeb janesc janes d jane s b d 三 选用方框中所给单词的适当形式完成短文 do same child meal go swim stay feed on daywhatdoyouusuallydo11 theweekend somepeoplelike12 athome butothersliketogo13 orplaysoccer myfriendpeterworkshardinafactory ontheweekendhealwaysdoesthe14 thing washinghiscar butlastsaturdayhe15 toavillageinthecountrywithhisfamily hisauntandunclehaveafarmthere itisn tabigone butthere salwayssomuch16 onthefarm therearesomeappletreesonthefarm the17 helpedthempicktheapples peterhelpedinthefields 田地 peter swifehelped18 thepigsandcows attheendofthe19 theywerehungryandpeter sauntgavethemabig20 on tostay swimming same went todo children to feed day meal 第五课时sectionb 2a 3c 一 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1 howis 一切 going carol 2 our 导游 isverybeautiful andsheisveryfriendly too 3 theroomis 黑暗的 i malittleafraid 4 didyoutakethe 慢 orthefasttrain 5 ginaisa 可爱的 girl shehasaroundfaceandbigeyes everything guide dark slow lovely 二 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 6 thecoatisveryc butitlooksverynice 7 inolddays thetrainwasverys 8 wegottheresof bysubway 9 listen canyouh anythingnoisy 10 ihadane tripbecauseilearnedalotandhadfun heap low ast ear xciting 三 单项选择 11 atthemuseum ilearnedalot robots a aboutb atc in12 myfriendjimis inenglish a interestb interestedc interesting13 mymotherboughtanewbike melastsundayafternoon a forb toc of14 iliveinanoisyneighborhood it sdifficult a sleepb tosleepc sleeping15 canyouteachmehow amodelrobot a makeb makingc tomake c a b a b 四 根据汉语意思完成句子 16 沿路我们可以看到一些农场和村庄 wecanseesomefarmsandvillage 17 我一点也不喜欢上次的学校旅行 ididn tlikethelastschooltrip 18 我们正在进行一次学校旅行 weare 19 总的来说 我今天非常忙 iwasverybusytoday 20 我不知道他们能和我们下棋 ididn tknowtheycould us along the way at all going on a school trip all in all play chess with 第六课时selfcheck 一 词汇运用 a 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词 1 thetrainstodayrun 相当 fast 2 don t 担心 hecanfinishhisworkontime 3 thehousewaskindof 昂贵的 soididn tbuyit 4 jimgotalotof 礼物 onhisbirthday hewasveryhappy 5 theairinthe 乡村 isclean iliketolivethere quite worry expensive gifts countryside b 根据句意 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 6 todayit s sun let sgoforawalk 7 peterandbob feed thechickensyesterday 8 noweverything be good 9 iam inthe book interest 10 luck theygottherebeforeitrained sunny fed is interested interesting luckily 二 单项选择 11 where yourbrotheryesterday a isb wasc are12 wasyourlasttrip itwasnotbad a howaboutc howc what13 didheswimyesterday a yes hewasb yes hedoesc yes hedid14 when you thebike lastweek a do buyb are buyingc did buy c b b c 15 heistoolazy hedidn twanttodo a somethingb anythingc everything16 hewantstobea becauseheknowsalotaboutfarming a farmerb guidec singer17 helenisan student sheisgoodatallsubjects a lovelyb goodc excellent18 ithinktheschooltripwas fun a somuchb somanyc toomany b a a c 19 lastsunday jack somelovelygifts me a buys forb bought forc bought to20 who dinneryesterdayeveninginyourfamily mymother a cooks doesb cooked didc cook is b b 三 按要求完成句子 21 theymilkedacowonthefarm 对画线部分提问 they onthefarm 22 caroltooksomephotoslastsunday 改为一般疑问句 carol photoslastsunday 23 iwasintheusalastyear 改为一般疑问句并作否定回答 intheusalastyear what did do did take any were you no i wasn t 24 wewenttotheparkthismorning 改为否定句 we totheparkthismorning 25 myschooltripwasveryexcellentlastweek 对画线部分提问 yourschooltriplastweek didn t go how was 四 语法填空 阅读下面短文 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空 ihadabusyweekend 26 saturdaymorning ilistenedtomusic intheafternoon i27 do myhomework 28 wasalittledifficult onsaturdaynight i29 play computergames andonsundaymorning iplayedbaseball30 mysister 31 intheafternoon iwenttothelibrary i32 read abookaboutenglish onsundaynight i33 tv isaw34 interestinggameshow myweekendwasbusy 35 itwasrelaxing on did it played with then read watched an but 五 完形填空 wheredidyougoonvacation ispentmyvacation 36 myfamilyinbeijing wehadagoodtimethere ourtraingottobeijingateightintheevening we 37 inahotelthatwasneartian anmensquare wegotupearlythenextmorning 38 wewantedtowatchtheflag raisingceremony 升旗仪式 intian anmensquare thereweremanypeopleinthesquare 39 wegotthere iwasvery 40 towatchthenationalflag 国旗 goup thenwewentto 41 thepalacemuseum 故宫 wespentallthe 42 onit intheafternoon wewenttothegreatwall 长城 wetookabustogothere wewerehappyand 43 onthebus whenwegottothegreatwall itwas14 00 wetookmany 44 there howbeautifulthegreatwallis ilove 45 verymuch 36 a ofb withc in37 a wentb joinedc lived38 a becauseb butc so39 a whenb whatc why40 a terribleb excitedc bored41 a drawb lookc visit42 a morningb dayc week43 a busyb relaxedc worry44 a foodb photosc books45 a themb himc it b c a a b c a b b c 六 阅读理解 alastweek ihadaquitegoodvacationtohainanwithmyfamily wehadgreatfunplayingindifferentplaces onmonday theweatherwassunnyandhot wewenttowhitebeach 白沙滩 andswaminthewater ontuesday itwascloudy wevisitedtwomuseums wesawalotofoldthings onwednesdayandthursday itwasrainyandwindy wewalkedinthecity weboughtsomeinterestingthingsandatesomedeliciousfood onfriday theweatherwascool weclimbedmountains wewereverytired 累的 butfeltveryhappy ireallyenjoyedmyvacation 阅读短文内容 完成表格 whitebeach cloudy seealotofoldthings buysomeinterestingthingsandeatsomedeliciousfood cool bafactorybegantomakeanewkindofdogfood theyhadabigpartytoshowthenewdogfoodtoeveryone thereweremanypeoplefromthenewspapersandtvstations therewasadogattheparty hewouldeatthedogfoodandpeoplecouldtakesomephotos theplanwastoshoweverybodythatthedoglovedeatingthenewdogfoodverymuch whenthetimecame aworkergavesomedogfoodtothedog everyonelookedatthedog buttherewasoneproblem hedidn teatanyofit thedogdidn tlikethedogfoodatall allofthepeoplewerewatchingandsmiling theboss 老板 ofthefactoryhadtodosomethingquickly heatethedogfoodhimselfatonce 马上 51 thefactoryhadapartyto a makeanewkindofdogfoodb showanewkindofdogc showthenewdogfoodtoeveryoned eatthenewkindofdogfood52 wheredidthepeoplecomefrom a theywerefromthenewspapers b theywerefromtvstations c wedon tknow d bothaandb d c 53 there attheparty a weremanynewkindsofdogsb wasadogc weremanystudentsd wasapig54 thedog a ateallthefoodb didn teatthedogfoodc lovedthedogfoodd atesomeofthedogfood55 fromthepassageweknowthat a thebosslovedeatingthedogfoodb thedoglovedeatingthedogfoodc thedogatethenewkindofdogfoodd thebossatethenewkindofdogfood b b d 单元同步作文指导 本单元以学校旅行为话题 主要描述期间所发生事情的经过及自己的感受 具体到书面表达中要求同学们会写一篇关于学校旅行的文章 此文章以记叙为主 要说明事件的时间 地点 人物 经过和结果 在写作中 要分清主次 详细得当 另外 由于是写一篇印象深刻的经历 故文中应有描述性的句子 比如描述人物的心理 感受 天气状况等 教材中出现的能用于此类作文的句型 todayiwentonaschooltrip 今天我进行了一次学校旅游 ithinktoday sschooltripwasterrible 我认为今天的学校旅游很糟糕 wetookthetraintothemuseum 我们乘火车去博物馆 wevisitedthesciencemuseumanditwasreallyinteresting 我们参观了科学博物馆 那真的很有趣 iwenttothegiftshopandboughtsomelovelygiftsformyparents 我去了礼品店给我父母买了一些可爱的礼物 theyweren texpensive 它们不贵 allinall itwasanexcitingday 总的来说 是激动人心的一天 ididn tlikethetripatall 我一点也不喜欢这次旅行 昨天你刚经历了一次学校旅行 请以 myschooltrip 为题 写一篇60词左右的作文 记述你昨天的活动和感受 myschooltripyesterdaywasasunnyday mysc


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