



学院:外国语 班级:2012级英语3班 姓名:侯莹 学号:2012050103351.discrepancy (n.) 差异,不符合,矛盾例句:The tunnelplane was analyzed by field method. The discrepancy of dispersion between the analysis and CST was within 1.5%.使用场论方法分析了沟道板慢波电路,得到的色散结果与CST的模拟结果之间的误差在1.5%以内。The discrepancy in their ages did not affect their love.年龄的差异并没有影响到他们的爱情。2.descend (v.)下降,落下;递减;袭击;突然访问;起源于,是的后裔【派】descendant(n.)后裔,子孙/(adj.)下降的;派生的;(从祖先)传下的 descent(n.)下降,下倾,斜坡;血统,遗传;突然的访问例句:I followed Jim as they started to descend the stairs.他们开始下楼时,我跟着吉米。 The reporters descended on her with a swarm of questions.记者们向她询问了一连串的问题。 As evening descends on Dam Square so do the party-seekers.当夜幕降临在达姆广场时,赶着聚会的人们也接踵而至。3.lubricate(v.)使润滑,给上油;起润滑作用例句:I stopped my car in the garage to let the worker lubricated the gears of it.我把车停在车场里让工人给车的齿轮加点润滑油。4.breach(n.)违反;绝交;破洞,裂缝/(vt.)违反;冲破,攻破例句:You will be sued for breach of contract.你会因为违约被起诉。 We have had the hull breached by the lifeboats.我们的船被救生艇撞了一个口子。 The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy. 这家报纸违反了隐私保护行为准则。Their actions threatened a serious breach in relations between the two countries. 他们的行动有威胁两国关系分裂的危险。5.substantial(adj.)牢固的,坚实的;充裕的,丰足的;主要的,实质性的,实体的例句:But most organizations will realize a substantial savings by implementing improved processes for this reason alone.但是大多数机构都只为这个原因,执行改性后的过程来节省一笔可观的费用。Adam observed the castle,a substantial 17th century mansion.亚当注视着这座城堡,一栋兼顾的十七世纪官邸。 A substantial amount of blood is found by police officers in a room of a flat used as a cannabis factory.警官在一间用作生产大麻的房间里发现了大量血迹。6.duplicate(n./adj.)完全一样(的),复制(的),副本(的)/(vt.)复制;重复,使加倍例句:Dont worry,I have a duplicate key.别担心,我有一把备用钥匙。I dont mean to duplicate the mistake again.我可不想再犯同样的错误。This form should be filled out in duplicate.这个表需要一式两份的填写。7.definite(adj.)清楚的,肯定的,明显的-definitely(adv.)当然,一定-definition(n.)定义,限定,清晰例句:There is ,however,a defininte structural variation between the male and female brain.但是,男女的大脑结构有着明显的不同。 Definitely speaking确切的说 At the river-side I also did a bit of prose writing, not on any definite subject or plan, but in the spirit that boys catch butterflies.我在河畔的时候也写了一些散文,但都没有什么明确的题目和计划,只是在一种小孩捕捉蝴蝶的心情下写的。8.consent(vi.)同意,答应,承诺consent sb.to do sth.例句:He said the companys application forms clearly state how it handles and uses personal information, and it uses information with the consent provided by the clients in those forms.他说,公司发出的申请表明确说明了个人资料的处理和使用,公司是在客户在申请表中表示同意的情况下使用客户资料的。9.implement(n.)工具,器具【pl.】装备,服装/(vt.)实行,执行,完成,实现例句:But you only get the maximum benefit if you implement all of them, because their power comes from their interaction.但您只能在实现所有方法的情况下获得最大收益,因为它们的力量来自它们之间的交互。The man implemented his investment plan and quickly doubled his money.这个人实施了他的投资计划,很快使收益翻了一番。10.disillusion(vt.)使幻想破灭,使醒悟,使不在着迷disilusioned幻想破灭的,醒悟的be disillusioned with 对大失所望 例句:I hate to disillusion you,but you will probably never get your money back from them.我真不愿意让你失望,但你可能永远都无法从他们那里拿回你的钱了。11.exclusion(n.)排斥在外,排斥to the exclusion of sb./sth.排斥例句:Freeman plays tennis to the exclusion of all other sports.弗里曼排斥所有其它运动,只打网球。12.nominate(v.)提名,命名_n._nomination例句:Jessica is the first woman to be nominated as vice-manager in the company.杰西卡是这个公司里第一个被任命为副经理的女性。13.cardinal(adj.)主要的,基本的;深红的/(n.)深红色,基数例句:Equality and mutual benefit are the cardinal principle of international trade.平等Jessica is the first woman to be nominated as vice-manager in the company.cardinal(adj.)Equality and mutual benefit are the cardinal principle ofinternational trade.互利是国际贸易的基本原则。 The number 1 is a cardinal.数字1是一个基数。14.compel(v.)强迫,强求,促使compel sb. to do sth.强迫某人干某事例句:Mickeys sense of loyalty compels him to help his friends.米奇的忠诚促使他去帮助朋友。 Cherry was compelled by illness to stay in bed.查理因病被迫在床上休息。15.evaporate(v.)使蒸发,挥发,消失;使脱水例句:The liquid expands,or in other words,becomes less dense;some of it evaporates. 例句:Equality and mutual benefit are the cardinal principle of international trade.平等Jessica is the first woman to be nominated as vice-manager in cardinal(adj.)the company.cardinal(adj.)international trade.Equality and mutual benefit are the cardinal principle ofThe number 1 is a cardinalmpel(v.cocompel sb. to do sthMickeys sense of loyalty compels him to help his friends Cherry was compelled by illness to stay in bedevaporate(v.The liquid expands,or in other words,becomes less dense;some of it evaporates液体膨胀,换句话说就是密度降低,有一部分还会挥发。 The smile gradually evaporated from Richards face as he saw Jack.理查德看到杰克时,脸上的微小渐渐消失了。16.conspicuous(adj.)显著的,引人注目的例句:Most people dont want to be too conspicuous. 大多数人不愿过于显眼。Britain continues to follow U.S. policy in this and other areas where American policies have most conspicuously failed. 英国在这个以及其他领域继续跟随美国已经明显失败了的政策。conspicuous consumption 炫耀性消费;摆阔,挥霍 conspicuous place 显眼地方 conspicuous position 显眼位置 adv. conspicuously 显著地,明显地;超群地,惹人注目地n. conspicuousness 显而易见;惹人注目;突出17.scrub(v.)用力擦洗,擦净;取消,剔除例句:The right hand stays faintly blue no matter ho


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