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初三英语单选专项练习第一组:1. Is that your bike, Jim? No. Its not _. I think its Sams.A. I B. me C. my D. mine2. My younger brother was born _ the morning of a winter day. A. on B. in C. at D. by3. _ is your best friend, Henry? Tom. We both like ball games.A. WhenB. Who C. Where D. How4. The music was too noisy, _ I turned it down. A. but B. for C. or D. so5. There is _ interesting in todays newspaper. Why not watch TV instead?A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything6. Which coat is _, the blue one or the red one?A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapestD. the cheapest25.We _ a birthday party for Linda tomorrow.A. have B. had C. will have D. have had7. _ I go swimming with Dad, Mom? No, you neednt. You can stay at home.A. Must B. May C. Would D. Can27. Yesterday Sarah invited me _ a picnic with her family. A. have B. having C. to have D. had28. My brother enjoys _ the piano very much.A. play B. playing C. to play D. played29. Dont _ too much sweet food. Its bad for your teeth. A. eating B. to eat C. eat D. ate30. If you _ home now, you will miss the party A. go B. went C. will go D. are going31. The new computers _ to the village school as presents last month.A. give B. gave C. are given D. were given32. Do you want to see the film “Harry Potter II”? I _ it already. Its really wonderful.A. saw B. see C. have seen D. will see33. Do you know _ his work last night? At twelve, I think.A. when did Mike finish B. when Mike finishedC. when Mike finishes D. when does Mike finish34. Happy birthday to you, Miss Lin! _.A. Thats right B. Youre welcome C. Dont mention it D. Thank you very much 第二组:19. I like sports and basketball is _ favorite. A. IB. meC. myD. mine20. We _ prepare our lessons well, for well have a test next week.A. mustB. can C. mayD. need21. Do you often get up early _ the morning, Lingling? A. atB. onC. inD. of22. We have learned some English _ we can speak a little. A. andB. butC. orD. for23. - _ is my e-dictionary? I cant find it. - Oh, its in your bedroom.A. WhenB. WhereC. WhatD. How24. My friend, Li Ping, is _ than his father. A. strongB. strongerC. strongestD. the strongest25. She didnt send the e-mail yesterday _ it was too late.A. ifB. afterC. beforeD. because 26. We _ to the History Museum last week and saw many interesting things. A. goB. goesC. wentD. will go27. - Where are all the boys? - I saw them _ on the playgroundA. to playB. playedC. playsD. playing28. Im sure she will tell you how to do it if she _ it.A. knowB. knowsC. knewD. will know29. Miss Wang asked us _ 2B pencils and erasers to school. A. bringB. bringsC. broughtD. to bring30. A moment, please. I have _ important to say.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD.everything31. Spring is coming. There _ flowers everywhere. A. haveB. hasC. areD. is32. Could you tell me _ tomorrow? A. when will the party beginB.when the party will begin C. when would the party beginD.when the party would begin33 The streets _ many times every day. A. cleanB. cleansC. cleanedD. are cleaned34. - Thank you for helping me. - _ A. Dont thank me.B. Youd better not say so.C. It doesnt matter.D.Youre welcome.第三组:19. This pen is Toms. Give it to , please. A. heB. himC. sheD. her20. Fathers Day is June 21 this year. A. at B. in C. on D. to21. Oh, youve got a new book. Is there interesting?A. everythingB. somethingC. anything D. nothing22. Which is in China, football, basketball or table tennis? Table tennis. A. popular B. more popular C. most popular D. the most popular23. makes you think Im from England? The way you speak. A. What B. Who C. Where D. When24. Work hard, you wont catch up with the other students. A. orB. so C. and D. but25. Can you answer the last question? No, I . Its too difficult. A. mustnt B. cantC. needntD. shouldnt26. Im sorry you that you didnt pass the maths exam. A. tell B. told C. to tell D. telling 27. Your son has kept for two hours. Youd better ask him to have a rest. A. study B. studied C. to studyD. studying28. Have you seen Mr. Smith? Yes. Look, he his bike over there. A. cleans B. cleanedC. is cleaning D. has cleaned29. He went into his room, the light and began to work. A. has turned on B. will turn onC. turns onD. turned on 30. I to the bookshop as soon as school is over this afternoon. A. will go B. have gone C. goD. went31. More buildings in this city in 2010.A. will buildB. will be builtC. has built D. was built32. Susan isnt here now. She to England. She will come back next month. A. will go B. has gone C. goes D. went33. Mr. Wang didnt tell us ten years ago. A. where he workedB. where did he workC. where he worksD. where does he work34. Hello, may I speak to Steven? .A. A good idea B. Help yourselfC. Youre welcomeD. Hold on, 第四组:19. What kind of _ do you often play with your friends? Basketball. We often play basketball together.A. cupB. film C. game D. book 20. Can you lend_ your pen? I cant find mine.Sure. Here you are.A. your B. you C. my D. me21. There is _wrong with him. He just needs a good rest.A. nothing B. something C. everything D. anything22. The students are having an English lesson _ their classroom. A. in B. on C. for D. of 23. Sam got up early _ he was late for school. A. andB. butC. orD. so24. Whats _ over there? Its a machine for cutting grass. A. itB. itsC. thisD. that25. How many times have you been here? This is my _ visit. A. four B. the four C. fourth D. the fourth26. Mary _ the piano well. She is often asked to play at the concert.A. play B. plays C. playing D. played 27. Lucy _ her dog and now she is walking it. A. will find B. is finding C. has foundD. finds 28. Its not necessary to _ every new word while reading. You can guess its meaning. A. look forB. look after C. look at D. look up29. Tina got ill yesterday. She felt a little _ this morning.A. ill B. worse C. worst D. the worst 30. Look. What a modern hospital! Yes, it is. It _ in 2007.A. is built B. was builtC. can be built D. will be built31. I told Jane _ her homework before Friday.A. finish B. finishesC. finishingD. to finish32. Ben was unhappy _ he got a C in the math test.A. becauseB. before C. ifD. when 33. I need to go to the bank. Could you tell me _?Its just on the corner.A. where is it B. where it is C. where it was D. where was it34. _? I am a doctor. A. How are you B. How do you do C. What do you do D. What do you want 第五组:19. Can you give _ some advice on English learning, Mary? A. I B. my C. me D. mine20. We are going to have a meeting at 8 oclock _Monday morning. A. onB. inC. forD. at21. The doctor doesnt feel well today,_ he still works very hard. A. but B. and C. so D. or22. Cars, buses and bikes _ stop when the traffic light is red. A. can B. must C. may D. need23. The little boy often makes his mother tell him _ interesting. A. anythingB. something C. everything D. nothing24. -_ shall we meet in the park? -What about half past eight?A. What B. When C. Where D. Which25. Shanghai is one of _ cities in our country. A. large B. larger C. largest D. the largest26. The teacher told me _ to school early next time. A. came B. come C. coming D. to come27. Jimmy _ some old bikes for the children when I got to his home. A. repairsB. repairedC. is repairing D. was repairing28. Mr. Wang _back to his hometown five years ago. A. goes B. went C. will go D. has gone 29. After he finished _ the newspaper, he went to bed. A. read B. reading C. to read D. reads30. Mom, I want to ask father a question. Oh. He _to the library. A. goB. goes C. wentD. has gone31. If she_ hard, she will catch up with her classmates soon. A. studiesB. study C. will study D. studied32. Your school looks beautiful. Yes. A lot of trees and flowers_ last year. A. are planted B. were planted C. are planting D. have planted33. Could you tell me _tomorrow morning? Well, it will start at 9 oclock. A. when the meeting will start B. when will the meeting startC. when the meeting startedD. When did the meeting start34. - Would you like to drink some juice? - _, but Ive drunk a lot of tea. A. Id love toB. Youre welcome C. Im afraid not D. You may not第六组:19. My name is Lucy. May I know _ name?A. you B. your C. my D. I20. He got to school _ 7:oo yesterday morning.A. in B. at C. on D. by21. My sister is waiting for me at the next stop, _ I have to get off there.A. and B. so C. but D. or22. Do you like milk or orange juice? I dont like _. I usually drink coffee.A, both B. neither C. either D. none23. Car and buses _ stop when the traffic lights turn red.A. can B. need C. may D. must24. Peter is sixteen and his sister is two years_, but she is in a higher grade.A. young B. younger C. old D. older25. Im so glad to see you back in Beijing and how long _ in New York? A. have you stayed B. did you stay C. do you stay D. will you stay26. Did you see a girl in white pass by just now?- No, sir. I _ a newspaper.A. read B. was reading C. would read D. am reading27. Stop _ so much noise! My father is sleeping. A. to make B. making C. to hear D. hearing28. _ are you going to write this story?- About five pages.A. How often B. How soon C. How long D. How fast29. To my surprised, there _ only Liu Fei reading in the library yesterday evening.A. had B. have C. is B. was 30. Henry speaks Chinese very well. He _ in China since 2002. A. stays B. stayed C. is staying D. has stayed31. Nick _ a new camera. He has taken lots of pictures with it.A. buys B. is buying C. bought D. will buy32.The 30th Olympic Games _ in London in 2012.A. held B. is hold C. will hold C. will be hold33. He asked me _ I had a wonderful time at his birthday party last night.A. if B. that C. why D. when34. When he _ home, he saw his mother cleaning the room.A. gets back B. got back C. had got 5 back D. has got back第七组:19.Pass _the pen, please. I want to write down the name of the book.A. I B. meC. myD. mine20.There _a lot of orange juice in the bottle. Would you like some? A. isB. areC. amD. be21.When did you leave home this morning?_ half past seven. A. AtB. OnC. In D. To22.Tony is very poor, _he is very happy.A. andB. butC. orD. to23.Its _today than yesterday. Shall we go swimming this afternoon ?OK, Ive got nothing to do. A. hotB. hotterC. hottestD. the hottest24.Im thirsty, Mum. I want _to drink. A. everythingB. anythingC. somethingD. nothing25. _ you speak English ? Yes, but only a little. A. CanB. MustC. NeedD. May 26. _did you have the party last night? In the park. A. WhatB. WhyC. WhenD. Where27.He was very tired, so he didnt finish _his homework.A. doingB. to doC. didD. does 28. The baby now. Could you turn down the radio a bit?Thats OK.A. sleepB. sleepsC. was sleepingD. is sleeping29.Susan will arrive at the airport on time if she _up.A. hurriesB. hurry C. hurried D. will hurry30.Please ask him _here at six tomorrow morning. A. come B. to come C. comes D. coming31.Where is your mother? I havent seen her for a few days.She _to Shanghai. A. goes B. go C. will go D. has gone32. How beautiful your school is!Many trees and flowers _last year. A. plantB. planted C. was plantedD. were planted33. Do you know_again? Next year. A. when Mr Smith came B. when did Mr Smith come C. when Mr Smith will come D. when will Mr Smith come 34. Your English is quite good. _ . A. No, my English is still poor B. I dont think so C. Do you really think so D. Thank you第八组:19. My sister is clerk. _ works in the bank near here. A. She B. He C. I D. You20. When are you going to meet your uncle on Sunday morning? _half past seven.A. OnB. In C. ToD. At21. There are _ on the table. Would you like to have some? Thank you very much. A. two bottle of milks B. two bottles of milkC. two bottle of milk D. two bottles of milks22. Do you know Lincoln was born on _? Certainly!AFebruary 12, 1809 B. 1809, February12C1809, 12 February D. February 1809, 1223. Which is_ , physics or maths? Physics. And I think it is more useful in our daily life. A. interesting B. more interesting C. most interesting D. the most interesting 24. Bob, its 7:30. Hurry up, _ youll be late for school. A. butB. andC. orD. so25. How can I get to Beijing Peoples Hospital? Youd better _ a taxi. It is far from here.A. take B. took C. taking D. to take26. What were you doing at this time yesterday evening? I _ TV at home.A. watch B. am watching C. was watching D. have watched27. _ he in the singing or dancing class? Dancing class. He likes dancing very much.A. Does B. Is C. Will D. Has28. I am here to see Mr. Andrews. Im afraid you cant see him here any more. He _.A. leaves B. left C. will leave D. has left29. I have your name, please?Yes, Michael. M-I-C-H-A-E-L.A. Must B. Will C. May D. Need30. Some of my classmates are so interested in music that they enjoy _ earphones on their way to school.A. wearing B. worn C. wear D. to wear31. _ did Mr Zhang leave in such a hurry? Perhaps to meet a friend. Who knows? A. How B. Where C. Why D. What32. Do you know that Mary _ to Julies birthday party yesterday? A. is invited B. was invited C. invites D. invited33. What did Ms. Wang say to you, Mike? He asked me _in a car factory.A. if my father worked B. if my father will work C. if did my father work D. if will my father work34. Can I speak to Mrs. Read, please? _.A. I dont think so B. Hold on for a moment C. Thats very kind of you D. Im sorry to hear that第九组:19. Jack, will you please pass _ the book on that desk? Yes, Id love to. A. IB. me C. myD. mine20. We traveled all night to London and got there _ Sunday.A. onB. toC. atD. in21. The hotel is very small, _ its very clean and comfortable. A. so B. and C. but D. or22. do you usually fly kites? In the park.A. Why B. How C. When D. Where23. Lucy and Lily _ sisters. They study at the same school. A. be B. am C. is D. are 24. Our school is now than several years ago. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautiful D. the most beautiful25. _ I borrow your MP4? Sure. Here you are. A. MayB. ShouldC. Must D. Would 26. My cousin is very busy with his work. He has _ time to read newspapers. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little27. If you _ the story more times, you will remember it better. A. will read B. are reading C. were reading D. read 28. The party will begin in half an hour. The students are busy _ the classroom. A. clean B. cleans C. to clean D. cleaning29. Hi, Kate. You look tired. Whats the matter? I _ well last night. A. didnt sleep B. dont sleep C. havent slept D. won


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