七年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1 What did you do课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
七年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1 What did you do课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
七年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1 What did you do课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
七年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1 What did you do课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第4页
七年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 1 What did you do课件1 (新版)外研版.ppt_第5页
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unit1 module10aholidayjourney whatdidyoudo isaygo isaywent getgetget gotgotgot havehavehave hadhadhad dododo diddiddid taketaketake tooktooktook seeseesee sawsawsaw isaywalk isaywalked watchwatchwatch watchedwatchedwatched playplayplay playedplayedplayed cleancleanclean cleanedcleanedcleaned haveachant 过去式特容易 一般情况加ed 如果末尾有个e 通常直接加上d 辅音字母加y 需把y变i 重读一辅闭音节 双写一辅加ed 不规则的特殊变 特殊变化特殊记 过去式变化规律记忆口诀 adoggerelforyou guess whatdididolastsunday wenttothezoo cleanedtheroom readabook unit1 module10aholidayjourney whatdidyoudo d n 远距离 旅行 learningaims 一 知识目标 1 掌握单词和短语 pacific so guess excited enjoy onholiday drivesb to howlong 2 掌握句型 howlongdidittaketogetthere howlongdidyoustaythere whatdidyoudo didyou 二 能力目标能在实际情境中用一般过去时介绍过去发生的事情 三 情感目标通过体验和分享旅行的快乐 培养对不同文化的兴趣 及热爱生活 享受生活的乐观态度 p sifik adjpacific太平洋的 拍手读拼 s u so那么 这么adv 升降调读 es guess猜测v 步步高读 快乐读单词 ik saitid excited激动的 adj 最快速读 wa wow哇 噢int 最大声读 magiceye california 加利福尼亚州 k li f nj pacificocean 太平洋 p s f k n hollywood 好莱坞 h liw d losangeles thebiggestcityincalifornia santamonica 圣莫尼卡 s nt m nik disneyland 迪斯尼乐园 d zni l nd santamonica losangeles disneyland let shaveajourneytotheus findtheseplacesonthemap acaliforniabhollywoodclosangelesdpacificoceanesantamonicafdisneyland a californiab hollywoodc losangelesd pacificoceane santamonicaf disneyland 1 4 2 6 5 3 nowlistenandnumbertheplacesasyouhearthem ourfriendbettywenttolosangelestwoyearsago whatdidshedothere listenandread finishthefollowingtasks task1 listenanddrawthepasttense 听音并画出文中的过去式 readthemloudly go went wenttake took tooksee saw sawdo did didmeet met metswim swam swamdrive drove droveenjoy enjoyed enjoyedstay stayed stayed 1 whatistonygoingtodoonholiday a gotoengland b gotolosangeles c gototheparis 2 bettywentlosangeles a twoyearsagob fouryearsagoc threeyearsago3 howlongdidittaketogettolosangeles a aboutninehours b aboutfivehours c abouttenhours 4 whowaswithbetty a hermum b herdad c hermumanddad 5 whereisbettygoingonholidaythisyear a newyorkb parisc sydney task2 watchthevideoandchoosethecorrectanswers 看视频 选出正确答案 howdidbettygettolosangeles sheflewthere 2 howdidbettygettoherfriends home herfriendsdroveher 3 whywasbettyexcitedatdisneyland becauseshemetsnowwhiteandmickeymouse 4 howlongdidshestayindisneyland shestayedfortwodays 5 wheredidshegoswimming sheswaminthepacificoceanatsantamonica task3 groupwork 小组合作展示不同形式readandanswerthequestion twoyearsago betty go tolosangeles it take heraboutninehours herfriends meet herattheairportand drive hertotheirhome next they stay fortwodaysindisneyland thenshewenttohollywood atlastshe get tosantamonica and swim inthepacificocean thejourney is great took met drove stayed got swam was went task4 betty sjourney 2 我们的朋友接了我们并开车把我们送到他们家 ourfriendsmetusanddroveustotheirhome 1 你打算去哪里度假 whereareyougoingonholiday 小小充电站 onholiday在度假 3 你在那儿呆了多长时间 我们呆在那里两个小时 howlongdidyoustaythere westayedtherefortwohours howlong 多长时间 用于对 一段时间 的提问 4 到那儿花费了你多长时间 howlongdidittaketogetthere ittakessb sometimetodosth 做某事花费某人多长时间ittakesmetwohourstodomyhomeworkeveryday 5 我是如此的兴奋 iwassoexcited readthemquickly 1 onholiday在度假2 meetsb 接某人 见到某人3 drivesb to 开车带某人到 4 howlong 多长时间 用于对 for 一段时间 的提问 5 soexcited如此兴奋excited 激动的 兴奋的 常用来修饰人 exciting 令人激动的 令人兴奋的 常用来修饰物 6 ittakessb sometimetodosth 做某事花费某人多长时间 跟踪训练 将落实进行到底 1 ittakestomhalfanhour watch tveveryday 2 heis aboutthe news a excited excitedb exciting excitedc excited exciting3 westayedtherefortwodays you there 4 myfather theparklastweek 开车带我到 excited修饰人 exciting修饰物 howlong 多长时间 用于对 for 一段时间 的提问 drivesb to 开车带某人到 此处用过去式drove ittakessb sometimetodosth 做某事花去某人多长时间 towatch long drovemeto how did stay 8 我们的朋友接了我们并开车把我们送到他们家 ourfriendsmetusanddroveustotheirhome 4 你在那儿呆了多长时间 我们呆在那里两个小时 howlongdidyoustaythere westayedtherefortwohours 2 我是如此的兴奋 iwassoexcited 6 到那儿花费了你多长时间 howlongdidittaketogetthere 1 你打算去哪里度假 whereareyougoingonholiday 5 你和谁一起 whowaswithyou 好句天天背 7 你做了什么 3 你猜怎么着 guesswhat whatdidyoudo 1 你打算去哪里度假 2 我是如此兴奋 3 你在那儿呆了多长时间 我们呆在那里两个小时 4 你猜怎么着 whereareyougoingonholiday iwassoexcited howlongdidyoustaythere westayedtherefortwohours guesswhat 句子大pk 5 你和谁一起 6 到那儿花费了你多长时间 7 你做了什么 8 我们的朋友接了我们并开车把我们送到他们家 whowaswithyou howlongdidittaketogetthere ourfriendsmetusanddroveustotheirhome whatdidyoudo 句子大pk gametime whatdidtheydo 15秒内猜对一次加2分 guess whatdidtheydo they tookawalk whatdidshedo she playedthepiaon guess guess whatdidhedo he helpedwiththehousework whatdidhedo guess whatdidhedo swaminthesea he aholiday talkaboutyourspecialholiday when who where what how pairwork 同桌合作 a wheredidyougoonholiday b iwentto a whendidyougo b iwenttherein a howdidyougetthere b igotthereby a whowaswithyou b my a whatdidyoudo b i a whatdidyousee b isaw a howlongdidyoustaythere b istayedfor a whatwasitlike b itwas i pairwork 同桌合作 talkaboutyourspecialholiday 单词 短语 句子 guess pacific howlong soexcited 学会运用 howlongdidittaketogetthere howlongdidyoustaythere whatdidyoudo didyou 运用一般过去时介绍过去发生的事情 我的收获 1 didyougettoshanghai byplane a whenb howc whyd who2 didit himtogetthere a whattime takeb how tookc howlong taked howmuch took3 i toshanghailastyear mygrandma meattheairpoart a go meetb went meetc go metd went met 当堂检测我最棒 4 shewas yesterday a excitedb excitingc excite5 didyougowith myfriend a whob whatc whered when 当堂检测我最棒 lastsummerholidayi go totaierzhuangancienttown 台儿庄古城 withmyfriendsbytrain i see somebeautifulbuildingsand do someshopping i spend twodaysthere i take manyphotos i enjoy myselfthere went saw did spent took enjoyed 我的假日旅游 中国万里长城 thegreatwall 北京天安门 tian anmen 浙江杭州西湖 thewe


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