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第二篇:Going on a diet A typical person needs about l ,800 calories per day to stay alive. These calories keep your heart beating and your lungs breathing. They keep your organs operating properly and your brain running. They also keep your body warm. A person increases weight because he or she consumes more calories per day than needed. The only way to lose fat is to reduce the number of calories that you consume per day. This is the basic principle behind going on a diet. Unfortunately. diets dont work for mast people. They do lose weight but then go off the diet and put it back. Building a sensible diet and exercise plan is the key to maintaining a consistent weight. You need to figure out how many calcries you need in a day and how many you actually take in. The next step is to add exercise so that you can raise the number of calories you can consume per day.Exercise charts can show you how many calories different forms 0f exercise can burn. Burning 250 0r 500 calories per day can make a big difference. You can ride an exercise bike while you are watch TV or you can climb the stairs instead of the elevaror. Find an exercise partner Exercise can be a lot easier if there is someone to talk to. Its a good idea to wear firm-fitting clothts if you are on a diet.Tight clothing acts as a reminder of what you are trying to accomplish.第八篇:Eat Healthy1. Parents in the United States tend to ask their children not to waste food.2. Why do American restaurants serve large portions? Because Americans associate quantity with value.3.What happened in the 1970s? The American waistline started to expand.4. What does the survey indicate? Many poor Americans want large portions.5. Which of the following is Not true of working class Americans? They dont want to be healthy eaters第一篇:Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care for the Poor第二篇:Medical Journals第三篇:Cooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor第四篇:Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Women第五篇:U.S.Eats Too Much Salt第六篇:Pushbike Peril第七篇:Late-night Drinking第九篇:U.S.to Start $3.2Billion Child Health Study in January第十篇:Cigars Instead?第十一篇:Sleeplessness第十二篇: Common-cold Sense第十三篇:Drug Reactions-a Major Cause of Death第十四篇:Dreams第十五篇:Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay第十六篇:Sleep第一篇:Better Control of TB Seen If a Faster Cure Is Found第三篇:One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live第四篇:Diet, Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of Cancers第五篇:Men Too May Suffer from Domestic Violence第六篇:Once-daily Pill Could Simplify HIV Treatment第七篇:Exercise第八篇:Old And Active第九篇:Many Women Who Beat Cancer Dont Change Habits第十篇:Hospital Mistreatment 第十一篇:Migrant Workers第十二篇:Dreams第十三篇:Scientists Develop Ways of Detecting Heart Attack 第十四篇:A Health Profile第十五篇:Life Expectancy in the Last Hundred Years第一篇:Better Control of TB Seen If a Faster Cure Is Found The Worid Health Organization estimates that about one-third of all people are infected with bacteria that cause tuberculosis. Most times, the infection remains inactive. But each year about eight million people develop active cases of TB usually ln their lungs Two million people die of it. The disease has increased with the spread of AIDS and dng-resistant forms of tuberculosis. Current treatments take at least six months. Pattients have to make a combination Of several antibiotic drugs daily. But many people stop as soon as they feel better. Doing that can lead to an infection that resists tratment. Public health experts agree that a faster-acting cure for tubereulosis would be more effective. Now a study estimates just how effective it might be A professor of intermational health at Harvard Uniiversity led the study.Joshua Salomon says a shorter treatment program would likely mean not just more patients cured it would also mean fewer Infectious patientswho can pass on their infection to others. The researchers developed a mathematical model to examine the effects of a two-month treatment plan They tested the model with current TB conditions in Southeast Asia. The scientists found that a two-month treatnment could prevent about twenty percent of new cases. And it Might prevent about twenty-five percent of TB deaths. The model shows that these reductions would take place betweern two thousand twelve and two thouaand thirty. That is, if a faster cure is developed and in wide use by two thousand twelve.The World Health Organization developed the DOTS pmgram in nineteen ninety. DOTS is Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course. HeaIth workers watch tuberculosis patientbs take their daily pills to make sure they continue treatment.Earlier this year, an international partnership of organizations announced a plan to expand the DOTS program. The ten-year plan also aims to finance research into new TB drugs. The four most common drugs used now are more than forty years old.The Global Alliance for TB Drug Development says its long-term goal is a treatment that could work in as few as ten doses.第三篇:One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live Its now a fair bet that we will never see the total extinction of the smallpox virus. The idea was to cap the glorious achievement of 1980, when smallpox was eradicated in the wild, by destroying the killer virus in the last two labs that are supposed to have it - one in the US and one in Russia. If smallpox had truly gone from the planet, what point was there in keeping these reserves? In reality, of course, it was naive to imagine that everyone would let going of such a potent potential weapon. Undoubtedly several nations still have a few vials. And the last official stocks of live virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia,for no obvious gain. Now American researchers have found an animal model of the human disease, opening the way for tests on new treatments and vaccines. So once again theres a good reason to keep the virus - just in case the disease puts in a reappearance. How do we deal with the mistrust of the US and Russia? Simple. Keep the virus under international auspices in a well-guarded UN laboratory thats open to all countries. The US will object, of course, just as it rejects a multilateral approach to just about everyrhing. But it doesnt mean the idea is wrong. If the virus is useful, then lets make it the servant of all humanity - not just a part of it.第四篇:Diet, Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of Cancers Diet is second only to tobacco as a leading cause of cancer and, along with alcohol, is responsible for nearly one third of cases of the disease in. developed countries, a leading researcher said on Tuesday. Dr. Tim Key, of the University of Oxford, told a cancer conference that scientists are still discovering how certain foods contribute to cancer, but they know that diet, alcohol and obesity play a major role. Five percent of cancers could be avoided if nobody was obese, he said. While tobacco is linked to about 30 percent 0f cancer cases, diet is involved in an estimated 25 percent and alcohol in about six percent. Obesity raises the risk of breast, womb, bowel and kidney cancer, while alcohol is known to cause cancers of the mouth throat and liver. Its dangerous impact is increased when combined with smoking. Key told the meeting of the charity Cancer Research UK that other elements of diet linked to cancer are still unknown but scientists are hoping that the EPIC study, which is comparing the diets of 500,000 people in 10 countries and their risk of cancer, will provide some questions. Early results of the study have revealed that Norway, Sweden and Denmark have the lowest consumption of fruit and vegetables among European countries while Italy and Spain have the highest. Eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is recommended to reduce the risk of cancer.Key, principal scientist on the EPIC study, said it is looking at dietary links to some of the most common cancers includine colorectal, breast and prostate.第五篇:Men Too May Suffer from Domestic Violence Nearly three in 10 men have experienced violence at the hands of an intimate patner during their lifetimes. according to one of the few studies to look at domestic violence and health among men. Many men actually do experience domestic violence, although we dont hear ahout it often, Dr. Robert J. Reid of the University of Washington in Seattle, one of the studys authors, told Reuters Health. They oflen dont tell and we dont ask. We want to get the message out to men who do experience domestic violemce that they are not alone and there are resources available to them. The researchers asked study participants about physical abuse and non-physical abuse. such as threats that made them fear for their safety, controlling behavior ( for example, being told who they could associate with and where they could go) , and constant name-calling. Among men 18 to 54 years old, 14. 2 percem said they had experienced intimate partner violence in the past five years, while 6. 1 percent reported domestic violence in the previous year.Rates were lower for men 55 and older, with 5.3 percent reporting violence in the past five years and 2.4 percent having experieneed it in the past 12 months. Overall, 30.5 percent of men younger than 55 and 26. 5 percent of older men said they had been victims of domestic violence at some point in their lives. About half of the violence the men experienced was physical. However, the physical violence men reported wasnt as harsh as that suffered by women in a previous study; 20 percent to 40 percent of the men rated it as severe, compared to 61 percent of women. Men who reported experiencing domestic violence had more emotional and mental health problems than those who had not, especially older men, the researchers found.第一篇:Bringing Nanotechnology to Health Care for the Poor1.Which of the following uses of nanotechnology is NOT mentioned in the passage? To produce better and lighter building materials2.How can quantum dots be used to confirm diseases? By lighting up in the presen of a targeted molecule3.How can nanotechnology be used to make a drug more effective? By making a drug target the focus of a disease4.The following developing countries are doing very well scientific research on nanotechnology EXCEPT Iran5.Which of the following is the possible risk in using nano-materials mentioned in the passage? They may behave differently in the body and the environment第二篇:Medical Journals1. The main readers of medical joumals are health professionals2. Which of che following statements is NOT true? Most medical joumals publish only online3. How many major types of articles are mentioned in the passage? Five4. An article dealing with results from different studies on the same topic is called a review article5. Letters to the ediior enable readers of a medical joumal lo express comments on articles published in that journal第三篇:Cooking Oil Fumes Cause Tumor1.What a new tendency in lung cancer is concluded by the rsearchers? Patients with lung cancer become yaunger, especially females2 Which of the following diseases is the most common among the local residents in Shanghai? Breast cancer3 What symptoms may be complained of by most women with lung cancer after long term, close contact with cooking oil fumes? Irritated eyes and throat4 What was the local womens reaction when they leamed that cooking oil fumes could lead to Cancer? Surprised5. Which of the following has relatively little connection with womens lung cancer? Personal healrh and physical condition第四篇:Multivitamins Urged for All Pregnant Womenl How many babies are bom with low birth weight in the developed countries every year according to WHO? 2,000,0002 A pill of multivitamins may contain all of the fallowing substances EXCEPT antiviral substances3 Wkich of the following is NOT one of the effects of multivitamins mentioned in the prssage? To reduce the rate of babies born too early4 What a ro1e do lymphocytes play in the human body? To raise the bodys immunity against infection5 How many percent of babies were born with low birth weight to women who were not infceted with the AIDS virus and took the multivitamins according to a new study? Less than 8%第五篇:U.S.Eats Too Much Salt1. Too much salt raises ones risk for all of the above2. How much salto most American adulrs eat per day? Closer t0 3,500 mg3. To improve their blood pressure. people should have a diet rich in poraasium and calcium4. The high-risk groups include those both A and B5. Packaged, processed and restaurant foods are known to be rich in salt第六篇:Pushbike Perill According to the passage, some engineers are trying to improve the handlebars because they may kill children2 In paragraph2,the author mentions a study of serious abdominal injuries TO tell us why Kristy Arbogast began the project3 Paragraph 3 mainly discusses how serious injuries occur4 The passage implies that it is not easy to persuade manufacturers to adopt the new design5 In which of the following ways the handgrip work? It reduces the dangerous forces in bicycle accidents第七篇:Late-night Drinkingl The author mentions pick-me-up to indicate that coffee is a stimulant2 Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects sleep? Caffeine halves the bodys levels of sleep hormone3 What does paragraph3 mainly discuss? Different effects of catfeinated coffee and decaf on sleep4 What does the experiment mentioned in paragrah4 prove? Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone5 The author of this passage probably agrees that we should not drink coffee after supper第九篇:U.S.to Start $3.2Billion Child Health Study in Januaryl The aim of the study is to find new ways to prevent or treat illness2 Rcsearchers will collect all the following EXCEPT samples of air and water from hospitals3 It is expected that through the study the nations health care costs will be lowered in the long run4 The babies of the participants will be followed for more than two decades5 Which is NOT true of the people in the study? Theyll be from all age groups第十篇:Cigars Instead?1 According to the report. smoking three or four cigars a day greatly increases the risk of more than one cancer for smokers2 In the passage how many cancers are mentioned in relation to smoking cigars daily Seven3 What is the main idea of the article cigars:Health Effects and Trends? When it comes to cancer,cigars are not any safer than cigarettes4 What is the doctors advice to those cigar-smokers? To give it up completely5 In the context of this passage, secondhand smoke means eing near cigar smokers when they are smoking第十一篇:Sleeplessnessl The word insomniam the first paragraph means having trouble falling or staying asleep2 How many possible causes of sleeplessness are mentioned in the second paragraph? Six3 The expression second on the list in the second paragraph means the secand most important cause of sleeplessness4 Concerning the use of sleeping pills,which of the following statements is true? Sleeping pills should be used in a very small amount5 Which of the following does not fit with sleep hygiene? Making a rule to go to bed at a specific time evey day第十二篇: Common-cold Sense l According to the essay, you may have a cold because the spread of thinoviruses gets people infected2 The bestt way to keep yourself from getting colds is to keep yourself clean3 Children have more colds because they are not immune to many cold viruses yet4 When you are having a cold it is certainly not the same kind of cold that you had laet time5 When one is having a cold, he may often have all the following symptoms EXCEPT having a stomachache第十三篇:Drug Reactions-a Major Cause of Deathl Researchers at the University of Toronto believe that ADRs have caused many deaths in America over the past 30 years2 The investigators say that 6.7% of all hospitalized patients in America experience ADRs each year on average3 An American research estimates that the total sum of money spent in treating ADRs each year is as much as $4,000,000,0004 The Canadian investigators think that the ADR incidence figures from their research are perhaps less than the real amount5 According to Dr. David Bates, hospitals in America are not paying enough attention to possibilities of ADR happenings第十四篇:Dreams1 There are in general two opinions about what we experience in a dream one, dreams put new information into our memories, and two, dreams have real meanings in pictures different from our logical thinking2 According to this anicle, we almost always see different pictures when we are dreaming3 In your dreams, you seldom feel fear now and joy later4 This essay tells us that people usually dream in an REM sleep5 Based what is discussed in this writing.an adult may have at most about 25% of the time of his or her sleep dreaming第十五篇:Warm People Likely to Keep Cold at Bay1 According to a study author, when people with a positive emotional style do get a cold, they may think that their illness is not so serious2 Pcople with a positive emotional style may have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT selfish3 Which of rhe following is NOT one of the characteristics that people with a negative emotional style may have? Warm-blooded4 How did the researchers test their volunteers? By giving everyone nasal drops containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virus5. Which of the following items is NOT included in the data that the researchers collected? Blood test第十六篇:Sleep1. The question raised in Paragraph l is no mere academic one because shift work in industry requires people to change their sleeping habits2. According to the passage, the main problem about night work is that your life is distur


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