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江苏省连云港市灌南县实验中学七年级英语下册《Unit One Dream homes》练习(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
江苏省连云港市灌南县实验中学七年级英语下册《Unit One Dream homes》练习(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
江苏省连云港市灌南县实验中学七年级英语下册《Unit One Dream homes》练习(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第4页
江苏省连云港市灌南县实验中学七年级英语下册《Unit One Dream homes》练习(无答案) 人教新目标版.doc_第5页
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unit one dream homes11part 1:comic strip & welcome to the unit 基础巩固练 一英汉互译想要做某事 在一家餐馆隔壁 the biggest one 在五号街 dream homes 在不同的国家 .的首都 埃菲尔铁塔 二、根据句意及所给中文提示完成句子。1.would you like to live in a ( 皇宫)2.there are a lot of western (饭店)in beijing. 3.our library is the (最大的)one in my hometown.4.i dont know which one is your (最喜欢的)?5.everyone knows the (首都)of china is beijing.6.mr smith wants to live (在隔壁)a school.7.our teacher asks us to write an article about our (理想的)homes.8.the students are learning about homes in different (国家 ).三.句型转换。9.eddie wants to live next to the biggest restaurant in beijing. (根据划线部分提问) eddie ?10. stephen likes to chat with his friends on the internet. (改为否定句)stephen with his friends on the internet.11.there are some new books in the library. (改为一般疑问句)_ in the library?12.our school is in the center of the city. (改为同义句)our school is in the_of the city.13which subject do you like best ,maths,english or chinese? (同义句) is your ,maths, english or chinese?四、单项选择。14. which of them isnt a capital city? a. paris b. london c. new york d. moscow15. a:where is the bank of china?b:its _ the supermarket.a.in b.next c.in the front of d.next to16. is the capital of canada.a.london b.bangkok c.ottawa d.washington dc17.the eiffel tower is a famous building in .a.the usa b.russia c.canada d.france18. would you like _ some coffee?a. have b. to have c. having d. had19.tom, come here and sit _. a. next of me b. next me c. next to me d. next to20. may i park my car here,sir?_. you may park it over there.a. yes,you may b. yes,you canc. no,you neednt d. no,you mustnt综合提升练一、口语交际。ai from moscow, the capital of russia.b.whats your name ?c.do you have your own bedroom?d.what about you ?e.my sister has her own.a:hello ,im jack._21_b:im tom.im from paris ,the capital of france.a:_22_b:do you live in the centre of the city?a:yes.i live in a flat on a busy street.b:_23_a:yes.there are three bedrooms in my flat.my parents have one ._24_and i have my own._25_b:well,i share a bedroom with my brother.there are two beds in our bedroom.二、完型填空。(词数:约160 用时:5分钟)hank is an eight-year-old boy. he is a good boy. he does _26_ in all his lessons. he _27_ school and he is always active in class. every time the teacher asks a question, hank always 28_ his hand quickly. sometimes his answer is_29_, but the teacher always smiles (微笑) and says, good, hank. but30_ a better answer to my question? one day, the teacher asks the boys and girls a question. swallows(燕子) fly to the south before winter_31_,he says. but why dont cats and dogs do 32_? hank lifts (举) his_ 33 as usual. yes, hank? says the teacher 34 . hank stands (站) up and says, _35 they have no wings (翅膀). ( ) 26. a. good b. hard c. well d. bad ( ) 27. a. loves b. likes a c. goes to a d. enjoy ( ) 28. a. gets up b. puts on c. gets on d. puts up ( ) 29. a. right b. wrong c. easy d. hard ( ) 30. a. has b. is there c. are there d. have ( ) 31. a. will come b. is coming c. comes d. is going to come ( )32. a. different b. these c. the same d. with ( ) 33. a. hand b. head c. foot d. eye ( ) 34. a. happy b. glad c. happily d. angrily ( )35. a. why b. because c. that d. where part 2:reading 基础巩固练一、基础知识一)基本词汇国家_首都_分享 _自己的_二)基本短语share sth. with sb._my own _在中心_在阳台上_llive in a flat_三)基本句式1.i_ _ _ bedroom.我拥有我自己的卧室。2.i love to sit here and_ _ _the beach.我喜欢坐在这儿向外看海滩。3.i _ a _ _my sister.我和我姐姐合住一间卧室。二、根据句意、首字母或中文提示完成单词。4.there are a lot of _(海滩)in hong kong.5.my father often reads newspapers on the_(阳台).6.she lives in a town 30 m_ from beijing.7.i live in the c_ of nanjing.8.would you like to s_ your book with me.9.my friends and i often watch tv in the s_room.10.mum is cooking in the _,lets go and help her.11.put the k_away,or they can hurt(伤害) you.12.people often put their food in the f_to keep it fresh .三、用所给动词的适当形式填空。13.thank you for _(give) me the presents.14.can he _(chat) with his friends in the sitting room?15.he would like _ (share) the room with his brother.16.he spends two hours every day_ (practice)_ (speak) english.17.the teachers here are all_(friend)to us.18.sunshine town is a good place _(live)in.19.my grandpa likes _ (read) newspapers on the balcony.20.look!the boys _ (play) basketball on the playground.21.do you enjoy _ (sing)?22.(cj)each of them _(dream)to be a rich man when they grow up.四、单项选择。23. kate, can you get _ chalk for miss zhang? certainly.a. a b. the c. some d. any24. a:“we will have a school trip next week.”b:“that _good.im sure we will have a good time there.”a. listens b. hears c. sounds d. listens to25.i have a new computer in my_.a. kitchen b. bathroom c. bedroom d. balcony26. (cj) tom with his family _ in a small town now.a.live b.lives c.living d lived27.poppy doesnt want to live _ his parents _the same room.a.with;at b.in;with c.with;in d,at;with28.she doesnt _ own bedroom.a.has her b.have her c.has his d.have his29 .its easy _ him to do catch that bird. a. for b.to c.at d.from30. that boy is simon. and the girl next to _ is amy.a. he b. his c. him d. she31. millie lives in a flat next to _.we are neighbours.a.us b. them c. i d. ours32.the boy the toy this.a. like; like b. like; likes c. likes; like d. is like; are like33. there is still a cake left. lets _ it. a. share with b. share c. share in d. sharing34.(cj)we like _the sea.its so beautiful.a.look at b.look out c.looking out at d.looking out35.my friends can stay _me at _time.a.of,same b.with,the same c.with ,same d.of,the same五句型转换。36. there is a new computer in my own study. (改为同义句)i _ a new computer _my own study.37. id like some juice. (改为一般疑问句) you like juice?38eddie wants to live next to the biggest restaurant in beijing. (根据划线部分提问)_ _eddie_ _ _?39.is history your favourite ?(同义句)_you _history _?40id like to go swimming.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ _ _ go swimming?六、汉译英。41谁在家为你做饭?_42、我和我的姐姐共享一间卧室。_43、这儿经常下雨吗?44、从这扇窗你可以眺望海滩。 45.杰克和他的家人住在这栋楼的九楼。 综合提升练七、完形填空。(词数:约130 用时:5分钟) jack works in a cake shop in london. hes 46 a town fifty kilometers 47 . he helps 48 cakes every day. today theres 4 9 flour on the shelf. so the shopkeeper asks him to go and get 5 0 bag of flour. jack goes to the back room and finds the bags on the top shelf. the shelf is 51 than he is. he cant 52 them at all. then he has 53 good idea. he carries a ladder, puts it behind the door and climbs up. now he is carrying one bag down. suddenly, 54 opens the door. its the shopkeeper. he doesnt see jack behind the door. jack falls down and all the flour 55 over his head. the shopkeeper is very angry. ( )46. a. from b. in c. on d. out ( )47. a. far b. away c. from d. out ( )48. a. make b. buy c. eat d. do ( )49. a. few b. little c. a little d. a few ( )50. a. the other b. other c. an other d. another ( )51. a. bigger b. larger c. better d.higher ( )52. a. get b. see c. find d. make ( )53. a. the b. a c. / d. an ( )54. a. everyone b. someone c. nobody d. anybody ( )55. a. am b. are c. is d. /八、阅读理解。(词数:约190 用时:5分钟)hello,everyone.my name is judy.i live with my mother and father in a flat.the flat is on the twelfth floor in a tall building which has 24 floors in all(总共)。our flat is not in the centre of the city.its about 5 miles from the centre .my father works in the city,so he goes to work by train every day.he doest drive his car.he uses his car only at weekends.he takes us into the country or the beach. our flat has three bedrooms.there is a bedroom for my mother and father,one is for me.we use the third bedroom as a study.there is a living room,a kitchen and two bathrooms in our flat.we dont have a garden,but we have a small and lovely bbalcony.there are some plants there.in summer we often sit out on the balcony because its very hot inside the flat.our flat is small,but we are very happy in it. . 56.what is the passage about?a. judy likes living in the centre of the city.b. judy lives in a small flat with her family.c. judys father works in the city.d. judy has her own bedroom in the familys flat.57.where is judys flat?a.15 miles from the centre of the city.b.in the centre of the city.c.in the city .d.5 miles from the city centre.58.where does judys family keep some plants?a.in the living room.b.in the garden.c.on the balcony. d.in the kitchen.59.how does judys father go to work?a.by bus. b.on foot .c.on a train. d.by bike.60.why does judy sit on the balcony in summer?a.because the flat is small.b.because the flat gets very cold.c.because there are plants there .d.because the flat gets hot. part 3:grammar 基础巩固练一、语法专练:基数词序数词根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. the building has twelve floors.my cousin lives on the _(第九) floor.2. there are _(九十)rooms on the second floor.3. if i have two _(百万)dollars,i want to travel arund the world.4. december is the t_ month of a year.5. in our school ,there are more than three t_ students.6. is sunday the _day of a week?7. there are _quarters in an hour.8. we have _(四十)english students in our school.二、写出下列基数词所对应的序数词。9.two _10. ninety _11.four _12.twelve _13.ninety-nine _14.one hundred _三、单项选择( ) 15. they will build a new bridge _ the river in front of my house.a. on b. over c. in d. near( ) 16. we can see the teachers desk _ the classroom.a. before b. after c. in front of d. in the front of( cj) 17. this is _ english class. i hope you can enjoy english.a. our the first b. the our first c. our first d. first the our ( ) 18.do you know _girl in row 2?yes ,she is yang li.a.two b.the two c.second d.the second ( ) 19.is he _ come to school? yes,he is a good student.a.first b.the first to c.the last d.the last to( ) 20. millie lives on floor in a tall building.a. five b. fifth c. the fifth d. the five ( ) 21. there are no _ students in the classroom. a. anotherb. the other c. other d. others( ) 22. -mary, how many students are there in your school? -_. a. two thousands b. two thousand c. two thousands of d. two thousand of students( ) 23. now children, turn to page _ and look at the _ picture in unit 1. a. twentieth, one b. twenty, one c. twentieth, first d. twenty, first ( ) 24. my bag is different _ yours, but it is the same _ hers. a. with; with b. with; as c. from; as d. from; with( ) 25. the number 19,240 is _.a. nineteen thousand, two hundred and fourtyb. ninteen thousand, two hundred and fortyc. nineteen thousand, two hundred and fortyd. ninteen thousand, two hundred and fourty(cj ) 26. the room isnt big enough for us _.a. to live b. to live in c. live in d. living in综合提升练阅读理解。(词数:约160,用时5分钟)many people dont think that the number 13 is a lucky number. many hotels do not have a 13th floor. the floors go from 12 to 14, and there is no number13. some people will never sit at a table with 12 other people. they will tell someone to go or ask another person to sit with them.no one really knows why people do not like the number 13. perhaps one reason is that when people began to count they used ten fingers and two hands. this made 12. they could not count more. some christians (基督徒) say that 13 is not lucky because there were 13 people at a meal the day before jesus (耶稣) was killed (被杀). in a story about the old greek (希腊的) gods, 12 gods were asked to a meal but one more came. this made 13. it is why the god balder, who was at the meal, was killed.( ) 27.there is often no floor number 13 in _.a. restaurants b. countries c. hotelsd. greece( ) 28.one way people can count is by using their _.a. fingersb. hotelsc. tablesd. gods( ) 29.some people will never sit at a table with twelve other people. or_.a. all of them will leaveb. they will wait for two other people to comec. they will never come for dinner togetherd. they will ask one of them to leave( ) 30.the christian story and the greek story both talk about_.a. jesusb. the number13c. balderd. hotels( ) 31.the story is about _.a. the death of jesusb. the person who killed balderc. the way people count with their fingers d. why 13 is not a lucky number part 4:integrated skills & study skills 基础巩固一、 英汉互译。在河上方给某人回电话一本你家房屋的录像与.不同of ones own take a message 在架子上二、 根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. the box is f_of books ,you cant put yours in it .2 .are they watching _(录像)in the sitting room?3. ten hundred is one _.4. we are in the same school,but we are in _ classes.5.people often have a bath in the bathroom and have meals in the _.三、根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空。6.there are only two _(armchair) in the house.7.thank you for _(invite) me to your party.8.eddie enjoys _(live) next to a restaurant.9.its nice _(sit) in the sitting room and watch tv.10.im _,i cant eat any more.四、句型转换。11.my house is big and bright.(对画线部分提问)_ _ your house _?12. do it like this.(改为否定句.)_ _ it like this.13.tom lives on the third floor in the building.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ tom live in the building?14.i like the house .the house has many bedrooms in it .(合并为一句)i like _ _ _ _ _in it.15.your house is different from the flat in beijing .(同义句)your house isnt _ _ _ the flat in beijing.五、单项选择。16.beijing is the capital of china ,many people want to visit it _.a some days b sometimes c.some day d.some time17.there is_a bathroom in andys home. he_ a bath every day. a. too; have b.also; have l ctoo; has dalso; has18. the bed is 2_. a.metre long b.metres long c. metres longs d.metre longs(cj) 19. “_is your room number?”“its b225.”a.how much b.how manyc.what d.how(cj)20. miss li likes _ students in her class. a. each bthe all l call the dboth能力提升练一、 口语交际。 a. its the balcony.b. what about your flat? c. i live in a house in long beach, california.d. how big is it?e. i live with my parents.amy: hi, stephen. i hear you come from america.stephen: 21_its very bigamy: 22._stephen: it has 12 rooms.amy: oh, its bigger than my flat.stephen:23._amy: it has a dinning room, a bathroom, two bedrooms and a living room.stephen: who do you live with ?amy: 2 4._which is your favourite place ?stephen:25._amy: i hope i can visit your flat one day.二、完形填空 (词数:约 160用时 :5分钟) my name is peter. i live in a big house with my 26 . our house 27 not near a city.it is twenty kilometers(英里)from the nearest(最近的)city. there are 28 people in my family. ilive with my parents, my two sisters and my brother. our house has two floors. there 29_ a living room, four bedrooms, a dining room, a kitchen and two bathrooms. i share a bedroom30 my brother, simon. each of my two sisters 31 a bedroom. our house has a big garden with lots of flowers. i like 32 in the garden with my brother and two 33 . at weekends, my school friends often come to see me. we play in the garden.34 it rains, we play in the room. our house is a nice place to live in. i have


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