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module5 shopping unit1 whatcanidoforyou marketn 市场supermarketn 超市biscuitn 饼干lemonn 柠檬strawberryn 草莓sizen 尺寸tryon试穿waitaminute稍等一会salen 降价出售freshadj 新鲜的 检测单词预习情况 mother sday母亲节 doyouknow 母亲节的来历 母亲节起源于美国 1906年5月9日 美国费城的安娜 贾薇丝的母亲不幸去世 她悲痛万分 在次年母亲逝世周年忌日 安娜小姐组织了追思母亲的活动 并鼓励他人也以类似方式来表达对各自慈母的感激之情 此后 她到处游说并向社会各界呼吁 号召设立母亲节 她的呼吁获得热烈响应 1913年5月10日 美国参众两院通过决议案 由威尔逊总统签署公告 决定每年5月的第二个星期日为母亲节 这一举措引起世界各国纷纷仿效 至1948年安娜谢世时 已有43个国家设立了母亲节 mother sday whatislinglinggoingtobuyforhermotheronmother sday whatisbettygoingtomakeforhermother whatdoesbettywanttobuy whenaretheygoingtotheshop at shirt acake strawberries biscuitsandsomelemons tomorrowafternoon listenandanswer i dliketobuyat shirtformymum purple allright small whataboutthisone canidoforyou doesshelike doesshetake what whatcolour whatsize certainly lookattheprice it s198yuan that stoomuch butthere sasaleontoday ok mayi waitaminute everythingis iwilltakeit tryiton halfprice i vegotsomefoodtobuytoo yes i dlikesomesausages thirty eightyuanakilo halfakilo helpyou arethey wouldyoulike cani howmuch howmuch ok akilobeansandtwolemons that llbethirtyyuan oh thestrawberries howmucharethey tenyuanakilo onekilo please here sfifty nineyuan lookfresh wouldyoulike whatelse nowcompletethetable one 99yuan halfakilo onekilo 19yuan 10yuan roletoreadtheconversation 分角色朗读课文 ifyouwanttobuyclothes actit colour blacksize smallprice 98 colour bluesize largeprice 60 colour redsize middleprice 50 回顾重点句型1 whatcanidoforyou canihelpyou 2 i dliketobuy for 3 whatcolordoyoulike 4 whatsizedoyoutake 5 mayitryiton certainly 6 howmuchis are what sthepriceof 7 thereisasaleontoday everythingishalfprice 8 whatelsewouldyoulike 达标练习 一 根据中文提示完成句子 1 iamgoingtobuyformymotheron 母亲 day2 mybrotherlikeseating 草莓 3 there sa 降价 ontoday 4 everythingishalf 价格 5 what 别的 wouldyoulike mother s strawberries sale price else 1 thisshirtis50yuan 提问 isthisshirt ofthisshirt 2 canihelpyou 同义句 tryon试穿mayitryit themon 我可以试穿一下吗 back there sasaleontoday 今天降价 asaleon onsaleeverythingishalfprice 所有物品都是半价 back幻灯片8 当你去商场的时候 售货员经常会说 canihelpyou whatcanidoforyou 你常这样回答 i dliketobuy for i dlikesome back smallmiddlelarge 售货员会问你要什么颜色和尺寸 whatcolordoyoulike whatsizedoyoutake 穿 你想知道价格可以这样问 buyclothes howmuchis are back buyfood 价钱表示方法 fiveyuanakilo一公斤五元howmuchwouldyoulik


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