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热点考题讲与练 1 areyouweihua yes a i mb i amc iamd am 导析 一般疑问句的肯定回答一般不用缩略形式 故选c 2 选自2001年中考题 and areingradeone a she you ib i you shec you she id you i she 导析 在多个人称代词排列时 顺序应为 你 他 她 我 即第二人称 第三人称和第一人称 故本题应选c 热点考题导析 单项填空1 arethese footballs a theyb yourc med you2 arechinesestudents a i youandheb he youandic you heandid he iandyou3 pleaseput overthere a thiscoatsb themc itsd that4 tomandmary here a beb arec isd am b c b b 5 thetwins americangirls theyarein class a are sameb is thesamec is samed are thesame6 theboys atschooltoday a allnotb allc arealld allare7 theseare a hispearb ourpearsc ourpeard hepear8 isthisyourpencil a sorryb hic thanksd excuseme d c b d 1 2001年北京市中考题 there someteainthecup isb arec haved has 导析 此题首先判断用therebe句型 表示某处有某物存在 又因tea是不可数名词 故选a 2 2001年湖北中考题 isthisbookyours no it shis isin bag mine myb my minec mine mined my my 导析 第一空没有接名词的代词用名词性物主代词 b d是干扰项 第二空接名词的代词应用形容词性的物主代词 故选a 热点考题导析 3 he supthere thetreewithbillonb inc atd of 导析 inthetree与onthetree都是 在树上 表示 鸟 猴 猫 人 风筝等在树上用 in 但表示长在树上的 果实 树叶 时 用on 故选b 单项填空1 thisis desk a tomandjohnb tom sandjohn sc tomandjohn sd tom sandjohn2 thewomanisfiftyyearsold shelooksyoung a toob orc butd and c c 3 there apurseandglovesinthebox areb isc bed 4 limingissitting hismotherandfather a betweenb inc likesd of5 lookatthewatch ithink togohome a youmustb it stimec that sd forme6 thewoman aredskirtisourteacher missgao inb atc ond wear7 bikeisblue thepurpleoneisn t a yours mineb my minec you yoursd mine mine b a b a b 句型转换thecarontheroadisred 对划线部分提问 2 welookatthephotoofhisfamily 变祈使句 3 it ssixthirtynow 对划线部分提问 4 it stimeforschool 改为同义句 it stime toschool 5 theyaregoingtohaveameetingtonight 改为同义句 there ameetingtonight whichcarisred lookatthephotoofhisfamily please whattimeisitnow togo willbe 1 2000年中考题 wherearehis books a otherb theotherc othersd theothers 导析 theother指 两个中 另一个 theothers指其他的人或物 b d均为代词 应排除 c是other的复数形式 后不有修饰名词 other作形容词 后面可以跟名词单数或复数 故本题应选a 2 2001年中考题 lethim a toputitawayb putitawayc toputawayitd putawayit 导析 letsbdosth 意思为 让某人做某事 应排除a c putaway是 把 收起来 把 放好 的意思 若宾语是代词 则须将其放在动词和副词之间 本题应选b 热点考题导析 单项填空1 ihaveanewcomputer he too a haveoneb haveitc hasitd hasone2 whatdoyoudoonsundays i madoctorb you reaworkerc youcleanroomsd iplaygames3 istoohard me swim tob swimming toc skiing ford jump for4 there water yes there s inthebottle is some someb are any anyc are any somed is any some d d c d 5 couldihave tea aglassofb abottleofc acupofd apieceof6 man thebikeis ofmyuncles a the on oneb the by somec a on eachd a by one7 mothercan cakesfor a make usb makes usc making wed ismaking our8 tom bluetrousersandat shirttoday a iswearingb wearc isputtingd isputtingon c a a a 1 2001 年中考题 yourbrother abike a does hasb do hasc does haved do have 2 2001年青岛题 mr smithalwayshas totellus a somegoodpiecesofnewsb somepiecesofgoodnewsc somegoodpieceofnewsd somepieceofgoodnews 导析 news为不可数名词 其量化表达 一条消息 为 apieceofnews 几条消息 则是 somepiecesofnews 选a 导析 一般现在时主语是第三人称单数 对行为动词的设问需借助助动词does 动词变原形 故选c 热点考题导析 热点考题导析1 2000年中考题 it squitewarmtoday whydon tyou yourcoat takeawayb takeoutc takeoffd takedown 导析 提建议 whydon tyou 动词原形 意为 何不 今天相当暖和 是建议对方脱去外套 故选c 2 2001年厦门中考题 there afootballgameontvthisafternoon a isgoingtohaveb willbec isgoingtoplayd willplay 导析 therehave play句型是中存在的 therebe句型的将来时为 thereis aregoingtobe therewillbe 故答案为b 3 2000年中考题 i msorry ibrokethewindow a notatallb itdoesn tmatterc thankyoud excuseme 导析 意思为 没关系 当时对方感谢时 应选a 你感谢别人时选c 你要问别人什么事时选d 此题答案为b 单项填空1 welcomeback home a tob c ind at2 imustgetupveryearly nexttime a atb c ind at3 thankyoufor a tohelpb helpc helpingd helps4 healwaysmakesme a beangryb toangryc amangryd angry5 thestudentsaregoing theirfirstfieldtrip a inb toc atd on6 aretheygoingtotalknextfriday a whatb whoc whered when b b c d d c 7 please late school a don tbenot forb don tbe forc benot ford don t for8 thereisgoingto agameinourclassnextmonday haveb isc hasd be9 lileihastwoshirts isold isnew a one oneb one theotherc the other theotherd one other10 thisskirtisold don tyouwanttobuy one anotherb theotherc otherd others b d b a 热点考题导析1 02年中考题 doyouoftenhearjohn inhisroom listen nowwecanhearhim inhisroom a sing tosingb sing singc sing singingd tosing singing 导析 感观动词hear sb do doingsth 听到动作的全过程 且问句中用often 故选择省略to的动词不定式 hear后加现在分词 表不听到了动作正在进行 故答句选择现在分词 故答案为c 2 2001年杭州中考题 thewateristoohot we dbetter rightnow a nottodrinkb don tdrinkc notdrinkd drinknot 导析 hadbetter后跟动词原形 其否定形式为在hadbetter后加not 故答案为c 3 2000年中考题 whenshallwemeet let s halfpastnine a decideitb makeitc haveitd makeitat 导析 make意思为 约定 决定 it指时间 后面不加任何介词 decide指决定某事 不是决定 约定时间 故答案为b 补全对话a hello yangyong whatareyougoingtodothisafternoon b 12what s3 a we regoingtounclewang sfactory wouldyouliketogowithus b yes i dloveto 45isit a aboutthreekilometres b 6shallwegothere a bybike b whenshallweleave a 78fouro clock b let s910alittleearlier a well let sleaveatthree b good no11 12shallwe13 a outsideschoolgate b allright 1415thisafternoon a seeyouthen 1 nothing2 much3 up4 how5 far6 how7 what how8 about9 make10 it11 problem12 where13 meet14 see15 you 热点考题导析1 2001南京中考题 pleasekeepyoureyes close a closeb closingc closedd toclose 2 2001年南昌市中考题 thereareaboutthree studentsintheschool a thousandsb thousandofc thousandsofd thousand 导析 这所学校大约有3000名学生 三百 三千 等具体的百 千后不加 s 而hundredsof成百 thousandsof数千 固定搭配 在百千后加 s 故答案为d 导析 keep后 形容词或doingsth故答案为c 单项填空1 ihope theretomorrow youtogob goingc yougoingd togo2 shewantstobethin sosheoftenhas supper richb heavyc lightd hot3 thereweren t touristsinxinjiang muchb manyc alotofd lotsof4 iknowtheboy jack a calledb tocallc callsd calling d c b a 5 look thebusstopis oftheriver a oneverysideb onothersidec ontheothersided onothersside6 theywerealwaystogether hesaw shesaw a anythingb everythingc somethingd nothing 热点考题导析1 2002年中考题 thereislittlewaterintheglass a isn tthereb istherec isn titd isit 导析 此题考反意疑问句 在therebe句型中 疑问句的主语仍用there 而不能用it 陈述句中有否定词little 当作否定句对待 故用肯定的疑问句 故选b c b 2 2002年中考题 isawlucy themorningoflasttuesday a onb inc atd 导析 此题考at in与on的用语 at表示具体几点钟 in表示在一般时间之内 如inthemorning 但如果表示具体的某一天上午必须用介词on 故选a 3 2001年乌鲁木齐中考题 mayismokehere no you a needn tb mustn tc don td haven t 导析 may表示充许 请求 肯定回答用may 否定回答用mustn t或can t 故选b 句型转换1 it sbettertofinishyourhomework finishyourhomework 2 hedidn tdowellinmaths he very maths 3 thesnowwillbeveryheavyinsomeplaces there a insomeplaces 4 weenjoyedourselves we alotof 5 whatahotdayitis itis you dbetter wasn tgoodat willbeheavysnow hadfun howhot 热点考题导析1 2001年中考题 ifit tomorrow we hiking a won train gob won train willgoc doesn train god doesn train willgo 导析 在if引导的条件状语从句中 即使有将来的意思 也不能用将来时 要用现在时 主句用一般将来时或情态动词 故选d 2 2001年广州市中考题 suddenlyedwardcameinandsaidhehad totelltheclass a anythingimportantb importanteverythingc somethingimportantd importantsomething 导析 形容词修饰不定代词something everything anything nothing等时 形容词应放在这些词之后 首选排除b d 又因为anything用在问句及否定句中 故选c 3 2001年北京海淀区中考题 mustifinishmyhomeworknow no you maynotb mustn tc can td needn t 导析 以 musti 句式的肯定回答是yes youmust 而作否定回答时 应用 no youneedn t 表示没有必要 故选d 易混词语专练1 both either neither ofusaregoodatplayingfootball ofyouhasadictionary lily lucymaygowithyoubecauseoneofthemmuststayathome both neither eitheror 2 afew few alittle little wearegoingawayfor days tomisn tgoodatjapanese buthecanspeak hurryup thereis timeleft heisamanof words andhedoesn ttalktothemtoomuch 3 seem look it likemyhat it thatsheishappiernowthanyesterday afew alittle alittle few looks seems 4 either or neither nor youmay doityourself leaveittome i hanmeilikeseatingpork 5 sick ill davidwas thedaybeforeyesterday heisa man 同义句转换1 hewenttobedafterhefinishedhiscomposition he tobed hefinishedhiscomposition 2 howkindtheladyis kindladysheis eitheror neithernor ill sick didn tgountil whata 3 getupearly oryou llbelateforschool you getupearly youwillbelateforschool 4 lilycomestotheofficeearlyandicomeearly too lilycomestotheofficeearlyand i 6 bothofthemfeelill ofthem 7 itonlytakesaboutfiveminutestoreachthestationonfoot thebusstationisonlyabout 8 jimdoesn tliketravelling idon tlikeit either i jim travelling ifyou sodo neitherfeelswell fiveminutes walk neithernorlikes 1 2002年中考题 heeats food soheis fat a muchtoo toomuchb muchtoo toomanyc toomuch muchtood toomuch toomany 导析 答案为c muchtoo意为 太 修饰形容词或副词 toomuch意为 太多 修饰不可数名词 toomany也是太多的意思 但修饰可数名词 因food是不可数名词 fat是形容词 故选c 2 2001年青岛中考题 yourfatherissleeping you dbetter notwakeuphimb nottowakeuphimc notwakehimupd nottowakehimup 导析 答案为c hadbetter后跟动词原形 否定形式在better后加not 故b d不正确 wakeup的宾语若为代词 应放中间 故答案选c 3 2001年乌鲁木齐中考题 youhadtostayathomeyesterday you haven tb hadn tc don td didn t 导析 答案为d 此句意为 昨天你不得不呆在家 不是吗 have hasto的否定式或疑问式要借助动词do does did等来构成 又因原句中时态过去时 故选d 单项填空1 ihadalotoftrouble thebook a onfindingb infindingc tofindd atfinding2 theoldwoman sdaughterdied shewasin a acheb achesc paind pains b c 3 we regoingtovisitthefactory theweekend a atb inc ofd on4 shallwe foodforapicnic a takeb bringc carryd put5 westayedathomeinsteadof football a playb toplayc playingd plays6 themeatis dear don tbuy a muchtoo toomuchb toomuch muchtooc muchtoo muchtood toomuch toomuch7 iwillgotoplaygamesifi myhomework a willfinishb finishc shallfinishd finished a b c a b 8 theteachertoldus inthesun a toreadb notreadc don treadd nottoread9 she herbikeandhurtherself a fallsoffb feltoffc felloffd fellof10 idreamtthatiwasbusy treesallnightlong a plantb plantingc toplantd plants d c b 热点考题导析1 2001年福州市中考题 yourbedroomisverybig hersisrathersmall a andb soc butd if 导析 and意为 和 并且 它所连接的前后句没有转折关系 so意为 因此 所以 是因果关系 but意为 但是 表示语意的转折 从题义看 此题应选c 2 2001年山东中考题 lilyranas aslucylastyear fasterb fastc fastestd morefast 导析 此句意为 莉莉去年和露茜跑得一样快 fast 是副词 而as as中间一定要用形容词或副词 此题故选b 3 选自英语奥赛预赛试题 thechildwassittingin appletree therearelotsofappleson tree a an anb a c an ad an the 导析 不定冠词用于可数名词的单数形式前 泛指某一类事物 a用于辅音前 an用于元音前 the特指上文提过的事的 所以第一空填an 第二个空填the 故选d 单项填空1 adisease tbkilledmillionsofpersons a callb callingc iscalld called2 funnystoriescanmakepeople a tolaughb arelaughc laughd laughing3 williamisvery togetthebest sellers 畅销品 书 a luckb unluckyc unusuald lucky4 it stimetotakearest butthestudentsgoon intheclassroom a towriteb wrotec writtend writing5 congratulations you yoursuccessintheexams a to withb to onc on tod with of d c d d b 6 theybothlostthemselves beautifulmusic a onb inc atd with7 theyall megoodluckinthenewyear a hopeb wantc wishd like8 itwon train youcanleaveyourumbrella a inb behindc atd for9 she helphisparentsathome a haven ttob doesn thavetoc havetonotd hasn tto10 hedreamtthathewasbusy treesallnightlong a plantb toplantc plantingd plants b c b b c 11 theweatherhereisverydifferentfrom ofamerica a a itb onec thatd its12 hedoesn twriteso ashisbrother a carefulb carefullyc morecarefuld mostcarefully同义句转换1 tohissurprisehefoundthegirlwasblind hewas to thegirlwasblind 2 theycan taffordtobuyticketsfortheconcert theyhaven t tobuytickets theconcert 3 wouldyouliketocomewithme wouldyouliketo c b surprisedfind enoughmoneyfor comealong 4 a don tforgetanything b don t anything 5 katewasinthe200metersrace kate inthe race 6 heranfastestofalltheboys heranmuchfastthan leavebehind anyotherboy takepart200 meter theotherboys 热点考题导析1 2000年中考题 whentheywalkedalongtheriver theysuddenlyheardsomebody forhelp a calledb tocallc callingd calls 导析 答案为c 当他们沿着河边散步时 突然听到有人在喊救命 hear 听到 是感观动词 其后跟动词原形或动词 ing形式 后者表示动作正在进行 2 2001年辽宁中考题 ihave friends theyoftencometoseeme a aquitefewb afewquitec quiteafewd quitefew 导析 答案为c quite修饰名词时 放在定冠词a an前 又因句意为有相当多的有友 故选c 单项填空1 i msurethatis book anquiteusefulb quiteanusefulc quiteausefuld aquiteuseful2 howcanyougetonwell yourclassmates a forb atc tod with3 ifindit totalkwithyou interestb interestingc interestedd well c d b 4 wouldyouplease i msorry iwon tdoitagain a notdrivesofastb drivefastenoughc nottodrivesofastd toplayfootballinstead5 grannyisill pleasecome youcan a assoonasb asquicklyasc asfarasd asnearas6 mrsgreensawit whenshewasdrivingpast a happensb happenedc tohappend happen a b d 热点考题导析1 2000年中考题 a shespent100yuanonthesweater 改为同义句 b she 100yuan thesweater c thesweater her100yuan 导析 spend on与pay for意思都是 某人买东西花费多少钱 而cost是 某物花费了某人多少钱 pay的过去式为paid cost的过去式为cost 故b句答案是 paid for c句的答案是 cost 2 2001年中考题 i myumbrellaonthetrain a forgotb leftc forgottend leaved 导析 虽然forget与leave都表示 忘了 但有地点状语时 要用leave 而不用forget 此句选b paidfor cost 3 2001年湖北中考题 teachersarelisteningtothereport a anumberb thenumberc anumberofd thenumberof 导析 anumberof与thenumberof虽只是一词之差 但意思完全不同 前者与复数名词连用表示 许多 谓语动词用复数形式 后者表示 的数量 谓语动词应用单数 此题选c 单项填空1 thefilm forhalfanhour a hasbegunb hasbeenonc hasbeenbegund hasgoneout b 2 where sjim he tothefarm hasgoneb wentc havegoned hasbeen3 ican tfinishtheworkwell yourhelp withoutb forc withd through4 surfingisoneoftheworld smostpopularwater sportb sportsc sportingd 5 mr wangspokehighly hisstudents withb ofc ond to6 ifwemakeacontributionto theenvironment theworldwillbecomemuchmorebeautiful a protectingb protectc protectsd protected a a b b a 7 thedoctortoldhimtogiveup smokeb smokingc smokesd smoked8 iusuallyforget thedoor butiremembered itwhenileftyesterday closing closingb toclose toclosec closing toclosed toclose closing9 neithermarynorherparents toaustralia buttheyknowthecountryquitewell havebeenb havegonec hasbeend hasgone10 thankyouforaskingmetoyourparty butican tcome a that srightb i msorrytohearthatc thanksalotd oh i mveryglad b d a b 句型转换1 hehasameetingonceaweek 对划线部分提问 hehaveameeting 2 ihavelearntfrenchsincelastmonth 对划线部分提问 haveyoulearntfrench 3 she sneverbeenalibrarianbefore 改为反意疑问句 4 englishisuseful chineseisuseful too 改写句子 句意不变 chineseis useful english 5 tomreadthebook 改为否定句 tom thebook howoftendoes howlong hasshe asas didn tread 6 ihaven tdecidedwhichsweaterishouldchoose 改为简单句 ihaven tdecided choose 7 bothofthemhatetravelling 改为否定句 ofthem travelling 8 sheplayedthepianowonderfully 改为感叹句 sheplayedthepiano 热点考题导析1 2001年模拟中考题 theboykept tvfornearlytwohoursyesterday a watchesb watchedc watchingd watch 导析 选c keepdoingsth 意思为 保持 一直 做某事 也是固定搭配 whichsweaterto neitherlikes howwonderfully 2 2001年中考题 i veneverheard aninterestingstorybefore a sob tooc veryd such 导析 选d 修饰名词一般用such 其形式为 such a an 形容词 名词 如果名词前有many much little等修饰时 应用so 单项填空1 lucysaidshehadn theard musicbefore a suchabeautifulpieceofb abeautifulc sobeautifulad suchawonderful a 2 theoldmanhastwochildrenbut ofthemliveswithhim a bothb nonec neitherd all3 theyoungpioneersdidn tknow a wherewilltheygob whattheywoulddonextc whencouldtheygod howdidtheygetthere4 youdon tlookwell jim you dbetterstayinbed a withpleasureb that sverykingofyouc notatalld i msorrytohearthat5 beijinghasaskedfor theolympicgamesoftheyear2008 a holdb heldc holdingd holds c b b c 6 mr lihasgonetoshanghaiandhe herelastweek a leftb hasleftcleavesd hadleft7 huninglikesmaths hisbrotherlikesfrench a sinceb whilec whend as8 allthestudentswenttothezooexcept a sheandib meandherc iandshed herandme选择正确的连词完成下列宾语从句 how what whom whose where whether why that when howmuch1 theteachertoldus theearthgoesaroundthesun a b d that 2 canyoutellme youarewaitingfor 3 hehasn tdecided he llgooutorstayathome 4 sheaskedtheboy hewantedtobuy 5 idon tknow hepaidforthecomputer 6 couldyoutellme icanworkouttheproblem 7 thepolicemanaskedhim hewentlastnight 8 ididn tknow theywerelateforschool 9 doyouknow sweaterthisis 10 iaskedthep e teacher thesportsmeetingcouldbeheldinourschool whom whether what howmuch how where why whose when 热点考题导析1 2001年南昌中考题 yourcoatlooksnice isit cotton yes it s shanghai a madeof makebyb madeof madeinc madefor madeind madefrom madeby 导析 答案选b 由 地方制造 后接地点 词组为bemadein 故排除a d两项 由 制成 为bemadeof故选b bemadeby后接动作的执行者 2 2001年河南中考题 therearequiteafewoldbooksontheshelf but ofthemisusefultohim a bothb allc neitherd none 导析 答案为d 由于quiteafew数量在三者以上 both neither指两者 故排除a c两项 根据句意 but转折 应选择含否定意义的词 故选d 3 2001年广州中考题 afterhehadfailedmanytimes hestillsaidhewouldn t theprogramme a giveupb giveawayc giveoffd catchup 导析 答案为a 本句意思是 经过许多次失败 他仍旧说不会放弃这个方案 giveaway指 泄露 出卖 giveoff意为 发出 蒸气 光等 catchup意为 赶上 giveup意为 放弃 故选a 单项填空1 isawhim basketballwithmikeanhourago a playsb toplayc playedd play2 wehave manytimes butwehavefailedeverytime a triedthisoutbtriedoutthisc triedoutd try3 theteacheraskedme lateagain a notbeb wasnotc nottobed tonotbe4 areyouinterested thisbook a withb atc ond in5 shesaidshefeltsomeone intheroom a tosmokeb smokesc smokedd smoking d a c d d 6 thefarmerstoldus tarmworkwhenwewereworkingonthefarm a howtob whattoc howtodod whattodo7 it slate don tkeeptheboy a towaitb waitingc waitd waited8 pleasetalk aboutyourcountry a asmuchaspossibleb asmanyaspossiblec aspossibleaslongd oftenaspossible9 thereisenoughbirdfood foraweek a lastedb lastsc tolastd haslasted10 don t yourglasstoo a fill fullb fill filledc full fulld full filled c b a c a 同义句转换1 theykneweachothertwoweeksago they eachotherfortwoweeks 2 thewomanlikeswearingredskirts thewomanlikes redskirts 3 peopleineverypartoftheworldknowthegreatwall people knowthegreatwall 4 hasshereturnedityet hasshe yet 5 themanistooweaktowalkbyhimself themanisn t walkbyhimself haveknown dressingupin allovertheworld givenitback strongenoughto 6 thechildrenaren tyounganylonger thechildren young 7 heputhisbooksintothebag itwasfull he thebag hisbooks arenolonger filledwith 热点考题导析1 2002年中考题 themedicine cool cleananddry a mustkeepb mustbekeptc mustbecarriedd mustbein 导析 答案为b keepsth sb 形容词作宾补 故c d两项排除 又因此题考查含情态动词的被动语态 其形式为 情态动词 be 过去分词 故答案为b 2 2001年杭州中考题 howfaristhefactoryfromhere it sabout4kilometers a farb longc awayd near 导析 答案为c howfar提问的是距离 距离的表达法为 be 数字 单位 away from 地点 故选c 3 2001年荆州市中考题 itseemsthattheoldmanfeels let sgooverandtalkwithhim you dbetterlethim oryoumaygetintotrouble a alone lonelyb lonely alonec alone aloned lonely lonely 导析 答案为b lonely只作形容词 作表语时 通常指人 表示 孤独的 寂寞的 指人心理上的孤独 有感情色彩 故第一句应填lonely letsb alone词组表示别管 不干涉的意思 故第二句应选择alone 因此答案为b 单项填空1 thetv displaywasmade china a for ofb on byc on ind in in2 ifyoudon tknowtheword inthedictionary a lookitupb lookupitc lookatitd findit3 shehasseveralfriendsherebutshetalkslittle them a betweenb inc amongd during4 myfatherisabouttwometres a shortb highc longd tall5 ourschoolis2kilometres fromhere a farb awayc longd out c a c d b 6 wouldyoupleasehelpme yourhelp ican tfinishthe
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