



镇江市索普初级中学20142015年度第一学期 八 年级 英语 学科 寒假校本作业 寒假练习1八上unit 1-2 一、根据句意和所给提示,在空格内写出单词的正确形式1. What an_ (诚实的)boy!2. Dont_(信任)her. She is always telling_.(说谎)3. This question is _ (easy) than that one.4. Which classroom is _ (big) in your school?5. Who runs _ (fast), Li Lin or Li Ping?6. My friend is always willing _(share ) things and help others.7. -Is Jack good at _(tell) jokes ? -No, hes honest.8. He has some problems _(speak)English .he often keeps quiet in English classes.9. I dont like milk, but my Mum makes me _(drink) it every morning.10. What about (walk) to the center of the town?11. My mother hoped _ (become) a scientist when she was young.12. Linda will be very sad if she _ (not see) you.13 .Would you please _ (not open) the door? Its so cold.14. Can you give me something _? (eat)15. People in England speak B_English.16. British football is called s_in American. 17. Do you enjoy your school _(生活)?18. There will be two _(电影) tomorrow.19. How about going to Canada for _(假期)?20. We dont learn _(美式) English at school.21. There are two _(比赛) on TV.22. Jill isnt as _ (tall) as Lucy.23. Who is _ (lazy), Hobo or Eddie?24. There are too many _ (advertisement) on TV.25. We need _ (little) money and _ (few) people to do the work.26. Can you tell me any differences between (Britain) English and (America) English?27. Of all the things, the one on the left is _ (bad). 28. I know they are trying their _ (good) in this matter.29. You always make so many mistakes. Dont be (care) next time.30. Why not _ (go) to the playground?31. Lily has (few) books than you, but you have (little) time than her. 32. Zhang Huas family like (Britain) food, but we like Chinese food. 33. Why not (join) us in playing the game?34. Its hot today . What about (swim) in the river?35. Do you think dogs are (smart) than people. 36. British English is a little (difference) from American English. 37. The purse on the floor isnt mine. It must be someone (else). 38. This is a _(混合的)school. Boys and girls have lessons_(一起)39. Chinese and English are both important _(语言).40. My brother _(赢)the game last week. 41. His school _hot water every day. (提供)42. _the summer holidays , he visited lots places of interest. (在期间)43. They are my real _(英雄) in my heart.44. We can read newspapers and _(杂志) in the reading room.45. I study in a _ (mix) school named Nanjing High School.46. I brush my teeth _ (two) a day.47. Simon practises_(play) basketball for an hour every day .48. He is our _(good) teacher in our school .49. I study in a school _(call)Nanjing High School.50. his father got up _(early) than usual this morning. 51. _(take) a bus is much faster than walking, 52. I want to read all my (classmate) books.53. My father is very good (cook), and he can cook (health) meals.54. She often helps me with my lessons and listens to my _(问题).55. People cant live _(没有) water or air.56. She likes having a _(游泳)lesson57. We should exercise to keep _(健康的).58. Swimming in the sea is great _(有趣的).59. Our school has a _(read) Month.60.English is one of the most important _(subject) of all.61. You should eat _food and it is good for your _(health).62. Students always have fun _(talk) to each other.63. He spends a lot of time _(practice) English every day.64. Driving to school is faster than_(walk) to scholl.65. The food on the plate smells _(bad). 66. He can speak _(法语)well.67. There _(be) a softball game in three days, isnt there?68. Our teacher always tells us _(not make) much noise in the classroom.69. If you _(not be) careful, you will make the same mistake .70. On Sunday my mother often teaches me how _(cook) healthy meals.71. It rained heavily yesterday, so his father _(drive) him to school.72. He is crazy about _(play) football. He practises _(play) football every day.73. They had fun _(chat) with each other last Sunday.74. _ (keep) pets brings a lot of joy to old men.二、 完成句子1. Do you _?(你相信他所说的话吗?)2. The young _old people.(年轻人应该对老人有礼貌)3.What_? (什么样的人适合做好朋友?)4. 我们也可以从家里带来书籍和杂志。We_home.5. He is very kind and never _.(从不说任何人的坏话)6. He always _ on the bus.(把位置让给需要的人坐)7.people like Mary because she _(她有一副甜甜的嗓音)8. I _ my best friend(我将选择Lucy成为我的最好的朋友)9. I think my best friends _.(应该为我保守秘密)10. Max很有幽默感.他讲有趣的笑话,总使我发笑。Max _. He tells funny jokes and always makes me laugh11.我能喝些什么吗?Can I have _?12.她很乐意跟她的朋友分享事情。She is _things _ her friends.14.他喜欢讲有趣的笑话 让我笑。He likes _and _.15.她脸上总是带着微笑,看起来很开心。She always has _her face and _ happy.16.她在家庭作业上帮助我,而且她非常的耐心。She _my homework and she is very_.18格林先生是这四个人当中最高最胖的。Mr Green is _ and _.19. 我的铅笔比你的短得多。My pencil is _.20. 在中国,黄河是第二长河The Yellow River is _ in China.21. 天气变得越来越冷。The weather is getting _.24.我们今天下午给他买个玩具卡车好吗?_this afternoon?26.“你能用美式英语说lift吗?” “当然。它是elevator。” -Can you lift American English. -Of course. Its elevator. 27. 学校是什么样的?-学校就像看电视, 但是广告较少。 - is school ? Its like TV, but there are . 28. 狗为什么不用上学?-因为狗比人更聪明。 . 因为他比我聪明,所以我不得不更加努力学习。I _ because he is _.29.这个假期你有什么计划吗?Do you have_?30.学外语是很有趣。_ fun .31.每年我们学校举办阅读周。Our school _ every week.32.在阅读周期间,我们可以从图书馆借更多的书籍 _, we can _.34. Time_when we are reading


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